Our aim is to show how the reggeization of the gluon, encoded in the bootstrap property of the BFKL kernel, permits to calculate the interaction kernel in the octet colour channel in the forward and non forward direction, for the quark... more
A review on how the Odderon idea does appear in QCD is given. In the last years it has been developed a non-perturbative QCD approach based on the stochastic vacuum model and a perturbative one based on resummation techniques in the small... more
The Odderon state in perturbative QCD is briefly reviewed. Recent calculations devoted to estimate the diffrative η c production at high energies from the leading known Odderon states are discussed.
The next-to-leading corrections to the jet vertex which is relevant for the Mueller-Navelet jets production in hadronic collisions and for the forward jet cross section in lepton-hadron collisions are presented in the context of a k t... more
The next-to-leading corrections to the jet vertex which is relevant for the Mueller-Navelet jets production in hadronic collisions and for the forward jet cross section in lepton-hadron collisions are presented in the context of a k t... more
A review of some theoretical aspects of small x QCD physics is given, with a particular emphasis to the relation between the BFKL and the colour dipole approaches. The nonlinear evolution equations one may construct, as a better... more
The relation between the two approaches is discussed both in the linear and nonlinear regimes. It is connected to the gauge invariance and Möbius symmetry in LL perturbative QCD. First corrections beyond the large Nc approximation are... more
DIS on a two nucleon system in the regge limit is considered. In this framework a review is given of a pQCD approach for the computation of the corrections to the inclusive one jet production cross section at finite number of colors and... more
A novel perturbative analysis for the 2 + 1 local supercritical field theory of pomerons is developed. It is based on the PT symmetry of the model which allows to study a similar Hamiltonian with the same real perturbative spectrum. In... more
In the hard pomeron theory with the number of colours N c → ∞ the diffractive amplitude obtained in [3] is compared with the results found for N c = 3 in [1] and in the dipole approach in . It is shown that the double pomeron exchange... more
Using the results recently obtained for the non-forward quark and gluon impact factors, it is shown that their form in the gluon colour channel is consistent with the "third bootstrap condition", namely, that they should be proportional... more
A general relation between families of (n+1) gluon and n gluon eigenstates of the BKP evolution kernels in the multicolour limit of QCD is derived. It allows to construct an (n + 1) gluon eigenstate if an n gluon eigenstate is known; this... more
There seems to be a common prejudice that asymptotic safety is either incompatible with, or at best unrelated to, the other topics in the title. This is not the case. In fact, we show that 1) the existence of a fixed point with suitable... more
Within the functional renormalization group approach we study the effective QFT of Einstein gravity and one self-interacting scalar coupled to N f Dirac fermions. We include in our analysis the matter anomalous dimensions induced by all... more
Starting from the basic path integral in phase space we reconsider the functional approach to the RG flow of the one particle irreducible effective average action. On employing a balanced coarse-graining procedure for the canonical... more
In an inflationary regime driven by a free massive inflaton we consider a class of observers which sees an inhomogeneous and isotropic Universe and derive within a genuinely gauge invariant approach the backreaction effects due to long... more
After a brief review of the definition and properties of the quantum effective Hamiltonian action we describe its renormalization flow by a functional RG equation. This equation can be used for a non-perturbative quantization and study... more
We study chaotic inflation driven by a real, massive, homogeneous minimally coupled scalar field in a flat Robertson-Walker spacetime. The semiclassical limit for gravity is considered, whereas the scalar field is treated quantum... more