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This paper by Charles Cardinal Journet examines the sacramentality of Christ, the Church, and the seven sacramental mysteries. It is an important work that shows three analogical realizations of sacramentality in a clear, systematic way.... more
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      ChristologyEcclesiologyCharles JournetSacraments
Not only does God protect and govern all things by his providence, but He also, by an internal power, impels to motion and action whatever moves and acts, and this in such a manner that, although He excludes not, He yet precedes the... more
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      PhilosophyMetaphysicsTheologyTheological Anthropology
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This essay attempts concisely to articulate the necessary role played within moral theology in general-and within the moral theology of grace in particular-by the metaphysics and natural philosophy of human agency. It argues for the... more
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An imperfect (because of interposed dashes in words, etc.) but accurate PDF of my original work for The Thomist in 1999 considering the relation of the teaching of St. Thomas Aquinas to the teaching of Evangelium Vitae regarding the death... more
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      Catholic Social TeachingCatholic TheologyThomism, Thomas Aquinas, Medieval History
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      Catholic Social TeachingMoral PhilosophyCatholic Moral Theology
Engages philosophy of nature, metaphysics, and revelation in considering the question of man's relation to the cosmos and the nature of stewardship. This is a speculative treatment published in 2012, & does not address either the recent... more
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      PhilosophyMetaphysicsTheologyCatholic Studies
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      Theological AnthropologyThomismTheology and philosophy
An essay published many moons ago, in the International Philosophical Quarterly of March 1997.
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      TheologyTheological AnthropologyThomismTheology and philosophy
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      TheologyTheological AnthropologyThomismTheology and philosophy
A paper published responding to criticisms offered by a genuinely great luminary of Thomistic thought, Fr. Lawrence Dewan, O.P, and including also response to the objections posed to some of my work by the serious Thomistic scholar... more
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      Moral TheologyMoral PhilosophyThomistic EthicsCatholic Moral Theology
Here is a copy of the Table of Contents and the Introduction to a new volume that I co-edited (with Steve A. Long and Thomas Joseph White, OP) and contributed to on the elusive topic of St. Thomas's doctrine of predestination.
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      Jesuit historyChristologyThomas AquinasDoctrine of God
A treatment of the intellectus essentiae argument articulated by St. Thomas Aquinas in De ente et essentia.
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      MetaphysicsMedieval PhilosophyCatholic StudiesCatholic Theology
The table of contents for the volume on predestination that I edited with Prof. Roger Nutt & Fr. Thomas Joseph White, O.P., together with my written introduction to the volume.
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      Catholic StudiesCatholic TheologyRoman CatholicismCatholic Church History
Some moralists think that natural law is essentially a doctrine of practical reason-the reason concerned with making and doing rather than with contemplation and speculative knowledge-and that practical reason is sufficient to itself... more
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This essay attempts to show that three things often thought to be opposed—the dynamism, relationality, and teleology of the image of God in man toward grace and glory; a strict distinction between nature and grace; and the doctrine that... more
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      Theological AnthropologyThomas AquinasThomismThomistic theology of grace
An essay from 2006 published in The Thomist.  It takes the form of an article from St. Thomas's Summa theologiae, and criticizes the frequently asserted compatibility of embryo adoption with Catholic moral reason.
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      PhilosophyMedical EthicsCatholic TheologyThomas Aquinas
A brief review engaging Jean Porter's remarkable work Nature as Reason, acknowledging significant strength of the work in its regard for aspects of natural teleological order for practical knowledge, and focusing upon remaining points of... more
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      Natural LawMoral TheologyThomismMoral Philosophy
The introduction to the second edition of The Teleological Grammar of the Moral Act. This responds to a variety of objections, criticisms, and what seem to the author to be particular misunderstandings of the thesis argued. Among the... more
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      Natural LawMoral TheologyThomismMoral Philosophy