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hilosophers have arrived at a definition of philosophy as the interrogation of its very own meaning and possibility. "What I seek under the name of philosophy," writes Husserl, "as the goal and the field of my labor, I know naturally. And... more
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Perceivers perceive the world differently where we have no good reason to favor any one perception over the others. On offer are three responses. Either all of those perceivers are correct (despite their representations seeming mutually... more
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A paper co-authored with Michael Watkins.
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      Moral RealismMoral perceptionMoral Knowledge
The dominant view about the nature of aesthetic value holds it to be response-dependent. We believe that the dominance of this view owes largely to some combination of the following prevalent beliefs: 1. The belief that challenges brought... more
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    • Philosophy
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      PhilosophyPhilosophical Studies
" (1971) was first published more than 30 years ago. Since the publication of Thomson's paper, the morality of abortion has remained the most discussed topic in practical ethics. Thomson's paper has led the way in that discussion, easily... more
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    • Geology
In this article we argue that idealizations and limiting cases in models play an exploratory role in science. Four senses of exploration are presented: exploration of the structure and representational capacities of theory;... more
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      Philosophy of ScienceModeling and SimulationIdealizationIdealization, explanation and understanding
For Heidegger, modern humans find themselves in a dangerous situation. The technological era that is upon us proffers not only threats associated with the atom bomb, but, even more pernicious, the dangers of the essence of technology... more
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    • Martin Heidegger
Hannah Arendt brings the traditionally ontological practice of phenomenology into social and political philosophy. She does this in two ways: by employing phenomenological methods in her approach to examining the world around her and by... more
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      PhenomenologySocial and Political PhilosophyHannah Arendt
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      EthicsTechnologyMartin HeideggerMeditative Thinking
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    • Metaphysics
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      Saul KripkeDefinite DescriptionsDirect ReferenceKeith Donnellan
This paper compares two different conceptions of and foundations for semantics.
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      Philosophy Of LanguageSemanticsBertrand RussellGottlob Frege
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      Saul KripkePhilosophy of Language and MindDavid KaplanDirect Reference
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      Philosophy of MindBertrand RussellGottlob FregeSaul Kripke
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      Philosophy Of LanguageReferenceDefinite DescriptionsKeith Donnellan
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      Philosophy of HistoryImmanuel Kant
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      Philosophy Of LanguageAnalytic/Synthetic Distinction