Free Assault Prevention Workshop, Sunday, April 11th, 2010 |
[28 Mar 2010|09:46pm] |
Free Assault Prevention Workshop, Sunday, April 11th, 2010
Hosted by
Assault Prevention Workshop, Sunday, April 11th, 2010

On Sunday, April 11th, 2010 from 1:00 to 5:00 PM., Round Rock Bujinkan, Acrotex Gymnastics and Round Rock Martial Arts will host an
Assault Prevention Workshop. This workshop is being done as a community service and will be free to the public. Lecture topics
covered will include awareness and prevention strategies, home security, movement security, perpetrator profiles and assault
aftermath strategies and resources. There will also be guest speakers from the Williamson County Victims Services and Austin
Safe Place. The physical portion of the workshop will include response and escape techniques.
( More details behind the cutCollapse )
Updated Instructor Line Up for Austin/UT/Round Rock Bujinkan Daikomyosai December 5th, 2009 |
[10 Nov 2009|01:36pm] |
Hello Everyone,
Currently this is the list of instructors who will be teaching at the 2009 Austin Area Daikomyosai: John Hidalgo, 5th Dan, Shidoshi Joe Peak, 5th Dan, Shidoshi Duff Culp, 5th Dan, Shidoshi Brian Gore, 3rd Dan Jon Pyndus, 3rd Dan Michael Almon, 2nd Dan Michael Chase, 2nd Dan David Marshall, 2nd Dan Marc Lott, 1st Dan Richard Fleury, 1st Dan It looks like we are going to have a really nice turn out. I hope we see you there.
Take care, John Hidalgo
Austin/UT/Round Rock Bujinkan Daikomyosai December 5th, 2009

Overview: We are looking at having an Austin area Bujinkan Daikomyosai in observation of Hatsumi-sensei's 78th birthday. Austin Area Bujinkan Training Get Together is open to all Bujinkan Members in good standing with the Round Rock Bujinkan Dōjō and the international Bujinkan organization. Those who are interested in Bujinkan training but have never tried it are also welcome. Anyone who is shodan or above is invited to teach. We will train for about three to four hours and will likely go to Origami Japanese Restaurant ( for dinner afterwards.
Date: Saturday, December 5th, 2009 Times: 2:00 to 4:00 (or possibly 5:00) PM Fee: Suggested donation of $15 or pay what you can Instructors: John Hidalgo, 5th Dan, Shidoshi Other instructors to be announced soon. Attire: Standard Bujinkan Uniform (gi, tabi, obi) or loose, comfortable clothing. Contact: John Hidalgo (512) 656-2836 or [email protected] Location: Acrotex Gymnastics 708 Round Rock West Drive Round Rock, TX 78681 (512) 244-5437
Austin/UT/Round Rock Bujinkan Daikomyosai December 5th, 2009 |
[23 Sep 2009|02:54am] |
Austin/UT/Round Rock Bujinkan Daikomyosai December 5th, 2009

Overview: We are looking at having an Austin area Bujinkan Daikomyosai in observation of Hatsumi-sensei's 78th birthday. Austin Area Bujinkan Training Get Together is open to all Bujinkan Members in good standing with the Round Rock Bujinkan Dōjō and the international Bujinkan organization. Those who are interested in Bujinkan training but have never tried it are also welcome. Anyone who is Shodan or above is invited to teach. We will train for about three to four hours and will likely go to Origami Japanese Restaurant ( for dinner afterwards.
Date: Saturday, December 5th, 2009 Times: 2:00 to 4:00 (or possibly 5:00) PM Fee: Suggested donation of $15 or pay what you can Instructors: John Hidalgo, 5th Dan, Shidoshi Other instructors to be announced soon. Attire: Standard Bujinkan Uniform (gi, tabi, obi) or loose, comfortable clothing. Contact: John Hidalgo (512) 656-2836 or [email protected] Location: Acrotex Gymnastics 708 Round Rock West Drive Round Rock, TX 78681 (512) 244-5437
Take care, John Hidalgo
Free Assault Prevention Workshop Sunday June 28th 1-5 PM |
[26 May 2009|09:11am] |
There will be more details to follow. For the moment here is the overview:
Round Rock Bujinkan, UT Bujinkan and Round Rock Martial Arts will be holding an assault prevention workshop on Sunday, June 28th from 1 to 5 PM. This workshop will be very similar to the one we did in 2004. Please see: prevention
We will be inviting speakers from Austin Safe Place, Williamson County Victims Services, Hope Alliance and the Texas Association Against Sexual Assault. We also hope to have female instructors from Round Rock Martial Arts with such backgrounds as Judo, Aikido, Goju Ryu Karate and Tae Kwon Do.
About the Lead Instructor: John Hidalgo has been training in the Bujinkan Dojo System since the mid-1980's. He holds a Godan (5th Degree Black Belt) in Budo Taijutsu. Mr. Hidalgo has a certificate in Rape Crisis Intervention from Fayetteville Technical Community College in North Carolina and received additional rape crisis intervention training through the Texas Association Against Sexual Assault.
Contact: John Hidalgo (512) 656-2836 or [email protected]
[12 Mar 2009|02:16pm] |
Hey, soccer and rugby fans! Fiddler's Hearth is now playing Setanta in their bar area. Come watch your favorite league game and toss back a few pints.
Medical Weight Loss Program Query |
[13 Dec 2008|02:08pm] |
Does anyone have any medical weight loss program recommendations? Non-surgical is preferred? Something the is medically supervised and includes counseling would be ideal. Also, something covered by insurance would be great. Thanks in advance.
Bushido Festival Event Planning Query/Survey |
[15 Aug 2008|11:43am] |
My name is John Hidalgo and I am in the preliminary stages of planning a new event which will focus on Japanese martial arts and culture. I am writing various people (martial arts schools, martial artists, Japanese culture related businesses and organizations, etc; mostly in the Austin area) who might either be interested in participating or who might be able to provide input that will help shape the event. Below is an overview of the event and questions related to the various aspects of the event. If you would be willing to provide any input it would be greatly appreciated. If you would like to be removed from any further communications about this event, please let me know and I will do so. Thank you so much for your time and consideration.
Respectfully, John Hidalgo
Overview The event will effectively be a Bushido festival. Though, the focus will be primarily Japanese martial arts, it will also encompass Japanese visual and performing arts, religion and culture.
Charitable Cause One of the things that is being considered is to have the event benefit a charity. If that direction is taken the first choice would be the Tsubaki Grand Shrine of America ( The Tsubaki Shrine is the only full time active Shinto shrine in North America. If that is not workable we would be open ot other chartiable causes.
Timeframe Spring 2010
Venue Currently under consideration is the Austin Convention Convention Center and the AT&T Conference Center. In the future, other venues may also be considered.
Format This will be a convention type event and may include demonstrations, classes, movie screenings, and vendor area.
Questions 1) From an event that bills itself as a Bushido festival, what sort of things would you expect to see and do?
2) If there was a vendor area, what sort of vendors would you want to see?
3) If there was a movie screening area, what movies do you think would be appropriate? What movies would you like to see?
4) What demonstrations or classes (martial arts or otherwise) would you like to see? How long do you think these demonstrations and classes should be? Is there anyone in particular you would want to see giving those presentations?
5) For an event that includes demonstrations, classes, a movie area and a vendors area, what would you be be willing to pay.
6) If you were to be a vendor, what would you be willing to pay for a 10' x 10' space?
7) If you were to place an ad in the event program or have banner advertizing at the event, what would you be willing to spend on these things?
8) If you were to provide a class or demonstration at the event, what, if anything, would you expect in return?
9) would you be interested in participating in such an event and, if so, in what capacity?
10) Do you have any other ideas, questions or concerns about this event?
Anyone out there? |
[03 Jul 2008|03:23pm] |
Hey all, I just joined this group and noticed that there's not much activity for the last year or so other than Roundrockronin's posts (you go, ninja!).
Did everyone go somewhere else, or has it just faded?
Austin/UT/Round Rock Bujinkan Kyu Material Seminar and Daikomyosai December 1st, 2007 |
[16 Nov 2007|02:39pm] |
Austin/UT/Round Rock Bujinkan Kyu Material Seminar and Daikomyosai December 1st, 2007

There will be two Austin/UT/Round Rock Area Bujinkan Training Events on December 1st, 2007.
Round Rock Bujinkan Dōjō and Bujinkan Ninjutsu Club at the University of Texas Kyu Material Seminar Overview: We will be doing a brief review of the 9th kyu material {ukemi (rolling and ground hitting), kamae (postures), te hodoki (hand escapes), tai hodoki (body escapes)} and then cover 8th kyu material {tsuki waza (striking forms), keri gata (kicking forms) and Go Dai/San Shin kata). After this seminar, everyone is invited to attend the Daikomyosai/Austin Area Bujinkan Training Get Together.
Instructor: John Hidalgo has been training in the Bujinkan Dōjō System since the mid-1980's. He holds a Godan (5th Degree Black Belt) and Shidoshi teacher's license in Bujinkan Budō Taijutsu. Mr. Hidalgo recently returned from his second training trip to Japan where he attended classes taught by Hatsumi-soke and some of the Japanese shihan (upper level instructors). Date: Saturday, December 1st, 2007 Times: Registration - 9:00 to 9:30 Morning Session - 9:30 to 11:30 AM Lunch - 11:30 AM to 12:30 PM Afternoon Session - 12:30 to 2:30 PM Fee: $25
Daikomyosai/Austin Area Bujinkan Training Get Together Overview: The Daikomyosai (observance of Hastsumi-soke's birthday)/Austin Area Bujinkan Training Get Together is open to all Bujinkan Members in good standing and those who are interested in Bujinkan training. Anyone who is shodan or above is invited to teach. We will train for about two hours and will likely go to Origami Japanese Restaurant ( for dinner afterwards. Instructors: This is a tentative instructor list and is subject to change without notice. Michael Almon - Shodan, Mizukagami Dōjō ( ) Rob Boger - Yondan, Mizukagami Dōjō ( John Hidalgo - Godan, Round Rock Bujinkan Dōjō ( Date: Saturday, December 1st, 2007 Time: 3:00 to 5:00 PM Fee: Free, $5 suggested donation for mat fee
General Information for both events: Attire: Standard Bujinkan Uniform (gi, tabi, obi) or loose, comfortable clothing. Contact: John Hidalgo (512) 656-2836 or [email protected] Location: Acrotex Gymnastics 708 Round Rock West Drive Round Rock, TX 78681 (512) 244-5437
Take care, John Hidalgo
Austin/Round Rock Area Bujinkan Training Events on September 22nd, 2007 |
[14 Sep 2007|10:44am] |
There will be two Austin/Round Rock Area Bujinkan Training Events on September 22nd, 2007.
Round Rock Bujinkan Dōjō 9th Kyu Material Seminar Overview: We will be going over the material for 9th kyu which is the first rank in the Bujinkan Dōjō system. We will be covering ukemi (rolling and ground hitting), kamae (postures), te hodoki (hand escapes), tai hodoki (body escapes) and other material. After this seminar, everyone is invited to attend the Austin Area Bujinkan Training Get Together. Instructor: John Hidalgo has been training in the Bujinkan Dōjō System since the mid-1980's. He holds a Godan (5th Degree Black Belt) and Shidoshi teacher's license in Bujinkan Budō Taijutsu. Mr.Hidalgo recently returned from his second training trip to Japan where he attended classes taught by Hatsumi-soke and some of the Japanese shihan (upper level instructors). Date: Saturday, September 22nd, 2007 Time: 1:00 to 3:00 PM Fee: $15
Austin Area Bujinkan Training Get Together Overview: Austin Area Bujinkan Training Get Together is open to all Bujinkan Members in good standing and those who are interested in Bujinkan training. Anyone who is shodan or above is invited to teach. We will train for about two hours and will likely go to Origami Japanese Restaurant ( for dinner afterwards. Instructors: This is a tentative instructor list and is subject to change without notice. Michael Almon - Shodan, Mizukagami Dojo ( ) Rob Boger - Yondan, Mizukagami Dojo ( John Hidalgo - Godan, Round Rock Bujinkan Dojo ( Date: Saturday, September 22nd, 2007 Time: 3:00 to 5:00 PM Fee: Free, $5 suggested donation for mat fee
General Information for both events: Attire: Standard Bujinkan Uniform (gi, tabi, obi) or loose, comfortable clothing. Contact: John Hidalgo (512) 656-2836 or [email protected] Location: Acrotex Gymnastics 708 Round Rock West Drive Round Rock, TX 78681 (512) 244-5437
Take care, John Hidalgo
[28 Aug 2007|12:37pm] |
Beginning September 10th, Action Hero Institute is beginning another Level 1 Stunt Class. Information can be found HERE on the class. Tuition is $140 for a six (or four) week program, and it covers everything you need for a good old fashioned bar-room brawl. Included is some footage for your demo reel, if you do that sort of thing. Also available on an ongoing basis is a Mixed Martial Arts class that incorporates Kenpo, Kendo, TKD and Aikido. It's designed to be practically useful (for both self defense and competitive fighting) and FUN. ($40 per month, $20 if you're also taking the stunt class) They also offer the Warrior Workout, which is more or less advanced Cross Fit training without the label and price tag. It's especially awesome for athletes in training, but people looking to get into real shape also benefit an awful lot. ($40 per month, $20 if you're also taking the stunt class) The training is honestly one of the hardest workouts I've ever done, and it's one of those things that really separates the men from the boys and the girls from the women. It's a private gym, so everyone usually gets to know each other pretty well and supports each other. There are a bunch of pictures, mostly of the Warrior Workout, in the gallery if you're interested in seeing the sort of thing that goes on.
(x posted)