Papers by Eleni Stoumpou
For years, Pavlos Vassiliadis identified himself with artistic surprise. He is best known for the... more For years, Pavlos Vassiliadis identified himself with artistic surprise. He is best known for the installation of the "Moon" in the sea of Thermaikos Gulf (1995), which reflects light along with the real moon higher above.
A painter who worked obsessively on color, a portrait painter, and a women's painter, G. Anastass... more A painter who worked obsessively on color, a portrait painter, and a women's painter, G. Anastassiadis has left rare in quantity and intensity works of art.

Λουκάς Βενετούλιας. Ελαιογραφίες, ανέκδοτα σχέδια και μελέτες, 2000
"Ο λόγος που επελέγη η "Εγνατία οδός", έργο σε λάδι του 1963, ως απόσταγμα του έργου του Λουκά Βε... more "Ο λόγος που επελέγη η "Εγνατία οδός", έργο σε λάδι του 1963, ως απόσταγμα του έργου του Λουκά Βενετούλια, αφορά τόσο τη μεριά του δρόμου που διάλεξε να βαδίσει στη ζωή, όσο και το δρόμο που επέλεξε ο ίδιος να δουλέψει εικαστικά... Το λιμάνι, η οδός Δωδεκανήσου, η πλατεία Βαρδαρίου, οι μάντρες της οδού Λαγκαδά, τα τουρκόσπιτα της Άνω Πόλης. Έτσι, η Εγνατία δεν εκφράζει μόνο τη λαϊκότητα, που είχε τη δυνατότητα να επιλέξει ο Βενετούλιας, χωρίς να είναι εξαρχής δέσμιός της, αλλά και το αίτημα μιας υψηλότερης και πνευματικότερης ζωής, που εξέφρασε με ήπια, αλλά ισχυρή διαμαρτυρία μέσα από τη ζωγραφική του".
Κείμενο καταλόγου για την αναδρομική έκθεση με τίτλο "Λουκάς Βενετούλιας. Ελαιογραφίες, ανέκδοτα σχέδια και μελέτες" που επιμελήθηκε η συγγραφέας για λογαριασμό της Αίθουσας Τέχνης του Δήμου Νεάπολης το 2000.
Στη μνήμη Λουκά Βενετούλια (1930-1984).
"Thessalonikeon Polis" magazine, 2023
Back in 1982, Professor Apostolos Vacalopoulos searched for traces of the prominent Abbotts of Th... more Back in 1982, Professor Apostolos Vacalopoulos searched for traces of the prominent Abbotts of Thessalonica in an anonymous literary work of the 19th century. An Abbott himself though, John Nelson Abbott Jr., son of John (Tzeky) Abbott, had also made an appearance in literature. In his travelogue “Sketches of Modern Athens”, London 1849, he recalls his impressions from his school years in Athens (1842-1848). This paper follows his steps from the Greek capital to London, where he ventured as a foreign merchant and stockbroker, through British newspapers and archives. His personal failure marks the end of the main branch of the Abbotts in the twilight of the Ottoman era, in the frame of which they flourished.
Επετειακός τόμος της Εταιρείας Μακεδονικών Σπουδών για τα 200 χρόνια από την Ελληνική Επανάσταση, 2021
This paper explores the numerous reports on the Greek Revolution at Chalcidice, which picture an important front of the struggle. The British Press received favorably every actual or supposed victory over the Turks. Although the Revolution at Chalcidice ended in November 2021 with the fall of Cassandra, the Philhellenic public opinion, which most of the publications shared, contributed eventually to Greek Independence.

Χρονικά της Χαλκιδικής 65, 2020
Eleni Stoumpou-Katsamouris, "Elements on the Byzantine phases of the Metropolitan church of Hagio... more Eleni Stoumpou-Katsamouris, "Elements on the Byzantine phases of the Metropolitan church of Hagios Stephanos, Arnaia, Chalkidiki, from the 2005 excavation", Χρονικά της Χαλκιδικής 65, 2020, 225-236.
The rescue excavation that followed the catastrophic fire of September 2005 in the Metropolitan church of Agios Stephanos Arnaia, Halkidiki, led to the uncovering of at least four previous phases of the monument, from the early Christian to the post-Byzantine era. The paper proposes a better evaluation of the demolition products found on the ground of the post-Byzantine monuments, as serious indications of their history and the possible investigation of the floor with non-destructive methods.

Πρακτικά επιστημονικής διαδικτυακής διημερίδας με τίτλο "Η Χαλκιδική κατά τους βυζαντινούς και μεταβυζαντινούς χρόνους" προς τιμήν του Δρ. Αρχαιολόγου, Ιωακείμ Παπάγγελου., 2022
Eleni Stoumpou-Katsamouris, Memory of a wedding in Arnea (Liarigovi) in 1867.
At the beginning... more Eleni Stoumpou-Katsamouris, Memory of a wedding in Arnea (Liarigovi) in 1867.
At the beginning of 1867, the French forest inspector, M. Chervau, embarks on behalf of the Ottoman government on a large expedition to Macedonia, in order to explore its forests and locate those that could bring in revenue in the most convenient way. It runs, as he notes, through the entire "southern part of the province and the valley of Strymonas (Karasu) in the northeast". During the journey, without straying from his goal, he carefully observed the "once famous country" and recorded "the main features of its physiognomy". In his memories, which he published fourteen years later in the "Memoirs of the Geographical and Historical Society of Bourguignon", a special place is reserved for a wedding in "Larigova" (Liarigovi, today Arnaia), to which he was invited, as a distinguished foreigner that he was, and had the opportunity to closely observe all its stages. His description does not lack admiration for the vitality of the society that hosted him. Interesting elements are the adoption of urban habits and the connection of young people with the national center through clothing.
Πρακτικά ΜΑ' Συνεδρίου Πανελλήνιας Ιστορικής Εταιρείας, 2022
Back in 1982, Professor Apostolos Vacalopoulos searched for the traces of the prominent Abbotts of Thessalonica in an anonymous literary work of the 19th c. An Abbott himself though, John Nelson Abbott Jr., son of John (Tzeky) Abbott, had also made an appearance in literature. In his travelogue “Sketches of Modern Athens”, London 1849, he recalls his impressions from his school years in Athens (1842-1848). This paper follows his steps from the Greek capital to London, where he ventured as a foreign merchant and stockbroker, through British newspapers and archives. His personal failure marks the end of the main branch of the Abbotts in the twilight of the Ottoman era, in the frame of which they flourished.

Πρακτικά Μ' Πανελλήνιου Ιστορικού Συνεδρίου, 2019
Eleni Stoumpou-Katsamouris
From Larigova to Hyde Park. Arnaia (Chalcidice) after the Revolution o... more Eleni Stoumpou-Katsamouris
From Larigova to Hyde Park. Arnaia (Chalcidice) after the Revolution of 1821, as seen in an unknown Victorian literary work.
A short uncredited story entitled “Why I live at Hyde Park”, published in “The Cornhill Magazine” in 1868 relates a Larigova (present Arnaia, Chalcidice) native with the Greek merchands of Victorian London, bringing similarities to the famous modern Greek literature novel “Loukis Laras” by Dimitrios Vikelas, published 11 years later. This paper investigates the accuracy of the descriptions compared to the travelers’ accounts of Chalcidice and attempts to identify the writer. It concludes that no immediate experience was used in describing the realities of post-revolution Chalcidice, on the contrary, the writer was probably an insider of the Greek merchants of London milieu. Due to his personality and literary background, the novelist and entrepreneur Stefanos Xenos is proposed as the unknown author.
Conference Presentations by Eleni Stoumpou
Εφημερίδα "Μακεδονία", 2021
Το άρθρο αυτό παρουσιάζει πηγές σχετικά με μοίρα των γυναικών μετά την πτώση της χερσονήσου της Κ... more Το άρθρο αυτό παρουσιάζει πηγές σχετικά με μοίρα των γυναικών μετά την πτώση της χερσονήσου της Κασσάνδρας, που σήμανε το τέλος της Επανάστασης στη Χαλκιδική (Μάιος-Νοέμβριος 1821). Κοντά στις γυναίκες που χωρίστηκαν από τις οικογένειές τους και πουλήθηκαν στα σκλαβοπάζαρα, υπήρξαν και άγνωστες σήμερα περιπτώσεις γυναικών που πήραν τα όπλα και αγωνίστηκαν οι ίδιες, όπως η "Ανθή", κόρη αρματολού, που διέσωσε τη μνήμη της η διάσημη το 19ο αι. συγγραφέας Dora d' Istria.
Τhis paper records the production of the archaeological films "Rotunda", 10'.20'', 1916 and "The ... more Τhis paper records the production of the archaeological films "Rotunda", 10'.20'', 1916 and "The Macedonian Tomb of Hagios Athanassios, Thessaloniki", 16'.22'', 1915, and proposes the exploration of wall paintings and mosaics with audiovisual means to enhance the experience of viewers and keep the original works of art invisible, if needed.
The film is available here:
This paper introdu... more The film is available here:
This paper introduced a short archaeological film entitled "Archaeobotanical Research in Chalkidiki" at the 31st "A.E.M.TH." meeting (To Arhaiologiko Ergo sti Makedonia kai ti Thraki), Thessaloniki, March 8-10, 2018. What did Chalkidiki people eat in the 4th century BCE? What their environment was like? Archaeobotanical research on burnt soil from the bottom of a Pithos in ancient Acanthus attempts to provide answers. The film records the recovery of archaeobotanical material through the flotation technique.
MUSEUMS, HERITAGE AND CULTURAL LANDSCAPE. Proceedings from the ICOM General Conference, Milan 2016., 2022
This paper examines various aspects of the landscape, archaeological remains, and modern history ... more This paper examines various aspects of the landscape, archaeological remains, and modern history in the town of Ouranoupolis, Chalkidiki, Greece. Regarding the "Tower of Ouranoupolis", it proposes audiovisual means to bring new perspectives to the narrative and visual experience of the monument in its broadest cultural landscape.
The Great Fire of Salonica in 1917, or simply "'17", gained in the memory of the people of Saloni... more The Great Fire of Salonica in 1917, or simply "'17", gained in the memory of the people of Salonica the gravity of "'41", the winter of the Great Famine. The Great Fire changed everyday life completely. This paper investigates the experience of common people through the lyrics of a Ladino song, which testify to their despair.
"Makedonia" newspaper, 2011
Sam Levy, the publisher of "Journal de Salonique", released a special issue on the triumphal arch... more Sam Levy, the publisher of "Journal de Salonique", released a special issue on the triumphal arches erected by the ethnic communities of Thessaloniki on the occasion of the official visit of Sultan Mehmed V Resad in June 1911. The tense political situation in European Turkey at the time contradicted the poetical exaggerations of the publication.
Makedonia newspaper, 2010
"Makedonia" newspaper, 2011
Eleni Stoumpou, "Cultural heritage and nostos", unpublished paper presented at the Hellenic Mini... more Eleni Stoumpou, "Cultural heritage and nostos", unpublished paper presented at the Hellenic Ministry of Culture conference "Paideia kai archaiologia" (Education and archaeology), Delphi, March 15, 2011. Published in "Makedonia" newspaper, 23.5.2011.
This paper explores the looting of one of the two Caryatids of the Lesser Propylaea of Eleusis and its transfer to England by the English scholar E. D. Clarke in 1801, through his own writings. The second Caryatid was discovered at the end of the 19th c. during excavations by the Hellenic Archaeological Society. It is not surprising that one of the first concerns of the Greek state was the establishment of the Archaeological Museum in 1829 and the enactment of the archaeological law in 1835 prohibiting the export of cultural heritage.
Symposia, Conferences, Workshops by Eleni Stoumpou
Papers by Eleni Stoumpou
Κείμενο καταλόγου για την αναδρομική έκθεση με τίτλο "Λουκάς Βενετούλιας. Ελαιογραφίες, ανέκδοτα σχέδια και μελέτες" που επιμελήθηκε η συγγραφέας για λογαριασμό της Αίθουσας Τέχνης του Δήμου Νεάπολης το 2000.
Στη μνήμη Λουκά Βενετούλια (1930-1984).
This paper explores the numerous reports on the Greek Revolution at Chalcidice, which picture an important front of the struggle. The British Press received favorably every actual or supposed victory over the Turks. Although the Revolution at Chalcidice ended in November 2021 with the fall of Cassandra, the Philhellenic public opinion, which most of the publications shared, contributed eventually to Greek Independence.
The rescue excavation that followed the catastrophic fire of September 2005 in the Metropolitan church of Agios Stephanos Arnaia, Halkidiki, led to the uncovering of at least four previous phases of the monument, from the early Christian to the post-Byzantine era. The paper proposes a better evaluation of the demolition products found on the ground of the post-Byzantine monuments, as serious indications of their history and the possible investigation of the floor with non-destructive methods.
At the beginning of 1867, the French forest inspector, M. Chervau, embarks on behalf of the Ottoman government on a large expedition to Macedonia, in order to explore its forests and locate those that could bring in revenue in the most convenient way. It runs, as he notes, through the entire "southern part of the province and the valley of Strymonas (Karasu) in the northeast". During the journey, without straying from his goal, he carefully observed the "once famous country" and recorded "the main features of its physiognomy". In his memories, which he published fourteen years later in the "Memoirs of the Geographical and Historical Society of Bourguignon", a special place is reserved for a wedding in "Larigova" (Liarigovi, today Arnaia), to which he was invited, as a distinguished foreigner that he was, and had the opportunity to closely observe all its stages. His description does not lack admiration for the vitality of the society that hosted him. Interesting elements are the adoption of urban habits and the connection of young people with the national center through clothing.
Back in 1982, Professor Apostolos Vacalopoulos searched for the traces of the prominent Abbotts of Thessalonica in an anonymous literary work of the 19th c. An Abbott himself though, John Nelson Abbott Jr., son of John (Tzeky) Abbott, had also made an appearance in literature. In his travelogue “Sketches of Modern Athens”, London 1849, he recalls his impressions from his school years in Athens (1842-1848). This paper follows his steps from the Greek capital to London, where he ventured as a foreign merchant and stockbroker, through British newspapers and archives. His personal failure marks the end of the main branch of the Abbotts in the twilight of the Ottoman era, in the frame of which they flourished.
From Larigova to Hyde Park. Arnaia (Chalcidice) after the Revolution of 1821, as seen in an unknown Victorian literary work.
A short uncredited story entitled “Why I live at Hyde Park”, published in “The Cornhill Magazine” in 1868 relates a Larigova (present Arnaia, Chalcidice) native with the Greek merchands of Victorian London, bringing similarities to the famous modern Greek literature novel “Loukis Laras” by Dimitrios Vikelas, published 11 years later. This paper investigates the accuracy of the descriptions compared to the travelers’ accounts of Chalcidice and attempts to identify the writer. It concludes that no immediate experience was used in describing the realities of post-revolution Chalcidice, on the contrary, the writer was probably an insider of the Greek merchants of London milieu. Due to his personality and literary background, the novelist and entrepreneur Stefanos Xenos is proposed as the unknown author.
Conference Presentations by Eleni Stoumpou
This paper introduced a short archaeological film entitled "Archaeobotanical Research in Chalkidiki" at the 31st "A.E.M.TH." meeting (To Arhaiologiko Ergo sti Makedonia kai ti Thraki), Thessaloniki, March 8-10, 2018. What did Chalkidiki people eat in the 4th century BCE? What their environment was like? Archaeobotanical research on burnt soil from the bottom of a Pithos in ancient Acanthus attempts to provide answers. The film records the recovery of archaeobotanical material through the flotation technique.
This paper follows the transfer of the "Incantadas" monument from Thessaloniki to the Louvre Museum in 1864, through letters of E. Miller, appointed person of the French government for this enterprise. The people of all communities residing in Thessaloniki felt the monument was their own and reacted to this officially protected act as they could.
This paper explores the looting of one of the two Caryatids of the Lesser Propylaea of Eleusis and its transfer to England by the English scholar E. D. Clarke in 1801, through his own writings. The second Caryatid was discovered at the end of the 19th c. during excavations by the Hellenic Archaeological Society. It is not surprising that one of the first concerns of the Greek state was the establishment of the Archaeological Museum in 1829 and the enactment of the archaeological law in 1835 prohibiting the export of cultural heritage.
Symposia, Conferences, Workshops by Eleni Stoumpou
Κείμενο καταλόγου για την αναδρομική έκθεση με τίτλο "Λουκάς Βενετούλιας. Ελαιογραφίες, ανέκδοτα σχέδια και μελέτες" που επιμελήθηκε η συγγραφέας για λογαριασμό της Αίθουσας Τέχνης του Δήμου Νεάπολης το 2000.
Στη μνήμη Λουκά Βενετούλια (1930-1984).
This paper explores the numerous reports on the Greek Revolution at Chalcidice, which picture an important front of the struggle. The British Press received favorably every actual or supposed victory over the Turks. Although the Revolution at Chalcidice ended in November 2021 with the fall of Cassandra, the Philhellenic public opinion, which most of the publications shared, contributed eventually to Greek Independence.
The rescue excavation that followed the catastrophic fire of September 2005 in the Metropolitan church of Agios Stephanos Arnaia, Halkidiki, led to the uncovering of at least four previous phases of the monument, from the early Christian to the post-Byzantine era. The paper proposes a better evaluation of the demolition products found on the ground of the post-Byzantine monuments, as serious indications of their history and the possible investigation of the floor with non-destructive methods.
At the beginning of 1867, the French forest inspector, M. Chervau, embarks on behalf of the Ottoman government on a large expedition to Macedonia, in order to explore its forests and locate those that could bring in revenue in the most convenient way. It runs, as he notes, through the entire "southern part of the province and the valley of Strymonas (Karasu) in the northeast". During the journey, without straying from his goal, he carefully observed the "once famous country" and recorded "the main features of its physiognomy". In his memories, which he published fourteen years later in the "Memoirs of the Geographical and Historical Society of Bourguignon", a special place is reserved for a wedding in "Larigova" (Liarigovi, today Arnaia), to which he was invited, as a distinguished foreigner that he was, and had the opportunity to closely observe all its stages. His description does not lack admiration for the vitality of the society that hosted him. Interesting elements are the adoption of urban habits and the connection of young people with the national center through clothing.
Back in 1982, Professor Apostolos Vacalopoulos searched for the traces of the prominent Abbotts of Thessalonica in an anonymous literary work of the 19th c. An Abbott himself though, John Nelson Abbott Jr., son of John (Tzeky) Abbott, had also made an appearance in literature. In his travelogue “Sketches of Modern Athens”, London 1849, he recalls his impressions from his school years in Athens (1842-1848). This paper follows his steps from the Greek capital to London, where he ventured as a foreign merchant and stockbroker, through British newspapers and archives. His personal failure marks the end of the main branch of the Abbotts in the twilight of the Ottoman era, in the frame of which they flourished.
From Larigova to Hyde Park. Arnaia (Chalcidice) after the Revolution of 1821, as seen in an unknown Victorian literary work.
A short uncredited story entitled “Why I live at Hyde Park”, published in “The Cornhill Magazine” in 1868 relates a Larigova (present Arnaia, Chalcidice) native with the Greek merchands of Victorian London, bringing similarities to the famous modern Greek literature novel “Loukis Laras” by Dimitrios Vikelas, published 11 years later. This paper investigates the accuracy of the descriptions compared to the travelers’ accounts of Chalcidice and attempts to identify the writer. It concludes that no immediate experience was used in describing the realities of post-revolution Chalcidice, on the contrary, the writer was probably an insider of the Greek merchants of London milieu. Due to his personality and literary background, the novelist and entrepreneur Stefanos Xenos is proposed as the unknown author.
This paper introduced a short archaeological film entitled "Archaeobotanical Research in Chalkidiki" at the 31st "A.E.M.TH." meeting (To Arhaiologiko Ergo sti Makedonia kai ti Thraki), Thessaloniki, March 8-10, 2018. What did Chalkidiki people eat in the 4th century BCE? What their environment was like? Archaeobotanical research on burnt soil from the bottom of a Pithos in ancient Acanthus attempts to provide answers. The film records the recovery of archaeobotanical material through the flotation technique.
This paper follows the transfer of the "Incantadas" monument from Thessaloniki to the Louvre Museum in 1864, through letters of E. Miller, appointed person of the French government for this enterprise. The people of all communities residing in Thessaloniki felt the monument was their own and reacted to this officially protected act as they could.
This paper explores the looting of one of the two Caryatids of the Lesser Propylaea of Eleusis and its transfer to England by the English scholar E. D. Clarke in 1801, through his own writings. The second Caryatid was discovered at the end of the 19th c. during excavations by the Hellenic Archaeological Society. It is not surprising that one of the first concerns of the Greek state was the establishment of the Archaeological Museum in 1829 and the enactment of the archaeological law in 1835 prohibiting the export of cultural heritage.