Papers by Panos Panagiotidis

European Journal of Education
New technological developments, such as 5G networks, smart and interconnected devices, and the de... more New technological developments, such as 5G networks, smart and interconnected devices, and the development of the Internet of Things (IoT), lead to a new reality in which the secure flow of data is non-negotiable. In this new reality, blockchain technology can play a crucial role, as it has the ability to provide the necessary background for the safe and inviolable operation of systems. Blockchain is a distributed ledger, in which information and data are stored and verified. These blocks of data do not have to be related to financial transactions but may concern any other type of data that needs to be securely recorded and not changed retrospectively. Although the first application of blockchain technology was about digital currency (Bitcoin), its usefulness is not limited to cryptocurrencies or the field of economics. Blockchain, especially in its last stage v3.0, has many applications in various sectors such as data storage, certification of products and services, government, ins...

&... more ""This paper presents a recently conducted experiment aiming at the development, implementation and accreditation of multimedia courses for specific purposes in foreign language departments. Considering the EU policy highlighted in the Action Plan 2004-2006 “Promoting language learning and linguistic diversity” and having in mind the new European frame emerged after the Bologna Declaration, the development of new skills through new academic curricula, seems inevitable. Several attempts have been made towards this direction, and many technological applications have been developed. These products have proved their efficiency especially in domains concerning knowledge management, content delivery and administration of the procedure of learning. However, from methodological as well as from technical point of view, weaknesses can be noticed. This paper presents an alternative proposal of a distance-learning study program, attempting on the one hand to offer traditional subjects such as literature and theatre in a technological environment, and on the other, to deliver courses for the development of new skills concerning language learning for specific purposes and the use of ICT.""
Virtual Worlds are among the fastest growing areas of web 2.0, as they dispose characteristics th... more Virtual Worlds are among the fastest growing areas of web 2.0, as they dispose characteristics that promote the development of all kinds of applications not only for communication and entertainment, but for education, as well. This work highlights the importance of Virtual Worlds, their potential and their contribution to foreign language education and explores the perspectives for further exploitation. Virtual Worlds can be an important tool for the cooperative learning of a foreign language and culture, and can facilitate the acquisition of the target language, while also promoting interdisciplinarity through their multi-potential dimension. The present paper presents implementations of the use of Virtual Worlds for foreign language education through interdisciplinary approaches with particular emphasis on foreign language learning and culture.

Langues & Cultures, Dec 25, 2020
La présente contribution explore les possibilités d'utilisation de la Réalité Augmentée d... more La présente contribution explore les possibilités d'utilisation de la Réalité Augmentée dans l'enseignement/apprentissage des langues et, plus précisément, du français langue étrangère (FLE). La Réalité Augmentée est une technologie qui, grâce à la pénétration croissante des technologies/appareils mobiles, peut désormais être utilisée pour l'enseignement des langues étrangères. Les auteurs de cette publication se proposent de contribuer au débat concernant l'exploitation des applications de Réalité Augmentée comme outils pédagogiques en classe de langue. Le texte présente le champ de recherche et les caractéristiques de cette technologie ainsi que les facteurs qui influencent son intégration aux cours de langues. Enfin, cet article vise à décrire une expérience menée auprès des étudiants hellénophones du Département de Langue et de Littérature françaises de l'Université Aristote afin de démontrer comment la Réalité Augmentée peut être utilisée pour développer la compétence de production orale. Mots-clés: Réalité Augmentée-apprentissage mobile-FLE-production orale. Abstract This contribution explores the possibilities of using Augmented Reality in the teaching and learning of foreign languages and, more specifically, of French as a foreign language.

Proceedings of the 16th International Conference of Education, Research, and Innovation (ICERI, 2023). pp. 2440 – 2448. ISBN: 978-84-09-55942-8. , 2023
As technology offers education more and more possibilities, services, tools and innovative applic... more As technology offers education more and more possibilities, services, tools and innovative applications, the need for the adoption of new alternative methodological approaches, which utilize technological innovations in order to maximize learning results, becomes more apparent. In this direction, this paper studies the application of the flipped classroom methodology in language education and the effect it has on learning outcomes. Initially, a brief literature review focusing on the studies conducted from 2015 to 2022 is presented. The results of the bibliographic research show that the flipped classroom model contributes significantly to the improvement of student performance and increases the degree of satisfaction of both students and teachers. The paper also presents an application of a method developed for EFL students in Greek public primary schools. It is a research in progress that includes the application of the flipped classroom methodology, in combination with differentiated learning, based on an LMS. For this application, special educational material was created, using a variety of web 2.0 tools. Two groups of students participated in the research: the first attended the courses in the traditional way, and the second, the technologically enhanced courses, using flipperentiated learning (flipped classroom and differentiated learning). The initial results show a more active involvement of the students in the learning process, increased autonomy, and responsibility on their part, as well as improved performance, compared to the classic traditional teaching model. It is also observed that the application of the method affects both the motivation and the degree of satisfaction of both students and teachers. Finally, the present study also demonstrates the effectiveness of the flipped classroom in providing differentiated learning to heterogeneous student bodies, i.e., different learning styles, abilities and needs.

Proceedings of the 16th International Conference of Education, Research and Innovation (ICERI, 2023). pp. 2413 – 2421. ISBN: 978-84-09-55942-8. , 2023
New technological developments and discoveries in robotics have affected, among other fields, edu... more New technological developments and discoveries in robotics have affected, among other fields, education as well. The use of educational robotics has increased since 2000, especially in STEM subjects. In recent years, however, social robotics has been incorporated into fields such as special education, art, and language learning. The characteristics and potential of some robots, especially social robots, make them an extremely useful tool for language learning. This paper introduces a brief overview of the educational theories, types and applications of robots used in language learning, as well as the roles of robots in the learning process and the educational activities that have been implemented thus far. The paper also presents a research-in-progress based on the DuckyCode robot, which was originally developed for STEM applications. However, its innovative technology and its user-friendly environment make it suitable for use as a social robot in language learning. DuckyCode, disposes social skills and can interact with students through speech and writing. Its capabilities make it a useful tool in the field of language learning where social interaction and communication skills are essential. For this research, a series of educational activities were created, targeting different grades of elementary school during the English lessons. New ways to utilize the robot in a language learning classroom and new roles that the robot can take during the learning process are suggested aiming to increase its effectiveness. Two groups of students participated in the research, in order to compare the results with and without the use of the robot. The aim was to examine the effectiveness of the DuckyCode robot on students' cognitive outcomes, motivation levels as well as students' preferences.
There was originally a series of personal contacts with people who are well known for their engag... more There was originally a series of personal contacts with people who are well known for their engagement in matters of language education: policy makers, presidents of University departments, directors of language laboratories and people in charge of research centers. At a second stage, a questionnaire was designed which was sent to the Heads of the Research Committees of 18 Greek Universities, the Heads of the Foreign Language Departments of these Universities and to the directors of certain Research Centers.

INTED2016 Proceedings, 2016
Over the last few years, Mobile Learning (m-Learning) has increasingly attracted scholars' attent... more Over the last few years, Mobile Learning (m-Learning) has increasingly attracted scholars' attention. m-Learning is defined as the use of mobile devices in learning such as mobile phones, tablet pcs, pocket pcs and personal digital assistants (pdas). Several studies have pointed out that m-Learning is an interactive type of technology-based learning that can enhance students' motivation. The emergence of new technological equipment and software has facilitated the creation and development of effective methods and materials for mobile assisted language learning (MALL) which is a specialization of mobile learning (m-Learning). This paper focuses on the use and effectiveness of MALL in second and foreign language (L2) education and on the potential of mobile devices as effective tools for delivering language learning materials to the students in terms of gained linguistic knowledge and skills. To this end, a field research was carried out on a sample of 20 applications for L2 learning, created for mobile devices, focusing on the most popular ones: smartphones and tablets. In particular, using the principles and standards proposed by the Common European Framework (CEFR), there was an effort on determining whether these applications contain languages activities in order to successfully support reading, writing, listening and speaking skills and language acquisition in general. Based on the findings further areas of research are suggested.
International Journal for Cross-Disciplinary Subjects in Education, 2014
The evolution of technology and the strong belief that computer games promote learning, have cont... more The evolution of technology and the strong belief that computer games promote learning, have contributed to the increase of educational computer games available online in the field of teaching and learning a foreign language. Therefore, there is a growing need to develop an online evaluation tool for assessing educational software of a playful character in order to facilitate teachers and autonomous players/ learners in their choices.

EDULEARN 2022 Proceedings, pp. 3402 – 3411. ISBN: 978-84-09-42484-9. , 2022
Digital storytelling is an educational approach that promotes 21 st century literacies (digital, ... more Digital storytelling is an educational approach that promotes 21 st century literacies (digital, audiovisual , technological, information), 21st century skills (critical thinking, creativity, communication, collaboration) and develops the productive (speaking, writing) and the receptive (reading, listening) skills when it comes to foreign language teaching and learning. In this paper we are going to present an innovative approach to foreign language teaching and learning through a Digital Storytelling Language Massive Open Online Course (DST LMOOC) that aims to develop the above skills in students in tertiary education. The content of the DST LMOOC follows the descriptors of the Common European Framework of Reference for Languages (CEFR) that concern the productive language skills, is based on the ADDIE (Analysis-Design-Development-Implementation-Evaluation) instructional design model and intends to provide students with the necessary skills for communication in a foreign language. Students are acquainted with new vocabulary, grammatical and syntactic functions, production strategies and interaction activities as well as with a variety of competences in the context of foreign language learning. Students apply the acquisition of new knowledge in the production of a multimodal message (a digital story). The paper aims to present the theoretical background on which the course is based, the principles of course planning in the DST LMOOC, the learning materials as well as its use in the foreign language classroom.

European Journal of Education, 5(1), 66–83., 2022
New technological developments, such as 5G networks, smart and interconnected devices, and the de... more New technological developments, such as 5G networks, smart and interconnected devices, and the development of the Internet of Things (IoT), lead to a new reality in which the secure flow of data is non-negotiable. In this new reality, blockchain technology can play a crucial role, as it has the ability to provide the necessary background for the safe and inviolable operation of systems. Blockchain is a distributed ledger, in which information and data are stored and verified. These blocks of data do not have to be related to financial transactions but may concern any other type of data that needs to be securely recorded and not changed retrospectively. Although the first application of blockchain technology was about digital currency (Bitcoin), its usefulness is not limited to cryptocurrencies or the field of economics. Blockchain, especially in its last stage v3.0, has many applications in various sectors such as data storage, certification of products and services, government, insurance, health, science, and education. This paper focuses on the current and potential educational applications of blockchain and presents how this technology can be used to solve specific education problems. Nowadays, a variety of blockchain applications concerning the issue and storage of certificates and diplomas, the evaluation of learning outcomes, the support and the academic degree management, the protection of intellectual property, the cooperation between students and their professors, learning accreditation, payment for studies, formation of an academic passport (portfolio) or administration of the educational process are implemented in some HEI and institutions. The paper analyzes the features and advantages of blockchain technology, presents some of the current blockchain applications for education, as well as the benefits and challenges of using blockchain technology in the educational sector. Finally, special reference is made to applications related to the field of language learning.

21st century learning is characterized by the mobility of people and devices, as well as by non- ... more 21st century learning is characterized by the mobility of people and devices, as well as by non- informal, ubiquitous and continuous learning. Furthermore, foreign language skills have started to be valued more than degrees, especially in job-related contexts or in student mobility programs. Except for formal language learning, the presence of social media and web 2.0 technologies in general are fostering the improvement of foreign language skills, in need of communication. Micro-learning is a technique which is defined in terms of rather simple and short learning units which do not require a lot of time or effort to be completed (Hug and Friesen, 2007) and is already digitally present, especially in the form of mobile applications and micro-blogging. Bearing in mind the fragmented time slots available for adult education, this bite-sized learning offers specific-purposed, short and mobile-friendly materials, thus allowing them to complete chunks of learning anywhere and anytime. In that way, the learners can acquire knowledge when and where it is needed and retain the newly-acquired content without suffering from cognitive overload. For the needs of this paper, a course was designed and trialed on university students. Since the study is yet to be completed, the results are not included. In this paper, the authors will present and illustrate the use of micro-learning as an alternative technique which, when applied to mobile courses, can enable and enhance the lifelong engagement with foreign language learning.

International Journal for Cross-Disciplinary Subjects in Education, 2021
The development of Virtual Reality applications for educational use is not new, as this technolog... more The development of Virtual Reality applications for educational use is not new, as this technology has attracted the interest of educators and scholars since its introduction to the market. However, in the last few years, technological advances in processing power, displays, graphics, mobiles and high-speed networks create new prospects for wider application of VR technology. This is why Extended (Virtual, Augmented and Mixed) Reality market, in the last few years is growing at a rapid pace. This also applies to the educational XR market which is also expected to experience a corresponding growth. Taking into account that the cost of equipment decreases, new opportunities for exploiting this technology in language education are appearing, and immersive technologies are becoming increasingly attractive to researchers and language experts. This paper aims to present the current developments in the field of utilization of VR technology in language education and to explore its future perspectives. To this end, the theoretical bases of its use in language education, as well as the available hardware and software solutions are presented in more detail. Examples of VR applications, as well as the conclusions drawn from the literature review concerning the benefits and limitations of using VR systems in language learning are presented. Finally, future research directions are discussed, in order to identify the perspectives of Virtual Reality in language learning.
Technology and the Psychology of Second Language Learners and Users, 2020
One challenge for educators is to find the most appropriate way to use and exploit Web 2.0 tools ... more One challenge for educators is to find the most appropriate way to use and exploit Web 2.0 tools and services in order to enhance learner motivation and help learners engage in the learning process as well as overcome problems of lower self-esteem. This chapter proposes key criteria to draw links between technologies, motivation and engagement to learn a foreign language. To this end, based on three motivational models and inspired by gamification, we have compiled a list of 15 criteria for teachers to consider when designing online activities. The criteria were ranked according to their significance by 72 students from a French department at a large Greek university. The criteria are classified according to students’ perceptions and can be applied in the language learning classroom.
Papers by Panos Panagiotidis
This paper focuses on the use and effectiveness of MALL in second and foreign language (L2) education and on the potential of mobile devices as effective tools for delivering language learning materials to the students in terms of gained linguistic knowledge and skills. To this end, we have carried out a field research on a sample of 50 applications for L2 learning, created for mobile devices, focusing on the most popular ones: smartphones and tablets. In particular, using the descriptors proposed by the Common European Framework (CEFR), we made an effort towards determining whether these applications contain activities that might successfully support collaborative reading, writing, listening and speaking skills and language acquisition in more general terms. Based on the findings we will suggest areas for further research.