American University in Bulgaria
Philosophy and Psychology
In a rapprochement between two rather different domains of pragmatics, we apply Goffman's notion of 'footing' to what happens when one speaker completes another speaker's utterance. Participants manage this in three-part sequences, in the... more
We describe how participants in an interaction use completions of each others' talk to bind themselves to a collective formulation of a matter in hand. In a corpus of problem-oriented discussions among groups of two or three people, we... more
This paper analyses doctor-patient interaction at the outpatients consultations of a Medical Oncology Service in a Spanish public hospital. First, it introduces the cultural and institutional setting of the research. It then describes... more
A pesar de la profusión de estudios sobre interacción social y organización conversacional en una amplia variedad de dominios clínicos publicados a lo largo de los últimos veinticinco años, y a pesar de la evidente relevancia de la... more
Esta comunicación se enmarca en el contexto de un proyecto de investigación sobre las circunstancias y procesos de precarización de la vida entre mujeres talaveranas que trabajan por cuenta ajena y sus estrategias de resistencia frente a... more
Придружаващ наъчинк за лица, гризещи се за хора с деменция. Този наръчник е за официални и неформални болногледачи на пациенти с деменция. Нашата цел е да въведем в тяхната работа принципите и про-цедурите, взаимствани от новосъздадени... more