Yuksel Goktas
Yuksel Goktas is a professor of instructional technology at Ataturk University in Turkey. His research areas include Web 2.0 technologies, technology integration, technology planning, instructional design, and problem-based learning.
Phone: Phone: +90-442-231-4047
Address: Yuksel GOKTAS, Ph.D.
Department of Computer Education & Instructional Technology Faculty of Kazim Karabekir Education Ataturk University - 25240 - Erzurum / TURKEY
Phone: Phone: +90-442-231-4047
Address: Yuksel GOKTAS, Ph.D.
Department of Computer Education & Instructional Technology Faculty of Kazim Karabekir Education Ataturk University - 25240 - Erzurum / TURKEY
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intentions to use ICT in their future lessons and (b) to determine differences in those factors resulting
from gender, university, and department. The data were obtained from 2904 preservice teachers from 16
universities through a survey. Comparative design was employed, and the data were analyzed through
descriptive analysis, content analysis, and a MANOVA. Gender and university were not found to have any
influence on perceived usefulness, perceived ease-of-use and efficacy, social influence, facilitating conditions,
anxiety, or intention. The variable of department, on the other hand, had an influence on all
factors except for social influence. While preservice teachers studying primary mathematics and Turkish
had the lowest intentions of using ICT in comparison to their peers, preservice teachers studying English
and science had the highest. All in all, as differences were found between departments in terms of intentions
to use ICT, preservice teacher training programs should be subject-specific