? ?
08 February 2010 @ 08:35 am

Finally there's enough snow to make a snowman ! So yesterday I chose making a snowman over studying for my DELF B2 exam (of course !) and this is how it turned out :) !
It's snowing again today and it's sooo beautiful !

The snowman in all his gloryCollapse )
Current Mood: chipperchipper
Current Music: Damien Rice -- Delicate
09 December 2009 @ 09:40 pm

Owls , a great tit and a marsh tit ...Collapse )
Current Mood: busybusy

Hi! Just a quick note to let you know I'm alive ,
cooking , going to school , making christmas cards ,
FASTING (20 hours down , only 39 days and 4 hours to go !) and will post with photos
(probably the ones from our Munich trip from last December ;
yeap , that's how fast I go through photos).
Hope you're all doing okay !

Current Mood: calmcalm
Current Music: Oingo Boingo -- Dead Man's Paty
15 September 2009 @ 07:17 am
I have to go to school *mad face on* . And when I woke up today the sun wasn't even up yet ! And youtube is running some stupid site maintance and I can't access my favourites . How am I supposed to remmember what songs I liked listening to in the morning . And I just googled "remmember" to seewith how many "m"s it's spelled . Thus proving my point ;p .
And everyone is like "one day you'll miss that day" . Yeah , right . The only way I'm seeing that happen is when I'm 70 and if I hade that weird brain thing that's making old people get up at 4 and watch soap operas repeats .
Hopefully there're will be a cure by then .
Current Mood: crankycranky
07 September 2009 @ 10:47 am
Hi !
So we're leaving for Trojan , everyone minus me is super tense , I'm more lay-back as usual .
I hope we get there okay and have a nice time .

I'll be back in 6 days :) .