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Thanks for your comment!

I'd love to include animations, but unfortunately I think it would require an incredible amount of work (since each piece of the outfit would need to be animated individually). I need to figure out a way to make the process easier.

I'm even hesitant about splitting the game into two parts—one focusing solely on the dress-up aspect and the other on the BDSM content with animations 🤔


This game looks really good. I would like to see some reaction to all the toys though. like, make the girl change expressions after having the toy active for a while. i know that this is a dress up game firs and foremost, but at least add a toggle in the settings for the reactions.


Thanks for your comment!

Yes, I totally agree, it would be great to add this kind of interaction. For now, it's not my priority, but it's definitely something I want to add in the future!

can we get a full screen mode for browser?

Yes, I wanted to add a fullscreen mode, but I couldn't get it to work properly.

I'll try to fix it for the next update! :D

I  uh peace E ate it

Uh... What ?

sorry, "I appreciate it" is the translation for you. dunno why i typed it like that...

Oh, no problem!

Also, I just added fullscreen mode, check it out if you want!


It's good that there are such games, but it's a pity that it's moving in the BDSM direction. Well, I'll go look for more, and good luck to you!

(1 edit) (+1)

Well, that's because I really like BDSM... :D

Thanks for your comment, though! What would you have preferred to see? I'm genuinely interested in people's preferences, as I might add some options based on them.

I'm specifically interested in cute things. I love everything cute! I sometimes make something cute myself! I want to become cute! Everything I see must become cute!!!

I see. Can you be more specific though?

I'm planning to add more outfits to the game, which aren't necessarily BDSM-related (for example, I think the nurse and bikini outfits are cute).

Since not everyone is into BDSM, I could also add an option to remove the restraints completly, for players who just want a cute dress-up game.

Please let me know if that would be interesting for you or if you have any other suggestions !

Honey Dress Up - Dear boy, I didn't find anything else with your extension. I can only say that smooth lines are cuter, but you have pixel art. And I don’t know anything else, because I only contemplate and don’t create (for now).

E whether I translate through a translator. If there are many mistakes, forgive me. But I know more than 90% Russian and more than 95% Ukrainian!

Ah yes, I've seen this game. I understand better what you have in mind, thank you.

But as you said, I'm using pixel art, and I'm quite limited by the resolution to make smoother lines... I'd like to increase the resolution once I'm happy with the prototype though. Hopefully, one day the game will have the cuteness you're aiming for :D

Also, no problem, I understand you well. I have to use a proofreader myself since English isn't my first language either :/

For mobile devices, is it possible to set up buttons to be activated by pressing?

Sorry, it's not possible for now. I need to look into it since I've never made a mobile-friendly game before.

I understand you are creating a game without an engine? 

Although, given the look of the game, it seems like it is. 😁

Nope, I'm using GameMaker Studio 2 to make the game.

I've been using it for quite some time, but I've mostly made PC or web games before. I need to research how to make it mobile-friendly.

Hopefully in the next update! :D

I didn't know you could play games like that on it. Good luck!

This is look cute and interesting. Anyway, i wanna ask you something would you add more outfit and bdsm stuff in the future too? more outfit like full body latex suit, or something like that while bdsm stuff like latex hood or corset or something like that. 


Hi, yes, absolutely !

I already have some sprites for this (like hoods, as you pointed out), but I didn't want to go overboard with content before getting some feedback.

I'll definitely add more outfits and bdsm stuff in a future update !

This prototype brings back memories of those very flash games...

Good luck in development.

Yes, that was one of my inspirations.

Thank you for your comment !

Cool prototype. I don't like that the princess outfits change the hair when i just want to see the different underwear options

I never thought of this as a problem, thank you for pointing it out!

I will add a button to let the player choose whether they want to change the hair or not.

(1 edit) (+2)

Very cute! Any plans for a male sub sprite (or even better: selectable genitalia and breasts)?


Thanks for your comment!

Honestly, I didn’t plan on a male character, but I’m open to suggestions. I could easily add an option to select genitalia, I think.

As for breasts, it’s a bit more complicated because I would need to redraw every piece of clothing to make them fit. I’m not sure if many people would be interested in this kind of option.

That makes sense. Assets are generally the most costly part of adult game dev. Anything you can do in the direction of more gender options would be appreciated.


Noted. I will do my best to add these features.

Thanks again for your input :)