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""As university instructors, we often design our service learning courses to include a set of preconceived project types. We might offer students some flexibility, as in a document design course—e.g., “Create a set of documents with a... more
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      Nonprofit StudiesTechnical CommunicationTechnical CommunicationTechnical Writing
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explains, local EMAs (LEMAs) lay the groundwork for prevention and other activities, coordinating with nearby LEMAs and local entities, including private and nongovernmental organizations. LEMAs have been studied little; most research on... more
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      BusinessComputer ScienceLibrary and Information Studies
This study examines the controversy over alleged cannibalism in the prehistoric American Southwest as it played out in scholarly journals. It also examines the lessons those controversies provide technical communication. Data... more
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      Rhetoric of ScienceGestalt PsychologyCommunication and media Studies
The chapter presents healthcare examples of the current virtual working environment and introduces nursing skills necessary for evidence-based practice in a virtual workplace. The authors discuss how the Nursing Information Literacy... more
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      Information LiteracyMedicineFurther and Higher EducationFilm industry
Arguments manifest in scientific visuals through graphic representation, content placement, and overall document structure. These arguments, designed to influence public perception, change over time in relation to sociopolitical climate.... more
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      RhetoricVisual RhetoricEnvironmental Rhetoric
Phishing e-mails deceive individuals into giving out personal information which may then be utilized for identity theft. One particular type, the Personal Solicitation E-mail (PSE) mimics personal letters—modern perversions of ars... more
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    • Rhetoric
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      EthicsTechnical Communication
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      Rhetoric and Public CultureRisk communication
Balance and common sense are commonplace concepts used to bring an audience to a place of shared understanding. These commonplaces also function as decision-making heuristics. I argue in this paper that the commonplaces “balance” and... more
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Common topics are words or phrases used to develop argument, and commonplaces aid memory or catalyze frames of understanding. When used in argumentation, each may help interested parties more effectively communicate valuable scientific... more
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Purpose: In this article I propose an audience analysis instrument designed to assess representative members of a desired target population's underlying predispositions in terms of the sources of information they privilege, their... more
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Introductory research methods courses in technical and professional communication play a vital role in preparing Master’s- and PhD-level students for their chosen specializations. Here, past participants of a “hands-on” introductory... more
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This article presents data from a two-part study of student perceptions of research. Fifty-one research proposals are analyzed in order to understand perceptions of research, and results from a survey are analyzed to better understand how... more
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Research problem: Subversive environmental texts, those that strive against hegemonic discourse, such as the book Ecodefense, have a long history of use by radical environmentalists as a means for recruitment and distribution of best... more
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      EthicsEnvironmental CommunicationTechnical Communication
In this thesis I will argue that popularized science books should adhere to normative criteria regarding the presentation, interpretation, and understanding of the natural sciences. The increasing popularity of popular science texts... more
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This paper offers a hybrid, place-based ethic drawn from multiple perspectives as a way to reinvigorate ethical thought for technical communicators. Literature review: Aldo Leopold's land ethic asks us to consider actions beyond our... more
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      EthicsTechnical Communication
Background: This paper offers a hybrid, place-based ethic drawn from multiple perspectives as a way to reinvigorate ethical thought for technical communicators. Literature review: Aldo Leopold's land ethic asks us to consider actions... more
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      Information SystemsSociologyComputer ScienceEthics
Document design in professional and technical communication • Environment-related rhetoric, such as use of commonplaces and design elements, in popular and modern culture • Ethics in environmental rhetoric and technical communication •... more
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      SociologyEthicsRhetoric of ScienceScientific Illustration
Zines are typically self-published magazines designed for small circulation and often DIY'd (Do It Yourself'd). They are often linked to empowerment and personal expression, and that potential for voice-finding can be powerful when... more
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