Papers by Vibeke Simonsen

Journal of Northwest Atlantic Fishery Science, 1992
A stock identification study of Greenland halibut (Reinhardtius hippoglossoides) in the Northwest... more A stock identification study of Greenland halibut (Reinhardtius hippoglossoides) in the Northwest Atlantic was carried out based on samples from off eastern Newfoundland, Davis Strait, three West Greenland fjords and Denmark Strait. Meristic characters and frequencies of electrophoretically detectable alleles of protein loci were analyzed. Mean number of vertebrae showed significant heterogeneity among areas, while fin-ray numbers showed no difference. Offshore areas were very alike in terms of mean numbers of vertebrae, while those from the inshore areas of West Greenland differed both among themselves and from those of the offshore areas. The genetic variation between samples was small. In all samples the phenotypic distribution of four polymorphic loci was in accordance with the expectation from the Hardy-Weinberg proportions. Pair comparisons of the allelic distributions between samples showed that more than one breeding stock must exist. Although the Denmark Strait stock could not be separated from the stock in the area between West Greenland and Canada, results support the conclusion that at least two spawning stocks exist in the Northwest Atlantic. Results are consistent with the prevailing theory that Greenland halibut form a single, interbreeding stock in the offshore area between Canada and West Greenland, but also agree with other evidence that Greenland halibut in West Greenland fjords are partially isolated from the offshore stock.
Hereditas, Feb 14, 2008
Tissue specific and developmental expression of isozymes in barley (Hordeurn vulgare L.

Hereditas, Feb 14, 2008
Frykman, I. and Bengtsson, B.O. 1984. Genetic differentlation in Sorex. III. Electrophoretic anal... more Frykman, I. and Bengtsson, B.O. 1984. Genetic differentlation in Sorex. III. Electrophoretic analysis of a hybrid zone between two karyotypic races in Sorex araneus. —Hereditas 100:259–270. Lund, Sweden. ISSN 0018–0661. Received January 26, 1984 A karyotypic hybrid zone in the common shrew. Sorex araneus L., has been electrophoretically analyzed. In the investigation, we have used 291 animals representing eight populations from a region in the north of Sweden where the central and the northern karyotypic races come into contact. Chromosomal analysis has shown that three of the populations belong to the northern race and four to the central race, while one population was found to contain karyotypic hybrids and also animals of both chromosomal types. The changes in allele frequencies over the hybrid zone have been analyzed for three genetically variable enzyme loci, Ada, EsBI and Mpi. The clines shown by the Mpi A, B and C alleles over the investigated region indicate that gene flow occurs between the two karyotypic races. This conclusion i also supported by the finding of ten out of eleven alleles from the three investigated loci in animals belonging to both races. The genetic exchange appears to go in both directiona, but has not been sufficient to equalize the allele frequencies between the populations in the contact region. The idea that populations with different distances to the karyotypic hybrid zone contain different admixtures of two original gene pools, one coming from the central karyotypic race and the other from the northern race. is shown to be consistent with data obtained for the informative Mpi alleles.
The analysis of metaphases from the brain of third instar larvae from flies caught in the Netherl... more The analysis of metaphases from the brain of third instar larvae from flies caught in the Netherlands revealed numbers of chromosomes ranging from 12 to 15. Of these, five pairs of large metacentric and submetacentric chromosomes were common to all individuals, so the number of supernumerous chromosomes varied from 2 to 5. In an ongoing study of variation in chromosome number of flies caught in Denmark, we found two common types each with 12 and one rare type with 11 chromosomes in forest flies. In the majority of flies from nearby pastures, we counted 13 or 14 chromosomes, but larvae with 12 or 11 chromosomes were also found.
Journal of Applied Ichthyology, Apr 1, 2006
... Seahorses have low fecundity (Vincent, 1996b; Nguyen and Do, 1998; Lourie et al., 1999), long... more ... Seahorses have low fecundity (Vincent, 1996b; Nguyen and Do, 1998; Lourie et al., 1999), long parental care, mate fidelity ... validation experiment indicate that hedgehog seahorses also exhibit very rapid growth during the juvenile stage (Do Huu Hoang, personal observation ...

Journal of Applied Ichthyology, Mar 1, 1988
Summary Three populations of capelin, Mallotus villosus, from the west coast of Greenland were an... more Summary Three populations of capelin, Mallotus villosus, from the west coast of Greenland were analyzed for variation among twelve proteins, determined by fifteen loci, using starch gel electrophoresis. The level of polymorphic loci at the 0.99 level varies from 0.39 to 0.62 and the heterozy gosity from 0.155 to 0.174. A significant heterogeneity among samples is demonstrated. The test values for homogeneity vary from 17.231 to 28.597 with four degrees of freedom. Zusammenfassung Genetische Unterschiede in Populationen der Lodde (Mallotus villosus) vor der Westkuste Gronlands In drei Populationen der Lodde, Mallotus villosus, von der Westkuste Gronlands wurde die genetische Variation an zwolf Proteinen untersucht, die von funfzehn Genorten bestimmt werden. Der Polymor-phiegrad (0.99 Kriterium) varuerte zwischen 0.39 und 0.62 und der Heterozygotiegrad zwischen 0.155 und 0.174. Bei den Populationen bestanden signifikante Unterschiede in den Genhaufigkeiten. Im Homogenitatstest mit vier Freiheitsgraden variierten die Testwerte zwischen 17.231 und 28.597. Resume Differentiation genetique parmi des populations de capelans (Mallotus villosus) de la cote ouest du Greenland L'electrophorese sur le gel d'amidon permet d'etudier chez trois populations de capelans, Mallotus villosus, de la cote ouest du Greenland douze proteines determinees par quinze loci. Le degre de polymorphisme au niveau 0.99 varie de 0.39 a 0.62 et le niveau d'heterozygotie de 0.155 a 0.174. L'heterogeneite significative entre les populations a ete trouvee.
European journal of biochemistry, Jul 1, 1969
Birkhäuser Basel eBooks, 1994
The different methods available for the study of specific processes are shown below. Abbreviation... more The different methods available for the study of specific processes are shown below. Abbreviations of method numbers used in section 6.2 are shown in parentheses.
Birkhäuser Basel eBooks, 1994
Birkhäuser Basel eBooks, 1997
Birkhäuser Basel eBooks, 1994
The different processes listed in chapters 2 and 3 are examined in relation to the risk assessmen... more The different processes listed in chapters 2 and 3 are examined in relation to the risk assessment of GMPs in natural ecosystems. Methods which are suitable to provide test procedures for specific processes are suggested. Processes lacking relevant methods are indicated in the margin as “need for new methods” and commented on, while interesting research subjects which have had little investigation are marked “research need”. A list of the references for each process is shown in section 5.1.
Hereditas, Feb 12, 2009
Page 1. Herediias 75: 221-232 (1973) Genetics of Zoarces populations V. Amount of protein polymor... more Page 1. Herediias 75: 221-232 (1973) Genetics of Zoarces populations V. Amount of protein polymorphism and degree of genic heterozy gosity OVE FRYDENBERG and VIBEKE SIMONSEN Department of Genetics, University of Aarhus, Denmark (Received August 6, 1973) ...
Papers by Vibeke Simonsen