Papers by melike aydemir

Using technology in medical education has drawn the attention of researchers in the las... more Abstract
Using technology in medical education has drawn the attention of researchers in the last several years. Especially, videos have been found to promote effective learning in medical education. This study aims to examine general trends and results of articles investigating video usage in medical education and published in SSCI and ERIC journals from 2000 to 2014. For this purpose, the researchers systematically read and analyzed 43 relevant articles. Descriptive content analysis methodology was applied to examine the trends of studies on video usage in medical education. Researchers used a publishing classification form to categorize characteristics of the articles during content analyses. The results showed that the number of articles published about video usage in medical education particularly increased from 2009 to 2011. Instructional environments were the most common topic, the most frequently used video type was a case video, and the samples were mostly medical students. Quantitative methodology and analysis were employed regularly, and the most preferred data collection tool was a questionnaire. The reviewed articles suggested many benefits to using videos, such as enabling cognitive learning and gaining clinical skills.
In conclusion, many studies have been published on video usage in medical education, and their general consensus is that video usage increases learning. Findings direct future studies on the subject.

Yüksel Göktaş Atatürk Üniversitesi [email protected] Özet İnsan bilgisayar etkileşimi, uy... more Yüksel Göktaş Atatürk Üniversitesi [email protected] Özet İnsan bilgisayar etkileşimi, uygun teknolojilerin tasarımı, değerlendirilmesi ve uygulanması ile ilgilenen disiplinler arası bir çalışma alanıdır. Geliştirilen çeşitli yöntem ve uygulamalarla bu alanda büyük gelişmeler kaydedilmiştir. İnsan hareketlerinin algılanmasına yönelik teknolojiler arasında yer alan hareket temelli işlemler bu alandaki gelişmelerden birisidir. Hareket temelli işlemler elektronik cihazların vücut hareketleriyle kontrol edilebilmesi olarak tanımlanmaktadır. Bu teknoloji mühendislik, sanat, oyun ve eğitim gibi birçok alanda etkili bir şekilde kullanılabilir. Bu çalışmanın amacı hareket temelli işlemler teknolojisinin eğitimde kullanılmasının muhtemel katkılarını belirlemektir. Bu amaç doğrultusunda hareket temelli işlemler teknolojisinin eğitim ortamlarına sunabileceği katkılar eğlence, esneklik, işbirliği ve gerçeklik boyutlarıyla ortaya koyulmuştur. Bu teknolojilerin eğitim alanındaki potansiye...

The purpose of this study is to examine Turkish educational technology studies in the academic li... more The purpose of this study is to examine Turkish educational technology studies in the academic literature within the scope of SSCI, and to reveal methodological trends within these studies. For this purpose, 460 Turkeyaddressed articles, published between the years of 2000-2009 in 32 international journals, within the scope of 2010 SSCI were collected as data through ETPCF. The data were examined via content analysis and presented using descriptive statistical methods. According to the results, “educational environments” and “technology” were the topics mostly focused on in the articles. Regarding the research methods, quantitative analysis was generally used in these studies. Questionnaires were used as a data collection tool, and convenience sampling methods were also used widely. Descriptive analyses were mainly preferred as a data analysis method. The results coming out of this study will be helpful for directing the future studies.

Computers & Education, 2013
The purpose of this study is to examine Turkish educational technology studies in the academic li... more The purpose of this study is to examine Turkish educational technology studies in the academic literature within the scope of SSCI, and to reveal methodological trends within these studies. For this purpose, 460 Turkeyaddressed articles, published between the years of 2000-2009 in 32 international journals, within the scope of 2010 SSCI were collected as data through ETPCF. The data were examined via content analysis and presented using descriptive statistical methods. According to the results, "educational environments" and "technology" were the topics mostly focused on in the articles. Regarding the research methods, quantitative analysis was generally used in these studies. Questionnaires were used as a data collection tool, and convenience sampling methods were also used widely. Descriptive analyses were mainly preferred as a data analysis method. The results coming out of this study will be helpful for directing the future studies.
Nurse Education Today, 2014
The aim of this study is to evaluate the online continuing education program from the perspective... more The aim of this study is to evaluate the online continuing education program from the perspectives of new graduate nurses. An evaluation framework includes five factors (program and course structure, course materials, technology, support services and assessment). In this study, descriptive research methods were used. Participants of the study included 2.365 registered nurses enrolled in the first online nursing bachelor completion degree program in the country. Data were collected by survey. The findings indicated that students were mostly satisfied with this program. The results of this study suggest that well designed asynchronous online education methods can be effective and appropriate for registered nurses. However, the provision of effective support and technological infrastructure is as vital as the quality of teaching for online learners.
Books by melike aydemir
by Aysegul Bakar Corez, melike aydemir, Levent DURDU, Neşe Zayim, Yuksel Goktas, Erhan Şengel, feza orhan, yunis sahinkayasi, Erol Ozcelik, Feray Uğur Erdoğmuş, Kursat Cagiltay, Hatice Sancar Tokmak, Hakan Tüzün, Can Kultur, and Türkan Karakuş Yılmaz Öğretim teknolojilerinin temel konularını derinlemesine inceleyen, olabildiğince açık ve anlaşılı... more Öğretim teknolojilerinin temel konularını derinlemesine inceleyen, olabildiğince açık ve anlaşılır akademik bir dil kullanılarak yazılan bu kitap 42 bölümden oluşmaktadır. Bu bölümler; 27 farklı üniversiteden, alanında uzman 61 yazar tarafından kaleme alınmıştır. Başta BÖTE olmak üzere teknoloji ve eğitimle ilgili tüm bölümlerde öğrenim gören lisans, yüksek lisans ve doktora öğrencilerinin, bu bölümlerde görev yapan öğretim elemanlarının, kısacası eğitim/öğretim ortamlarında teknolojiyi etkin olarak kullanmaya çalışan herkesin temel bilgi ve becerilerine katkıda bulunabilecek bir eserdir.
Conference Presentations by melike aydemir
Papers by melike aydemir
Using technology in medical education has drawn the attention of researchers in the last several years. Especially, videos have been found to promote effective learning in medical education. This study aims to examine general trends and results of articles investigating video usage in medical education and published in SSCI and ERIC journals from 2000 to 2014. For this purpose, the researchers systematically read and analyzed 43 relevant articles. Descriptive content analysis methodology was applied to examine the trends of studies on video usage in medical education. Researchers used a publishing classification form to categorize characteristics of the articles during content analyses. The results showed that the number of articles published about video usage in medical education particularly increased from 2009 to 2011. Instructional environments were the most common topic, the most frequently used video type was a case video, and the samples were mostly medical students. Quantitative methodology and analysis were employed regularly, and the most preferred data collection tool was a questionnaire. The reviewed articles suggested many benefits to using videos, such as enabling cognitive learning and gaining clinical skills.
In conclusion, many studies have been published on video usage in medical education, and their general consensus is that video usage increases learning. Findings direct future studies on the subject.
Books by melike aydemir
Conference Presentations by melike aydemir
Using technology in medical education has drawn the attention of researchers in the last several years. Especially, videos have been found to promote effective learning in medical education. This study aims to examine general trends and results of articles investigating video usage in medical education and published in SSCI and ERIC journals from 2000 to 2014. For this purpose, the researchers systematically read and analyzed 43 relevant articles. Descriptive content analysis methodology was applied to examine the trends of studies on video usage in medical education. Researchers used a publishing classification form to categorize characteristics of the articles during content analyses. The results showed that the number of articles published about video usage in medical education particularly increased from 2009 to 2011. Instructional environments were the most common topic, the most frequently used video type was a case video, and the samples were mostly medical students. Quantitative methodology and analysis were employed regularly, and the most preferred data collection tool was a questionnaire. The reviewed articles suggested many benefits to using videos, such as enabling cognitive learning and gaining clinical skills.
In conclusion, many studies have been published on video usage in medical education, and their general consensus is that video usage increases learning. Findings direct future studies on the subject.