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Feb. 12th, 2009 | 09:49 pm
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Nov. 30th, 2008 | 01:25 am
Or can I?
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Nov. 11th, 2008 | 10:39 am
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Nov. 8th, 2008 | 07:12 pm
I am still seeing R and it makes me wonder what love really is. Is it real? Is it just comfort? Do we always love or fall in love with those around us regardless of their individual characteristics and traits?? Are we so accustom to certain people, that it is inevitable for us to fall in love with them??? If I were dating some other dude, would I feel the same about him right now?? Would I be falling in love with him because he is near me, touches me, shows me affection, makes love to me, smiles at me and compliments me??? When you cross that line from friendship to lovers, are you then in love??? If one person in the relationship wants to move on, you are forced to move on and love another. But you never wanted to move on in the first place and would have chosen to stay with lover #1. So how do you fall in and out of love??? It seems as if it is just custom, comfort and maybe a few good laughs here and there, a positive gesture, a smirk, a smile. An attraction. Because if you are really in love with someone, you can't just fall out of love with that person because they don't want you any more or they have gone away. Or can you?? So was your love ever real in the first place??
I am confused with this love thing. I want it now for this first time. I want to be in love, live with him, have babies with him. I want to settle down. I have never felt this way before. I never feel like I want to settle down and start a life with someone. Am I just infatuated and in lust with R? Or is there something there?? I have dated him before and never felt this. I loved him of course, never told him though, but I was never in love with him and never wanted to be. I was sure it would never happen again. And now I am very happy with him. He confuses me but I want to be with him. And I never want to be with a guy, they are typically chasing after me. So what is so different this time? Is it because he is not bending over backwards and chasing me??? Maybe he is playing hard to get. Is it because I want him to desire and once he does, I will be over it. I hate to not be admired and desired by the man I choose.
I want him to open up to me and tell me all the things I want to hear.
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(no subject)
Oct. 28th, 2008 | 11:42 pm
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Oct. 24th, 2008 | 02:12 pm
The weather has cooled down though. That is a plus. I was getting sick of the heat and humidity. It has been cloudy and breezy so that has alot to do with the cool down. I'm sure once the sun comes out and the winds stop, it will be hot as hell again. I kind of wish I lived in NY or somewhere north where they experience winter and the changes of the season. I don't want the sun and beach any more. I never thought I would say that. I want the cold, the mountains, the lakes. I want something different.
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(no subject)
Oct. 15th, 2008 | 03:48 pm
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(no subject)
Oct. 11th, 2008 | 09:48 pm
In other news, I have been taking zoloft since Monday and don't feel any different. In fact, I have been pretty depressed today. I guess it might take another week for it to kick in.
Just can't stop thinking about R and hope he thinks about me too.
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Oct. 1st, 2008 | 03:44 pm
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Sep. 27th, 2008 | 09:52 pm
I was somewhat ok until I started searching for a job. I dream of making some money so I can afford a 1 bedroom and some furniture. I think about the possibilities and options now. There aren't many. I live in a time where the economy is shot, the job market is minimal. I live in one of the most expense counties in the country. An island about 3 minutes from my house once had the title of being the wealthiest residential town in the world. In the world!!! That is insane. That is where I live. Of course, my family has never been wealthy like that. My mother never had much and my father spends everything he has.
I wonder if I will be waiting tables 10 years from now. If I will be alone, never being able to afford my own place, always having roommates or my mom. I wonder why things never change for me or when they do, they just get worse. I wonder why I can't make decisions and the decisions I make always seem to make me sad. I wonder what is wrong with me and when will I get better.
I wonder why the people at work like me and want to hang out with me. Why all the guys at work have a crush on me and not the other girls. I wonder what it is about me that attracts these men to me. I am in no way being conceited, I am curious. It happens everywhere I go. Does it happen to every woman?? I know it does not happen to my sister. She always tells me it isnt' as easy for her to meet guys as it is for me. I am more petite, but I don't think I am prettier. I am maybe flirtier than her and appear to have more confidance, but I think it is her that actual has more confidance right now. Perhaps I have more confidence in the guy area because I have never had problems. I always seem to meet someone, usually a few someones. None of them are ever right for me. There is always something that isn't right. I think the ones I am really attracted to, it just doesn't ever seem to happen with those ones. Strange. Life is strange and I think I am even stranger.