Papers by Klaus Bosselmann
Review of European, Comparative & International Environmental Law, 2015
First published by Earthscan in the UK and USA in 2008 Copyright© Laura Westra, Klaus Bosselmann ... more First published by Earthscan in the UK and USA in 2008 Copyright© Laura Westra, Klaus Bosselmann and Richard Westra, 2008 All rights reserved ISBN 978-1-84407-565-2 Typeset by Domex e-data Pvt. Ltd, India Printed and bound in the UK by TJ International, Padstow Cover ...
Sustainability, 2010
Environmental laws and policies have saved some -trees‖, but the -forest‖ is being lost as critic... more Environmental laws and policies have saved some -trees‖, but the -forest‖ is being lost as critical global issues including climate change, biodiversity loss, and our ecological footprint continue to worsen. Existing laws and policies mitigate the ecological damage inflicted by industrial economies and western lifestyles. The article essentially makes the case for a sustainability approach to law that aims for transformation rather than environmental mitigation. Relevant trends in international law and domestic law reflective of a sustainability approach are discussed, and the article describes some contours of -law for sustainability‖ or -sustainability law‖.
Journal of Education for Sustainable Development, 2010
© Klaus Bosselmann 2008 All rights reserved. No part of this publication may be reproduced, store... more © Klaus Bosselmann 2008 All rights reserved. No part of this publication may be reproduced, stored in a retrieval system or transmitted in any form or by any means, electronic, mechanical, photocopying, recording or otherwise without the prior permission ...
Current Opinion in Environmental Sustainability, 2012
Law Environment and Development Journal, 2006
LEAD Journal (Law, Environment and Development Journal) is a peer-reviewed academic publication b... more LEAD Journal (Law, Environment and Development Journal) is a peer-reviewed academic publication based in New Delhi and London and jointly managed by the School of Law, School of Oriental and African Studies (SOAS) - University of London and the International Environmental ...

Our point of analytical departure is that the state of the global environment is deteriorating de... more Our point of analytical departure is that the state of the global environment is deteriorating despite the accumulating body of international environmental law. By drawing on the recent Earth system science concept of interlinked planetary boundaries, this article makes a case for a goal-oriented, purposive system of multilateral environmental agreements. The notion of 'goal' is used here to mean a single, legally binding, superior norma grundnormthat gives all international regimes and organizations a shared purpose to which their specific objectives must contribute. A bird's eye view of the international environmental law system reveals how the absence of a unifying goal has created a condition that is conducive to environmental problem shifting rather than problem solving. We argue that a clearly agreed goal would provide the legal system with a point of reference for legal reasoning and interpretation, thereby enhancing institutional coherence across Earth's subsystems. To this end, this article concludes by observing that the protection of the integrity of Earth's life-support system has emerged as a common denominator among international environmental law instruments. Accordingly, we suggest that this notion is a strong candidate for the overarching goal of international environmental law.

Educational Philosophy and Theory, Jan 1, 2001
The economic bias of our globalized world has marginalized sustainability as humanity's true and ... more The economic bias of our globalized world has marginalized sustainability as humanity's true and greatest challenge. Rather than facing up to this challenge, universities have, by and large, followed the economic bias by investing into 'marketable' degrees and programmes. Reliance on market needs and corporate funding has sidelined future-oriented interdisciplinary sustainability education and research. We may ask: is the university's economically driven agenda compatible with sustainability reflecting complexity and interdisciplinarity? The paper examines the current and potential role of the university as a leader for sustainability education and research citing good and bad examples from universities in New Zealand and Germany. The thesis is that the university is in need of urgent reforms to reclaim its constitutional role as a conscience and critic of society.
Governing for the Environment: Global Problems, …, Jan 1, 2001
At the end of this century we are witnessing an unprecedented increase in legal claims for both, ... more At the end of this century we are witnessing an unprecedented increase in legal claims for both, human rights and the environment. Never before have so many people raised so many demands for human and environmental protection. Like human rights, environmental law touches upon all spheres of human activity. Quite obviously, human rights and the environment are closely related.
… justice and market mechanisms. London: Kluwer Law …, Jan 1, 1999
Worldviews: Global Religions, Culture, and …, Jan 1, 2004
Western legal traditions are anthropocentric in character and largely hostile to ecological princ... more Western legal traditions are anthropocentric in character and largely hostile to ecological principles. However, domestic and international environmental law show signs of an ecocentric orientation. In search for a legal framework for ecologically sustainable development the Earth Charter marks an important step forward. Among its ground-breaking principles are ecologically defined concepts of sustainability, justice and rights.
Environmental law for a sustainable society, Jan 1, 2002
Environmental law for sustainability: A critical reader. …
NZJ Envtl. L., Jan 1, 1997
2 New Zealand Journal of Environmental Law I: INTRODUCTION Indigenous peoples have not been serve... more 2 New Zealand Journal of Environmental Law I: INTRODUCTION Indigenous peoples have not been served well by international law. Lacking the sovereign status and international standing of states, indigenous peoples are not per se granted any rights. International law has, in ...
NZJ Envtl. L., Jan 1, 2002
297 Rio+10: Any Closer to Sustainable Development? Klaus Bosselmann* 2002 marked the 10,h anniver... more 297 Rio+10: Any Closer to Sustainable Development? Klaus Bosselmann* 2002 marked the 10,h anniversary of the Earth Summit in Rio that promoted the concept of sustainable development. While the concept has been popular among governments and business, ...
Papers by Klaus Bosselmann