Saturday, January 25th, 2014
5:39 pm - SIREN- Art Exhibition

SIREN An up and coming art exhibition involving 21 artists in the next week. It will be a great opportunity to see some amazing artwork, so if anyone is available in the UK then please feel free to pop down for a visit. Exploring a wide range of issues from mental health to capitalism to eco-art and beyond with this interdisciplinary exhibition there will be a wide range of pieces for others to experience.
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| Saturday, July 27th, 2013
10:24 am - Goodbye...

Goodbye by Royce Wells
321 fade to black My heart stopped beating And You're not back Why live a life Why tell a lie When the easy answer Is to say goodbye Goodbye... (Goodbye) Goodbye... (Goodbye) Goodbye
3 2 1 fade to black The gun is loaded And the hammer cracks Why fill the void Why wait to sigh When the easy answer Is to say goodbye Goodbye... (Goodbye) Goodbye... (Goodbye) Goodbye
Bridge: Cause they will never Hear you cry Oh no And they can never Ask you why When you say Goodbye... (Goodbye) Goodbye... (Goodbye) Goodbye
321 fade to black The credits are rolling What did you expect They've made their peace You've seen them cry Now the easy answer Is to say goodbye Good bye (Goodbye) Goodbye (Goodbye) Goodbye...
321 fade to black... (321 fade to black...) 321 fade to black... (321 fade to black...)
So why am I still.... Here....
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| Sunday, August 26th, 2012
4:10 pm - A World of Scribbles

(Shameless self-promotion follows.) Please stop by and take a look at worldofscribble. We're a community dedicated to writing, with a biweekly competition on an assigned topic, followed by a vote to determine whose entry was the best. In short, if you enjoy competitive writing, we're the place for you.
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| Tuesday, August 14th, 2012
2:41 am - Advent Challenge Summer Round

Hi everyone! I can hardly believe Summer is already nearing an end, but before it disappears there's time for a few more days in the sun, another convention or two and at least one more Challenge to answer! adventchallenge is opening it's doors for a laid back Summer challenge with it's Improv Round! There's no extended commitment and no need to sign up, just swing by and see if a prompt takes your fancy. Click the banner to go to the challenge Want to suggest some summer-themed prompts? Go here. If this post breaks any community rules please delete it and I apologize for posting.
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| Wednesday, November 2nd, 2011
5:26 pm
| Monday, June 20th, 2011
11:25 pm - Seeking submissions for my zine! x-posted a bit
| Sunday, April 3rd, 2011
11:58 pm - Oops, my bad :(
11:54 pm - 3 of 30

Sew it up - you're dragging your dress again. Cinch it up - it's falling apart in the wrong places. Draw it up - make your intentions plain. Dry it up - martyrs have no production values. Tear it up- they could never hold you to it. Soak it up - you're a paper tiger now. Live it up - somebody will buy it. Shake it up - it's anybody's paradigm for the next 15 minutes. Talk it up - TelePrompTers are cheap. Lift it up - it's walking too fast for you to stand. Even it up - it's too precious for them to keep. Posted via LiveJournal app for iPhone.
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| Friday, April 1st, 2011
2:58 am - The hardest novel in the market

The toughest writers of the world are the ones that put that knuckle in storytelling. Blessings goes out accordingly to Dashiell Hammett, Mickey Spillane, James Patterson, Walter Mosley, Robert Crais, Donald Goines, Raymond Chandler, Michael Connelly, Elmore Leonard, Dennis LeHane, Ian Fleming, James Ellroy, K'wan Foye, Korede Abayomi, Chinue Achebe, Edgar Poe, Ernest Hemingway, etc. If you've read these writers then you know exactly what I'm talking about, with their gritty tales. I just finish this new novel last night, called Shebang!, and I honestly think it's the best hardcore fiction I've ever read. The storyline is filled with conflicts, police against thugs, and the smooth ladies. This writer (Korede Abayomi) wasn't playing with his characters, because, as a reader, it shocks you (sometimes deeply) when a character you're starting to build a bond with suddenly dies. The Police were the adamant subject of this novel, as it decipher their methods, the methods of the NYPD, used against their fiercest enemies, the common thugs. Here's the printed synopsis of Shebang! Imagine New York City in a state of panic, a frenzy shoot-out in the middle of Times Square, a race war brewing between two gangs, citizens and journalists alike clamoring about the murder-rate, and the NYPD armed and ready to shoot it out with their rivals.., all these stemming from a shocking murder that rock the east-side of Brooklyn. For hard-nosed detectives like Shawn and Philip, solving crimes and catching murderers is a daily job. But how will they handle chaos and insurgency in the Big Apple? Who will survive, and how will the victory be won? The shocker - and saddest part - of this novel is when Philip (one of the hard-nosed detectives) was suddenly gunned down, in broad daylight. That's when the chaos in New York City began, with the surviving detective (Shawn) mounting a full force against the city gangs. City-wide raids were enforced, and the insurgents were killed off one by one, in a very stylish way you can only read about. This book is fun. Forty chapters of non-stop action and suspense. When my friend first told me about this novel Shebang! , and the writer, i decided to look up his name that night on the internet, and then I clicked on his homepage Koredeabayomi.org Here I saw that he was offering full digital downloads of Shebang! for free only for that week - two weeks ago). I downloaded the book, and i was blown away by the first chapters. I continued reading on through my laptop until my eyes got tired from the flashing screen. The next day i decided to order the AUTOGRAPHED copy of the book, from the same website. Simply put, this is the best $12 i have ever spent, especially in this new age, when you can download, and then place an order for the writer's signature; especially one of this magnitude. I'll say no more. KoredeAbayomi.org
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| Tuesday, February 1st, 2011
10:00 pm - CHÉ CONFESSES

CHÉ CONFESSES If they had only spoken of you in holier tones, but there was no sanctity in their inflections, no blank stares, no empty eyes. I never thought I'd pull the trigger on an old man, but when his knees would not bend, I had to bend them for him. Old men are stubborn, but the flesh complies, the blood obeys. The young, they are easier to deal with; take a child, make him close his eyes, fill his hands with sweets, and tell him who gave so generously. Pups are so eager to please their masters. It was a hectic year, everyone was issued a torn parachute, on purpose, and there was no time to think, only time to jump out of the plummeting wreck that Bautista had made of our ship of state. You don't know how it disgusted me to see these bourgeois clutching at their now worthless notes and crosses, like a Negro clutching for a needle and opiates, which is why I made sure to bind and gag them before I put bullets in their brains! It was quite a productive day at the prison! If they had only spoken with the gratitude of a starving child, I would have retaught them everything, these bitter clingers, these banana farmers, these tobacco farmers, thinking they could own things, when they could only be owned, these rope makers, killing themselves with the butt of my gun! Copyright 2011 Bruce V. Bracken
Posted via LiveJournal app for iPhone.
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6:13 pm - Testing the waters

Hi, everyone. I joined this community a long time ago in one of my many attempts to motivate myself into finally committing to writing as a part of my life (something I've been trying to do for years). My interests in writing are varied, I have a BA in Art History, I used to write a lot of poetry and in the last few years I've been trying to focus on performance art. ( Behind the cut is a sample of something I've writtenCollapse )
That and essays on art, a zine, musings on food, my own costuming design and more can be found at a blog I recently started here The Leap of the Flaneur
current mood: hopeful
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| Sunday, January 23rd, 2011
5:34 pm - .
2:08 am - MAGNUM OPUS
| Saturday, January 22nd, 2011
6:45 am - First Art

On the chilling summer eve's night all lay still but a sound a sound that keeps churning and burning away at my mind I get so tense, so tired am I to not think of anything but madness I climb reluctantly out of bed groggily bump into my motionless love left lovingly asleep on the way out but twas she that already again appears nothing but sweet silence in the moonlight passion
I stand upright looking outward toward the moonlight Oh, how I wonder the heavens above how do I sense such captivating beauty but yet cannot capture its presence angry with grief of not obtaining such precious rest I throw thy sticks and thy rocks toward the glowing sphere of a moon with utter disbelief and growing torment the sound still pounds and turns inside my head
Is it something new? is it something overdue?
All I could glaringly think about the sky such a darker shade of blue grieving and crying for no sleep tis I am allowed this crispful night You laugh at me? How could you stand this insanity? So courageously? I glance again the midnight moonlight Is it that I see a overburdened pine tree? or just another shred of faded beauty?
Imagination full of uncertainty tis mine I do not dare comprehend the cipher reality, nor space am I aware deep down in my wandering mind the sound, yes the trailblazing sound I can hear it, how it summons my kind scorns me furiously what tis I must do what the glorious thing I never knew how many longing thoughts to flow must be made erroneously aware before this stupendous gift was to show
Hypnotized like a misty eyed love spell entranced I slowly reach down examining for a lump of dark rock twas this mesmerizing rock that differed from all around so dashingly dark, so stunningly shiny is it something of earthly value? it must not for tis so rare and tiny the wild animal behind me I swear runs past me and the bright hot kindling
I look to the scraggly wall above my bedding to rub this new valued rarity along the fault twas this an astonishing miracle? I have captured thy animals soul I am a master of altering spells How must not one have thought of this brazen occupation and more am i simply smarter?, then those that have come before or is the past world a little darker? with the supple ethereal blocking the creation
I momentarily stand aback eternally amazed as I do tis a masterpiece that I just knew the melancholic moonlight strives for I shockingly know the hidden clue that simple world we loved no longer hides as it again will never be the same
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| Tuesday, January 18th, 2011
11:54 pm

RED IN TWO PARTS PART ONE: HAMMER As the hammer forged her chains, she cried, "Was I saved, only for the next rapist?" In the factory, the workers fail on command; their minds are not to function. "Was I saved, only for the next rapist!?", she raged to an unheeding wasteland. On command, their minds are not to function. Proletarian sweat dehydrates. She raged to an unheeding wasteland, "I am as yet undecapitated! "Proletarian sweat dehydrates; "Where is the river that will set me free?" "I am as yet undecapitated. "I will sing no love song of a slave! "Where is the river that will set me free? "Better to swim than drown in my blood! "I will sing no love song of a slave! "Carry me to a clean shore, far away. "Better to swim, than drown in my blood, to satisfy a new ancient god's thirst!" PART TWO: SICKLE When the sickle cut her throat, you could hear her sing, in a voice that you can't distinguish from a scream. 1917 saw a new revolution. The children were superb, star-bright and delicious. in a voice that you can't distinguish from a scream, the tanks rolled through the boulevards, bannered in red. The children were superb, star-bright and delicious, morsels, red in the teeth of the new workers' state. The tanks rolled through the boulevards, bannered in red. How our leader smiles down from the flags like a god. Morsels, red in the teeth of the new workers' state, happy and productive to enrich Mother's soil. How our leader smiles down from the flags like a god, who remembers the aroma of sacrifice. Happy and productive to enrich Mother's soil are the martyrs of the new ancient religion. Copyright 2011 Bruce V. Bracken Posted via LiveJournal app for iPhone.
current mood: creative
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| Saturday, January 15th, 2011
8:51 pm


More than 500 people are now known to have died in floods in south-eastern Brazil, the country's worst natural disaster for several decades. (BBC UK) The extent of the human tragedy is as as yet unknown in southern Brazil as landslides leave many buried under thousands of tons on mud, many towns are without water, power, communication & emergency services.
| Tuesday, January 4th, 2011

They run the strings thru the scalp. That's how they build the new you. See in the dirty mirror? How youthful your crimson yarns. That's how they build the new you, for reality TV. How youthful your crimson yarns, queen of the cutting-room floor. For reality TV, how would you like your lips sewn, Queen of the cutting-room floor? We use the yellowest wire. How would you like your lips sewn, surgical action figure? We use the yellowest wire, perfect for bad attention. Surgical action figure, now with candy-pump action, perfect for bad attention, from stain-hungry side airbags. Now with candy-pump action, and the smear where your face was. From stain-hungry side airbags, we perp-walk treadmill lemmings. On the smear where your face was, everyone's a firebug. We perp-walk treadmill lemmings; autograph our eyes with shame. Everyone's a firebug. You know, it's fun when ants melt under magnifying glass. The bigger, the more you burn. You know, it's fun when ants melt, like Hollywood plastic drips. The bigger, the more you burn, like science fiction movies. Like Hollywood plastic drips, the flash is only lukewarm. Like science fiction movies, but with a low boiling point. Copyright 2011 Bruce V. Bracken Posted via LiveJournal app for iPhone.
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| Thursday, December 30th, 2010
6:33 pm - Arori: The Painter.

This follows a previous entry. You can find it here: http://shoelace009.livejournal.com/102324.html . I think it is better if you read the entry but you don't have to in order to get it.
Heat seared towards me on the tails of red sparks. I was in the wrong end of a firework shot towards the ground rather than away from it. It felt like one of those moments you see in an apocalypse movie. I was going to die. We all were. But when I looked up at the woman, I noticed her eyes for the first time. Large, but not in a looming kind of way. They were black but a gentle black with a twinkle, like a diamond sat in each of them. You'd think she would have realized what she had done. You'd think there would be an expression of guilt, or at least one of panic. But nothing. She just waited.
And then the shower fell to the earth all around the awning. It looked like handfuls of sparklers falling to the ground and extinguishing in puddles. Steam curled up in snakelike tendrils from where each spark had landed. There was some hissing for a bit and then nothing. Silence except for a dented pop can being pushed across the pavement down the street.
I thought that when I looked up she would be gone, like she had never been there. Just a constellation outlining a shape I had imagined. But she was, and was staring down at me knowlingly, like we had known each other my whole life. She smiled and I saw rows of pearls, real pearls.
Arori, I thought. I didn't understand where that came from. My name is Arori. I looked over my shoulder for somebody. Up here. She smiled again.
"Oh." Very eloquent response of course.
She nodded and turned away from me, spreading pink, orange, and yellow across the sky. It was most vibrant in the east and faded out into the west where she sat on the silver edge. Goodnight. But, it's almost morning. I heard a laugh that sounded like a short melody. Maybe for you.
The lady waved a few multicolored fingers then hung onto the moon as it flipped around and the sun began to rise above a cloud like a child slowly peering out from under the blankets in the morning.
[Possibly to be continued.]
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2:17 am - The Painter.

I looked up. It was one of those nights where I had nowhere to go so I just picked a star in the sky and followed the streets I thought would get me closest to it, ignoring the fact that none of the streets were on hills and I wasn't climbing any higher. It didn't matter though because I wanted to be closer to the star, not in possession of it. Doing that would make it nothing more than a flimsy night light bought at the corner store, adjacent to my flat.
So like I did most nights when I couldn't sleep, I just followed. I figured the less I look at the ground, the less aware I was that I was pinned to it, like a piece of fabric safety pinned to the quilt. I hopefully wasn't being sewn into the earth any time soon. Anyways, if I could just avoid looking at the ground and try to make sure nothing got in my sights but the sky, then maybe I could convince myself that that was where I was.
That night, in order to see the moon, I had to round the corner of a crumbled brick building with dusty dirty windows that distorted my reflection when I glanced at them. The moon wasn't realy my thing. I generally preferred the simple stars but that night it was different, much different. Nobody ever believes my stories. They say my nighttime walks are just dreams and maybe this one was but there was a woman sitting on it. She had short, chocolate brown hair that was flipped out. A thin, white, lace dress hung from her ivory shoulders. Her ankles were crossed and hung over one of the edges, balancing her as she leaned into the sky, painting silver and gold stars. She was articulate, and graceful, and, well as much as I hate to say it, perfect. She wasn't worried about who was watching her or the lengths of her strokes. It was like she was illustrating something that had already been created and she was just filling in the truth.
People always tell you this junk about how you're looking into the past when you look at stars and whatever, all that scientific bull. And, I generally am in favor of knowledge of whatever kind in order to support belief but there she was and I didn't need any other sort of explanation. It just was. She was there painting stars, and then, as if it was part of the plan, she began painting something else.
It was like a kid had tipped his crayon box over into the sky, a crayon box that had been left out in the sun so it was just melted wax. She spread the melted wax with her fingers in all different directions. Blue violet and indigo. Fuschia and Sea Green. Turquoise and orchid and a hundred other colors. Stars burst from clouds and their golden sparks rained down through the atmostphere until it turned into a mild rain shower that brushed my face before falling to the sordid bricks in the sidewalk. It was like watching the creation of something. I wasn't sure what it was but it felt mythological and real and magical and true all at the same time so that I wasn't sure what I was looking or why. I just knew that I was enjoying what I saw and I knew I somehow was a part of it.
And then she did something I didn't expect. She began to paint with crimson and firebrick and forest green, grey and black. And something in me grew fearful. I'm not sure why. But for some reason when she ran palms of paint acrossed the newly fierce clouds I began to wonder what I had to do at home and an invisible leash tugged me back to my stoop. I'd just stepped under the awning when the clouds she'd painted, those clouds that had been so beautiful and graceful, ripped themselves open and a crimson flood of sparks fell toward the earth.
I was inspired by an image on one of the photography websites I check out. I wasn't sure where I was going with this and it was purely freewritten so if it makes no sense I apologize. I just had to write what has been in my head all day.
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| Wednesday, December 22nd, 2010
8:14 am - Orphan

Author(s): phoenixbird4000 (me) Subject: an orphan boy Main Character: Alex Sub Characters: Sam, Erin, Mrs. Hep, Sparky Setting: NY city Summary: There is no such thing as boredom in Alex's life (except school). This marvelous tale by the author of A Girl Named Toby is about a boy facing the life of the apple with his amazing imagination and his humor to help him. Teasing little girls, Exploding kitchens and much much more!
current mood: satisfied
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