Women's subsistence contribution to household food security is undeniable. However, due to domina... more Women's subsistence contribution to household food security is undeniable. However, due to dominance of capital bias in most labour economies, rural women in particular lack agency to improve capacities and access to the resources and opportunities they need to be more productive. This knowledge gap is the subject of many studies in sustainable agriculture development and gender equity. Although the general consensus necessitates policy interventions targeting the gender gap in agriculture resources, within the Egyptian national context, not enough research has been dedicated to quantifying the importance of women subsistence agricultural labour. This article seeks to statistically analyse women's roles in subsistence agriculture, estimated by a national time-use survey conducted in 2018. The goal is to highlight their capacity to contribute to the food and nutrition security in Egypt and qualify real impact of rural females' subsistence agriculture labour on rural household food security verses that of rural males. This will contribute to the debate that investigating in rural females in agriculture promotes rural community sustainability and highlight their capacity for agricultural production. Highlights 1. Egyptian rural women work signi cantly longer hours than men in total subsistence labor, shouldering most of the non-agricultural subsistence labor. 2. Although more rural women are engaged in agricultural subsistence labor tasks compared to men; rural men that con rm their involvement in any subsistence labor spend signi cantly more time agricultural subsistence than women. 3. However, the impact of hours spent in subsistence agriculture by females in the household on the probability of their household's food security was higher than that of men.
A benefit-incidence analysis was conducted for the year 2000 using various data sources including... more A benefit-incidence analysis was conducted for the year 2000 using various data sources including the Jordan healthcare utilization and expenditure survey 2000. The results illustrate that the poorest segment of the Jordanian population were the most likely to report sickness and seek treatment and were the main users of the Ministry of Health outpatient services. The poorest uninsured individuals were the main source of revenues generated through user fees. The targeting efficiency (i.e. total percentage of benefits received) for the poorest quintile was 33.8% compared with 4.0% in the richest quintile. The analysis demonstrates that the Jordanian government in-kind subsidy is reaching the poor.
Well integrity is one of the critical concern during the life cycle of wells and impose an enormo... more Well integrity is one of the critical concern during the life cycle of wells and impose an enormous challenge to the oil & gas industry. External and/or Internal corrosion of tubing & casing is one of the main reasons of leaks in the wells causing fluid movement from one annulus to other annulus. Complete understanding of the source of pressure communication between different annuli is of prime importance for designing an effective remedial action. Most leaks can worsen with time and therefore, locating and repairing a leak in its early stages is essential otherwise it may sometimes lead to abandonment of the well. Knowing the precise location of a leak prior to executing repair jobs will lead to better planning thus reducing downtime and repair costs. The problem becomes more complicated when the leak diagnosis has to be done using conventional logging techniques without pulling out the tubing string. Presence of competent barriers is a fundamental imperative of well integrity. Imp...
A case-control, quasi-experimental study was designed (post-test only) to investigate the effect ... more A case-control, quasi-experimental study was designed (post-test only) to investigate the effect of a performance-based incentive payment scheme on behaviours of public-sector service providers in delivering a basic package of maternal and child-health services in Egyptian primary healthcare units. The results showed significant improvements in the quality of family-planning, antenatal care, and childcare services as reported by women seen in clinics where the incentive payment scheme was in operation as measured by various indicators, including both technical and inter-personal communication content. An analysis of characteristics of the service providers and clients found no significant or meaningful differences between the study groups, and the facilities of both the study groups were essentially the same. Some findings are suggestive of other influences on behaviours of the service providers not captured by the data-collection instruments of the study. Subsequent to this study, the payment scheme has been rolled out to other districts in Egypt.
Objectives: This study empirically assesses the impact of the changes in women's characteristics,... more Objectives: This study empirically assesses the impact of the changes in women's characteristics, empowerment, availability and quality of health services on woman's decision to use antenatal care (ANC) and the frequency of that use during the period 2000-2008. Study Design: The study is a cross-sectional analytical study using 2000 and 2008 Egypt Demographic and Health Surveys. Methods: The assessment of the studied impact is conducted using the Zero-inflated Negative Binomial Regression. In addition, Factor Analysis technique is used to construct some of the explanatory variables such as women's empowerment, the availability and quality of health services indicators. Results: Utilization of antenatal health care services is greatly improved from 2000 to 2008. Availability of health services is one of the main determinants that affect the number of antenatal care visits in 2008. Wealth index and quality of health services play an important role in raising the level of antenatal care utilization in 2000 and 2008. However, the impact of the terminated pregnancy on receiving ANC increased over time. Conclusions: Further research of the determinants of antenatal health care utilization is needed, using more updated measures of women's empowerment, availability and quality of health services. In order to improve the provision of antenatal health care services, it is important to understand barriers to antenatal health care utilization. Therefore, it is advisable to collect information from women about the reasons for not receiving antenatal care.
License, which permits unrestricted use, distribution, and reproduction in any medium, provided t... more License, which permits unrestricted use, distribution, and reproduction in any medium, provided the original work is properly cited. Women’s relative lack of decision-making power and their unequal access to employment, finances, education, basic health care, and other resources are considered to be the root causes of their ill-health and that of their children.Themain purpose of this paper is to examine the interactive relation between women’s empowerment and the use of maternal health care. Twomodel specifications are tested. One assumes no correlation between empowerment and antenatal care while the second specification allows for correlation. Both the univariate and the recursive bivariate probit models are tested. The data used in this study is EDHS 2008. Factor Analysis Technique is also used to construct some of the explanatory variables such as the availability and quality of health services indicators. Thefindings show thatwomen’s empowerment and receiving regular antenatal...
In Egypt data from the 1980 Fertility Survey the 1984 Contraceptive Prevalence Survey the 1988 De... more In Egypt data from the 1980 Fertility Survey the 1984 Contraceptive Prevalence Survey the 1988 Demographic and Health Survey and the 1991 Maternal and Child Health Survey were analyzed to examine changes in fertility contraception and marriage during the 1980s. The total fertility rate (TFR) fell from 5.28 to 4.31. TFR was lower in urban areas than in rural areas (in 1991 it was 3.31 vs. 5.63). It was especially high in rural Upper Egypt in 1991 (6.38). By 1991 almost everyone knew about family planning (FP) (99.6 vs. 89.7% in 1980 and 85.4% in 1984) especially oral contraceptives (OCs) and IUDs. In 1991 63.2% of ever-married women had ever used contraception compared to 39.8% in 1980. In 1980-1991 current use of FP methods among married women increased from 24.1 to 47.6% OCs and IUDs were the most popular methods. Current use of contraception was higher in urban areas than in rural areas regardless of year (e.g. in 1991 use was 61.4 vs. 38.4%). In 1991 63.4% of current married wome...
This paper describes how the economic household production model can be taken as a frame of refer... more This paper describes how the economic household production model can be taken as a frame of reference to test the stage of the fertility transition for a given society. Egypt during the 1970s and early 1980s is taken as the setting to illustrate the test. Egyptian fertility trends from the mid-1960s to early 1980s puzzled demographers and social scientists. It was unknown whether Egypt was at the onset of a sustainable fertility decline by the early 1980s. The results show that the Egyptian household fertility behavior during this period fits poorly with the model specification corresponding to a post-transition society. The authors found that fertility by the end of the 1970s was not endogenous to other household decisions. They conclude that a sustained decline in fertility is unlikely without this endogenicity. (authors modified)
Executive Summary The objective of this report is to understand the determinants of the fertility... more Executive Summary The objective of this report is to understand the determinants of the fertility plateau in Egypt and to discuss the policy options that are available if further declines are being targeted. This report provides a summary of the main findings of a research activity conducted by SRC in partnership with UNFPA/ASRO and UNFPA Cairo office. The details of this activity, including the scientific papers, drawn upon to prepare this report, are provided in the resource site of this project that is available at http://www.aucegypt.edu/research/src/Pages/PopConf_studies.aspx.
An essential component of quality of reproductive health (RH) care, which has often been overlook... more An essential component of quality of reproductive health (RH) care, which has often been overlooked in the Egyptian literature, is the physicians’ knowledge. This study attempts to assess the RH knowledge of physicians working under two different primary health care (PHC) settings and compare them with a control group of RH physicians working in the regular primary health care units. The first setting belonged to the health sector reform (HSR) program that Egypt attempts to scale-up while the second came from a special RH intervention initiative conducted by an NGO (ESPSRH) in Egypt. Two tools were developed to test physicians’ RH knowledge in the three groups of PHC clinics. A questionnaire was designed to test several aspects of RH knowledge and an in-depth interview schedule was used to collect detailed information from the physicians. Despite the fact that the three groups received training courses but with varying degrees of content and frequency, their learning level was low. ...
AIM to examine and compare the viewpoints of women who have sought reproductive health care at un... more AIM to examine and compare the viewpoints of women who have sought reproductive health care at units applying the health sector reform programme in two governorates, Menoufia and Alexandria, in Egypt. METHODS a two-stage cluster sampling method was used in which four health units were randomly selected from these two governorates. Cluster sampling was again used to select households from the village where each selected health unit was situated. Women who had used clinic services for reproductive health care during the three months preceding the study were interviewed at home. RESULTS users came for treatment at the units mainly because of convenience and close proximity rather than for the quality of the services offered. Application of the system of booking appointments was found to be different in the two study governorates. Each governorate applied different systems for registering users with physicians. The freedom to choose the physician was missing from the programme. Many bas...
Antenatal health care utilization is very important not only for mothers but also for babies beca... more Antenatal health care utilization is very important not only for mothers but also for babies because it is leading to reduce maternal and child mortality. Women’s relative lack of decision-making power and their unequal access to employment, finances, education, basic health care are considered to be the root causes of their illhealth and that of their children. The main purpose of this paper is to examine whether women's empowerment and receiving regular antenatal care are simultaneously determined. The Recursive Bivariate Probit model is used to achieve this goal. Factor analysis technique is used to construct availability and quality of health services indicators. The recursive bivariate probit estimates show that women's empowerment and receiving regular antenatal care are simultaneously determined. Additionally, women's empowerment has a significant and positive impact on receiving regular antenatal care. This finding confirms that women's empowerment is crucial...
Tujuan dari penelitian ini adalah untuk mengetahui perbedaan hasil belajar kognitif siswa yang di... more Tujuan dari penelitian ini adalah untuk mengetahui perbedaan hasil belajar kognitif siswa yang diajar menggunakan model pembelajaran Make a Match dengan Word Square pada materi Sistem Reproduksi Manusia di kelas XI IPA MAN 2 Model Medan T.A.2016/2017. Jenis penelitian ini adalah eksperimen semu (quasi experiment) dengan populasi penelitian seluruh kelas XI IPA MAN 2 Model Medan terdiri dari 10 kelas dengan jumlah siswa sebanyak 422 orang. Sampel penelitian ini dipilih dengan menggunakan teknik Purposive Sampling. Sampel terdiri dari tiga kelas yaitu kelas XI-IPA 4 yang berjumlah 43 orang sebagai kelas Make a Match, kelas XI-IPA 5 yang berjumlah 41 orang sebagai kelas Word Square, dan kelas XI-IPA 1 yang berjumlah 41 orang sebagai kelas kontrol. Instrumen penelitian berupa tes hasil belajar siswa berbentuk pilihan berganda yang berjumlah 40 soal yang sudah divalidasi terlebih dahulu. Untuk mengetahui perbedaan hasil belajar siswa digunakan uji-t. Berdasarkan uji persyaratan data diketahui bahwa data hasil penelitian berdistribusi normal dan ketiga kelas memiliki kesamaan varians (homogen). Dari analisis data diketahui bahwa nilai rata-rata siswa yang diajar dengan Make a Match adalah 92,372, yang diajar dengan Word Square adalah 91,22, dan yang diajar dengan Kontrol adalah 92. Ada perbedaan yang signifikan terhadap hasil belajar siswa, ini dibuktikan melalui uji-t pada taraf signifikan α = 0,05 dan dk 82 diperoleh t hitung > t tabel (2,44 > 1,98) maka penelitian ini menolak H 0 dan menerima H a. Dengan demikian, dapat disimpulkan bahwa terdapat perbedaan hasil belajar siswa yang diajarkan dengan menggunakan model pembelajaran Make a Match dengan Word Square pada materi Sistem Reproduksi Manusia di kelas XI IPA MAN 2 Model Medan T.A.2016/2017.
Understanding choice of family planning provider is fundamental for policy makers and program man... more Understanding choice of family planning provider is fundamental for policy makers and program managers as they seek ways to both improve the coverage and increase the sustainability and efficiency of family planning services for Egypt to achieve its population objectives. This study focuses first on providing a descriptive profile of the patterns of reliance on sources of family planning services during the early 2000s. Binomial logit models are then estimated to obtain a more in depth understanding of the determinants of the choice of family planning providers in Egypt using the 2000 Egypt Demographic and Health Survey. The study offers insights into a number of aspects of family planning service provision about which there has been less previous investigation. There are marked differences in the extent to which Egyptian women rely on public or private providers for family planning services depending on the type of method they are seeking. Among the more important findings is the consistency women display in the choice of provider among women reporting multiple segments of use. With regard to the determinants of the choice of provider for family planning services, perhaps the most interesting finding is that household wealth was not a significant determinant of the choice of provider. This may reflect that private sources met the demand for family planning services of significant proportions of women in rural areas and among those in the low income groups.
Egyptian Population and Family Planning Review, Jun 1, 1999
Egypt is in still undergoing its fertility transition from high levels to low levels. Exploring t... more Egypt is in still undergoing its fertility transition from high levels to low levels. Exploring the trends of fertility during the first half of the nineties clearly shows that there is evidence for fertility increase in some regions of Egypt. This study used Bongaartss indices of the proximate determinants of fertility and a method that was proposed by Zaky in 1997 to decompose fertility changes. This included analysing the relative contributions of three proximate determinants (marriage contraceptive use and postpartum insusceptibility) to fertility transition on a regional level in Egypt during the period 1980-1995. The data came from the 1980 Egypt Fertility Survey 1988 1992 and 1995 Egypt Demographic and Health Surveys. Contraception had proven to be the most important factor to reduce fertility. However regions vary in the extent to which changes in contraceptive use inhibited fertility. The reducing effect of contraception was diminishing. Marriage had significant effects that changed across regions. The study projected some increase in fertility rates in the regions in the near future similar to the increase that occurred for the Urban Governorates and urban Upper Egypt. The study then concluded with some policy implications. (authors)
Journal of Health and Population in Developing Countries, 2004
The study uses the 1995 Egypt DHS and the probit maximum likelihood method to study the relations... more The study uses the 1995 Egypt DHS and the probit maximum likelihood method to study the relationships among three related fertility desires. Findings indicate that future fertility desires and contraceptive use are becoming endogenous to each other. The relationship between female employment and fertility desires is not typical of a country at post-transitional stage of fertility. The idea of wife's opportunity cost and rational choices is not yet valid. One should not expect further dramatic decline in fertility.
In Egypt data from the 1980 Fertility Survey the 1984 Contraceptive Prevalence Survey the 1988 De... more In Egypt data from the 1980 Fertility Survey the 1984 Contraceptive Prevalence Survey the 1988 Demographic and Health Survey and the 1991 Maternal and Child Health Survey were analyzed to examine changes in fertility contraception and marriage during the 1980s. The total fertility rate (TFR) fell from 5.28 to 4.31. TFR was lower in urban areas than in rural areas (in 1991 it was 3.31 vs. 5.63). It was especially high in rural Upper Egypt in 1991 (6.38). By 1991 almost everyone knew about family planning (FP) (99.6 vs. 89.7% in 1980 and 85.4% in 1984) especially oral contraceptives (OCs) and IUDs. In 1991 63.2% of ever-married women had ever used contraception compared to 39.8% in 1980. In 1980-1991 current use of FP methods among married women increased from 24.1 to 47.6% OCs and IUDs were the most popular methods. Current use of contraception was higher in urban areas than in rural areas regardless of year (e.g. in 1991 use was 61.4 vs. 38.4%). In 1991 63.4% of current married women did not want more children compared to 53.1% in 1980. The proportion of currently married women in rural areas who did not want more children increased 33% during the 1980s (45.3-58.1%). Mean desired family size decreased more in rural areas than it did in urban areas (1.4 vs. .4 child). The percentage of women who had never married hovered around 25% during the 1980s. In fact other than widowed women the marital status distribution did not change much. The percentage of ever-married women in younger age groups fell (e.g. 15-19 years 22-12.1%; 20-24 years 64-56.8%). The singulate mean age at marriage increased from 21.3 to 22.6 years. It was always lowest in rural Upper Egypt and highest in the urban governates (18.8 vs. 23.6 years in 1980 and 20.1 vs. 25.8 years in 1991). Strong political commitment to policy development and population and FP resulted in an increased demand for contraceptives leading to these demographic changes.
Sixty-nine years old lady presented with sudden cardiac arrest, she was found to have hypertrophi... more Sixty-nine years old lady presented with sudden cardiac arrest, she was found to have hypertrophic obstructive cardiomyopathy, she refused septal myomectomy and had a dual chamber ICD implanted, she was put on right ventricular apical pacing with short AV interval, after pacing her max pressure gradient across left ventricular out flow tract (LVOT) dropped from 117mmHg to 21mmHg and her
Women's subsistence contribution to household food security is undeniable. However, due to domina... more Women's subsistence contribution to household food security is undeniable. However, due to dominance of capital bias in most labour economies, rural women in particular lack agency to improve capacities and access to the resources and opportunities they need to be more productive. This knowledge gap is the subject of many studies in sustainable agriculture development and gender equity. Although the general consensus necessitates policy interventions targeting the gender gap in agriculture resources, within the Egyptian national context, not enough research has been dedicated to quantifying the importance of women subsistence agricultural labour. This article seeks to statistically analyse women's roles in subsistence agriculture, estimated by a national time-use survey conducted in 2018. The goal is to highlight their capacity to contribute to the food and nutrition security in Egypt and qualify real impact of rural females' subsistence agriculture labour on rural household food security verses that of rural males. This will contribute to the debate that investigating in rural females in agriculture promotes rural community sustainability and highlight their capacity for agricultural production. Highlights 1. Egyptian rural women work signi cantly longer hours than men in total subsistence labor, shouldering most of the non-agricultural subsistence labor. 2. Although more rural women are engaged in agricultural subsistence labor tasks compared to men; rural men that con rm their involvement in any subsistence labor spend signi cantly more time agricultural subsistence than women. 3. However, the impact of hours spent in subsistence agriculture by females in the household on the probability of their household's food security was higher than that of men.
A benefit-incidence analysis was conducted for the year 2000 using various data sources including... more A benefit-incidence analysis was conducted for the year 2000 using various data sources including the Jordan healthcare utilization and expenditure survey 2000. The results illustrate that the poorest segment of the Jordanian population were the most likely to report sickness and seek treatment and were the main users of the Ministry of Health outpatient services. The poorest uninsured individuals were the main source of revenues generated through user fees. The targeting efficiency (i.e. total percentage of benefits received) for the poorest quintile was 33.8% compared with 4.0% in the richest quintile. The analysis demonstrates that the Jordanian government in-kind subsidy is reaching the poor.
Well integrity is one of the critical concern during the life cycle of wells and impose an enormo... more Well integrity is one of the critical concern during the life cycle of wells and impose an enormous challenge to the oil & gas industry. External and/or Internal corrosion of tubing & casing is one of the main reasons of leaks in the wells causing fluid movement from one annulus to other annulus. Complete understanding of the source of pressure communication between different annuli is of prime importance for designing an effective remedial action. Most leaks can worsen with time and therefore, locating and repairing a leak in its early stages is essential otherwise it may sometimes lead to abandonment of the well. Knowing the precise location of a leak prior to executing repair jobs will lead to better planning thus reducing downtime and repair costs. The problem becomes more complicated when the leak diagnosis has to be done using conventional logging techniques without pulling out the tubing string. Presence of competent barriers is a fundamental imperative of well integrity. Imp...
A case-control, quasi-experimental study was designed (post-test only) to investigate the effect ... more A case-control, quasi-experimental study was designed (post-test only) to investigate the effect of a performance-based incentive payment scheme on behaviours of public-sector service providers in delivering a basic package of maternal and child-health services in Egyptian primary healthcare units. The results showed significant improvements in the quality of family-planning, antenatal care, and childcare services as reported by women seen in clinics where the incentive payment scheme was in operation as measured by various indicators, including both technical and inter-personal communication content. An analysis of characteristics of the service providers and clients found no significant or meaningful differences between the study groups, and the facilities of both the study groups were essentially the same. Some findings are suggestive of other influences on behaviours of the service providers not captured by the data-collection instruments of the study. Subsequent to this study, the payment scheme has been rolled out to other districts in Egypt.
Objectives: This study empirically assesses the impact of the changes in women's characteristics,... more Objectives: This study empirically assesses the impact of the changes in women's characteristics, empowerment, availability and quality of health services on woman's decision to use antenatal care (ANC) and the frequency of that use during the period 2000-2008. Study Design: The study is a cross-sectional analytical study using 2000 and 2008 Egypt Demographic and Health Surveys. Methods: The assessment of the studied impact is conducted using the Zero-inflated Negative Binomial Regression. In addition, Factor Analysis technique is used to construct some of the explanatory variables such as women's empowerment, the availability and quality of health services indicators. Results: Utilization of antenatal health care services is greatly improved from 2000 to 2008. Availability of health services is one of the main determinants that affect the number of antenatal care visits in 2008. Wealth index and quality of health services play an important role in raising the level of antenatal care utilization in 2000 and 2008. However, the impact of the terminated pregnancy on receiving ANC increased over time. Conclusions: Further research of the determinants of antenatal health care utilization is needed, using more updated measures of women's empowerment, availability and quality of health services. In order to improve the provision of antenatal health care services, it is important to understand barriers to antenatal health care utilization. Therefore, it is advisable to collect information from women about the reasons for not receiving antenatal care.
License, which permits unrestricted use, distribution, and reproduction in any medium, provided t... more License, which permits unrestricted use, distribution, and reproduction in any medium, provided the original work is properly cited. Women’s relative lack of decision-making power and their unequal access to employment, finances, education, basic health care, and other resources are considered to be the root causes of their ill-health and that of their children.Themain purpose of this paper is to examine the interactive relation between women’s empowerment and the use of maternal health care. Twomodel specifications are tested. One assumes no correlation between empowerment and antenatal care while the second specification allows for correlation. Both the univariate and the recursive bivariate probit models are tested. The data used in this study is EDHS 2008. Factor Analysis Technique is also used to construct some of the explanatory variables such as the availability and quality of health services indicators. Thefindings show thatwomen’s empowerment and receiving regular antenatal...
In Egypt data from the 1980 Fertility Survey the 1984 Contraceptive Prevalence Survey the 1988 De... more In Egypt data from the 1980 Fertility Survey the 1984 Contraceptive Prevalence Survey the 1988 Demographic and Health Survey and the 1991 Maternal and Child Health Survey were analyzed to examine changes in fertility contraception and marriage during the 1980s. The total fertility rate (TFR) fell from 5.28 to 4.31. TFR was lower in urban areas than in rural areas (in 1991 it was 3.31 vs. 5.63). It was especially high in rural Upper Egypt in 1991 (6.38). By 1991 almost everyone knew about family planning (FP) (99.6 vs. 89.7% in 1980 and 85.4% in 1984) especially oral contraceptives (OCs) and IUDs. In 1991 63.2% of ever-married women had ever used contraception compared to 39.8% in 1980. In 1980-1991 current use of FP methods among married women increased from 24.1 to 47.6% OCs and IUDs were the most popular methods. Current use of contraception was higher in urban areas than in rural areas regardless of year (e.g. in 1991 use was 61.4 vs. 38.4%). In 1991 63.4% of current married wome...
This paper describes how the economic household production model can be taken as a frame of refer... more This paper describes how the economic household production model can be taken as a frame of reference to test the stage of the fertility transition for a given society. Egypt during the 1970s and early 1980s is taken as the setting to illustrate the test. Egyptian fertility trends from the mid-1960s to early 1980s puzzled demographers and social scientists. It was unknown whether Egypt was at the onset of a sustainable fertility decline by the early 1980s. The results show that the Egyptian household fertility behavior during this period fits poorly with the model specification corresponding to a post-transition society. The authors found that fertility by the end of the 1970s was not endogenous to other household decisions. They conclude that a sustained decline in fertility is unlikely without this endogenicity. (authors modified)
Executive Summary The objective of this report is to understand the determinants of the fertility... more Executive Summary The objective of this report is to understand the determinants of the fertility plateau in Egypt and to discuss the policy options that are available if further declines are being targeted. This report provides a summary of the main findings of a research activity conducted by SRC in partnership with UNFPA/ASRO and UNFPA Cairo office. The details of this activity, including the scientific papers, drawn upon to prepare this report, are provided in the resource site of this project that is available at http://www.aucegypt.edu/research/src/Pages/PopConf_studies.aspx.
An essential component of quality of reproductive health (RH) care, which has often been overlook... more An essential component of quality of reproductive health (RH) care, which has often been overlooked in the Egyptian literature, is the physicians’ knowledge. This study attempts to assess the RH knowledge of physicians working under two different primary health care (PHC) settings and compare them with a control group of RH physicians working in the regular primary health care units. The first setting belonged to the health sector reform (HSR) program that Egypt attempts to scale-up while the second came from a special RH intervention initiative conducted by an NGO (ESPSRH) in Egypt. Two tools were developed to test physicians’ RH knowledge in the three groups of PHC clinics. A questionnaire was designed to test several aspects of RH knowledge and an in-depth interview schedule was used to collect detailed information from the physicians. Despite the fact that the three groups received training courses but with varying degrees of content and frequency, their learning level was low. ...
AIM to examine and compare the viewpoints of women who have sought reproductive health care at un... more AIM to examine and compare the viewpoints of women who have sought reproductive health care at units applying the health sector reform programme in two governorates, Menoufia and Alexandria, in Egypt. METHODS a two-stage cluster sampling method was used in which four health units were randomly selected from these two governorates. Cluster sampling was again used to select households from the village where each selected health unit was situated. Women who had used clinic services for reproductive health care during the three months preceding the study were interviewed at home. RESULTS users came for treatment at the units mainly because of convenience and close proximity rather than for the quality of the services offered. Application of the system of booking appointments was found to be different in the two study governorates. Each governorate applied different systems for registering users with physicians. The freedom to choose the physician was missing from the programme. Many bas...
Antenatal health care utilization is very important not only for mothers but also for babies beca... more Antenatal health care utilization is very important not only for mothers but also for babies because it is leading to reduce maternal and child mortality. Women’s relative lack of decision-making power and their unequal access to employment, finances, education, basic health care are considered to be the root causes of their illhealth and that of their children. The main purpose of this paper is to examine whether women's empowerment and receiving regular antenatal care are simultaneously determined. The Recursive Bivariate Probit model is used to achieve this goal. Factor analysis technique is used to construct availability and quality of health services indicators. The recursive bivariate probit estimates show that women's empowerment and receiving regular antenatal care are simultaneously determined. Additionally, women's empowerment has a significant and positive impact on receiving regular antenatal care. This finding confirms that women's empowerment is crucial...
Tujuan dari penelitian ini adalah untuk mengetahui perbedaan hasil belajar kognitif siswa yang di... more Tujuan dari penelitian ini adalah untuk mengetahui perbedaan hasil belajar kognitif siswa yang diajar menggunakan model pembelajaran Make a Match dengan Word Square pada materi Sistem Reproduksi Manusia di kelas XI IPA MAN 2 Model Medan T.A.2016/2017. Jenis penelitian ini adalah eksperimen semu (quasi experiment) dengan populasi penelitian seluruh kelas XI IPA MAN 2 Model Medan terdiri dari 10 kelas dengan jumlah siswa sebanyak 422 orang. Sampel penelitian ini dipilih dengan menggunakan teknik Purposive Sampling. Sampel terdiri dari tiga kelas yaitu kelas XI-IPA 4 yang berjumlah 43 orang sebagai kelas Make a Match, kelas XI-IPA 5 yang berjumlah 41 orang sebagai kelas Word Square, dan kelas XI-IPA 1 yang berjumlah 41 orang sebagai kelas kontrol. Instrumen penelitian berupa tes hasil belajar siswa berbentuk pilihan berganda yang berjumlah 40 soal yang sudah divalidasi terlebih dahulu. Untuk mengetahui perbedaan hasil belajar siswa digunakan uji-t. Berdasarkan uji persyaratan data diketahui bahwa data hasil penelitian berdistribusi normal dan ketiga kelas memiliki kesamaan varians (homogen). Dari analisis data diketahui bahwa nilai rata-rata siswa yang diajar dengan Make a Match adalah 92,372, yang diajar dengan Word Square adalah 91,22, dan yang diajar dengan Kontrol adalah 92. Ada perbedaan yang signifikan terhadap hasil belajar siswa, ini dibuktikan melalui uji-t pada taraf signifikan α = 0,05 dan dk 82 diperoleh t hitung > t tabel (2,44 > 1,98) maka penelitian ini menolak H 0 dan menerima H a. Dengan demikian, dapat disimpulkan bahwa terdapat perbedaan hasil belajar siswa yang diajarkan dengan menggunakan model pembelajaran Make a Match dengan Word Square pada materi Sistem Reproduksi Manusia di kelas XI IPA MAN 2 Model Medan T.A.2016/2017.
Understanding choice of family planning provider is fundamental for policy makers and program man... more Understanding choice of family planning provider is fundamental for policy makers and program managers as they seek ways to both improve the coverage and increase the sustainability and efficiency of family planning services for Egypt to achieve its population objectives. This study focuses first on providing a descriptive profile of the patterns of reliance on sources of family planning services during the early 2000s. Binomial logit models are then estimated to obtain a more in depth understanding of the determinants of the choice of family planning providers in Egypt using the 2000 Egypt Demographic and Health Survey. The study offers insights into a number of aspects of family planning service provision about which there has been less previous investigation. There are marked differences in the extent to which Egyptian women rely on public or private providers for family planning services depending on the type of method they are seeking. Among the more important findings is the consistency women display in the choice of provider among women reporting multiple segments of use. With regard to the determinants of the choice of provider for family planning services, perhaps the most interesting finding is that household wealth was not a significant determinant of the choice of provider. This may reflect that private sources met the demand for family planning services of significant proportions of women in rural areas and among those in the low income groups.
Egyptian Population and Family Planning Review, Jun 1, 1999
Egypt is in still undergoing its fertility transition from high levels to low levels. Exploring t... more Egypt is in still undergoing its fertility transition from high levels to low levels. Exploring the trends of fertility during the first half of the nineties clearly shows that there is evidence for fertility increase in some regions of Egypt. This study used Bongaartss indices of the proximate determinants of fertility and a method that was proposed by Zaky in 1997 to decompose fertility changes. This included analysing the relative contributions of three proximate determinants (marriage contraceptive use and postpartum insusceptibility) to fertility transition on a regional level in Egypt during the period 1980-1995. The data came from the 1980 Egypt Fertility Survey 1988 1992 and 1995 Egypt Demographic and Health Surveys. Contraception had proven to be the most important factor to reduce fertility. However regions vary in the extent to which changes in contraceptive use inhibited fertility. The reducing effect of contraception was diminishing. Marriage had significant effects that changed across regions. The study projected some increase in fertility rates in the regions in the near future similar to the increase that occurred for the Urban Governorates and urban Upper Egypt. The study then concluded with some policy implications. (authors)
Journal of Health and Population in Developing Countries, 2004
The study uses the 1995 Egypt DHS and the probit maximum likelihood method to study the relations... more The study uses the 1995 Egypt DHS and the probit maximum likelihood method to study the relationships among three related fertility desires. Findings indicate that future fertility desires and contraceptive use are becoming endogenous to each other. The relationship between female employment and fertility desires is not typical of a country at post-transitional stage of fertility. The idea of wife's opportunity cost and rational choices is not yet valid. One should not expect further dramatic decline in fertility.
In Egypt data from the 1980 Fertility Survey the 1984 Contraceptive Prevalence Survey the 1988 De... more In Egypt data from the 1980 Fertility Survey the 1984 Contraceptive Prevalence Survey the 1988 Demographic and Health Survey and the 1991 Maternal and Child Health Survey were analyzed to examine changes in fertility contraception and marriage during the 1980s. The total fertility rate (TFR) fell from 5.28 to 4.31. TFR was lower in urban areas than in rural areas (in 1991 it was 3.31 vs. 5.63). It was especially high in rural Upper Egypt in 1991 (6.38). By 1991 almost everyone knew about family planning (FP) (99.6 vs. 89.7% in 1980 and 85.4% in 1984) especially oral contraceptives (OCs) and IUDs. In 1991 63.2% of ever-married women had ever used contraception compared to 39.8% in 1980. In 1980-1991 current use of FP methods among married women increased from 24.1 to 47.6% OCs and IUDs were the most popular methods. Current use of contraception was higher in urban areas than in rural areas regardless of year (e.g. in 1991 use was 61.4 vs. 38.4%). In 1991 63.4% of current married women did not want more children compared to 53.1% in 1980. The proportion of currently married women in rural areas who did not want more children increased 33% during the 1980s (45.3-58.1%). Mean desired family size decreased more in rural areas than it did in urban areas (1.4 vs. .4 child). The percentage of women who had never married hovered around 25% during the 1980s. In fact other than widowed women the marital status distribution did not change much. The percentage of ever-married women in younger age groups fell (e.g. 15-19 years 22-12.1%; 20-24 years 64-56.8%). The singulate mean age at marriage increased from 21.3 to 22.6 years. It was always lowest in rural Upper Egypt and highest in the urban governates (18.8 vs. 23.6 years in 1980 and 20.1 vs. 25.8 years in 1991). Strong political commitment to policy development and population and FP resulted in an increased demand for contraceptives leading to these demographic changes.
Sixty-nine years old lady presented with sudden cardiac arrest, she was found to have hypertrophi... more Sixty-nine years old lady presented with sudden cardiac arrest, she was found to have hypertrophic obstructive cardiomyopathy, she refused septal myomectomy and had a dual chamber ICD implanted, she was put on right ventricular apical pacing with short AV interval, after pacing her max pressure gradient across left ventricular out flow tract (LVOT) dropped from 117mmHg to 21mmHg and her
Papers by Hassan Zaky