American University in Bulgaria
Arts, Languages, and Literature
Continuity and cohesion in language teaching and learning are fundamental for plurilingual education today. Therefore, this paper examines the characteristics of the integrated didactic approach developed in recent decades. Based on... more
This article discusses the question of processing the gaps between the learner’s output and the norms of the target language, as well as various ways to provide feedback in the context of the plurilingual approach. It presents examples... more
Du point de vue systémique, les dispositifs hybrides mis en place dans les universités sont considérés comme configurations non-linéaires et dynamiques qu’il est impossible de prévoir intégralement. La présente étude examine quelques... more
The present contribution focuses on the creation of the specific terminology which reflects the development of the European Union legal system and its common policies that have been built in more than sixty years. It is clear that... more
This paper examines possibilities for language teaching and learning which are consistent with the plurilingual and pluricultural perspective promoted by the Council of Europe’s tools for languages over the last two decades. Since... more
Abstract : This study focuses on teaching and learning terminology and phraseology in the context of an undergraduate course in French for European affairs and international politics for international English-speaking students. One of its... more
Cet article traite de l’enseignement du français à l’université dans le secteur des sciences humaines et sociales (SHS) en Bulgarie. Il s’agit de réorienter et de dynamiser des formations conçues initialement comme cours de langues de... more