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The elder Seneca's controversia10. 4: italian translation and commentary.
Tesi di laurea magistrale.
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      ClassicsLatin LiteratureRhetoricClassical rhetoric
Oratory and rhetoric are the most appropriate fields to test the lexical specialization of the verbs declamo and recito: declamo describes preparatory exercises of oratory itself; on the opposite hand, recito is referred to the reading of... more
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      ClassicsLatin LiteratureRhetoricOratory
Commentary on Priscian's Atticismi (GL III 278-377)
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      History of LinguisticsClassicsGreek LiteratureLatin Literature
In the Greek-Latin lexicon at the end of his Ars grammatica Priscian displays a number of somehow fixed expressions to introduce the Latin syntactical constructions that he compares to the Greek ones. It is possible to recognize the... more
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      ClassicsPriscianLatin Language and LiteratureClassical philology
The issue of the meaning of χρῶμα in Late Antique rhetorical theory is dealt with through an examination of the usages of such technical term in the scholia collections Py an Π on Hermogenes’ Περὶ στάσεων, in Syrianus’ commentary and... more
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      ClassicsRhetoricTextual CriticismClassical philology
Nell'ambito di un progetto di dottorato che consiste nel commento al lessico sintattico greco-latino (o Atticismi), che conclude l'Ars grammatica di Prisciano (GL III 278-377), mi propon- go di indagare i rapporti tra questo grammatico e... more
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      PriscianClassical philologyBilingualism in the Ancient worldLatin philology
l verbo usurpo ed i suoi derivati, per i quali non si dispone ancora delle voci del Thesaurus Linguae Latinae, conoscono un uso tecnico in ambito grammaticale, non preso affatto in considerazione da Forcellini e nell'Oxford Latin... more
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      ClassicsHistory of Latin LanguagePriscianLatin Language and Literature
Sulla nozione di color e crwma nella retorica della prima età imperiale *
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      Classical rhetoricCiceroPseudo-DionysiusDeclamation
La selezione degli autori di riferimento propria dell'Ars di Prisciano è stata oggetto di analisi a più riprese (Jeep, Wessner, Reychman-Lee), anche per la presenza in essa (degna di nota, sia pur non del tutto senza precedenti in altri... more
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      History of LinguisticsLate Antique and Byzantine StudiesHistory of Latin LanguagePriscian
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      Book HistoryHistory of the BookRenaissance HumanismManuscript Studies
Titolo del progetto: Kommentar zum griechisch-lateinischen syntaktischen Lexikon von Priskian Istruzione 09/02/2017 Dottorato di ricerca in Filologia e storia del mondo antico
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      History of LinguisticsClassicsGreek ComedyPlato
Mercoledì, 1 febbraio 2017 09.30 Saluto del Prof. Roberto NICOLAI, Coordinatore del Dottorato in Filologia e storia del mondo antico I. STORIA DEL TEATRO GRECO Presiede Anna Maria BELARDINELLI 10.00 Roberta CARLESIMO (Basilicata), Il... more
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      ClassicsRoman HistoryMedieval Latin LiteratureClassical philology
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      History of LinguisticsClassicsMedieval StudiesPriscian
Tra ratio e usus: costruzioni perifrastiche inusitate nell'insegnamento grammaticale tardoantico Le Artes grammaticae tardoantiche (IV-VI sec. d. C.), nell'esposizione della morfologia del verbo, prescrivono alcune forme perifrastiche,... more
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      History of Latin LanguagePriscianLatin Language and LiteratureLatin Language
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      ClassicsHistory of Latin LanguageSyntaxPriscian
The books 17-18 of Priscian’s Ars grammatica constitute the first systematical exposition of syntax in Latin, whose theoretical presentation is complemented in the second half of book 18 by a Greek-Latin syntactical lexicon (the so-called... more
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      History of LinguisticsClassicsHistory of Latin LanguagePriscian
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      Renaissance StudiesManuscript StudiesIllumination (Manuscripts, Books)Flemish Painting
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      ClassicsLatin LiteratureHistory of Latin LanguagePriscian
The anonymous grammatical treatise De dubiis nominibus, whose composition is doubtedly dated between 6th and 8th century AD and located in Gallia or Spain, is an important witness to the Late Antique doctrine about nouns with uncertain... more
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      History of LinguisticsLatin LiteratureTextual CriticismEcdotics
Questo intervento raccoglie alcune riflessioni preliminari alla nuova edizione dell'anonimo De dubiis nominibus, uno scritto grammaticale di tipo lessicografico che registra una serie di sostantivi ordinati alfabeticamente, per ciascuno... more
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      History of LinguisticsTextual ScholarshipTextual CriticismEcdotics