Papers by Aurino Djamaris
Journal of Entrepreneurship, Management and Industry (JEMI), 2021
Journal of entrepreneurship, management and industry, Jun 17, 2022
Universitas Bakrie Press, 2016

A construction project delay can result in financial losses to various parties involved both to t... more A construction project delay can result in financial losses to various parties involved both to the Contractor, Client and Project Management Consultant (PMC). This paper presents the results of a survey questionnaire conducted among Contractors, Clients and PMC. Data was analyzed with statistical tools to rank factors that influenced construction delays. From the results of the analysis there were 58 project delay factors that affected the delay of construction projects based on previous research. The project delay factors ranked so as to produce a project delay ranking sequence. Project delay factors will be grouped based on the perception of the Contractor, Client and PMC. Each project delay factor will be analyzed based on the type of delay factor, namely: Finance; Technical; and Coordination. It is concluded that the type of delay factor "finance" is a problem causing the project delay according to the perception of the "Client". While the type of "Tech...

To detect the quality of the graduates produced is not enough just to see its output, which is on... more To detect the quality of the graduates produced is not enough just to see its output, which is only seen from the ability of mastery of knowledge, skills and formal attitudes embodied in the Achievement Index achieved. It should also be detected from its outcome that is how many college graduates absorbed in the job market. Level absorbed graduates in the job market, and entrepreneurship is an indicator of the success of universities in graduated students (output). The subjects of this research are alumni of Bakrie University, graduated in 2015. The variables of this research are: (1) absorption of alumni in the job market and entrepreneurship; (2) waiting time to obtain employment; (3) suitability of jobs entered; and (4) perceptions of graduates on hard skills and soft skills. Methods of data collection are done through survey techniques. Based on the research data, it turns out that the waiting periods of alumni to get jobs of Bakrie University students graduated in 2015 to get e...
Russian Journal of Agricultural and Socio-Economic Sciences, 2018
Objective of the study is to analyze how much influence entrepreneurial orientation has towards c... more Objective of the study is to analyze how much influence entrepreneurial orientation has towards corporate performance on which organizational learning becomes the moderating variable. This verificative descriptive study conducted surveys in the national state-owned enterprises. The data analysis method was Structural Equation Model/SEM. In general, the indicators of entrepreneurial orientation were commitment to novelty, risk-taking and being proactive. The indicators of organizational learning was learning process in individual, group or organizational level, while those of corporate performance were customer satisfaction, financial condition, internal business process, learning/improvement. The finding showed that entrepreneurial orientation had significant influence towards corporate performance.
Russian Journal of Agricultural and Socio-Economic Sciences, 2018
This research aimed to determine the relationship between entrepreneurial orientation and corpora... more This research aimed to determine the relationship between entrepreneurial orientation and corporate performance in State Owned Corporations (SOEs) through Organizational Communication as the moderating variable. This research was a verificative descriptive research. Data were collected through a survey on SOEs in Indonesia. The results showed that in the SOE management structure, communication processes is based on efforts to develop capacity continuously and the ideas freely direct the achievement of organizational performance, formulated according to multidisciplinary assumptions. Communication management in SOEs based on adult and independent communication assumptions with information technology support directs the capacity of employees to produce an optimal organizational performance.

IOP Conference Series: Materials Science and Engineering, 2019
Delays that occur on a construction projects can cause project performance inefficiencies and can... more Delays that occur on a construction projects can cause project performance inefficiencies and can even add to the project cost. Factors due to project delays consist of many things that can cause project delays. This study aims to find a top ten similarity factor that causes delays in a construction projects based on the results of research in Jakarta construction projects against previous studies in other countries. From a total of 100 distributed questionnaires, 88 (88%) were filled in correctly and returned as data analysis material. The Data from the survey results were analyzed using Statistical Software Package (SPSS) to produce a ranking for Project Delay Factor. The ranking of the study was then re-analyzed based on the similarity of the previous research so that the similar Project Delay Factor Ranking was obtained.

Jurnal Ilmiah Universitas Bakrie, Apr 2, 2013
This study aims to find the root cause of delayed order processing in PT X and improve order proc... more This study aims to find the root cause of delayed order processing in PT X and improve order processing function so that delayed order processing could be minimized. This topic is chosen because the problem of delayed order processing has negatively affected business performance of PT X. This study was done in PT X in April-July 2012 involving S&OP Division and Sales Department. Data processing and analysis was done using the help of Microsoft Excel. Analysis result shows that root causes of order processing delay are: other job priority by Regional Sales Manager (RSM), different perspective of inventory level, limited distributors’ capability, and limited budget of S&OP Division. Different perspective of inventory level is one and the only factor that has high significance towards order processing delay. Different perspective between PT X and its distributors often creates compliance issues that need to be resolved each order cycle. Analysis result also shows that in order to minimize order processing delay, PT X are able to implement more flexible ordering system and assign only RSM or equivalent position to handle negotiation and/or approval step and to act as sales performance controller for distributors.
Dalam Excel, Data Table adalah cara untuk melihat hasil berbeda-beda dengan mengubah sebuah sel m... more Dalam Excel, Data Table adalah cara untuk melihat hasil berbeda-beda dengan mengubah sebuah sel masukan dalam rumus , A data table is a range of cells that shows how changing one or two variables in your formulas will affect the results of those formulas. Data tables provide a shortcut for calculating multiple results in one operation and a way to view and compare the results of all the different variations together on your worksheet.

Soft skills needed by today’s world is still not well identified. This can be seen in the data fr... more Soft skills needed by today’s world is still not well identified. This can be seen in the data from the study Ruben and De Angelis (1998), NACE Survey USA (2002) and Sharma (2009) in which the variation is still very wide, about six dozen variables that soft skills can still be reclassified. In addition, there are gaps between the soft skills desired by the company and supplied by the college. Given these problems, the study aims to know the variables of soft skills needed what the world of work and to be provided by the college. Sharma (2009) mentions soft skills that should be acquired and possessed such skills should communicate (communicative skills), thinking and problem solving skills (thinking skills and problem solving skills), the power of teamwork (team work force), lifelong learning and information management (life-long learning and Information Management), business skills (entrepreneurial skills), ethics, moral and professionalism (ethics, moral and professionalism), and...
ABSTRACT Transportation contributes significantly to the overall company operating costs. Transpo... more ABSTRACT Transportation contributes significantly to the overall company operating costs. Transportation cost on logistics system for delivery depends on delivery area and type of trucks. XYZ company as third party logistics (3PL) that used others transporters companies would be expensed different rental costs depend on the transporter charges. Best selection of the transporter and the type of truck could achieve the minimum point of transportation cost. This research attempted to get the minimum transportation costs, by using linear programming models. Linear programming model is decision making tools to maximize or minimize various linear inequalities relating to some situation and finding the "best" value obtainable under certain conditions.
The awareness of the role of microenterprise as one of the―backbones‖ of rural economy has increa... more The awareness of the role of microenterprise as one of the―backbones‖ of rural economy has increased. This is because of microenterprise conduct income generation activities for creating self-employment. More than 73% of small enterprise especially in the ...
Dalam penulisan bahasa Indonesia dan Melayu, seringkali kita menggunakan kata ulang. Sebagai cont... more Dalam penulisan bahasa Indonesia dan Melayu, seringkali kita menggunakan kata ulang. Sebagai contoh kata masing-masing, tamu-tamu, jalan-jalan dan lain sebagainya. Untuk mempercepat pengetikan maka kita dapat menggunakan macro dalam Microsoft Office dengan listing di Gambar 6. Listing Macro Kata Ulang. Untuk membuatnya, maka copy-kan macro dalam Gambar 2. Visual Basic Editor - Code Windows

business management review, 2012
Paying system for delivery depends on delivery area and type of truck. All transporters have diff... more Paying system for delivery depends on delivery area and type of truck. All transporters have different rental cost. Best selection of transporter and type of truck can achieve the minimum point of transportation cost. To get this minimum transportation cost, this research attempts to use linear programming. Linear programming model is decision making tools to maximize or minimize the function. Delivery process need information, such as route plan, transporter, and the type of truck will be used. Route plan will be planned per day when trucks want to deliver to one area and no different area combination. This research will use linear programming model to analyze transporter and type of truck selection. This research will develop three alternatives. These three alternatives will be compared to the real condition of the cost and the number of truck to get the minimum transportation cost for PT XYZ. Keywords: Transportation Cost, Transporter, Type of Truck, Route Plan, Linear Programmin...
Papers by Aurino Djamaris
materi. Isi buku ini adalah statistik aplikatif dimana setiap kasus disajikan dengan
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pengembangan produk dan juga perilaku konsumen. Khusus untuk BAB 7 tentang evaluasi
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