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The paper considers computer algebra in a non-commutative setting. So far, such investigations have been centred on the use of algorithms for equality and of universal properties of algebras. Here, the foundation of all computations is... more
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      Applied MathematicsAssociative AlgebraSymbolic ComputationNumerical Analysis and Computational Mathematics
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      AlgebraPure Mathematics
We study finite set-theoretic solutions (X, r) of the Yang-Baxter equation of square-free multipermutation type. We show that each such solution over C with multipermutation level two can be put in diagonal form with the associated... more
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      Differential GeometryPure MathematicsRepresentation TheoryNoncommutative Geometry
We study finite set-theoretic solutions $(X,r)$ of the Yang-Baxter equation of square-free multipermutation type. We show that each such solution over $\C$ with multipermutation level two can be put in diagonal form with the associated... more
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      Differential GeometryPure MathematicsRepresentation TheoryNoncommutative Geometry
We study set-theoretic solutions (X, r) of the Yang-Baxter equations on a set X in terms of the induced left and right actions of X on itself. We give a characterization of involutive square-free solutions in terms of cyclicity... more
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      AlgebraPure Mathematics
Our results include many new constructions based on strong twisted union and wreath product, with an investigation of retracts and the multipermutation level and the solvable length of the groups defined by the solutions and new results... more
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      Mathematical PhysicsQuantum PhysicsGroup TheoryPure Mathematics
A bijective map r : X 2 −→ X 2 , where X = {x 1 , · · · , xn} is a finite set, is called a set-theoretic solution of the Yang-Baxter equation (YBE) if the braid relation r 12 r 23 r 12 = r 23 r 12 r 23 holds in X 3 . A non-degenerate... more
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      Number TheoryMathematical PhysicsSet Theory
We study set-theoretic solutions (X, r) of the Yang-Baxter equations on a set X in terms of the induced left and right actions of X on itself. We give a characterization of involutive square-free solutions in terms of cyclicity... more
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      AlgebraPure Mathematics
Let $k$ be a field and $X$ be a set of $n$ elements. We introduce and study a class of quadratic $k$-algebras called \emph{quantum binomial algebras}. Our main result shows that such an algebra $A$ defines a solution of the classical... more
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We extend our recent work on set-theoretic solutions of the Yang-Baxter or braid relations with new results about their automorphism groups, strong twisted unions of solutions and multipermutation solutions. We introduce and study graphs... more
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      Applied MathematicsSymbolic ComputationNumerical Analysis and Computational MathematicsAutomorphism P-Group
We study quadratic algebras over a field $\textbf{k}$. We show that an $n$-generated PBW algebra $A$ has finite global dimension and polynomial growth \emph{iff} its Hilbert series is $H_A(z)= 1 /(1-z)^n$. Surprising amount can be said... more
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      MathematicsPure MathematicsRepresentation TheoryHilbert Series
We consider algebras over a field K defined by a presentation K x 1 , . . . , x n | R , where R consists of n 2 square-free relations of the form x i x j = x k x l with every monomial x i x j , i = j , appearing in one of the relations.... more
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      AlgebraPure Mathematics
We extend our recent work on set-theoretic solutions of the Yang-Baxter or braid relations with new results about their automorphism groups, strong twisted unions of solutions and multipermutation solutions. We introduce and study graphs... more
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      MathematicsApplied MathematicsComputer ScienceSymbolic Computation
We study quadratic algebras over a field k. We show that an ngenerated PBW algebra A has finite global dimension and polynomial growth iff its Hilbert series is H A (z) = 1/(1−z) n. Surprising amount can be said when the algebra A has... more
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      MathematicsPure Mathematics
We show the intimate connection between various mathematical notions that are currently under active investigation: a class of Garside monoids, with a "nice" Garside element, certain monoids S with quadratic relations, whose monoidal... more
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      MathematicsPure Mathematics
We study finite set-theoretic solutions (X, r) of the Yang-Baxter equation of square-free multipermutation type. We show that each such solution over C with multipermutation level two can be put in diagonal form with the associated... more
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      MathematicsMathematical PhysicsPhysicsDifferential Geometry
Let k be a field and X be a set of n elements. We introduce and study a class of quadratic k-algebras called quantum binomial algebras. Our main result shows that such an algebra A defines a solution of the classical Yang-Baxter equation... more
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      MathematicsPure MathematicsQuantum Groupsskew polynomial ring
Set-theoretic solutions of the Yang-Baxter equation form a meetingground of mathematical physics, algebra and combinatorics. Such a solution consists of a set X and a function r : X × X → X × X which satisfies the braid relation. We... more
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      MathematicsMathematical PhysicsQuantum PhysicsCombinatorics
We study set-theoretic solutions (X, r) of the Yang-Baxter equations on a set X in terms of the induced left and right actions of X on itself. We give a characterization of involutive square-free solutions in terms of cyclicity... more
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      MathematicsAlgebraPure MathematicsIterated Function Systems
We consider fmitely generated aasocnttive algebras over a tixed held K of arbitrary characteristic. For such an algebra A we impose some structural restrictions (WC call A strictly ordcrcd). We arc interested in the implication of strict... more
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      MathematicsAlgebraAssociative AlgebraPure Mathematics