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Nowadays, Communication Technologies (CT) are being used in several educational contexts to a greater extent. Nevertheless, the work developed in this research field, in Portugal, is too scattered. This way, a research project was drawn,... more
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      TICEnsino Universitário
This article tackles the issue of the use of Digital Learning Resources (DLR) in the education of students with learning problems. It presents an argument for the employment of DLR in the education of these students and it raises... more
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A large number of special education professionals agree on the fact that Information and Communication Technologies (ICT) are an important tool for teachers and students to overcome barriers and promote the acquisition of skills. ICT can... more
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do parque informático das escolas e de zelo pela formação dos colegas docentes na aplicação pedagógica das TIC. O presente artigo descreve os resultados obtidos na aplicação piloto de um questionário aplicado a 13 Coordenadores TIC, em... more
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A emergência de ambientes de aprendizagem construtivistas sediados e suportados pela Internet é uma realidade cada vez mais presente. Todavia, a adequabilidade desses pode ser discutível em termos de pertinência educativa, estratégias... more
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      UsabilityICT in Education
In a connected world where information is available at any time and place, learners adopt a more proactive approach to learning, no longer looking at Education Institutions as the only place where they can learn. When the knowledge... more
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      Self and IdentityWeb 2.0Learning And Teaching In Higher EducationPLE
Este artigo realizado na sequência de uma dissertação de mestrado em Multimédia em Educação, pretende reflectir sobre a forma como o processo e elaboração de e-Portefólios pode permitir desvelar o estilo de aprendizagem (EA) e as... more
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Atualmente há um crescente reconhecimento da importância do envolvimento familiar através das TIC na promoção de uma melhor educação escolar das crianças. Contudo, a conceção da parceria família-escola através das TIC encontra algumas... more
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      ICT in EducationParental involvementEducation for Sustainable Development
O presente artigo apresenta os resultados preliminares de uma investigação que tem como objetivo construir um referencial de qualidade da Aprendizagem Potenciada pela Tecnologia e desenvolver um modelo para avaliar a Aprendizagem... more
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      Educational TechnologyE-learningICT in EducationTIC
Social networking tools have been enthusiastically heralded as a means to support different learning types and innovative pedagogical practices. They have also been recognized as potential tools to promote informal learning. In this paper... more
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      Human Computer InteractionEducationTechnologyWeb 2.0
A emergência de ambientes de aprendizagem construtivistas sediados e suportados pela Internet é uma realidade cada vez mais presente. Todavia, a adequabilidade desses pode ser discutível em termos de pertinência educativa, estratégias... more
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      UsabilityICT in Education
This paper examines knowledge construction in a distributed learning environment supported by social web tools. Research data was gathered from online asynchronous discussions in a first-year masters degree course in multimedia in... more
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      Web 2.0Language and Social InteractionSocial NetworkingThe Social Web
A Organização das Nações Unidas para a Educação, a Ciência ea Cultura (UNESCO) assumiu a iniciativa da Década da Educação para o Desenvolvimento Sustentável entre 2005 a 2014.
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      ICT in EducationTeacher TrainingCommunity of PracticeEducation for Sustainable Development
Há que pensar uma adequada integração e utilização das TIC se queremos, efectivamente, criar ambientes educativos mais ricos que promovam uma aprendizagem de natureza construtivista". AMANTE, L. (2007). As TIC na Escola e no Jardim de... more
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      Child DevelopmentICT in EducationICTICT in Science Education
This article tackles the issue of the use of Digital Learning Resources (DLR) in the education of students with learning problems. It presents an argument for the employment of DLR in the education of these students and it raises... more
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The growing adoption of communication technologies to mediate teaching and learning processes fostered the study of asynchronous communication as an activity that can reveal students' behavior during learning processes. Much of the... more
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      Human Computer InteractionInformation TechnologyWeb 2.0Educational Technology
Resumo: A crescente utilização de tecnologias da comunicação para mediar processos de ensino e aprendizagem impulsionou o estudo da comunicação assíncrona enquanto atividade reveladora dos comportamentos dos alunos durante o processo de... more
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      Human Computer InteractionSocial InteractionTecnología EducativaAnálise do Discurso
Research has been conducted in order to design frameworks for Higher Education (HE) teaching competencies. These studies have been developed with the aim of helping to understand what skills, attributes, and roles are required from HE... more
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      E-learningDistance EducationDigital LiteracyOnline Learning
The use of technology has never been more widely spread in universities than today. The increase use of open educational tools and concepts, social media and mobile learning, encourages Higher Education (HE) institutions to give firm... more
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      Educational TechnologyE-learningHigher EducationOnline Learning
This article addresses research conducted in Portugal on the application of Rand Spiro's Cognitive Flexibility Theory, describing work developed in the last decade. The studies presented range from the theory itself and the pedagogical... more
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    • Cognitive Flexibility Theory, Rand Spiro,