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Audio Engineering

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Monitors [01 Nov 2011|02:59pm]

I just bought a new computer, which I primarily use for casual web surfing, watching movies, and audio/video production. I decided that I was going to hook the computer up to my mixer and have the sound played through a pair of studio monitors. I figure the quality of sound will be great for movies, and be ready for use for audio production.
To date I have been using studio monitor headphones for production.
Could somebody recommend a good pair of studio monitors for me?
I haven’t bought new hardware in a while and am out of the loop with regards to what’s available/prices/products.
I am looking for something that is quality and affordable.
Thanks.I just bought a new computer, which I primarily use for casual web surfing, watching movies, and audio/video production. I decided that I was going to hook the computer up to my mixer and have the sound played through a pair of studio monitors. I figure the quality of sound will be great for movies, and be ready for use for audio production.
To date I have been using studio monitor headphones for production.
Could somebody recommend a good pair of studio monitors for me?
I haven’t bought new hardware in a while and am out of the loop with regards to what’s available/prices/products.
I am looking for something that is quality and affordable.
Thanks.I just bought a new computer, which I primarily use for casual web surfing, watching movies, and audio/video production. I decided that I was going to hook the computer up to my mixer and have the sound played through a pair of studio monitors. I figure the quality of sound will be great for movies, and be ready for use for audio production.
To date I have been using studio monitor headphones for production.
Could somebody recommend a good pair of studio monitors for me?
I haven’t bought new hardware in a while and am out of the loop with regards to what’s available/prices/products.
I am looking for something that is quality and affordable.
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Telex AC-2000 Cassette Duplicator [27 Oct 2011|09:00am]

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Actually what is a digital sound like from audiophilic point of view? [17 Mar 2011|08:43pm]

Being an audio engineer, I sense I actually don't understand what the digital sound actually is. A lot of audiophiles say they don't like digital sound. A lot of flame wars take place, comparing the theoretical and measured parameters of digital and analog sound.

In some of very clever and thick book for audio engineers I've read about the theoretical approach to "ideal" digital sound.

They say, I need to calculate the convolution of my audio signal with Sinc function to get rid of all frequencies beyond the Nyquist frequency, so they do not suffer from non-linear distortions. This is done by a special analog linear filter. They I need to collect disctete number samples between regular intervals, as frequent as double Nyquist frequency. Then convert these sample levels to digital numbers to store.

Now I have the theoretically ideal digital sound and I want to playback it. Again, I convert these numbers to a series of amplitude levels. Then I generate a regular series of thin short impulses with these levels. Finally, again, I need a filter to convolute this series with a Sinc function to get continious analog signal. Finally!

Okay, but how alike is my signal to the original? Well, taking a Fourier image of a filter (Sinc function), I see, that it has flat amplitude dependence up to the Nyquist frequency. Theory says it is good. Also, the phase dependence is linear, and no dispersion is present. Theory says it is good. I loose all frequencies beyond Nyquist range. That is how we pay for digital sound. The only problem is exactly at Nyquist frequency. But it is a single one, why worrying? We must have got an ideal sample!

Yes and no.Read more...Collapse )
4 tracks | hit record

Choice of a audio interface(firewire) [26 Jul 2010|03:22pm]
[ mood | artistic ]

 The thing is, I need a 4-channel audio interface. I need it to be compact, solid and relieble. It's gonna be the audio interface for the live gigs, so it must be reeeealy well made. I can afford 300-400USD. Any ideas? Thinking about the Focusrite Sapphire Pro 24. 

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[22 Jul 2010|10:57am]

Does anyone know if it's possible to set the audio input and output to different devices in Logic? I want to use the inputs on my Edirol FA-101 but output through Built-in Audio, as switching the headphone cable back and forth is getting kinda annoying.
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GAUDI @ THE GALLERY [21 Jul 2010|04:09pm]

THE GALLERY Night @ GaudiClub, Moscow / 14.07.2010

24.07.2010 , в клубе "Гауди" состоится очередное мероприятие серии
английских вечеринок THE GALLERY Night. Приготовтесь к сюрпризам!
МЫ будем спасать Вас от жары, в ВЫ будете отдыхать под отличный английский саунд от:

При поддержке отчечественных DJ's:
Илья Соловьев
Юрий Усачев
Miss Mini

Более подробная информация:
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Новый летний микс для интеллектуальных ушек [15 Jul 2010|04:27pm]

Бывает такое состояние души, когда природа, музыка, ты как одно целое. Рядом находятся люди которые наполняют твою жизнь эмоциями, все это располагает тебя к позитиву и радости.


а еще мы только приехали с ежегодного фестиваля GES FEST 2010, как и что там было, можно прочитать в моем отчете тут
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[28 Jun 2010|03:22pm]

Selling some old music equipment that I don't need any more. I'm in southeast England, so the nearer you are the better; collection is best. I don't mind mailing any of it, but obviously that'll put the price up.

I have -

- A Rode NT2, working and complete apart from shockmount
- A Drawmer MX60 preamp. Has a very nice valve sound.
- A pair of KRK v8 monitors. They need new tweeters (I think)
- A Marshall AVT2000 combo amp. Not in the best condition visually, but still sounds great.

I don't really know how much to ask for any of it, so name your price.

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Remix Contest/Конкурс Ремиксов [20 Apr 2010|11:24am]

[ mood | cheerful ]

Your chance to have YOUR MUSIC HEARD BY MILLIONS of people around the world, and gain international recognition as a leading remix artist!

Lena Katina, the star of the Russian pop sensation, t.A.T.u, launched a remix contest on You can put your spin on several t.A.T.u. songs. The winning tracks will be featured on the group’s upcoming remix compilation release.

Track stems are available here: 

The deadline for the remix submissions is May 1, 2010. So hurry! ;)

Good Luck!



О Вашей музыке услышат на всех континентах!

31 марта, начался конкурс ремиксов t.A.T.u. на Ваша задача - создать ремиксы треков альбома "Waste Management". Лучшие ремиксы будут собраны в цифровой релиз, который будет доступен широким массам на ведущих сайтах-распространителях музыки: iTunes, Rhapsody, Nokia, Amazon, Kroogi, и других. 

Треки в "разобранном" виде можно загрузить здесь:

Окончание приёма ремиксов: 1 мая. Так что не откладываете! ;)


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[25 Mar 2010|02:00pm]

I'm sorry about posting so much recently but this is driving me crazy.

In Battery 3, what MIDI parameter is used for the hi-hat control on pre-constructed kits? In the manual it says "using the modulation wheel" or something like that, but I'm programming drums using the piano roll and the Modulation parameter in Hyper Draw in Logic doesn't seem to do anything. I have the channel set to "Any".. I don't know if that makes a difference.

Google is also failing me.

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[21 Mar 2010|07:20pm]

What's the best way to make drums sound big and aggressive without compressing or limiting them? Or is there a way to compress things without losing all the punch somehow?

Actually: what's a good way of making stuff big without crushing the dynamics generally?
17 tracks | hit record

Sasha.ico - Bigger the tits lower the price (DJFAMILY / ARMA) [01 Feb 2010|08:29pm]

Берите ОПТОМ!)

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Hard Disk Recorder or Sampler / Sequencer / Workstation?? [18 Jan 2010|07:44pm]

I am not sure what my next purchase should be. I need something to create full songs on. I had a QY100 for sequencing my keyboards and extra sounds, but it didn't cut it...the sounds were weak, but the buttons were too small for my fingers and the interface is too old (too repetitive for editing)

1. Plug my guitar and synths in (audio track recording, at least 8)
2. Midi Sync (I have an electribe)
3. programmable drums?
4. insert and mastering effects
5. Easy to edit & compose full songs on it

I make mostly electronic music but do play guitar. So I'm not sure if I should get an MV-8000 series, or just say screw it to midi and get a BR or other recorder, which has cosm FX for my guitar. I like the korg m3 / triton, but I'm not sure if they record like a hard disk. I think the fantom is cool, but some of its sounds are whack.

I think I just want something thats FUN and not too technical. The reason I had trouble with the QY100 is because I'm getting sick of midi / logic pro. I want to lay a bunch of tracks down and not get caught up switching patches / nudging midi notes, and have them right there on boot up.

What are your experiences? Whats your favourite gear to make full tracks on.

I have even looked at the Roland SP-808ex, but I'm not sure if its too old.

P.S. I loved the Alesis fusion when I had it, but it was too buggy and also don't recommend me anything that is even a little bit glitchy.
2 tracks | hit record

EuroVoice - the new Music Contest in Europe [04 Dec 2009|03:31am]


Want to be a part of musical revolution?
Get involved in EuroVoice 2010!

EuroVoice is a new european music contest leaded by famous composer Eric Serra (soundtracks: Bandidas, Wasabi, The Fifth Element, GoldenEye, Léon etc.) You can upload tracks, create your own community or support your favourite musician. For more details visit

Don't miss your chanse!

Kind regards,
EuroVoice Team.

1 track | hit record

Audacity 1.3.10 just released [03 Dec 2009|07:26am]

New hotness for my fellow cheapskate audio engineer wannabees -
4 tracks | hit record

8 Channel Mic Pre (X-Posted to Recording Studio) [06 Nov 2009|04:37pm]

I'm looking to buy an 8 Channel Mic Pre around this time next year.
What are some good suggestions?
I'm running a Digi 003 and will eventually buy my own Digi 003 Rack+ for the all balanced connections.
I want some good pres to mic a whole kit with. I'm currently using the Direct Outs of my guitarist's Allen and Heath mixer.

Some things I'm looking for:
Phase Reverse, 48V, HPF, and Balanced outputs.

Right now, the Phoenix DRS8-8 Channel Preamp is looking pretty sexy. But anyone got any other suggestions?

Thanks guys!

(finally, a post that isn't about some lame VST plugin that can't do realtime processing haha)
7 tracks | hit record

PROFF live mix в прямом включении с школы диджеев [16 Oct 2009|12:19am]

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My Own Wichita Lineman (Shove It) [05 Oct 2009|07:38am]

My cover of Wichita Lineman is headed in a Deftones "My Own Summer" direction. I need a Deftones sound effect for my voice. Any ideas?
5 tracks | hit record

Новая музычка для поднятия настроения =) [04 Oct 2009|03:33am]

Иногда краски обманывают нас, заставляя верить в нечто большее...

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Cyanide VST Plug-in [27 Sep 2009|03:37pm]

I wonder what others think of this plug-in.

So far, I have some really good results using it to clean up lead guitar tones, and as a transient shaper for when I add distortion to an Auxilliary Channel for room mics (for drums).
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