The inevitability and significance of Ijtihad has been obvious at all times and is still evolving... more The inevitability and significance of Ijtihad has been obvious at all times and is still evolving as per necessity. Amongst two illustrious procedures of ijtihad; Ghair-mansos-minun-nuss (indirectly derived from Quran and Sunnah) includes Istihasan, Masalih Mursala, and Maqasid Shari’ah. From all these; Maqasid Shari'ah and the procedures of deriving masails (finding solutions to the newly arise problems) using it, are imperative and advantageous as well as deep-rooted to be precise, as the probability of committing a gaffe is significantly high. Hence, it is indispensable to acquire a comprehensive understanding of Maqasid Shari'ah and its evolution, and procedures for deducing Masails using it. Since its inception, Maqasid Shari'ah evolved to its current prominence through long, continuous and valued miscellany discourses. Time has come where all those diverse researched are to be made modest for vibrant understanding of it; bringing forward the valuable researches of scholars at different times and moreover error-free inference of its rules. This article broadly particularizes Maqasid Shariah, its significance, its evolution, and procedures for rules inference, using prominent wide-ranging illustrations.
Among the Jews, The Old Testament has the same status as the status of The Holy Quran for the Mus... more Among the Jews, The Old Testament has the same status as the status of The Holy Quran for the Muslims. According to the Jews, God gave Moses (AS) the Bible as a scripture and also gave him another oral law. The oral law is passed down from generation to generation through the elders and the oral law is definite and obligatory for the Jews. The Jewish scholars believe that oral law provides the complete interpretation of Jewish shariaa. This oral law was handed over to Yusha bin Noon by Moses (AS), its initial script is called Mishnah which was published in 70 CE. The description of Mishnah is called Gemara which was published in 200 CE. The combination of script (Mishnah) and its description (Gemara) is called Talmud which was published in 400 to 500 CE. Talmud is considered to be the most authoritative text for the Jews. This article will give a brief overview of all volumes of Mishnah. These volumes include Zeraim (order of seeds), Moed (festivals), Nashim (Women), Nazikin (demages), Kedoshim (holy ones), and Tohorat (purities). This article will provide enough discussions in making researchers understand the theme of Talmud.
Journal of Islamic Civilization and Culture (JICC) , 2020
Judaism is the oldest religion in the Semitic religions and its adherents in every age have tried... more Judaism is the oldest religion in the Semitic religions and its adherents in every age have tried to preserve their identity as well as their teachings to some extent but the circulation of the day has left its mark on these teachings. The Jews considered Old Testament to be the word of God. The Jewish scholars have also developed its variants which are considered as reliable and authoritative among them. These variants were developed gradually in different periods of Jewish history. The first variant was called Mishna while the second was called Gemara. The combination these variants is called Talmud. Initially, the oral law used to be interpreted freely in the context of a passage from Bible called Midrash. Midrash is further categorized into Halakah and Haggadah. In this paper, we have briefed the origin and evolution of Talmud. We have also discussed its legal status near jews.
This qualitative study takes on to gauge the evolution of research culture in Pakistan. Primarily... more This qualitative study takes on to gauge the evolution of research culture in Pakistan. Primarily it revolves around SWOT analysis of past, present, and future. It seeks expert opinions of faculty members of the Departments of Humanities, and Management Sciences of COMSATS University Islamabad, Abbottabad Campus on open-ended questions. The study finds a recent emergence of certain features of research culture identified in the literature and foresees it's further strengthening in the coming days based on some assumptions .
The science of psychology directly relates to human and human relations. Now a day's psychiatric ... more The science of psychology directly relates to human and human relations. Now a day's psychiatric diseases are spreading rapidly everywhere. However as much as psychology has been discussed and consulted in Islam, no other religion has done so much. In the light of the Holy Quran and the sayings of Holy Prophet, there is an easy solution to all the diseases of psychology. The present research provides an in-depth overview about the personality of Holy Prophet especially as a psychologist and an educationist. The life of Holy Prophet is a great example for all mankind of all times. As a psychologist, His valuable suggestions and advices are beautifully discussed in Sadia Ghaznavi's book, which is a great source of learning. The main objective of this research is to bring the psychological examples and suggestions of Holy Prophet which are never overlooked by the academic word. This qualitative research has utilised the evaluative, explorative and descriptive techniques. Both Primary and secondary sources e.g. Holy Quran, Ahadis, books of Muslim scholars not only make this research informative but also healthier for all people. Being the last prophet of Allah, Holy Prophet is the best of all creatures and His stalemates, there is goodness for all creatures.
The credit for Islamization in Pakistan goes to Zia-ul-Haq only, this research paper observes the... more The credit for Islamization in Pakistan goes to Zia-ul-Haq only, this research paper observes the Islamization steps of Pakistan’s legal system. Zia’s legal system has always been highly praised and remained popular in many social and educational circles. His Islamization had gained much popularity in the academic, literary, political and organizational environments. Although, the Islamic laws were used to achieve certain goals within the Islamic state, and they were used in the best possible way by adopting quite different but new ordinances. Current research has mainly been conducted through primary and secondary sources including e. books, available official records, and documents from offices, archives, and libraries. The analytical and descriptive research critically examines the different aspects of the Islamization process and its aftereffects on society. Furthermore, it will also highlight the benefits of Islamization which were considered to be the main reason for the long tenure of Zia-ul-Haq.
The first interpreter of the Holy Qur'an were the companion of Muhammadﷺwho themselves witnesse... more The first interpreter of the Holy Qur'an were the companion of Muhammadﷺwho themselves witnessed the prophet-hood. After them, the Tabi'in, then the Taba-Tābi'īn and the scholars of ummah have made great contribution to the interpretation of the Holy Qur'an. Among these interpreter Abū al-Baraka Abdullah bin Mahmūd al-Nasafī (deceased 710 AH) has great contribution in Tafsīr. The name of his Tafsīr is Madārik ul-Tanzīl wa Haqa'iq ul-Ta'wīl which known as Tafsīr Nasafī. Imam Nasafi is an expert in all the areas of religion. In his Tafsīr, he addressed the different aspects like the points of fecundity, the issues of theology, literary discussions, grammatical reasoning, mention of the jurists' thoughts and their arguments. This article covers some aspects of Imam Nasafi's Tafsīr Madarik al-Tanzīl, the methodology of Imam Nasafī and his style ofinterpretation.
The 21 st century has brought with it a multitude of challenges such as food shortage, economic i... more The 21 st century has brought with it a multitude of challenges such as food shortage, economic instability, social unrest, cultural changes, political uncertainty, and intense global competition. However, the gravest issue facing humanity is the shortage of water, which has led to regional and global power struggles and even water wars. In this century, territorial expansion has been replaced by new monopolistic strategies that have altered political and economic directions and preferences, with emerging global or superpowers holding new global-sized trade visions. Deforestation is the second most significant global issue, leading to the degradation of human and biodiversity life and the transformation of greenery into desertification. This research article aims to discuss the nature of global conflicts in the 21 st century and their resolution, taking into account the global powers' preferences and Islamic ideology for universal peace. The article explores the complex entanglements between national assets, national power, and anti-power in resolving these global challenges.
Pakistan has multi-party system and it comprises of both religious and non-religious parties. Alt... more Pakistan has multi-party system and it comprises of both religious and non-religious parties. Although religious parties particularly JUI-F and JI have very limited number of seats in the Parliament of Pakistan, they influence the process of legislation to much extent especially where injunctions of Islam are violated or any threat to religious institutes is predicted. This research is, therefore, an attempt to critical analyze the role of Islamist parties (JUI-F and JI) in the process of legislation in the Parliament of Pakistan. It is a descriptive-analytical research which evaluate the already available facts and information for finding out the role of Islamist parties in the Parliament of Pakistan from 2013 to 2018. For the purpose of analysis, two constitutional amendments and four ordinary laws have been taken. Both the Islamist parties, JUI-F and JI, have actively participated in the legislation and also made strong observation on those contents which are against Shariah or possessing threat to religious institutes.
General Zia Ul Haq’s military regime is known, for many for its blatant violation of human rights... more General Zia Ul Haq’s military regime is known, for many for its blatant violation of human rights, hanging, flogging, and imprisonment of political workers. Even intelligentsia and journalists were executed for political reasons during this regime. However, his regime was particularly known for suppression of women rights in his process of Islamization. After deposing Bhutto by imposing Martial Law General Zia took over the helm of affairs of the country on the 5th of July 1977 and remained in power with full autocracy till 17th August 1988 when his plan was ablaze in the air near Bahawalpur. This study is an attempt to analyze the process of Islamization by General Zia, its causes, suppressive actions act against various segments of society especially women. The study is also an attempt to search for the answers to the question “Was his policy of Islamization a sincere effort to implement the Islamic system or merely politically motivated? The response of women against Islamization...
Awareness about past events is considered a blessing, without knowing past, a nation cannot deter... more Awareness about past events is considered a blessing, without knowing past, a nation cannot determine its future dimensions. History is not only the knowledge of past but also nations learn lessons and put the country on the track of development in the light of historical events and morals. The globe is representing various histories in which Islamic history is unique in the sense that it is about the survival of mankind towards one Allah and true path. For the survival and development of Islamic culture and civilization it is necessary to connect with Islamic history with its true spirit. The present study strives to analyze that how Islamic past was glorious and outclass due to which Islam was spread rapidly in each and every corner of the globe. Main objective of this paper is to analyze the Islamic period during Bannu Umayyah's time. Which efforts were taken by the Bannu Umayyah for the protection of Islamic culture is the main theme of this research work. This research has mainly been conducted through primary and secondary sources including, books and articles published in various journals and historical documents from archives and libraries. According to History, the time of Khilafat Rashida is considered as one of the golden period of Islamic history. The study has not only tried to evaluate the services of Muslims for the protection of Islamic culture during Bannu Umayyah's time but also analyzed the factors of development due to which Islamic values are still preserved and appreciated.
Importance of Da'Wah in Islam: A Review of the Prophet's Da'Wah Strategies in State of Madina
The Scholar Islamic Academic Research Journal
Islam is a peaceful religion, teaches love, honesty and brotherhood to all humanity. Propagation ... more Islam is a peaceful religion, teaches love, honesty and brotherhood to all humanity. Propagation of Islam by useful means calls Da'wah and it is one of the most favorite strategies of Holy Prophet (SAW), for the propagation of Islam, He used various methods and won the hearts and minds of people. His Madni life is a golden era of His life, in which He applied new and good strategies, and with a short span of time conquest of Makah made possible and light of Islam was spread all over the World. The current research paper shares valuable knowledge about the Prophetic Madni Da’wah strategies and also highlights the importance of dawah in day to day life with appropriate examples. The current research work is qualitative and descriptive in nature based upon both primary and secondary sources e.g. Quran Pak, Ahadith-e-Nabvi, Tafaseer, books and published research papers in various journals. The paper also aims to discuss the need and importance of Prophetic Da’wah strategies in our l...
The inevitability and significance of Ijtihad has been obvious at all times and is still evolving... more The inevitability and significance of Ijtihad has been obvious at all times and is still evolving as per necessity. Amongst two illustrious procedures of ijtihad; Ghair-mansos-minun-nuss (indirectly derived from Quran and Sunnah) includes Istihasan, Masalih Mursala, and Maqasid Shari’ah. From all these; Maqasid Shari'ah and the procedures of deriving masails (finding solutions to the newly arise problems) using it, are imperative and advantageous as well as deep-rooted to be precise, as the probability of committing a gaffe is significantly high. Hence, it is indispensable to acquire a comprehensive understanding of Maqasid Shari'ah and its evolution, and procedures for deducing Masails using it. Since its inception, Maqasid Shari'ah evolved to its current prominence through long, continuous and valued miscellany discourses. Time has come where all those diverse researched are to be made modest for vibrant understanding of it; bringing forward the valuable researches of ...
It is the religious obligation of every Muslim to spread the message of Islam. In doing so, the p... more It is the religious obligation of every Muslim to spread the message of Islam. In doing so, the preacher has to face different forms of individual or collective resistance. In contemporary era, hurdles which make the process of Da'wah (preaching of Islam) difficult are sectarian discrimination, nationalism, liberalism and extremism, division in the name of class, social status and ideology. Moreover, contradiction between sayings and actions, absence of fear of Almighty Allah in people’s minds, love for worldly wealth, lack of proper education, distances between religious scholars and rest of the masses, so called religious decrees and sarcasm against each other, preachers void of wit and wisdom, evasion from administrative and state affairs and political intervention in preaching process (Da'wah) worsening the nature of challenges we have already been facing. This research work is actually the course of disseminating the message of DEEN (Islam), holy prophets were the entit...
The inevitability and significance of Ijtihad has been obvious at all times and is still evolving... more The inevitability and significance of Ijtihad has been obvious at all times and is still evolving as per necessity. Amongst two illustrious procedures of ijtihad; Ghair-mansos-minun-nuss (indirectly derived from Quran and Sunnah) includes Istihasan, Masalih Mursala, and Maqasid Shari’ah. From all these; Maqasid Shari'ah and the procedures of deriving masails (finding solutions to the newly arise problems) using it, are imperative and advantageous as well as deep-rooted to be precise, as the probability of committing a gaffe is significantly high. Hence, it is indispensable to acquire a comprehensive understanding of Maqasid Shari'ah and its evolution, and procedures for deducing Masails using it. Since its inception, Maqasid Shari'ah evolved to its current prominence through long, continuous and valued miscellany discourses. Time has come where all those diverse researched are to be made modest for vibrant understanding of it; bringing forward the valuable researches of ...
Iḥyāʾalʿulūm - Journal of Department of Quran o Sunnah
The life of Holy Prophet (PBUH) is a beacon of light not only for Muslims but for all of humanity... more The life of Holy Prophet (PBUH) is a beacon of light not only for Muslims but for all of humanity. There is no such aspect of life for which we do not have guidance from the life of Holy Prophet (PBUH). Whether it is personal life or social life. One of these aspects is the Da'wah strategy of the Holy Prophet (PBUH) in Makki era. This article elaborates the Holy Prophet’s (PBUH) strategies adopted for the preaching of the Islam during the Makki era. The basic elements of his missionary strategies such as the way of argumentations, parlance and dialects are made the subject of discussion. It highlights the diverse and distinct communication strategies to make the message of Islam intelligible to the common people even, which include: common values, courtesy, non-violence, intellectual stature of the audience, evolutionary process, the psychological intelligibility of addressee, sense of responsibility and proportionality, capacity to perform missionary activity, intimacy with new...
Iḥyāʾalʿulūm - Journal of Department of Quran o Sunnah
Among the Jews, The Old Testament has the same status as the status of The Holy Quran for the Mus... more Among the Jews, The Old Testament has the same status as the status of The Holy Quran for the Muslims. According to the Jews, God gave Moses (AS) the Bible as a scripture and also gave him another oral law. The oral law is passed down from generation to generation through the elders and the oral law is definite and obligatory for the Jews. The Jewish scholars believe that oral law provides the complete interpretation of Jewish sharī‘ah. This oral law was handed over to Yūsha‘ bin Nūn by Moses (AS), its initial script is called Mishnā which was published in 70 CE. The description of Mishnā is called Gemārā which was published in 200 CE. The combination of script (Mishnā) and its description (Gemārā) is called Talmud which was published in 400 to 500 CE. Talmud is considered to be the most authoritative text for the Jews. This article will give a brief overview of all volumes of Mishnā. These volumes include Zerēm (order of seeds), Mo‘id (festivals), Nashīm (Women), Nazīkīn (demages),...
International Research Journal on Islamic Studies (IRJIS)
Rohingya Muslims are Myanmar’s minority but they have been facing brutal riots and genocide for s... more Rohingya Muslims are Myanmar’s minority but they have been facing brutal riots and genocide for several years. This genocide in the 21st century is a tragedy for the whole world of humanity. All major powers have remained silent on this incident, Rohingya Muslims evicted from their homes brutally, beaten, and killed. This paper critically evaluates how ruthless riots against Rohingya Muslims took place and how they took refuge in Bangladesh in bad conditions. Current research has mainly been conducted through primary and secondary sources including e. books, newspapers, electronic media, available official records, and documents from offices, archives, and libraries. The analytical and descriptive research critically examines the different aspects of genocide against Rohingya Muslims. This paper further highlights the indifference of the Myanmar leader, the riots could have ended if the Myanmar government had wanted to, but the silence of Myanmar leaders sparked genocide and today t...
The inevitability and significance of Ijtihad has been obvious at all times and is still evolving... more The inevitability and significance of Ijtihad has been obvious at all times and is still evolving as per necessity. Amongst two illustrious procedures of ijtihad; Ghair-mansos-minun-nuss (indirectly derived from Quran and Sunnah) includes Istihasan, Masalih Mursala, and Maqasid Shari’ah. From all these; Maqasid Shari'ah and the procedures of deriving masails (finding solutions to the newly arise problems) using it, are imperative and advantageous as well as deep-rooted to be precise, as the probability of committing a gaffe is significantly high. Hence, it is indispensable to acquire a comprehensive understanding of Maqasid Shari'ah and its evolution, and procedures for deducing Masails using it. Since its inception, Maqasid Shari'ah evolved to its current prominence through long, continuous and valued miscellany discourses. Time has come where all those diverse researched are to be made modest for vibrant understanding of it; bringing forward the valuable researches of scholars at different times and moreover error-free inference of its rules. This article broadly particularizes Maqasid Shariah, its significance, its evolution, and procedures for rules inference, using prominent wide-ranging illustrations.
Among the Jews, The Old Testament has the same status as the status of The Holy Quran for the Mus... more Among the Jews, The Old Testament has the same status as the status of The Holy Quran for the Muslims. According to the Jews, God gave Moses (AS) the Bible as a scripture and also gave him another oral law. The oral law is passed down from generation to generation through the elders and the oral law is definite and obligatory for the Jews. The Jewish scholars believe that oral law provides the complete interpretation of Jewish shariaa. This oral law was handed over to Yusha bin Noon by Moses (AS), its initial script is called Mishnah which was published in 70 CE. The description of Mishnah is called Gemara which was published in 200 CE. The combination of script (Mishnah) and its description (Gemara) is called Talmud which was published in 400 to 500 CE. Talmud is considered to be the most authoritative text for the Jews. This article will give a brief overview of all volumes of Mishnah. These volumes include Zeraim (order of seeds), Moed (festivals), Nashim (Women), Nazikin (demages), Kedoshim (holy ones), and Tohorat (purities). This article will provide enough discussions in making researchers understand the theme of Talmud.
Journal of Islamic Civilization and Culture (JICC) , 2020
Judaism is the oldest religion in the Semitic religions and its adherents in every age have tried... more Judaism is the oldest religion in the Semitic religions and its adherents in every age have tried to preserve their identity as well as their teachings to some extent but the circulation of the day has left its mark on these teachings. The Jews considered Old Testament to be the word of God. The Jewish scholars have also developed its variants which are considered as reliable and authoritative among them. These variants were developed gradually in different periods of Jewish history. The first variant was called Mishna while the second was called Gemara. The combination these variants is called Talmud. Initially, the oral law used to be interpreted freely in the context of a passage from Bible called Midrash. Midrash is further categorized into Halakah and Haggadah. In this paper, we have briefed the origin and evolution of Talmud. We have also discussed its legal status near jews.
This qualitative study takes on to gauge the evolution of research culture in Pakistan. Primarily... more This qualitative study takes on to gauge the evolution of research culture in Pakistan. Primarily it revolves around SWOT analysis of past, present, and future. It seeks expert opinions of faculty members of the Departments of Humanities, and Management Sciences of COMSATS University Islamabad, Abbottabad Campus on open-ended questions. The study finds a recent emergence of certain features of research culture identified in the literature and foresees it's further strengthening in the coming days based on some assumptions .
The science of psychology directly relates to human and human relations. Now a day's psychiatric ... more The science of psychology directly relates to human and human relations. Now a day's psychiatric diseases are spreading rapidly everywhere. However as much as psychology has been discussed and consulted in Islam, no other religion has done so much. In the light of the Holy Quran and the sayings of Holy Prophet, there is an easy solution to all the diseases of psychology. The present research provides an in-depth overview about the personality of Holy Prophet especially as a psychologist and an educationist. The life of Holy Prophet is a great example for all mankind of all times. As a psychologist, His valuable suggestions and advices are beautifully discussed in Sadia Ghaznavi's book, which is a great source of learning. The main objective of this research is to bring the psychological examples and suggestions of Holy Prophet which are never overlooked by the academic word. This qualitative research has utilised the evaluative, explorative and descriptive techniques. Both Primary and secondary sources e.g. Holy Quran, Ahadis, books of Muslim scholars not only make this research informative but also healthier for all people. Being the last prophet of Allah, Holy Prophet is the best of all creatures and His stalemates, there is goodness for all creatures.
The credit for Islamization in Pakistan goes to Zia-ul-Haq only, this research paper observes the... more The credit for Islamization in Pakistan goes to Zia-ul-Haq only, this research paper observes the Islamization steps of Pakistan’s legal system. Zia’s legal system has always been highly praised and remained popular in many social and educational circles. His Islamization had gained much popularity in the academic, literary, political and organizational environments. Although, the Islamic laws were used to achieve certain goals within the Islamic state, and they were used in the best possible way by adopting quite different but new ordinances. Current research has mainly been conducted through primary and secondary sources including e. books, available official records, and documents from offices, archives, and libraries. The analytical and descriptive research critically examines the different aspects of the Islamization process and its aftereffects on society. Furthermore, it will also highlight the benefits of Islamization which were considered to be the main reason for the long tenure of Zia-ul-Haq.
The first interpreter of the Holy Qur'an were the companion of Muhammadﷺwho themselves witnesse... more The first interpreter of the Holy Qur'an were the companion of Muhammadﷺwho themselves witnessed the prophet-hood. After them, the Tabi'in, then the Taba-Tābi'īn and the scholars of ummah have made great contribution to the interpretation of the Holy Qur'an. Among these interpreter Abū al-Baraka Abdullah bin Mahmūd al-Nasafī (deceased 710 AH) has great contribution in Tafsīr. The name of his Tafsīr is Madārik ul-Tanzīl wa Haqa'iq ul-Ta'wīl which known as Tafsīr Nasafī. Imam Nasafi is an expert in all the areas of religion. In his Tafsīr, he addressed the different aspects like the points of fecundity, the issues of theology, literary discussions, grammatical reasoning, mention of the jurists' thoughts and their arguments. This article covers some aspects of Imam Nasafi's Tafsīr Madarik al-Tanzīl, the methodology of Imam Nasafī and his style ofinterpretation.
The 21 st century has brought with it a multitude of challenges such as food shortage, economic i... more The 21 st century has brought with it a multitude of challenges such as food shortage, economic instability, social unrest, cultural changes, political uncertainty, and intense global competition. However, the gravest issue facing humanity is the shortage of water, which has led to regional and global power struggles and even water wars. In this century, territorial expansion has been replaced by new monopolistic strategies that have altered political and economic directions and preferences, with emerging global or superpowers holding new global-sized trade visions. Deforestation is the second most significant global issue, leading to the degradation of human and biodiversity life and the transformation of greenery into desertification. This research article aims to discuss the nature of global conflicts in the 21 st century and their resolution, taking into account the global powers' preferences and Islamic ideology for universal peace. The article explores the complex entanglements between national assets, national power, and anti-power in resolving these global challenges.
Pakistan has multi-party system and it comprises of both religious and non-religious parties. Alt... more Pakistan has multi-party system and it comprises of both religious and non-religious parties. Although religious parties particularly JUI-F and JI have very limited number of seats in the Parliament of Pakistan, they influence the process of legislation to much extent especially where injunctions of Islam are violated or any threat to religious institutes is predicted. This research is, therefore, an attempt to critical analyze the role of Islamist parties (JUI-F and JI) in the process of legislation in the Parliament of Pakistan. It is a descriptive-analytical research which evaluate the already available facts and information for finding out the role of Islamist parties in the Parliament of Pakistan from 2013 to 2018. For the purpose of analysis, two constitutional amendments and four ordinary laws have been taken. Both the Islamist parties, JUI-F and JI, have actively participated in the legislation and also made strong observation on those contents which are against Shariah or possessing threat to religious institutes.
General Zia Ul Haq’s military regime is known, for many for its blatant violation of human rights... more General Zia Ul Haq’s military regime is known, for many for its blatant violation of human rights, hanging, flogging, and imprisonment of political workers. Even intelligentsia and journalists were executed for political reasons during this regime. However, his regime was particularly known for suppression of women rights in his process of Islamization. After deposing Bhutto by imposing Martial Law General Zia took over the helm of affairs of the country on the 5th of July 1977 and remained in power with full autocracy till 17th August 1988 when his plan was ablaze in the air near Bahawalpur. This study is an attempt to analyze the process of Islamization by General Zia, its causes, suppressive actions act against various segments of society especially women. The study is also an attempt to search for the answers to the question “Was his policy of Islamization a sincere effort to implement the Islamic system or merely politically motivated? The response of women against Islamization...
Awareness about past events is considered a blessing, without knowing past, a nation cannot deter... more Awareness about past events is considered a blessing, without knowing past, a nation cannot determine its future dimensions. History is not only the knowledge of past but also nations learn lessons and put the country on the track of development in the light of historical events and morals. The globe is representing various histories in which Islamic history is unique in the sense that it is about the survival of mankind towards one Allah and true path. For the survival and development of Islamic culture and civilization it is necessary to connect with Islamic history with its true spirit. The present study strives to analyze that how Islamic past was glorious and outclass due to which Islam was spread rapidly in each and every corner of the globe. Main objective of this paper is to analyze the Islamic period during Bannu Umayyah's time. Which efforts were taken by the Bannu Umayyah for the protection of Islamic culture is the main theme of this research work. This research has mainly been conducted through primary and secondary sources including, books and articles published in various journals and historical documents from archives and libraries. According to History, the time of Khilafat Rashida is considered as one of the golden period of Islamic history. The study has not only tried to evaluate the services of Muslims for the protection of Islamic culture during Bannu Umayyah's time but also analyzed the factors of development due to which Islamic values are still preserved and appreciated.
Importance of Da'Wah in Islam: A Review of the Prophet's Da'Wah Strategies in State of Madina
The Scholar Islamic Academic Research Journal
Islam is a peaceful religion, teaches love, honesty and brotherhood to all humanity. Propagation ... more Islam is a peaceful religion, teaches love, honesty and brotherhood to all humanity. Propagation of Islam by useful means calls Da'wah and it is one of the most favorite strategies of Holy Prophet (SAW), for the propagation of Islam, He used various methods and won the hearts and minds of people. His Madni life is a golden era of His life, in which He applied new and good strategies, and with a short span of time conquest of Makah made possible and light of Islam was spread all over the World. The current research paper shares valuable knowledge about the Prophetic Madni Da’wah strategies and also highlights the importance of dawah in day to day life with appropriate examples. The current research work is qualitative and descriptive in nature based upon both primary and secondary sources e.g. Quran Pak, Ahadith-e-Nabvi, Tafaseer, books and published research papers in various journals. The paper also aims to discuss the need and importance of Prophetic Da’wah strategies in our l...
The inevitability and significance of Ijtihad has been obvious at all times and is still evolving... more The inevitability and significance of Ijtihad has been obvious at all times and is still evolving as per necessity. Amongst two illustrious procedures of ijtihad; Ghair-mansos-minun-nuss (indirectly derived from Quran and Sunnah) includes Istihasan, Masalih Mursala, and Maqasid Shari’ah. From all these; Maqasid Shari'ah and the procedures of deriving masails (finding solutions to the newly arise problems) using it, are imperative and advantageous as well as deep-rooted to be precise, as the probability of committing a gaffe is significantly high. Hence, it is indispensable to acquire a comprehensive understanding of Maqasid Shari'ah and its evolution, and procedures for deducing Masails using it. Since its inception, Maqasid Shari'ah evolved to its current prominence through long, continuous and valued miscellany discourses. Time has come where all those diverse researched are to be made modest for vibrant understanding of it; bringing forward the valuable researches of ...
It is the religious obligation of every Muslim to spread the message of Islam. In doing so, the p... more It is the religious obligation of every Muslim to spread the message of Islam. In doing so, the preacher has to face different forms of individual or collective resistance. In contemporary era, hurdles which make the process of Da'wah (preaching of Islam) difficult are sectarian discrimination, nationalism, liberalism and extremism, division in the name of class, social status and ideology. Moreover, contradiction between sayings and actions, absence of fear of Almighty Allah in people’s minds, love for worldly wealth, lack of proper education, distances between religious scholars and rest of the masses, so called religious decrees and sarcasm against each other, preachers void of wit and wisdom, evasion from administrative and state affairs and political intervention in preaching process (Da'wah) worsening the nature of challenges we have already been facing. This research work is actually the course of disseminating the message of DEEN (Islam), holy prophets were the entit...
The inevitability and significance of Ijtihad has been obvious at all times and is still evolving... more The inevitability and significance of Ijtihad has been obvious at all times and is still evolving as per necessity. Amongst two illustrious procedures of ijtihad; Ghair-mansos-minun-nuss (indirectly derived from Quran and Sunnah) includes Istihasan, Masalih Mursala, and Maqasid Shari’ah. From all these; Maqasid Shari'ah and the procedures of deriving masails (finding solutions to the newly arise problems) using it, are imperative and advantageous as well as deep-rooted to be precise, as the probability of committing a gaffe is significantly high. Hence, it is indispensable to acquire a comprehensive understanding of Maqasid Shari'ah and its evolution, and procedures for deducing Masails using it. Since its inception, Maqasid Shari'ah evolved to its current prominence through long, continuous and valued miscellany discourses. Time has come where all those diverse researched are to be made modest for vibrant understanding of it; bringing forward the valuable researches of ...
Iḥyāʾalʿulūm - Journal of Department of Quran o Sunnah
The life of Holy Prophet (PBUH) is a beacon of light not only for Muslims but for all of humanity... more The life of Holy Prophet (PBUH) is a beacon of light not only for Muslims but for all of humanity. There is no such aspect of life for which we do not have guidance from the life of Holy Prophet (PBUH). Whether it is personal life or social life. One of these aspects is the Da'wah strategy of the Holy Prophet (PBUH) in Makki era. This article elaborates the Holy Prophet’s (PBUH) strategies adopted for the preaching of the Islam during the Makki era. The basic elements of his missionary strategies such as the way of argumentations, parlance and dialects are made the subject of discussion. It highlights the diverse and distinct communication strategies to make the message of Islam intelligible to the common people even, which include: common values, courtesy, non-violence, intellectual stature of the audience, evolutionary process, the psychological intelligibility of addressee, sense of responsibility and proportionality, capacity to perform missionary activity, intimacy with new...
Iḥyāʾalʿulūm - Journal of Department of Quran o Sunnah
Among the Jews, The Old Testament has the same status as the status of The Holy Quran for the Mus... more Among the Jews, The Old Testament has the same status as the status of The Holy Quran for the Muslims. According to the Jews, God gave Moses (AS) the Bible as a scripture and also gave him another oral law. The oral law is passed down from generation to generation through the elders and the oral law is definite and obligatory for the Jews. The Jewish scholars believe that oral law provides the complete interpretation of Jewish sharī‘ah. This oral law was handed over to Yūsha‘ bin Nūn by Moses (AS), its initial script is called Mishnā which was published in 70 CE. The description of Mishnā is called Gemārā which was published in 200 CE. The combination of script (Mishnā) and its description (Gemārā) is called Talmud which was published in 400 to 500 CE. Talmud is considered to be the most authoritative text for the Jews. This article will give a brief overview of all volumes of Mishnā. These volumes include Zerēm (order of seeds), Mo‘id (festivals), Nashīm (Women), Nazīkīn (demages),...
International Research Journal on Islamic Studies (IRJIS)
Rohingya Muslims are Myanmar’s minority but they have been facing brutal riots and genocide for s... more Rohingya Muslims are Myanmar’s minority but they have been facing brutal riots and genocide for several years. This genocide in the 21st century is a tragedy for the whole world of humanity. All major powers have remained silent on this incident, Rohingya Muslims evicted from their homes brutally, beaten, and killed. This paper critically evaluates how ruthless riots against Rohingya Muslims took place and how they took refuge in Bangladesh in bad conditions. Current research has mainly been conducted through primary and secondary sources including e. books, newspapers, electronic media, available official records, and documents from offices, archives, and libraries. The analytical and descriptive research critically examines the different aspects of genocide against Rohingya Muslims. This paper further highlights the indifference of the Myanmar leader, the riots could have ended if the Myanmar government had wanted to, but the silence of Myanmar leaders sparked genocide and today t...
Papers by Saad Jaffar