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[Dec27'2011 07:05AM]
Hi everyone, hope you had a great Christmas without too many cares. Sadly, sometimes Christmas is far from care-free, with the costs and stresses of getting some people down so much that you can almost forget that it's a time to celebrate. And when it takes that extra time to finally get into the spirit of it, it can be over in the blink of an eye, just as you're starting to enjoy it.

Don't you wish there was some way to keep Christmas with you throughout the year AND be sure you'll be ready for it when December rolls around? Well, guess what, there is! From the bottom of my heart, I can recommend the Chrisco Christmas hamper club...

Chrisco hampers offer you all the food, accessories and gifts you could possibly need. With a little bit of planning, you can spend the year paying off supplies little by little. You will hardly notice that the money has gone each week, but come Christmas time, it will all add up to a wonderful hamper of Christmas goods being delievered to your house. The sooner you order and start paying, the smaller your weekly/fortnightly/mothly (whatever suits you best) payments will be.

The full range of hamper choices can be viewed online, or you can request a catalogue by calling 1800 144 662.

It may sound like a well-worn advertising slogan, but never a truer word was spoken than when they say you really can save for a magical Christmas with Chrisco.

I am not a troll, nor do I make any profit from posting this. I simply believe in this program, and think you will too if you give it a go. This is not spam.

x-posted [Mar21'2009 02:47PM]

hello there!
i'm shona, i update very sporadically. i'm cool with critique as long as its warranted, but love all kinds of feedback and new friends.

+1Collapse )

printing and framing places [Oct13'2008 01:45PM]

has anyone ever used Pixel Perfect?

... or does anyone know of any good printing and framing places in Sydney for larger sized photographs? i'm looking to get a few printed and mounted/framed for an exhibition next week.


Bill Henson [May23'2008 01:46PM]

I suppose most people now would have heard about the controversy surrounding Bill Henson's latest exhibition at the Roslyn Oxley9 Gallery in Sydney?

For those who have no idea what I'm talking about here's a link to an article on the ABC website (with a lot of heavy debate underneath)

[edit 4.22pm] and it appears they will now also be charging Henson for displaying images which are "indecent" and "sexual" in nature.

I don't even want to THINK about what this will mean if he gets charged over this...

anyway to continue:

I think its brought up some really interesting points - and rehashed some old ones.

I'm interested in hearing what other photographers and art lovers feel about this issue.

Personally, I have been a huge fan of Henson's work for years and I don't feel that his subjects are objectified or sexual in any way. To me and many other people they've always been photographs of NUDE people, not pornographic images of teenagers or children.

What really interests me about this whole debate is this is the first time (to my knowledge) that Henson's work has come under such controversial under legal scrutiny, yet these are the same or similar images he's been photographing and showing for YEARS.

Anyway, enough from me. What do you think?

Polaroid Pack Back Anyone? [Mar05'2008 09:05PM]

I'm a photography student and in need of a polaroid pack back for a 4 x 5 view camera. If any photographers have one lying around that they don't use i'd love to buy it off you!!

If anyone could help me locate one, i'd greatly appreciate it!! ^_^

slide and cross processing in sydney [Feb20'2008 03:30PM]

does anyone know a place in sydney that does slide processing - or more to the point, would be willing to cross-process some 35mm film?

x-posted. [Feb01'2008 08:01PM]

hi! im shona. i have a deviantART but im kind of lonely, so head on over if you like.

the rest are in my journal.

Robert Capa - lost negatives [Jan27'2008 07:14PM]

Thousands of negatives of photographs taken by Robert Capa during the Spanish Civil War, long thought to be lost forever, have resurfaced.

TO the small group of photography experts aware of its existence, it was known simply as “the Mexican suitcase.” And in the pantheon of lost modern cultural treasures, it was surrounded by the same mythical aura as Hemingway’s early manuscripts, which vanished from a train station in 1922.
CAPRA +10 images - slideshow

The suitcase — actually three flimsy cardboard valises — contained thousands of negatives of pictures that Robert Capa, one of the pioneers of modern war photography, took during the Spanish Civil War before he fled Europe for America in 1939, leaving behind the contents of his Paris darkroom.
Read moreCollapse )

Images of life's ups and downs - ACP exhibits till Nov 10 [Oct25'2007 12:03AM]

Images of life's ups and downs

Reviewed by Robert McFarlane
October 23, 2007

Matthew Sleeth
Australian Centre for Photography, Until November 10

IT HAS been a good week for the international careers of two Australian photographers. In New York, the Sydney photojournalist Stephen Dupont has received the 2007 W. Eugene Smith Grant in Humanistic Photography.

Dupont will use the $US30,000 ($33,800) award to continue his hazardous, self-assigned reportage on drug addiction in war-torn Afghanistan.

In the same week, Ten Series/106 photographs, the seventh book by the Melbourne-based fine art photographer Matthew Sleeth, was released by New York's Aperture Foundation, arguably the leading international fine art photography publisher. Coinciding with its release, the Australian Centre for Photography is exhibiting Sleeth's key colour images.

From his beginnings as a photojournalist, Sleeth has evolved into an acerbic observer of the commonplace. This exhibition shows him pursuing repetitive themes, including his obsession with fire extinguishers and smashed umbrellas.

Sleeth's pictures of such objects, however, do little more than clinically record their shapes and presence in urban settings. In an adjoining ACP chamber gallery, Sleeth shows Japanese vistas saying considerably more. By photographing daily Japanese life set against a common background of Mount Fuji, he conjures unlikely 21st-century equivalents to Hokusai and Hiroshige's classic 19th-century Floating World prints of the sacred mountain.

Sleeth documents in detail contemporary Japanese scenes - two men sitting at a window table in a high-rise restaurant at night, or a complex, soaring amusement park roller-coaster - always with Mount Fuji's snowy volcanic cone in the background. In perhaps his most obviously inventive picture in this exhibition, he photographs a parabolic mirror on a busy street corner, reflecting not only traffic hazards, but a miniature fish-eye view of Mount Fuji.

Sleeth is one of a growing number of fine art photographers preoccupied with the environmental sheen of contemporary society, if not its emotional substance. There is a coolness to his view of the world that elevates the less than obvious detail while avoiding deeper emotional involvement. Considering Sleeth's history as a photographer, I assume his visual signature to be a work in progress. Such elegant detachment may also have its roots in the cool environmental observations of '70s American photographers such as Burk Uzzle and Charles Harbutt. The difference, however, between Sleeth and the Americans is the poetic, humanist core in their pictures. Hopefully Sleeth's future photographs will cut deeper, portraying everyday life with humanity and his love of collateral detail.

Film's future in the black (and white) [Oct24'2007 11:58PM]

Film's future in the black (and white)
Steve Makris, The Edmonton Journal
Published: 2:51 am

NEW YORK - Hang on to your film camera while we take a little stroll back to the future. A resurgence of old-fashioned black-and-white photography might have you reaching for that little Brownie box camera that's been gathering dust in the closet since you followed the herd into the digital age.

Eastman Kodak, still struggling to make the transition between film and digital technology, is showing off its newest cutting-edge technology --

T-MAX black and white 400 ASA film at the PDN PhotoPlus International Conference and Expo in New York. It's developed the old-fashioned way, with chemicals in a handful of photo labs.

For Kodak, that plays right into the hands of the growing number of art schools and photo enthusiasts who are embracing the old technology of hand-developing film and prints in darkrooms.

"We keep investing in film technology that is still popular," said Kodak spokesperson Scott Disabato, adding the new film joins several other black and white films Kodak makes.

Renowned photographer John Sexton, who shoots exclusively black-and-white film, says the medium spans many generations. "It has a sense of history and heritage, said Sexton. "For some reason human beings accept black and white photography as somehow a representation of reality."

He thinks black and white photography distils an image into a simpler form.

"Just as a good writer can say something in so few words and change your life, black and white photography offers a visual experience that changes one's perspective."

Many photographers feel even the best of digital technology can't convey the subtle tones of black and white photography. "Digital cameras basically shoot in colour and convert to a black and white image," said professional photographer Jay Moulthrop, of Los Angeles-based BarePixel studios.

"So it's an interpretation of the camera maker's view of what a black and white picture should look like, not the one-click of light and dark tones black and white film captures."

He said today's computer photo software can produce a grain-like effect in digital photos, but the printing process in home ink jet printers dilutes the black and white experience even more.

"It's replicating grain, and that is still digital noise, so you have to choose between traditional 'hands-on' film grain noise or more convenient digital noise," he said.

New York-based Steve Simon, a former Journal photographer, thinks black and white photography communicates images to the viewer more effectively, without the potential distraction of colour.

"When I teach, I'm sometimes surprised at how many students are wanting to shoot black and white," said Simon, who specializes in documentary photography and has published four books, two in black and white. "We are so used to seeing colour these days, that often a good black and white photograph stands out and demands attention."

Sexton, whose work can be found in numerous "monochrome" books, including Black-and-White Photography in the 21st Century, would be happy without colour in real life.

"As much as I like black and white photography, I wake up in the morning and see colour," said Sexton, whose favourite colour is, you guessed it, light grey.

[email protected]

© The Edmonton Journal 2007

Earth From Above Outdoor Photography Exhibition [Oct24'2007 11:56PM]

Earth From Above Outdoor Photography Exhibition
Wednesday 4 July - Wednesday 26 December 2007, Tumbalong Park, Darling Harbour

This world renown photo exhibition comes to Sydney from 4 July to 26 December 2007.

The free exhibition will turn Darling Harbour into a 24-hour open-air gallery, with 120 large-scale photographs of spectacular landscapes from around the world, as part of the Earth from Above: an aerial portrait of our planet - towards sustainable development by Yann Arthus-Bertrand.

Since the exhibition opened in Paris in 2000, more than 50 million people in more than 40 countries have been inspired by this global phenomenon, which provides an extraordinary visual testimony of the earth's surface.

File - A collection of Unexpected Photography [Aug10'2007 10:54PM]

File - A collection of Unexpected Photography

Photo Sharing and Video Hosting at Photobucket

FILE magazine. They publish images that treat subjects in unexpected ways. Alternate takes, unconventional observations, odd angles -- the photographs in the collection reinterpret traditional genres.
check it out;

Linda Dement - Eurydice at ACP next Wednesday [Aug10'2007 09:56PM]

australian centre for photography


Wednesday evening talks by artists for artists and
those interested in how they do what they do.


Wednesday 15 August 6.30pm

Multimedia artist Linda Dement discusses the beginnings
of her collaboration with the late writer Kathy Acker
on the project 'Eurydice', and the resulting still images
that elaborate on the 13 locations described in Acker's
'Eurydice in the Underworld'.

You can see Linda Dement's work at Novamedia here;
and her webside here

For further information on ACP events please visit or call 02 9332 1455

australian centre for photography
257 Oxford Street, Paddington
NSW 2021
t: 61 2 9332 1455
f: 61 2 9331 6887

pricing photographs [Aug10'2007 10:55AM]

does anyone have any suggestions for how to price prints for sale?

i'm exhibiting a few photographs in an exhibition in late august/early september and would like to put them up for sale.

i'm printing them digitally. the average size is A4, one or two i might go bigger, or a few i might go smaller for a series.

not framing them, but will mount them on hard black cardboard.. which shouldnt cost TOO much, i wouldn't think.

any thoughts/ideas? any help would be much appreciated!

photo comp [Aug08'2007 09:11PM]


hi :-)

photo competition here

best wishes, if you enter.

x-posted [Jul28'2007 10:16PM]


new friends and opinions are always welcome, but criticism must be constructive.
overexaggerate. dissolve.Collapse )

x-posted [Jun30'2007 09:59PM]


new friends and perspectives are good. please dont be rude.
! others in my journalCollapse )

Photography Studios in Sydney? [Jun19'2007 12:02PM]

I'm in need of a studio for this Sunday (24th). If anyone knows of a decent studio space at a relatively low price (need i say that as a student i'm poor?) i'd be grateful!

Things falling through at the last minute is not fun.

The shoot is for my portfolio, part of an assignment for my current course.

reply here or send me an email to funkyhorror [at] gmail [dot com] if you can be of any help.

Mushrooms [May19'2007 02:45PM]

[ mood | creative ]

Photo Sharing and Video Hosting at Photobucket

More mushrooms under hereCollapse )
All photos were taken by me, with my Canon EOS-350D. EFS 18-55mm lens.
The mushrooms are around the pines, just up the road from where i live in Glencoe, South Australia, AUSTRALIA.


[Apr30'2007 05:44PM]


bed hair. bare feet.Collapse )

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