Books by Hasan Kasapoğlu
Cevat Başaran'a 60. Yaş Armağanı Essays for Cevat Başaran's 60 th Birthday Occasion, 2019
![Research paper thumbnail of Kanon Klasik Grek Heykeltıraşlığında Estetik Arayış[#497305]-](
Atatürk Üniversitesi Sosyal Bilimler Enstitüsü Dergisi , 2018
Humankind, being the greatest of all created, seeks beauty and runs after aesthetics throughout t... more Humankind, being the greatest of all created, seeks beauty and runs after aesthetics throughout their lives. Although beauty is a relative term, it has been interpreted as “mathematical beauty” especially by the Classical Era Greek philosophers and sculptors; and in sculpture, beauty has been reflected through human body. Mathematical beauty, rooted in Pythagoreanism, or briefly “Kanon” (meaning law, rule, and standard in Ancient Greek), started with Myron yet found its essence with Polykleitos and Lysippos. Canonical form expresses the ultimate point of perfection in art. Praxiteles and Scopas related perfect beauty with inner qualities rather than with physical properties and sought canonical beauty in ethos and pothos. In this article, firstly the process of the emergence of Greek monumental sculpture is briefly explained for the intelligibility of the subject. Afterwards, in the Classical Period the philosophical movements affecting the formation of the Greek sculpture,the principal sculptors, their works, the artistic differences that can be seen in these works, the aesthetic quest and the concepts has been examined as a whole. At the end of the study are given other publications including detailed information about this topic and the used sources as a whole.

Dear Colleague,
The T.R. Culture and Tourism Ministry, General Directorate of Cultural... more Abstract:
Dear Colleague,
The T.R. Culture and Tourism Ministry, General Directorate of Cultural Assets and Museums, Parion Excavation Directorate, is honored to host an organization under the name of “Symposium of Propontis and the Surrounding Cultures”, which aims to bring together scholars who conduct research in the regions surrounding the Propontis; such as Mysia, Troas, Bithynia, Thracia Chersonessos and Thracia, to share ideas. The Propontis and the surrounding area, was one of the most important cultural regions of antiquity, and was a significant place of cultural interaction as it remains today.
Our purpose of hosting such a symposium is to benefit from the knowledge of scientists conducting research in the region, discuss the archaeological finds, manifest the problems, to shed light on the interregional interaction, stimulate the region’s archaeology and improve the collaboration of Propontis and the surrounding area’s archaeology by manifesting new workframes and discussing the surrounding archaeology’s aspects.
We will be honored and delighted to receive esteemed scientists who conduct research in Propontis and the surroundings regions, in the organization “Symposium of Propontis and the Surrounding Cultures”.
We thank you for your kind interest and support in advance.
Prof.Dr.Vedat KELEŞ ( Head of Parion Excavation).
Ast. Prof. Dr. Hasan KASAPOĞLU (Parion Excavation Team Member / The Symposium Organizing Committee Member )
Papers by Hasan Kasapoğlu
Olba, May 31, 2021
PROQUEST ve TÜBİTAK-ULAKBİM Sosyal Bilimler Veri Tabanlarında taranmaktadır. Alman Arkeoloji Enst... more PROQUEST ve TÜBİTAK-ULAKBİM Sosyal Bilimler Veri Tabanlarında taranmaktadır. Alman Arkeoloji Enstitüsü'nün (DAI) Kısaltmalar Dizini'nde 'OLBA' şeklinde yer almaktadır. OLBA dergisi hakemlidir. Makalelerdeki görüş, düşünce ve bilimsel değerlendirmelerin yasal sorumluluğu yazarlara aittir. The articles are evaluated by referees. The legal responsibility of the ideas, opinions and scientific evaluations are carried by the author. OLBA dergisi, Mayıs ayında olmak üzere, yılda bir kez basılmaktadır.

Parion is one of the most important settlements located in the ancient Troas region, in which the... more Parion is one of the most important settlements located in the ancient Troas region, in which the city of Troy was the center. Many remarkable and precious archaeological remains have been unearthed so far which point out the city's importance during the Hellenistic and Roman Age. In this study, a first attempt to obtain high resolution images of the subsurface of Parion to guide the archaeological trenches was made by an initial geophysical survey applying Electrical Resistivity Tomography (ERT) technique. The apparent resistivity data, collected using pole-dipole electrode configuration along 11 transects, were inverted by two-and three-dimensional smoothness-constrained least squares algorithms. Relatively compatible results were obtained from two inversion processes. Parallel transects showed the resistivity distribution in three-dimensional images and thus both the horizontal and vertical extents of the anomalous zones were displayed. Additionally, some high anomaly zones located at the end of the first six transects were backed up by archaeological trenches. Thus, taking into account these findings, the other resistivity anomalies located at the different parts of the surveyed area are thought to be the most promising locations for archaeological excavations.
Anadolu Araştırmaları, 2021
Değerlendirmeler sonucunda mezarın MS 1. yüzyıl sonu-MS 2 yüzyıl başına ait olduğu anlaşılmaktadı... more Değerlendirmeler sonucunda mezarın MS 1. yüzyıl sonu-MS 2 yüzyıl başına ait olduğu anlaşılmaktadır. Mezarda bulunan kemik ilaç kutusu Anadolu'da bugüne kadar ele geçmiş tek örnektir. İlaç kutusu üzerindeki Isis-Fortuna figürü Hygeia ile eşdeğerde tutulmuş bir sağlık tanrıçası olarak verilmiştir. Mezar içerisindeki ahşap sandık içerisinden ele geçen agat-akik taşlar-taş boncuklar da mezar sahibinin sosyal statüsü ve işi anlamında öneriler yapmayı mümkün kılmaktadır. Ahşap tabutun içindeki bronz kaşık ve tabutun kuzey dış kısmındaki pyksis, ilaç-merhem karıştırma taşı-tablası ve ilaç kutusu da basit nitelikli tedavide kullanılmış şifacı aletleri olmalıdır. Mezar kontekstindeki tedavi-sağlık odaklı diğer objeler ve antik kaynaklardan elde edilen bilgilere dayanarak, mezar sahibi bireyin Ophiogen ailesi mensubu bir şifacı olabileceği düşünülmektedir.

In der vorliegenden Arbeit wird der Versuch unternommen, das Verhältnis zwischen dem österreichis... more In der vorliegenden Arbeit wird der Versuch unternommen, das Verhältnis zwischen dem österreichischen Adel und dem NS-Regime zu beschreiben und herauszufinden, ob und in welchem Ausmaß sich der österreichische Adel für das NS-Regime und primär für die NSDAP sowohl aktiv als auch passiv engagierte hat. Nach der Definitionen der Methode, wird zuerst die aktuelle, etwas dürftige Forschungslage analysiert und anschließend den historische Kontext zusammengefasst. Folgend wird die Entwicklung des Adels in Österreich ab 1918 genauer untersucht, um Änderungen aufzuzeigen und die Reaktionen des Adels auf die geänderten Verhältnisse besser verstehen zu können. Im Mittelpunkt stehen hierbei die offen zum Ausdruck gebrachten Ressentiments des Adels gegenüber der Ersten Republik, zu denen das "Adelsaufhebungsgesetz" entscheidend beigetragen hat. Nach einer Neuorientierungs- und Organisationsphase in den 1920er Jahren erlebte der Adel spätestens unter den Regimen von Engelbert Dollfuß u...

Turkish Studies - Historical Analysis, 2020
West Slope Wares which in the section of the master thesis "Hellenistic Period Ceramics from Pari... more West Slope Wares which in the section of the master thesis "Hellenistic Period Ceramics from Parion Slope Bath 1515-1260 Sector" were re-evaluated within the scope of this study. Although some pieces of West Slope Wares in the section of thesis are included in the West Slope Ware Groups; they aren't reevaluated with the scope of the article due to the conserved part of the wares haven't include the thinned clay dying or incised decoration, also significant samples are given within the scope of this study and general number statistic is denoted with the graphic. When it is done the typological researches of the wares, they were recovered that the wares show similarities vessels of the other big Anatolian cities in the Hellenistic Period, which are included particularly Pergamon and Ephesus. Most of these wares are in the making of Anatolian with 'S' profiled kantharos, and also there are one piece moulded kantharos, with flat-brim and sharp shoulder edged kantharos', skyphos typed kantharos', guttuses, a bowl with inside decoration, an outward facing dish, a deep bowl (lekanis), a crater, a juglet, a pyxis lid and some pieces of unguentarium. The ceramics of evaluated within the scope of the study are standard tablewares which used in the Hellenistic Period and dated in the 3-2. Centuries BC. Although there isn't enough data about the existence of ceramic production workshops in Parion, it is a matter that the clays and firnis properties show different production centers.
2012 yılı Parion kazı ve restorasyon çalışmaları, başkanlığımdaki 6 akademisyen, 4 restoratör-kon... more 2012 yılı Parion kazı ve restorasyon çalışmaları, başkanlığımdaki 6 akademisyen, 4 restoratör-konservatör, 2 jeofizik uzmanı, 1 antropolog, 1 doktora öğrencisi, 2 yüksek lisans öğrencisi ile 60 öğrenci-işçiden oluşan bir ekip tarafından 25 Haziran - 15 Ağustos 2012 tarihlerinde, Bakanlığa sunduğumuz kazı programı çerçevesinde, Parion Güney Nekropolü, Tiyatro, Odeion, Roma Hamamı, Yamaç Yapısı ve Sondajlar olmak üzere antik kentin 6 ayrı bölgesinde ve kentin yakınında yer alan İÇDAŞ Termik santral alanı içerisinde belirlenen ve arkeopark projesi kapsamında 2010 yılında çalışmalara başlanan 1446 parsel numaralı “Sevgiler Şapeli” olarak adlandırılan alanda gerçekleştirilmiş, çok sayıda etütlük ve 27 adet envanterlik eser ortaya çıkarılmıştır

Parion is one of the important port cities of the ancient Troas region. This ancient city islocat... more Parion is one of the important port cities of the ancient Troas region. This ancient city islocated within the borders of the modern-day village of Kemer in Biga District in Canakkale province. This study’s subject is grave M229 and its Context, which were found in 2019 in the southern necropolis of Tavsandere at the entrance of the village of Kemer (i.e., the ancient city of Parion). The gifts for the dead of M229 comprise 18 unguentaria, a jug, a mug, a bowl, a oil lamp, a glass rings, 5 agate stone beads, a bronze spoon, a bronze mirror, metal parts of a wooden crate, a medicine-ointment mixing stone, a pyxis made of bone, and a medicine box. The grave’s Context were evaluated historically, typologically, and iconographically. As a result of these evaluations, the grave appears to date from the end of the first century AD to the beginning of the second century AD. The bone medicine box found in the grave is the only example that was uncovered in Anatolia. The Isis-Fortuna figure ...
Books by Hasan Kasapoğlu
Dear Colleague,
The T.R. Culture and Tourism Ministry, General Directorate of Cultural Assets and Museums, Parion Excavation Directorate, is honored to host an organization under the name of “Symposium of Propontis and the Surrounding Cultures”, which aims to bring together scholars who conduct research in the regions surrounding the Propontis; such as Mysia, Troas, Bithynia, Thracia Chersonessos and Thracia, to share ideas. The Propontis and the surrounding area, was one of the most important cultural regions of antiquity, and was a significant place of cultural interaction as it remains today.
Our purpose of hosting such a symposium is to benefit from the knowledge of scientists conducting research in the region, discuss the archaeological finds, manifest the problems, to shed light on the interregional interaction, stimulate the region’s archaeology and improve the collaboration of Propontis and the surrounding area’s archaeology by manifesting new workframes and discussing the surrounding archaeology’s aspects.
We will be honored and delighted to receive esteemed scientists who conduct research in Propontis and the surroundings regions, in the organization “Symposium of Propontis and the Surrounding Cultures”.
We thank you for your kind interest and support in advance.
Prof.Dr.Vedat KELEŞ ( Head of Parion Excavation).
Ast. Prof. Dr. Hasan KASAPOĞLU (Parion Excavation Team Member / The Symposium Organizing Committee Member )
Papers by Hasan Kasapoğlu
Dear Colleague,
The T.R. Culture and Tourism Ministry, General Directorate of Cultural Assets and Museums, Parion Excavation Directorate, is honored to host an organization under the name of “Symposium of Propontis and the Surrounding Cultures”, which aims to bring together scholars who conduct research in the regions surrounding the Propontis; such as Mysia, Troas, Bithynia, Thracia Chersonessos and Thracia, to share ideas. The Propontis and the surrounding area, was one of the most important cultural regions of antiquity, and was a significant place of cultural interaction as it remains today.
Our purpose of hosting such a symposium is to benefit from the knowledge of scientists conducting research in the region, discuss the archaeological finds, manifest the problems, to shed light on the interregional interaction, stimulate the region’s archaeology and improve the collaboration of Propontis and the surrounding area’s archaeology by manifesting new workframes and discussing the surrounding archaeology’s aspects.
We will be honored and delighted to receive esteemed scientists who conduct research in Propontis and the surroundings regions, in the organization “Symposium of Propontis and the Surrounding Cultures”.
We thank you for your kind interest and support in advance.
Prof.Dr.Vedat KELEŞ ( Head of Parion Excavation).
Ast. Prof. Dr. Hasan KASAPOĞLU (Parion Excavation Team Member / The Symposium Organizing Committee Member )
medicine-ointment mixing stone, a pyxis made of bone, and a medicine box. The grave’s Context were evaluated historically, typologically, and iconographically. As a result of these evaluations, the grave appears to date from the end of the first century AD to the beginning of the second century AD. The bone medicine box found in the grave is the only example that was uncovered in Anatolia. The Isis-Fortuna figure on the medicine box is a health goddess equated with Hygeia. The agate beads found in the wooden crate inside the grave provide suggestions regarding the social status and occupation of the grave dweller. The bronze spoon inside the wooden coffin and the pyxis, medicine-ointment mixing stone tray and medicine box on the northern exterior of the coffin may also be tools healers used in simple treatments. Based on information obtained from ancient sources and the treatment and health-oriented objects in the grave, it is considered that the individual in the the grave may be a healer from the Ophiogen family.
Keywords: Southern-Tavşandere Necropolis, Isis-Fortuna, Medicine box, Ophiogen, Parion, Healer’s grave
which is located on a natural slope in the west of the shallow valley where the Roman Imperial Period public buildings are to be found. The statue which is the subject of this study was found in a very fragmented condition within the fire layer in the southern part of the scenae of this building. This fire which caused the end of the building to be used in its original function is dated to the end of the 4th century AD - the beginning of the 5th century AD. According to the obtained pieces that give a distinct profile, this statue reflects the Hunter Artemis type depicted as she is hunting. She has the bow in her left hand and she is drawing an arrow from the quiver with her right hand, whilst her left foot is placed foreward in a running position. Other figures within the composition of the statue are a beagle and a deer-gazelle, which are here placed next to her left foot. An important part of the statue is missing. In addition, traces of intense destruction caused by the fire of the building are clearly visible on the existing fragments of the statue. The data obtained from
the pieces belonging to the statue which are discussed in detail in this study reveal the effect of the classical sculptural style. In this scope, it is suggested that this statue is the closest copy of the bronzen original belonging to the Late Classical Period as the processing of the goddess is in accordance with the composition in which the deer hunt is depicted, furthermore all animals included in this hunting composition appear here as well, finally the features of the goddess's dress and hair structure are well comparable. The similarity of the hair structure of the goddess with the knot bow and the hair structure of the Belvedere Apollo strengthens the possibility that the originals of these two sculptures may belong to the same sculptor and to the Late Classical Period. The stylistic criticism made on the head and hair structure of the statue and archaeological data obtained from Odeion reveal that the Parion Hunter Artemis sculpture belongs to 135-150 AD.
These types are in close relationship with the Hellenistic centers on the coasts of Western Anatolia, especially Pergamon and Ephesus. In the meantime, if a more specific evaluation will be made, the ‘S’ profiled kantharos, which are one of the sub-groups of the kantharos, are very similar to the form, decoration and clay color-content of the Bergama production and the western slope ceramics recovered from the Parion 1515-1260 deposit should be Bergama production. Since the other forms with singular features are not found in the centers where they are obtained, it is not possible to say certain things about the production places of these forms for now. Besides, considering the light red clay with few mica and lime of Parion No. 29 testers, Western Anatolia (perhaps Parion !!) may be proposed for the localization where this tester, which is considered unique for Athens Agora, may be imported. However, it is possible that this form, which we have not seen any similar in Western Anatolia in the direction of known sources, can be localized in a narrower geography such as Northwest Anatolia and Parion. The density of the pots likely to be Bergama production presents data parallel to the fact that the ancient city came under the influence of the Kingdom of Pergamon in 188 BC. Yet, the presence of samples from these vessels dating from the beginning of the 3rd century BC to the beginning of the 2nd century BC is important in terms of showing the relations of the ancient city with Pergamon before this period. As well as the ceramics evaluated within the scope of the study are drink and service vessels which are widely used in the Hellenistic Period, the density is composed by the drink vessels, and from those there’s a relief that’s possible to be Dionysos on tondos of the bowl in No. 24 In this context, it can be thought as these qualified vessels that almost all have elaborate decorations may be ceremonial vessels used by prominent persons. However, it is probable that there might be a sacred place on the terrace that is related to the cult of Dionysos, as there should be a group of materials thrown or flowed over the terrace just east of this deposit. In addition to these considerations, it can be said that even in the absence of such a sacred space, the ancient city was confronted with a material group that could indicate the existence of the cult of Dionysus in the Hellenistic Period. It is known that the scenes of Dionysus on the urn amphora situla belonging to the Late Classical - Early Hellenistic Period found in the South-Tavşandere Necropolis of the ancient city also provide data in this direction (Başaran-Kasapoğlu, 2013, 129, Fig. 2; Kasapoğlu, 2013) : 165-166, Fig. 214-215; Çelikbaş, 2016: 113, Lev. XII, Fig. 3) Apart from the possibility of such a cult space on the terrace to the east of the composite, it is possible that a high-level group of houses capable of using such high quality ceramics may exist should be considered.
Although there is not enough data about the existence of ceramic production workshops in Parion, the clay and firnis characteristics of the ceramics are important in terms of the presence of different production centers outside Pergamon.
It aims to provide an interdisciplinary platform for archaeologists, epigraphers, anthropologists, ancient historians and folklorists to present and discuss challenges and solutions on the field of burial customs in Anatolia during the Hellenistic and Roman periods.
Sempozyum, disiplinlerarası bir platformda akademisyen ve araştırmacıların bir araya gelerek Anadolu’da Hellenistik ve Roma Dönemleri’nde ölü gömme adetleri alanındaki problemleri, araştırmaları ve sonuçlarını paylaşarak, tartışmasını amaçlamaktadır.
Sempozyum Hellenistik ve Roma Dönemleri’nde Anadolu’da Ölü Gömme Adetleri’ndeki bölgesel ve dönemsel farklılıkların, kimlik, göç/hareketliliğin arkeoloji, epigrafi, antropoloji ve halkbilim çalışmalarında sunulan verilere göre yorumlanmasına odaklanacaktır. Sempozyumun bir bölümü, bu alanda karşılaşılan sorunlar ve çözüm önerileri ile Anadolu’da antik ve modern toplulukların ölü gömme uygulamaları karşılaştırmasına dayanan karma-kültürel analojilere ayrılacaktır.