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    • Cultural Studies
The last two decades have seen the emergence of not just new markets but new market spaces that provide a visual experience of products and persons that closely approximates the field set up by the global media. Malls represent the... more
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    • Business
The relationship between feminism and motherhood has not been without its complexities. These acquire additional layers when disability is introduced as a third aspect of this relationship. While feminists, from Adrienne Rich onwards,... more
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In my assignment, I will discuss various arguments on eugenics and birth control in context gender, class and caste. I will discuss how social stratification has become severe barrier in accessibility and availability of medical... more
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      EugenicsNorth East India
The aim of this paper is to look how the medical science has become a commercialized site which ignore the primary health issues and how the woman's body and her health is being exploited in its frame work through the field of surrogacy.... more
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What is masculinity (ties)? Elaborate on its relationship with power and nationalism.
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      MasculinitiesGender and Sexualities
The partition and the urge to have an independent India and Pakistan in 1947 came with a heavy price for women. A good percentage of population is exchanged due to the communal riots between Hindus, Sikhs and Muslims. This paper basically... more
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    • Violence
Pratiksha Baxi is a well known scholar working on sexual violence, sociology of law, feminism, and legal ethnography. Her work "Justice is a Secret: "Compromise" in Rape Trial is basically a case study of a trial of rape, abduction and... more
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In this assignment my aim is to look at the violence that militarization is operating on Northeast India. My arguments will revolve around what kind of effect it is having upon the native people specially women and how it is reshaping the... more
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From the prehistoric period, women and children were the worst suffers of the armed conflicts both directly or indirectly. Their sufferings are attached to their counterparts who are taking account of everything in silence across the... more
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    • Gender Roles and Relations in Armed Conflict Situations
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    • Gender Studies
This paper examines the links between labour systems and organisations and women's oppression in the below given articles. This analysis was carried out keeping in mind the framework of Marxist, Materialist, Socialist and Radical feminism... more
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      Gender StudiesFeminismWork and Labour
This paper is a review of articles and books namely Tanika Sarkar (2003) and Lata Mani (1998), Veena Das (2006), Uma Chakravarti’s book, Gendering Caste (1998) and Soibam Haripriya’s article (2012) in the North-Eastern Quarterly. The... more
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      Gender StudiesGender and SexualityMichel Foucault
This article discusses the findings of a research report titled 'Capturing diversity: a comprehensive report on women in science and engineering in India'. By mapping the life trajectories of 130 women scientists of India, the article... more
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      MultidisciplinaryCurrent Science
There are several women"s movements that generally, raise questions of gender and its consequences. Different ideologies, modes of action, complexity and disputes are raising some issues. The argument raise is about the representation of... more
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      Gender HistoryGender EqualityThird WorldWomen and Gender Studies
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    • Gender Equality
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    • Violence
Silence revealed what women experienced during the partition of India. In late nineteenth century and early twentieth century, within the context of Hindu and Muslims, religion the question of sexuality and purity is consider which is to... more
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    • Gender and Sexuality
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