Dimitra Koukoura
Post: Professor
Academic Advisor. Consultation Hours: Tuesday and Wednesday 13:00-14:00 – Office 321 (3rd floor)
Home telephone number: +30 2310 233953
Short Curriculum Vitae
DimitraKoukoura studied at the Faculties of Philosophy and Theology of the Aristotle University of Thessaloniki (AUTH), at the Sorbonne (Paris V: Linguistics, Paris I: Byzantine History) and at the Catholic University of Paris (Patrology, Liturgics). She was awarded a Ph.D. by the Faculty of Theology of the Aristotle University of Thessaloniki. Subsequently she worked as a professor of philology in secondary education (1981-1993). In 1993 she became a member of the Faculty of Theology in the field of Homiletics (Lecturer 1993-1998, Assistant Professor 1998-2003, Associate Professor 2003-2009, Professor 2009-).
She has written four studies related to the subject of her teaching (Technicalobservations in the homiletic texts of St. Gregory Palamas, Episcopal Homilies, Rhetoric and Ecclesiastical Rhetoric, Study ofChristian Speech) and many articles, which were published in the volumes: “Church and Language – a communicative approach”, “Woman’s position in the Orthodox Church and Other Studies of Ecumenical Reflection”, “The Message of the Gospel:Comprehension and Transmission” and she published the textbook“Study in Theology” for the needs of the class “Introduction to the Study and Methodology of Theology”. At the same time she has published numerous articles on her field of research: the language of liturgical texts and their comprehension, the genesis of the Christian homily as a literary genre, the effects of Rhetoric on the Christian preaching, the homiletic dimension of hymnography, the transmission of the message of the Gospel in the modern world (re-evangelism) and the position of women in the Orthodox Church.
For many years until recently she has been Director of Department of Worship, Christian Education and Church Administration and an Academic Student Supervisor of the School, a member of the AUTH Committee of Studies (2010-2014), of theAUTH Workshop Committee (2015-) and of the International Relations Committee (2017-). Since 2004 she has been the academic advisor of theologians at DOATAP. Additionally she was a member of the Committee for the Dissemination of the Greek Language of the University of Macedonia (1993-2008), wasthe director for the teaching of the Greek language for foreign students at the Inter-Orthodox EcclesiasticalSecondary School ofKilkis (1995-2009), and the director for the summer courses of the Balamand Theological School (2004, 2006) and Hellenic College – Holy Cross of Boston (2000 -).
Additionally she is a member of Inter-Christian and Interreligious Dialogues Committees as a representative of the Ecumenical Patriarchate from 1985 until today, notably in the Theological Committee “Faith and Order” (Permanent Committee and plenary 2003-2013), a member of the Central Committee of the World Council of Churches (2013-), “Churches in dialogue” of the Council of European Churches (2004-2009), in the academic committee of the Elijah Interfaith Institute (2010-) andin the Global Christian Forum’s Executive Committee (2009-). Further more she is a member of the European Society of Women in Theological Research (ESWTR), SocietasHomiletica (2012-) and the editorial board of the scientific journal “The International Journal of Homiletics” (2016-).
Her main scientific interests are the diachronic and contemporary approach of the cognitive subject of Homiletics, Orthodox witness in the modern world and the examination of the communication factors that influence its transfer and acceptance. She is fluent in English, French, Italian and Spanish and understands Russian.
Phone: +30 2310 996987
Academic Advisor. Consultation Hours: Tuesday and Wednesday 13:00-14:00 – Office 321 (3rd floor)
Home telephone number: +30 2310 233953
Short Curriculum Vitae
DimitraKoukoura studied at the Faculties of Philosophy and Theology of the Aristotle University of Thessaloniki (AUTH), at the Sorbonne (Paris V: Linguistics, Paris I: Byzantine History) and at the Catholic University of Paris (Patrology, Liturgics). She was awarded a Ph.D. by the Faculty of Theology of the Aristotle University of Thessaloniki. Subsequently she worked as a professor of philology in secondary education (1981-1993). In 1993 she became a member of the Faculty of Theology in the field of Homiletics (Lecturer 1993-1998, Assistant Professor 1998-2003, Associate Professor 2003-2009, Professor 2009-).
She has written four studies related to the subject of her teaching (Technicalobservations in the homiletic texts of St. Gregory Palamas, Episcopal Homilies, Rhetoric and Ecclesiastical Rhetoric, Study ofChristian Speech) and many articles, which were published in the volumes: “Church and Language – a communicative approach”, “Woman’s position in the Orthodox Church and Other Studies of Ecumenical Reflection”, “The Message of the Gospel:Comprehension and Transmission” and she published the textbook“Study in Theology” for the needs of the class “Introduction to the Study and Methodology of Theology”. At the same time she has published numerous articles on her field of research: the language of liturgical texts and their comprehension, the genesis of the Christian homily as a literary genre, the effects of Rhetoric on the Christian preaching, the homiletic dimension of hymnography, the transmission of the message of the Gospel in the modern world (re-evangelism) and the position of women in the Orthodox Church.
For many years until recently she has been Director of Department of Worship, Christian Education and Church Administration and an Academic Student Supervisor of the School, a member of the AUTH Committee of Studies (2010-2014), of theAUTH Workshop Committee (2015-) and of the International Relations Committee (2017-). Since 2004 she has been the academic advisor of theologians at DOATAP. Additionally she was a member of the Committee for the Dissemination of the Greek Language of the University of Macedonia (1993-2008), wasthe director for the teaching of the Greek language for foreign students at the Inter-Orthodox EcclesiasticalSecondary School ofKilkis (1995-2009), and the director for the summer courses of the Balamand Theological School (2004, 2006) and Hellenic College – Holy Cross of Boston (2000 -).
Additionally she is a member of Inter-Christian and Interreligious Dialogues Committees as a representative of the Ecumenical Patriarchate from 1985 until today, notably in the Theological Committee “Faith and Order” (Permanent Committee and plenary 2003-2013), a member of the Central Committee of the World Council of Churches (2013-), “Churches in dialogue” of the Council of European Churches (2004-2009), in the academic committee of the Elijah Interfaith Institute (2010-) andin the Global Christian Forum’s Executive Committee (2009-). Further more she is a member of the European Society of Women in Theological Research (ESWTR), SocietasHomiletica (2012-) and the editorial board of the scientific journal “The International Journal of Homiletics” (2016-).
Her main scientific interests are the diachronic and contemporary approach of the cognitive subject of Homiletics, Orthodox witness in the modern world and the examination of the communication factors that influence its transfer and acceptance. She is fluent in English, French, Italian and Spanish and understands Russian.
Phone: +30 2310 996987
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Conference Presentations by Dimitra Koukoura
In the abundant liturgical hymns of the Orthodox Church, the two basic conditions for life in Christ, God's total consent and human being's synergy, are scattered in various expressive ways and textual contexts. Besides, in many hymns often the relationship of God's immeasurable love
for people is compared to the relationship of conjugality, where the Groom
is Christ and his Bride is the faithful, the members of the Church.
Moreover, the need today to take seriously the factors of Communication in the transmission of the Gospel message to various recipients is another vital issue. In recent decades, just such an effort has been undertaken in the Department of Theology of the Aristotle University of Thessaloniki to study the form and content of the Christian message, aiming at fostering the proper Christian witness in the modern world.
In August 2020, an online Symposium was held, the second in a series on the study and research in the field of Homiletics, as it was developed from the postgraduate, doctoral, and post-doctoral research dissertations submitted to the Department of Theology of Aristotle University of Thessaloniki during the period (2019-2020). In March 2019, the 1st Symposium οf Homiletics with the title “The Study and Research of Homiletic Contribution to the Preaching of the Church and its Transmission to the Modern World” was held in person at the Faculty of Theology of A.U.Th. with the participation of a sufficient number of masters or doctoral degree holders specialized in Homiletics (2005-2018).
At the 2nd Symposium on Homiletics, with the theme "The Latest Findings from Research in the Field of Homiletics (2019-2020)", the conclusions of postdoctoral, doctoral and master's theses, defended during this two-year period, were communicated. The participants developed a fruitful reflection on the transmission of the Gospel message in the modern world and the contribution of the study and research on Homiletics to the Orthodox witness.
It is noted that until October 2021, a number of master's, doctoral and post-doctoral theses have been submitted to the Department of Theology of A.U.Th. which examine, with an appropriate methodology, diachronic and contemporary issues from the scientific field of Rhetoric, Homiletics, and Communication. The papers show the importance of the study of Homiletics in the Department of Theology of A.U.Th. over the past two decades, in contrast to the faint to minimal ad hoc research interest in many other Orthodox academic settings.
ακαδημαϊκή έρευνα, αλλά συγχρόνως προσφέρει στην Εκκλησία κριτήρια για το περιεχόμενο και τους τρόπους της εκφοράς του κηρύγματος σήμερα, με στόχο την ευχερέστερη πρόσληψή του μηνύματος του Ευαγγελίου από τον σύγχρονο κόσμο.
in the life of the Church. By doing this, the gap between Orthodoxy
and Orthopraxia (Orthodox Practice) is breached. Simultaneously, the
witness of our Church becomes more persuasive and more effective as it
interacts with the facts and demands of the modern world.
half a century, while on the Mediterranean coasts the impoverished voices of the refugees transport the cry of the humanist crisis to Europe, which has already been added to the existing economic and ethical crises. In the European South, angry voices are raised against the unjust distribution of wealth. Corporate Social Responsibility and the Social Economy are pushed as solutions. The ethical crisis is due to the marginalizing of moral values that adjoin communities and ensures the progress of the members and of the whole, but mostly in self-absorption and in the dwindling of religious belief. To remedy it, those who cultivate values must be awakened and create a proper ethos: family, spiritual leaders, education, the social environment and all who express a religious belief. In the already multicultural Europe all religious traditions as well as intellectuals can contribute revival of moral values. Particularly important is the awakening of the Christian faith, re-evangelization, which, according to the common statements of the European Churches, consist their imperative debt. With thoughts, which are illumined by the resurrectional light that the Myrrhbearing women encountered, Christian women in today’s crisis can convey the experience of the resurrected Christ to numerous recipients: to their children, to their students, their relatives, their colleagues, their interlocutors in the mass media and in social media.
point, the contribution of Theological Schools is crucial through a renewed emphasis upon teaching and research in Homiletics and Missiology.
depth of their hearts, as all layers of their brain constantly absorb
the deluge of images and information from the never-ending cyberspace,
through the solitude of mock communication. Their youthful impulse to
change the world is not infrequently contradicted by the hypocrisy of
the powerful of the earth and, even more frequently, their revolution
is drowned by the relentless interest of the powerful. Therefore they
are looking for sincerity, joy and finally to see something that is true in the face of those who experience it.
Ιεράρχης γράφει στην απλή καθαρεύουσα γλώσσα που διδάχτηκε στα
ελληνικά σχολεία της εποχής του και χρησιμοποιεί λεξιλόγιο προσιτό
στον ακροατή. Εξαίρεση αποτελούν οι κατά λέξιν αναφορές στην Καινή Διαθήκη ή Στην υμνογραφία και ελάχιστες λέξεις που ο ίδιος επιλέγει από παλαιότερες μορφές της Ελληνικής. Για τις εγκυκλίους του ακολούθησε το είδος της ομιλίας, από την οποία δεν υιοθέτησε όλα τα χαρακτηριστικά της. Όμως η θεολογική τεκμηρίωσή του είναι βιβλική. Χρησιμοποίησε μία απλή μορφή της καθαρεύουσας ως προς τη σύνταξη και το λεξιλόγιο που την κόσμησε επιλεκτικά με ρητορικά σχήματα, για να επενδύσει τη βαθειά πεποίθησή του ότι «ὁ Θεός μεθ΄ ἡμῶν» και το μήνυμά του να προσληφθεί από το ποίμνιό του και τους μεταγενέστερους αναγνώστες των εγκυκλίων του.
In the abundant liturgical hymns of the Orthodox Church, the two basic conditions for life in Christ, God's total consent and human being's synergy, are scattered in various expressive ways and textual contexts. Besides, in many hymns often the relationship of God's immeasurable love
for people is compared to the relationship of conjugality, where the Groom
is Christ and his Bride is the faithful, the members of the Church.
Moreover, the need today to take seriously the factors of Communication in the transmission of the Gospel message to various recipients is another vital issue. In recent decades, just such an effort has been undertaken in the Department of Theology of the Aristotle University of Thessaloniki to study the form and content of the Christian message, aiming at fostering the proper Christian witness in the modern world.
In August 2020, an online Symposium was held, the second in a series on the study and research in the field of Homiletics, as it was developed from the postgraduate, doctoral, and post-doctoral research dissertations submitted to the Department of Theology of Aristotle University of Thessaloniki during the period (2019-2020). In March 2019, the 1st Symposium οf Homiletics with the title “The Study and Research of Homiletic Contribution to the Preaching of the Church and its Transmission to the Modern World” was held in person at the Faculty of Theology of A.U.Th. with the participation of a sufficient number of masters or doctoral degree holders specialized in Homiletics (2005-2018).
At the 2nd Symposium on Homiletics, with the theme "The Latest Findings from Research in the Field of Homiletics (2019-2020)", the conclusions of postdoctoral, doctoral and master's theses, defended during this two-year period, were communicated. The participants developed a fruitful reflection on the transmission of the Gospel message in the modern world and the contribution of the study and research on Homiletics to the Orthodox witness.
It is noted that until October 2021, a number of master's, doctoral and post-doctoral theses have been submitted to the Department of Theology of A.U.Th. which examine, with an appropriate methodology, diachronic and contemporary issues from the scientific field of Rhetoric, Homiletics, and Communication. The papers show the importance of the study of Homiletics in the Department of Theology of A.U.Th. over the past two decades, in contrast to the faint to minimal ad hoc research interest in many other Orthodox academic settings.
ακαδημαϊκή έρευνα, αλλά συγχρόνως προσφέρει στην Εκκλησία κριτήρια για το περιεχόμενο και τους τρόπους της εκφοράς του κηρύγματος σήμερα, με στόχο την ευχερέστερη πρόσληψή του μηνύματος του Ευαγγελίου από τον σύγχρονο κόσμο.
in the life of the Church. By doing this, the gap between Orthodoxy
and Orthopraxia (Orthodox Practice) is breached. Simultaneously, the
witness of our Church becomes more persuasive and more effective as it
interacts with the facts and demands of the modern world.
half a century, while on the Mediterranean coasts the impoverished voices of the refugees transport the cry of the humanist crisis to Europe, which has already been added to the existing economic and ethical crises. In the European South, angry voices are raised against the unjust distribution of wealth. Corporate Social Responsibility and the Social Economy are pushed as solutions. The ethical crisis is due to the marginalizing of moral values that adjoin communities and ensures the progress of the members and of the whole, but mostly in self-absorption and in the dwindling of religious belief. To remedy it, those who cultivate values must be awakened and create a proper ethos: family, spiritual leaders, education, the social environment and all who express a religious belief. In the already multicultural Europe all religious traditions as well as intellectuals can contribute revival of moral values. Particularly important is the awakening of the Christian faith, re-evangelization, which, according to the common statements of the European Churches, consist their imperative debt. With thoughts, which are illumined by the resurrectional light that the Myrrhbearing women encountered, Christian women in today’s crisis can convey the experience of the resurrected Christ to numerous recipients: to their children, to their students, their relatives, their colleagues, their interlocutors in the mass media and in social media.
point, the contribution of Theological Schools is crucial through a renewed emphasis upon teaching and research in Homiletics and Missiology.
depth of their hearts, as all layers of their brain constantly absorb
the deluge of images and information from the never-ending cyberspace,
through the solitude of mock communication. Their youthful impulse to
change the world is not infrequently contradicted by the hypocrisy of
the powerful of the earth and, even more frequently, their revolution
is drowned by the relentless interest of the powerful. Therefore they
are looking for sincerity, joy and finally to see something that is true in the face of those who experience it.
Ιεράρχης γράφει στην απλή καθαρεύουσα γλώσσα που διδάχτηκε στα
ελληνικά σχολεία της εποχής του και χρησιμοποιεί λεξιλόγιο προσιτό
στον ακροατή. Εξαίρεση αποτελούν οι κατά λέξιν αναφορές στην Καινή Διαθήκη ή Στην υμνογραφία και ελάχιστες λέξεις που ο ίδιος επιλέγει από παλαιότερες μορφές της Ελληνικής. Για τις εγκυκλίους του ακολούθησε το είδος της ομιλίας, από την οποία δεν υιοθέτησε όλα τα χαρακτηριστικά της. Όμως η θεολογική τεκμηρίωσή του είναι βιβλική. Χρησιμοποίησε μία απλή μορφή της καθαρεύουσας ως προς τη σύνταξη και το λεξιλόγιο που την κόσμησε επιλεκτικά με ρητορικά σχήματα, για να επενδύσει τη βαθειά πεποίθησή του ότι «ὁ Θεός μεθ΄ ἡμῶν» και το μήνυμά του να προσληφθεί από το ποίμνιό του και τους μεταγενέστερους αναγνώστες των εγκυκλίων του.
However, in the Greek speaking reality, as the findings of various research show, the homiletic dimension of hymnography does not entirely function, due to its dated linguistic code.
through space and time and follow the formation of Christian preaching
from the time of the Apostles onward. At the same time, they can
become acquainted with the influence of the cultural environment upon Christian preaching alongside with the criterion of the enlightened
great Teachers of the 4th c. for the transmission of the message of salvation in Christ to the demanding circles of philosophers, orators, and sophists. In our days, the urgent need for re-evangelism and the duty of
Orthodox witness to the world leads to reflection on the whole
homiletic process that must be taken into account for the Christian
message of hope, peace, and justice to be heard and received. In this
perspective, any diachronic or synchronic research on the Church's
preaching is valuable, because, in a way, it offers criteria for its
modern practical application.
ποικίλους κλάδους της Θεολογίας, της Επικοινωνίας καθώς και άλλων Ανθρωπιστικών Επιστημών. Το Λεξικό γραμμένο στην Ιταλική γλώσσα είναι ένας ογκώδης τόμος 1728 σελίδων, που περιλαμβάνει κατ’ αλφαβητική σειρά 398 λήμματα και φιλοδοξεί να αποτελέσει ένα υπεύθυνο και εύχρηστο βοήθημα για τους σύγχρονους κήρυκες του Λόγου του Θεού.
είδος για το κήρυγμα του Ευαγγελίου με κύρια χαρακτηριστικά την
ερμηνευτική αρχή "η Γραφή ερμηνεύει τη Γραφή", επιδράσεις από τη
λεγόμενη διατριβή των Κυνικών (διάλογο με ένα εικονικό β΄πρόσωπο,
ερωτήσεις και αποκρίσεις) και υφολογικές επιλογές από την εγκωμιαστική
ρητορική παράδοση της Β'Σοφιστικής. Η ομιλία διαδόθηκε στη λατινόφωνη
Δύση και διατηρήθηκε έως το τέλος της Α'χιλιετίας ως homilia antiqua.
Με επιδράσεις της σχολαστικής Θεολογίας στη Δύση εμφανίστηκε ο sermo
modernus με δομή και επιχειρηματολογία που ανάγεται στη δικανική
ρητορική παράδοση. Ο Λούθηρος επανεκτίμησε τη homilia antiqua, την
οποία υιοθέτησε για το κήρυγμά του και την ερμηνεία της Γραφής.
affirms that the Archbishop of Thessaloniki, despite the accusations
of his opponents that he was “unlearned” and “uneducated”, knew well
the "Attic bees" (the rhetorical figures of the Attic dialect) and
applied them in the sermons he addressed to congregation, in some of
them abundantly and in others sparingly.
The study of his homiletic texts indeed proves that he did not
"reduce" the educated to the level (norma) of the spoken language of
his time. He moves within the limits of the Attic language norm, which
was the only language taught in the context of the encyclical paideia.
However, his style is not austere or superfluous, nor is it flowery or
exaggerated. The question that understandably arises is whether the
average listener to his sermons understood the linguistic code of the
great teacher of the Church in order to receive his teaching. The
preacher himself claims that "what is not understood is knowledgeable
by the enlightenment of the Holy Spirit” (Homily 7, 221A). This
obviously applies to his teaching. As for the linguistic code, all
what we know is their Atticizing written form, which may have preceded
or followed an oral delivery of the sermon. Their oral form would
obviously be simpler since in the 14th century the oral popular
language of his listeners presented a great deviation from both the
Attic and the Hellenistic Koinè of the biblical texts.