Installing Ubuntu Phone Demo on Galaxy Nexus from Mac OS X

Props to Mirko85 for this post which spelled it out for Windows.

STANDARD DEVICE WARNINGS: You’ll violate your warranty probably, and you might brick your phone. You have been warned.

  • Install adb and fastboot for Mac
  • Download these files from Ubuntu’s server
    • quantal-preinstalled-boot-armel+maguro.img
    • quantal-preinstalled-recovery-armel+maguro.img
    • quantal-preinstalled-system-armel+maguro.img
    • quantal-preinstalled-armel+maguro.img
    • quantal-preinstalled-phablet-armhf.img
  • Plug the device in via USB
  • Open Terminal and navigate to the directory you downloaded the files to
  • If you haven’t unlocked the device, execute “fastboot oem unlock” and follow onscreen instructions
  • Power down the device
  • Enter fastboot mode by pressing volume up, volume down and power buttons at the same time until you feel it vibrate
  • Once in fastboot mode, execute the following commands from Terminal
    • fastboot flash recovery recovery-quantal-preinstalled-armel+maguro.img
    • fastboot flash system quantal-preinstalled-system-armel+maguro.img
    • fastboot flash boot quantal-preinstalled-boot-armel+maguro.img
  • Using the volume keys, select recovery mode and press power
  • In Terminal, execute “adb sideload”
  • Wait for the command to complete (if you see “fixing fs_size in crypto footer”, ignore it, it’s done)
  • Use volume keys to navigate to “advanced”, press power, select “reboot recovery” and press power again
  • Once back in recovery mode, execute from Terminal: “adb sideload”
  • Once the command has completed, use the volume keys to select “restart device” and press power button

Firefox OS: Devices and Dark Matter

UPDATE: Scroll down for update on May 26, 2013.

Since beginning work on the Firefox OS project, the number one question I’m asked is “Does it run on my phone?”. Sadly, the answer for almost everyone is “no”. The question itself is interesting though, and shows how people – even geeky technical people – don’t have a good understanding of how mobile devices work, nor the whole business and technical ecosystem that brings these things into the hands of consumers (hm, maybe that’ll be my next blog post). Porting an operating system to a device is tricky work in the best of circumstances and when done without the direct assistance of the various business entities involved in the stack for any single device (OEM, chipset manufacturer, original OS vendor), involves a lot of, well, fiddling around. The kind of fiddling around that voids warranties and turns $600 hardware into a paperweight. The success and hackability of Android simplified things a lot, creating a relatively large community of people doing OS-to-device porting, and enabling a lot of what allowed Firefox OS to bootstrap so quickly. However, it’s still not easy.

I was curious about who is playing around with Firefox OS in the dark corners of the Mos Eisley of the device-porting porting world,the XDA-Developers forums. Below, I’ve listed a number of threads involving efforts to port Firefox OS to various devices. Some have builds, some are aborted attempts, but the totality shows the level of interest in putting a truly open Web operating system on low-powered commodity mobile hardware that is very exciting.

Oh, and if you’re interested in porting Firefox OS to your device, the basic instructions to get started are on the MDN B2G Porting Guide. If you scan any of the threads below or have ever tried doing this kind of work before, you already know: Thar be dragons. You could lose your device and your sanity, and will very likely void the warranty. Consider yourself warned.

There are also some efforts at porting to other types of devices, such as Oleg Romashin’s experiments with Firefox on Raspberry Pi, MDN instructions for building for Pandaboard, and a bug for some core changes to Firefox OS to ease porting to basic Linux systems like Beagleboard and Chromebox.


UPDATE May 26, 2013

New devices since this was originally posted, and some fantastic updates:

  • Raspberry Pi! Philipp Wagner, a student from Germany, updated Oleg Romashkin’s porting work, and wrote the Raspberry Pi for Firefox OS guide, where you can download builds and read instructions for building it yourself. I installed his build and was up and running on my Raspberry Pi in minutes. Check out his blog post, and buy him something from his Amazon wishlist 🙂
  • As I’m sure you’ve heard by now, Geeksphone has two devices available with Firefox OS pre-installed now available for purchase. The devices keep selling out FAST, so keep a watch on their Twitter account. Also, according to their forums they’re going to make nightly updates available over-the-air soon, so you can stay on the latest versions of Firefox OS.
  • At this year’s Mobile World Congress, Sony released ROMs for the Experia E.
  • The XDA-Developers blog reported on a Firefox OS port for the HTC HD2.
  • Also on the XDA-Developers blog was a port for the HTC Explorer (aka Pico).
  • You can find build instructions for running Firefox OS on Pandaboard up on the Mozilla Developer Network.

A couple of other notes:

Firefox 11 is Smaller and Faster

We quietly shipped Firefox 11 with a bunch of performance fixes that both reduce the amount of memory that Firefox uses, and improve the responsiveness of it’s user interface.

These types of changes are not easy to talk about. Often they’re very technical, and meaningless to anyone but the developers involved, which is probably why we usually don’t enumerate them in the the release notes or other public announcements. “Firefox is 74% faster when you open menu X, and twice as fast in some garbage collection scenarios!” Yeah, not an eye-popping headline. We could do a lot better in communicating these improvements in broadly meaningful ways though – nice graphs or some competitive site like arewefastyet would help a lot. But until then, here’s a short summary of the improvements in Firefox 11. And if you know of other performance fixes that don’t fall into the categories below, please add them in the comments!

Memory Use (aka “memshrink”)

The Memshrink project has been going for quite a while now, led by Nicholas Nethercote. He blogs weekly updates on the project’s activity. According to Bugzilla, there were 29 memshrink bugs marked fixed during the Firefox 11 development cycle – four of which were P1, or very high priority. Some of the fixes were related to tools and detection methods, but many are actual reductions in memory use. The changes that made it into Firefox 11 include fixes for detected leaks, removing of zombie compartments, lazy-loading data, reducing the size of some caches, reducing memory used while scrolling, and many more.

UI Responsiveness (aka “snappy”)

The Snappy project started last December, and is run by Taras Glek. Its aim is to improve the responsiveness of the Firefox UI. Taras has been posting weekly updates on Snappy activity on his blog. Bugzilla shows 15 snappy bugs marked fixed during the Firefox 11 development cycle. The project had just started, but there are still some significant wins in this release! Firefox 11 includes reductions in queries in the bookmarks system, reduced preference lookups, faster data collection for session restore, and various improvements in the DOM code.

Add-on Compatibility

While it’s not related to performance, I do want to call attention to something that many people don’t seem to know: In Firefox 10 (yes, the previous release) we stopped marking most add-ons incompatible when you upgrade. That means that a LOT more of your add-ons will continue to work when you upgrade Firefox from here on out. The only add-ons that still require compatibility bumps are those that have binary components, since they need to be recompiled against the current version.

Download Firefox 11.

Browser Services Update (TGIF)

My team is “a riddle, wrapped in a mystery, inside an enigma”. Ok, maybe not *that* mysterious, but we’re definitely involved in a variety of projects. Here’s a roll-up of a week in browser-land.


New Tab Page

New Download Manager

  • Paolo consolidated existing patches into a single one for final pass and check-in. Marco has been reviewing.
  • Paolo and Marco are getting together in Novara on Saturday to sprint on fixing theme bugs and other cleanup required for landing.

Add-on SDK Integration

  • Met with Irakli to create plan for landing the core SDK modules in Firefox so that the whole SDK would no longer need to be bundled with every add-on.
  • Created a feature page for tracking the project.
  • I talked with Brian Warner about syncing Git repos with HG repos.

Web Apps Integration

  • I updated the feature page with latest from UX, Apps and PM.
  • Felipe Gomes is driving the Firefox side of the integration work, with Tim helping out on UI. They’re working together with Fabrice, Myk, Dan and Tim A.

Identity Integration

Share Integration


  • Tim and Marco kicked off sponsorship process for Italy’s jsDay conference. They’ll be putting up a booth there, along with Paolo Amadini, representing Mozilla. Thanks to Stormy and Shez for the support from Developer Engagement.

Of course, we all worked on various other things as well, from code review to bug triage to random maintenance fixes. Activity logs and whatnot are listed below.

Brussels: Warm Hospitality Amidst Inhuman Conditions

We’re at the end of our Performance work-week here in Brussels, and gearing up for a two-day orgy of European open-source culture at FOSDEM. I’ve successfully acquired a cold (and hopefully not worse) due to the temperature being consistently below freezing.

However, the people here in Brussels have made up for their weather shortcomings by welcoming us wherever we go. Between the hackerspaces and co-working spaces, and the restaurants that happily take large groups with little or no notice, I’m very impressed!


Performance work-week, Brussels 2012

The hackerspace in Brussels is located in Schaerbeek, a neighborhood to the north of the city center. The space used to be a vehicle repair garage for the city, but was given up for use by the geeks. They’ve installed serious hardware, and have fully-equipped the place with everything needed for survival. Thanks to Rafael and Patrick, for answering all our questions and helping us make mate and to find food nearby. Lunch on the second day was described by Patrick as a “little French place”, but turned out to be a hall of worship dedicated to Tintin!

Performance work-week, Brussels 2012

Faubourg St Antoine is filled with Tintin toys, art and knick-knacks, including some alternate interpretations and even a clarification for something I’d always wondered about. Sadly, they’ve been issued a legal notice from the current copyright (or EU equivalent) holders requiring them to remove all the Tintin materials from public display 😦

BetaGroup Coworking

Performance work-week, Brussels 2012

Once the temperatures dropped far below freezing, we relocated to BetaGroup Coworking Brussels in Etterbeek, to the southeast of the center. Ramon Suarez, the manager of the space was very accommodating, taking us on short notice. The wi-fi was blazing fast, the coffee was hot, and the ping-pong was a welcome break from heads-down hackery. The space itself was fantastic, with a great combination of quiet co-working areas, public spaces and private meeting offices. With tons of natural light, steel bridges and a meeting space on what looked like a submarine conning tower, it was truly impressive.

We had a wonderful lunch at a very tidy restaurant nearby.

Overall, it’s been a fun and productive week, if a bit chilly. Like, really chilly. Ridiculously so. Why do people even inhabit places that get this cold? Honestly, wtf.

Firefox Performance Work-week & FOSDEM

The Performance team and some of the Firefox team are spending the week in Brussels, laying waste to some of the performance issues in the browser.

Performance work-week, Brussels 2012

Much thanks to our excellent hosts HSBXL, a hackerspace in central Brussels. We’re equipped with fast internet, lemon soda, mate, techno music, and of course beer.

Following the work week is FOSDEM, Europe’s biggest open source conference. If you’re in town for FOSDEM and want to come hack with us, ping me on twitter or join us in #perf on IRC.

I’ll be uploading pics to flickr with the tag ‘perfworkweek2012’.

Unbookmarking the Future of Browsing

I am needy:

  • I want to remember URLs. Bookmarking is too manual and akin to throwing URLs in the sarlacc pit. The user-interface pieces around bookmarking have not changed in a decade. No, the awesomebar is not a good tool for this. I don’t even come close to being able to recall what I want the awesomebar to recall. I need to be ambiently prompted in a way that is visual and has context.
  • I need to be able to focus on a given task, project or idea. A single sea of tabs doesn’t help at all. I want blinders. I want an environment. Task immersion.
  • I need to be able to categorize URLs into groups, such that the whole group is easily accessible. Trees and menus can go to hell, along with the RSI, eye-strain and visual boredom they provide.
  • I need to be able to switch contexts quickly and easily. Eg: From bug triage to perf to dashboards to music, etc.
  • I don’t want to leave the browser. Windows are super heavyweight feeling and come along with all kinds of operating system baggage: visual, interaction, performance, etc.

I realized recently that a pattern had emerged in my browser usage that meets a bunch of these needs:

  • I use Firefox’s Panorama feature to manage groups of tabs. I have groups for a bunch of work areas, and for Food, Music, Design, JavaScript, Health, and many more. This provides task-specific browser contexts, as well as keyboard shortcuts for switching contexts with ease.
  • I set up Firefox to restore my session every time it starts. This way my groups persist, and all the URLs in each group are loaded with their cookies and other session data ready to go when I need them.
  • I have “Don’t load tabs until selected” checked, so that Firefox does all this with as little memory as possible – the web pages in all the tabs in all the groups aren’t loaded until I actually use them.
  • I restart the browser a couple of times per day to keep memory use slim, which in turn keeps the browser responsive. Restarting is super fast and responsive because I have “Don’t load tabs until selected” (see previous point).

This is the happiest I’ve been with any browser in years. However, there are still a bunch of pain points. I want SO much more.

  • I want to tag URLs without bookmarking them. The bookmark concept just gets in the way. It’s an unnecessary unit of psychological weight. It’s a vestigial metaphor of days gone by.
  • I want to open a tab group by typing the name of the group in the URL bar.
  • I want to add URLs to multiple groups easily, similar to tagging. I’d like to do it via the keyboard.
  • I want to send the current tab to a different group (or groups) using only the keyboard.
  • I want app tabs that are specific to a given group, and some that are global.
  • I want to switch quickly from an app tab back to the last non-app tab I was at. Or be able to peek quickly at an app tab without losing my context in the current set of tabs.
  • I want to switch quickly back to the last tab I was at. (Eg: When I open a new tab, and get sent to the end of the current set of tabs). OR be able to have new tabs open immediately to the right of the current tab, with linked parentage.
  • I’m tired of sites being browsers inside a browser. And I don’t want “site-specific” browsers – I want a “me-specific” browser, for local or dynamic content.
  • Firefox creates the <tab> elements for hidden tabs when restoring the session. It would re/start even faster and use even less memory if the XUL elements for hidden tabs were not created until the group itself was opened.
  • As I work, memory use increases and responsiveness decreases, since I keep visiting more and more tabs. If I haven’t visited a tab in a while, Firefox should unload it. If I haven’t visited a group in a while, Firefox should completely unload the whole group, session content *and* XUL elements.
  • A downside of the “Don’t load tabs until selected” option is that tab content is not ready and waiting when you select the tab. The web content has to load and the session data for the tab must be restored. Firefox should pre-load tabs that are adjacent to the active tab. This feature, combined with the dormant-izing of tabs described above would result in a decent balance of instant-gratification availability and responsiveness and resource frugality.

One idea I had was a merging of tagging and groups: The groups in Panorama would be comprised of the set of tags that exist. This would result in nice integration bits like search-by-tag in the awesomebar being equivalent to search-in-group. It also might mean that we’ll need to make Panorama “bigger” – maybe allow it to be zoomed, or make it an infinite canvas.

An idea for navigating dynamic content is to merge feeds and groups. Imagine you have a BBC group, which has the BBC feed as it’s source. The set of “tabs” in that group are the items in the feed. If you open the group, all the URLs in the feed are loaded into tabs (but not *really* loaded if you restore-on-demand).

Anyways, it’s interesting to think about how to prototype some of these ideas in an add-on or a collection of them. I’m sure some of the items above already exist as add-ons.

I realize that I’m not a “typical user”. However, after almost 6 years of browser-making, I’m pretty damn sure that there is no such person. I do not believe that the one-size-fits-all browser is the future. When adding a feature or fixing a bug, we shouldn’t have to choose between grandma and the geeks. In order to stay relevant in a highly-personalized future, we should strive to ensure that Firefox is pliable enough that we who make it are not restricted by it, and more importantly we must ensure that add-on developers are free to mash-up and remix and experiment the f*ck out of it.

Some Notes on Living in Chiang Mai, Thailand

Several people have asked me about living in Thailand. After spending a year in Chiang Mai, here are a few suggestions, recommendations and things I wished I knew ahead of time.

  • Learn to speak Thai, at least a little bit. We took classes over Skype video for 2 months from Brett Whiteside and it really helped. I can speak and understand enough basics for cordial and respectful interactions with people, and to eat wherever I want :). If you’re going to be there for a while learn to read Thai. It’s seriously worth it, if only for reading menus and signs.
  • Always print a detailed map of wherever you’re going. Anywhere. All the time. Really.
  • Make a custom Google map with the locations of: post office, utility offices (power, water), telco, police station, etc. Just in case.
  • Banking: ATMs cost US$5 per transaction, and result in currency conversion fees. Instead, open a Bangkok Bank account and get a debit card. Getting a bank account took some paperwork, about an hour of waiting in the bank, and I think you have to pay a small fee. Bangkok Bank is the only Thai bank with a US branch (in NY). This means that you can make direct transfers from US banks to your Bangkok Bank account, allowing for money access with a minimum of delay and fees.
  • 3G: I used AIS, which has unlimited (5GB IIRC) 3G monthly pre-paid option. Absolutely recommended for access to Google Maps while lost ;).
  • Thai street food is often safer than food from “western” places. The food at the carts is usually bought fresh that day, and is cooked in front of you. The food at “western” hotels and restaurants is cooked out of sight, and they try to store food, which is risky since there’s not really health department inspections like in the states, to ensure the storage is properly done. You’ll find infinite opinions about this – this is my personal experience. There’s no magic solution. You will have some intestinal discomfort at some point.
  • Western toilets are everywhere. At some point however, you’ll need to use a squat toilet. Chiang Mai Rock Climbing Adventures has humorous yet informative instructions for properly using a squat toilet.
  • Use Foursquare or some other check-in service. I often couldn’t find a place that I wanted to return to, or had forgotten the street, etc.
  • 7-11. Is awesome. In Thailand you will pay your utility bills, refill your phone minutes, purchase concert tickets, and many other things there.
  • Temples: Wear long pants and shirts with sleeves. Be quiet and respectful. Donate money to them.

Most importantly: Go anywhere and everywhere. Always take a different route. Pull over often. Walk down unfamiliar streets. See every temple. Explore every market. And always carry your camera.

Firefox Feature Development in 2012

This year we started talking about ways to improve the methods in which develop Firefox features. This is a snapshot of where we’re at, and what’s coming next.

We began with some conversations about current problems regarding coordination, speed, contribution, regressions, ease of development: my initial dev.planning post, Joe Walker’s post ‘How to Eat an Elephant’, my blog post, dev.planning add-on bundling post.

There was general recognition that the Firefox development model is not agile nor flexible enough to meet the needs of our 2012 goals. We need to be able to ship features that are developed mostly outside of what’s considered the “core” Firefox team. We need to better support the use of external code repositories and bug tracking systems. We need to support features written using the Add-on SDK, both inside and bundled with Firefox.

Here’s where we’re at:

  • A group of people formed to start discussing how to make these things happen: the Jetpack Features group. We meet every other Friday (meeting details and notes).
  • We have a project branch (Cedar) where we can experiment and do performance testing.
  • We corralled the Firefox and Toolkit module owners and the leads of the SDK project in a room to orchestrate the mechanics of landing the SDK inside Firefox itself (notes).
  • L10n: The Jetpack team are hard at work on closing this gap with both localized strings in script and localization of HTML content inside add-ons.
  • Performance: Jeff Griffiths blogged recently about the performance impact of the core SDK runtime on startup time. More performance tests are coming.
  • Feature bundling: The BrowserID feature will likely ship in Firefox as a bundled add-on. There are still open questions though: Is it uninstallable? Does it even show up in the Add-ons Manager? Can it upgrade outside of the Firefox dev cycle? More work to do here.
  • Automation: We have the Jetpack unit tests being run with every Mozilla-central check-in (though hidden by default currently). We have the SDK unit tests running on every SDK check-in for both Nightly and Aurora (tree). We still need the Mozilla-central unit tests run on every SDK check-in (that’ll come with integrating the SDK into Firefox), and performance tests run for Mozilla-central and SDK check-ins.

What’s coming up in 2012:

  • Completing the picture of addon-as-feature integration into the Moz-ecosystem: l10n, performance and unit test automation.
  • Ship BrowserID as a bundled add-on.
  • Ship the SDK inside Firefox (the relevant parts, anyway).
  • Ship Web Apps as a bundled add-on, if it makes sense to do so.

Resume review.

A friend recently asked me to take a look at his resume. After reading countless resumes and doing hundreds of interviews for Mozilla over the last 5+ years (whoa, almost 6 now!), a bunch of stuff came jumbling out. With his permission, I’ve copied the feedback here. Maybe it’ll be of use to someone looking for a manager’s eye on their resume. Most of the comments make sense on their own, so I didn’t copy the resume itself here.

Hey! Overall, looks good – you look like a solid candidate for a Java programming gig, with some potential for leadership, but not interested in it. Probably a senior coding member on a team (given the # of years experience) or a lone-wolf programmer that a manager could hand a project off to and expect you to run with it.

A couple of thoughts below with my critical hat on, ranging from grammar to technical. Please take with many grains of salt – obviously I’m not representative of all hiring managers. Also, I didn’t have the context about whether this is tailored for a specific position, or if you are just getting ready to hit the market. Is the resume tailored for your ideal job, or the job you’d settle for? Hard to evaluate without that context.

  • My biggest criticism is that your personality doesn’t come through, only your technical skills. Everyone has a list of current/former employers, a list of acronyms, and *some* have a list of side projects (you get points for that in my book). The summary is your first chance to personalize what is otherwise an abstract description of a skill set, so take advantage of it. For example, you could start with “I am a lead developer” instead of “Lead developer”. Honestly, do you really talk in robot language like that in real life? No. Would you want to work with someone that did? Probably not. So, look for any opportunity to be more than just a developer of code.
  • Clarify if you’re looking to lead or not, or even open to it. For me, this will contextualize my technical assessment of a candidate. Are you interested in project management? Are you interested in people management? Your resume currently says no, that you only want to code, but can work with non-programmers as necessary.
  • “My main focuses are…” – is both redundant (focus implies main-ness) and misapplied (focus shouldn’t ever be used in the plural, by definition, IMO). Could say something like “My core responsibilities are…”, etc. You use focus later in a similar way in the Objective section: “expand professional focus” to include some other languages. That’s the opposite of focusing 😀
  • I’d take “SOAP/RESTful” out of the summary, is overly specific, not necessary.
  • “often responsible” – Nah, you *are* responsible for that stuff. No need to lessen your impact with qualifying adjectives, especially in your resume of all places.
  • The Objective section seems to say that you want more variety in your work than you currently have, and that you’d like to learn a few specific programming languages. Is that about right? It sounds like you’re bored. That isn’t bad, but that’s the impression I get. Again, what to put here really depends on what your actual objective is. Is it to get a job writing re-usable Java libs for web front-ends? Or a job writing Python scripts against big data-sets? You should decide that up front, and be as clear as possible about it. If you need two resumes, so be it.
  • The bits about the actual work you did are great. Instead of just listing the thing, you explain the impact that the thing had, the long term result for the business, etc.
  • If you have degrees from those college years, note them. The multiple year sequences you were at Acme College don’t provide value, could just pick one or aggregate into one period where it makes sense.
  • Needs a spell-check and grammar pass (eg: devloping, importanly, colloborating)

Final thought: What questions would I ask you after reading this resume, when we did a phone screen? What are things not called out explicitly in a resume, but are part of an experienced developer’s toolbox… IOW, the stuff that shows you know not only how to write code, but to *ship* software.

  • I’d probably ask a couple of technical questions of medium difficulty, just to confirm that you can talk comfortably at the level of technical knowledge described in the resume.
  • I’d dig into problem scenarios like the hardest problem you had to solve, both architectural and bug-wise. What tools/patterns you used, etc.
  • I’d ask about performance problems – triaging them, debugging them, what tools for profiling, potential bottlenecks, etc.
  • I’d ask about your testing and validation approaches, what unit test toolkits you’ve used, what automation you’ve written.
  • Would ask you to describe your launch processes – things like staging servers, failover scenarios, backups, etc.

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