Elemér László
I am interested in climate change and urban climate.
Address: Budapest
Address: Budapest
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Papers by Elemér László
of synoptic conditions advantageous and disadvantageous for development of UHI on the base of a 50 years long
time series.
Synoptic condition categories of UHI development have been established on the base of values of wind speed,
cloudiness and precipitation ranging from advantageous to disadvantageous conditions. Frequencies of occurrence
of condition categories of UHI development have been determined. Advantageous and moderately advantageous
conditions have been found to be dominant in the time series. Linear trend analysis has revealed a significant
increasing trend in the time series of advantageous conditions. Increase of the frequencies of advantageous
conditions has been analyzed for the seasons and months of the studied period as well. Spring and summer (April
and June) have produced significant increasing trends of frequencies of advantageous conditions, while winter and
autumn have not shown significant increase of those frequencies.
Detected tendencies have negative effects on urban energy consumption: they contribute to the increase of air
conditioning energy demand in the summer and do not decrease the energy demand of heating in the winter
Környezettudatos energiatermelés és -felhasználás III. Környezet és Energia Konferencia. 265 p.
Konferencia helye, ideje: Debrecen, Magyarország, 2014.05.08-2014.05.09. Debrecen: MTA DAB Megújuló Energetikai Munkabizottsága, 2014. pp. 178-184.
Some statistical and dynamical characteristics of an urban heat island are shown on the example of Debrecen. Hourly temperature data, measured on an automatic urban climate station installed in the town (on the ground of ATOMKI), and on Agrometeorological Observatory located on the outlying areas (near Kismacs) were used for the study. Using air temperature data, daily and seasonal variation of the intensity of the heat island was quantified, and connections with macrocirculation types were explored.
The daily variation of UHI intensity in Debrecen showed its stronger effects during the daylight time. The seasonal dynamics of urban heat excesses is characterized by a pronounced summer maximum both in daytime and night-time values. However, lower heat island values were observed in the winter period. Relationships were found between the UHI intensity and macrocirculation types: strong thermal excesses correspond mainly to anticyclonic calm weather, and weaker periods to cyclonic rainy weather
of synoptic conditions advantageous and disadvantageous for development of UHI on the base of a 50 years long
time series.
Synoptic condition categories of UHI development have been established on the base of values of wind speed,
cloudiness and precipitation ranging from advantageous to disadvantageous conditions. Frequencies of occurrence
of condition categories of UHI development have been determined. Advantageous and moderately advantageous
conditions have been found to be dominant in the time series. Linear trend analysis has revealed a significant
increasing trend in the time series of advantageous conditions. Increase of the frequencies of advantageous
conditions has been analyzed for the seasons and months of the studied period as well. Spring and summer (April
and June) have produced significant increasing trends of frequencies of advantageous conditions, while winter and
autumn have not shown significant increase of those frequencies.
Detected tendencies have negative effects on urban energy consumption: they contribute to the increase of air
conditioning energy demand in the summer and do not decrease the energy demand of heating in the winter
Környezettudatos energiatermelés és -felhasználás III. Környezet és Energia Konferencia. 265 p.
Konferencia helye, ideje: Debrecen, Magyarország, 2014.05.08-2014.05.09. Debrecen: MTA DAB Megújuló Energetikai Munkabizottsága, 2014. pp. 178-184.
Some statistical and dynamical characteristics of an urban heat island are shown on the example of Debrecen. Hourly temperature data, measured on an automatic urban climate station installed in the town (on the ground of ATOMKI), and on Agrometeorological Observatory located on the outlying areas (near Kismacs) were used for the study. Using air temperature data, daily and seasonal variation of the intensity of the heat island was quantified, and connections with macrocirculation types were explored.
The daily variation of UHI intensity in Debrecen showed its stronger effects during the daylight time. The seasonal dynamics of urban heat excesses is characterized by a pronounced summer maximum both in daytime and night-time values. However, lower heat island values were observed in the winter period. Relationships were found between the UHI intensity and macrocirculation types: strong thermal excesses correspond mainly to anticyclonic calm weather, and weaker periods to cyclonic rainy weather
This study focuses on a small and a medium sized town, Beregszász and Debrecen. Although heat islands are studied in large cities worldwide urbanisation, transformation of built-up areas and not deliberate climate modification take place in smaller towns as well. The presented research studies a meso-scale phenomenon and focuses on determining the factors forming the phenomenon in Beregszász. As a result, the first task was to quantify the parameters of the surfaces forming the heat excess found in Beregszász and to analyse their relationship with urban heat island (UHI) on the basis of the results. Apart from these, it is very important to make the spatial structure and process of the heat excess in the town estimatable using models based on empirical relationships. This could be a useful tool for urban development.
In the vicinity of a measurement point located in a given local climate zone the modification of climate elements is caused primarily by modified surface parameters while the size of the heat excess is determined by the dynamic meteorological parameters. Thus to expose the relationship between heat excess developed on a local scale and the meteorological parameters controlling them was set as a goal. Based on the obtained results, my target was to prepare a criteria system with the help of which the time series of the frequency of weather conditions advantageous for the development of urban heat island could be determined.
Background ambient air samples were collected between 2013 and 2016, 4 bags per month at the Hungarian site for methane (CH4) mole fraction and 13CCH4 measurements. The results from the Carpathian Basin were compared with two NOAA atmospheric monitoring site, Mace Head and Zeppelin to determine the excess continental CH4 level and isotopic shift. The measurement data was used coupled with back trajectory modelling and concentration weighted trajectories (CWT) to
detect potential CH4 source areas. The Hungarian station can be separated from the coastal and polar area based on the concentration results, that have higher seasonal amplitude and higher maxima
(from 1876 to 2119 ppb), but the 13CCH4 results match with the NOAA stations, the mean 13C ratio is -47.55 ‰, except in a short period, when an intense negative isotopic shift was detected. The trajectory modelling reveal numerous potential source areas what influence the CH4 level and its 13C signal in the Carpathian Basin. Our study presents the first, supplementary 13CCH4 dataset in the Carpathian Basin, what shows the usefulness of the Hungarian measurement site in the greenhouse
gas monitoring. The measurement and modelling campaign also illustrates that the monitoring data coupled with trajectory modelling is a powerful tool for the detection of potential source areas.
generally reflect MAST, however in karstic Bükk Mts. (6.8 ± 0.6 °C) and Mecsek Mts. (10.7 ± 1.9 °C) they are closer to MAAT. Consequently, it can be concluded that the direct relationship between noble gas temperature and mean annual air temperature is not always as well-defined as it is often assumed. It is shown that MAAT and MAST should be distinguished, especially when using NGT as a paleoclimate proxy.
The aim of this study is to explore the variability of natural tritium in the past by using the neutron monitor time series, which represents the variability of solar activity. Many previous studies focused on the reconstruction of the bomb-tritium time series, taking into account the long tritium time series of some cities (Ottawa, Vienna, Tokyo). In our study, we primarily estimate the tritium of natural origin in the northern and southern hemispheres, which may be an important input parameter for atmospheric and hydrological modeling. Therefore, we been
have developed a statistical model to estimate short and long term changes in natural tritium. This estimate is based on the relationship between the global tritium time series and the neutron flux. The statistical model provides a relatively accurate estimate for stations that are poor in technogenic sources of tritium since time series values closely follow seasonal and long-term changes. Whereas for time series that are richer in technogenic tritium, the estimation is less accurate because the tritium values of the time series do not change regularly, that is, they do not follow the natural change.