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Biottery is a brand founded by passionate outdoor and urban sports fans.It is a pilot project, which aims to introduce a honey-­‐based organic power boosting drink to the EU market. Inspired by Bulgaria's honey production traditions, it... more
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      ManagementBrand ManagementSports ManagementEnergy drinks
There are many practical, profitable, and creative business uses of the internet and its worldwide web that are valuable and affordable, and that go far beyond simply pitching products to consumers.
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    • Tourism Destination Marketing
There is experimental evidence that the neuronal network in some areas of the brain cortex presents the scale-free property, i.e., the neuron connectivity is distributed according to a power law, such that neurons are more likely to... more
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      EngineeringPhase SynchronizationScale free network
We investigate short-term memories in linear and weakly nonlinear coupled map lattices with a periodic external input. We use locally coupled maps to present numerical results about short-term memory formation adding a stochastic... more
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    • Engineering
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      Applied MathematicsNumerical Analysis and Computational MathematicsLong-range Interaction
There is experimental evidence that the neuronal network in some areas of the brain cortex presents the scale-free property, i.e., the neuron connectivity is distributed according to a power law, such that neurons are more likely to... more
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      EngineeringPhase SynchronizationScale free network
Neuron activity presents two timescales, a fast one related to action-potential spiking, and a slow timescale in which bursting takes place. Bursting activity in neuron ensembles can be synchronized, meaning the adjustment of the bursting... more
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      Mathematical PhysicsQuantum Physics
Quite a few disturbing themes emerge from The Virgin Suicides, that are better grasped through a psychoanalytical study, utilizing Freudian and Lacanian concepts. The novel’s themes require a psychoanalytical explanation which sheds a... more
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      Jacques LacanPsychoanalysis And LiteratureThe Virgin Suicides
Sustainable consumption is an up and coming trend in Marketing. Eighty-three percent of all consumers have purchased or are purchasing a form of sustainable products or services. Nevertheless, Albania, as a developing country, has been... more
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      Local Food ProductionSMES IN DEVELOPING COUNTRIESFood MarketingSustainable Marketing
The video that we have watched in class "Don't Panic -The Truth about Population" is one of the most thought provoking and very inspiring about the future of the human population. Prof. Hans Rosling successfully managed to show that most... more
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    • Cross-Cultural Studies
Mayer Case
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Being the most frequently-cited example of customer service, the Ritz Carlton hotel is often the subject of empirical research and analysis. The unique relationship between staff & personnel has become a trademark of the company allowing... more
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