Papers by Abdulkadir Cuneyt Aydin
Sadhana-academy Proceedings in Engineering Sciences, Jun 20, 2023
Iranian Journal of Science and Technology-Transactions of Civil Engineering, Oct 18, 2022

DergiPark (Istanbul University), Aug 9, 2016
Bu çalışma kapsamında betonarme kiriş elemanlarda beton sınıfı, beton tipi ve etriye oranının bur... more Bu çalışma kapsamında betonarme kiriş elemanlarda beton sınıfı, beton tipi ve etriye oranının burulma davranışı üzerindeki etkisi incelenmiştir. Kiriş numunelerinin on iki âdeti geleneksel betonla sekiz âdeti ise kendiliğinden yerleşen betonla üretilmiştir. Beton basınç dayanımı 20 MPa ile 40 MPa; beton tipi normal beton ile kendiliğinden yerleşen beton ve etriye aralığı olarak da 80 mm ile 100 mm bu çalışmanın ana parametrelerini oluşturmuştur. Kiriş numunelerinin boyutları 250x300x1500 mm, boyuna donatı için 16 mm etriye için 8 mm donatı tasarlandı ve bu parametreler bütün numunelerde sabit tutulmuştur. Kiriş numuneleri hazırlandıktan 28 gün sonra burulma momenti deneyine tabi tutulmuştur. Burulma momentine tabi tutulan kirişlerin burulma momenti kapasiteleri ve dönme açıları incelenmiştir. Normal ve kendiliğinden yerleşen beton numunelerinin burulma momenti kapasiteleri karşılaştırılmıştır. Aynı parametrelere sahip kendiliğinden yerleşen beton numunelerinin daha yüksek burulma momenti kapasitelerine ulaştığı deneysel olarak gözlemlenmiştir. Benzer şekilde kendiliğinden yerleşen beton numunelerinin dönme açılarının normal beton numunelerinin dönme açılarından daha düşük olduğu belirlenmiştir. Deneysel olarak ölçülen burulma momenti değerleri Amerikan Standardı, Avrupa Standardı, Avustralya Standardı, İngiliz Standardı ve Türk Standardına göre hesaplanan teorik burulma momenti değerleri ile karşılaştırılmıştır. Deneysel sonuçlara en yakın değerler Avustralya Standardında elde edilmiştir.

Niğde Ömer Halisdemir Üniversitesi mühendislik bilimleri dergisi, Nov 25, 2020
Türkiye Erzurum İli Şenkaya İlçesinde yer alan Yünören Köprüsünün, Türkiye'de yaşanmış büyük depr... more Türkiye Erzurum İli Şenkaya İlçesinde yer alan Yünören Köprüsünün, Türkiye'de yaşanmış büyük depremler etkisinde performansının belirlenmesi ve köprünün güçlendirilmesi için mevcut yöntemler kullanılarak çalışma yapılmıştır. Çalışmada, SAP2000 paket programı ile köprü üç boyutlu olarak modellenmiş ve yine analiz sonuçları bu programdan alınmıştır. Analiz sonuçlarına göre, köprü ayaklarının ileri hasar seviyesinde ve ana taşıyıcı kirişlerinin ise göçmenin önlenmesi hasar seviyesinde olduğu gözlemlenmiştir. Yapıdaki hasarları en aza indirgemek için, yapıda doğrusal olmayan yer değiştirmelerin yoğun olduğu kirişlerin dönme merkezine sismik sönüm cihazı yerleştirilmiştir. Ayrıca, ek güçlendirme yöntemi olarak kirişlerin deprem esnasında düzlem dışı burkulmasını önlemek için, kirişler yanal stabilite bağlantılarıyla desteklenmiştir. Elde edilen yapının üç farklı durumu, analiz edilerek sonuçlar karşılaştırılmıştır. Yanal stabilite bağlantılarıyla oluşan yapının sünek davranış gösterdiği ve sismik sönüm cihazı yerleştirilen tasarımda da yapının benzer şekilde belirgin hasar düzeyinde kaldığı gözlemlenmiştir. Yapının oluşabilecek deprem esnasında göçmeden ayakta durabilmesi için tasarımı yapılan şekliyle güçlendirilmesi gerektiği kanısına varılmıştır. This sentence needs rephrasing: Turkey Erzurum Province, located in the district of Şenkaya Yunoren Bridge, experienced major earthquakes in Turkey have been studied using the present method for determining the effect of performance and strengthening the bridge. In the study, the bridge was modeled in three dimensions with the SAP2000 package program, and the analysis results were obtained from this program. According to the analysis results, it was observed that the building columns were at the advanced damage level and the main carrier beams were at the damage level to prevent collapse. In order to minimize the damages in the structure, a seismic damping device was placed in the center of rotation of the beams where non-linear displacements are intense. Another strengthening method is to support the beams with lateral stability connections to prevent out-of-plane buckling of beams during earthquakes. Three different situations of the obtained structure were analyzed, and the results were compared. It was observed that the structure formed by the support of the beam with lateral stability joints displayed a ductile behavior and remained at an obvious damage level and the structure in which the seismic damping device was installed remained at the level of obvious damage. It has been concluded that the building should be strengthened in order to stand without collapse during an earthquake.

Advances in Science and Technology Research Journal, Dec 1, 2019
In this study, the effects of using different ratios of fly ash on hydration products as well as ... more In this study, the effects of using different ratios of fly ash on hydration products as well as the mechanical and microstructural properties of hardened concrete were investigated. Portland cement was replaced with 5%, 10%, 15% and 20% fly ash (FA) by weight. The microstructural properties of the obtained samples were investigated by means of X-ray diffraction (XRD) and Scanning electron microscopy (SEM). Fly ash has negative effect on 7 days concrete strength; however, it was seen that fly ash increases the compressive strength of 28 and 90 days concrete. The XRD analysis showed that the ratio of calcium hydroxide (CH), which is produced by hydration, decreases depending on the concrete age and the amount of fly ash. The SEM analysis showed that the usage of fly ash decreases gaps and increases C-S-H which is also a hydration production. When Portland cement was replaced with 10% fly ash by weight, compressive strength has increased and microstructure of concrete has improved. The reason for this is filling of gaps by fly ash and the decrease in the amount of Ca(OH) 2 due to the reaction between fly ash and Ca(OH) 2. Within this scope, the development in microstructure of fly ash concrete was evaluated in 90 days duration and a change of the development with compressive strength was investigated.

Atatürk Üniversitesi Ziraat Fakültesi Dergisi, 2004
OZET : Ulkemiz nufusunun yaklasik %37 sinin kirsal bolgelerde yasadigi bilinmektedir. Kirsal bolg... more OZET : Ulkemiz nufusunun yaklasik %37 sinin kirsal bolgelerde yasadigi bilinmektedir. Kirsal bolgelerdeki yapilasma incelendiginde ise bu bolgelerdeki yapilarin buyuk bir kisminin deprem bolgesinde bulunmasina ragmen, hemen hemen tamaminin hicbir muhendislik hizmeti almadigi gorulmektedir. Bu tur yapilarda, kucuk depremlerde bile onemli olcude can ve mal kayiplarinin gorulmesi, tehlikenin buyuklugunu gozler onune sermektedir. Bu calismada, kirsal bolgelerde gorulen yapilasma ozellikleri, davranislari ve hasar turleri uzerinde durulmus, bu tur yapilarin depreme dayanikli olarak tasarlanmasina iliskin esaslar sunulmustur. Anahtar Kelimeler: Kargir yapi, karkas yapi, deprem, depreme dayanikli tasarim. Earthquake Behaviour Of Rural Buildings ABSTRACT: A wide range of TURKEY, about 37 %, lives in rural regions. However, about all of these constructed rural buildings were not taken any civil engineering service and mostly built in earthquake regions. So, many lives and property were lost by even a minor earthquake and that stresses the greatness of the danger. The present work presents the constructed properties, behaviors, and types of damages; and earthquake resistant design rules of rural buildings. Key words: Masonry buildings, skeleton building, earthquake, earthquake resistant design.
Civil Engineering and Environmental Systems, Dec 1, 2006
... DOI: 10.1080/10286600600772348 Abdulkadir Cüneyt Aydin ... Soft Computing: a Computational Ap... more ... DOI: 10.1080/10286600600772348 Abdulkadir Cüneyt Aydin ... Soft Computing: a Computational Approach to Learning and Machine Intelligence , London: Prentice-Hall International ... View all references) is a new branch of system identification which deals with the construction of ...
Journal of building engineering, Sep 1, 2023

Sakarya University Journal of Science, Oct 1, 2017
Betonarme kiriş elemanlarda etriye oranı, beton sınıfı ve beton tipinin burulma davranışının üzer... more Betonarme kiriş elemanlarda etriye oranı, beton sınıfı ve beton tipinin burulma davranışının üzerinde etkisinin deneysel olarak incelenmesi be çalışmanın temelini oluşturmaktadır. Deneylerde beton basınç dayanımı 20 MPa ile 40 MPa, beton tipi geleneksel beton ile kendiliğinden yerleşen beton ve etriye aralığı 80 mm ve 100 mm çalışmanın ana parametreleri olarak belirlendi. 12 adet normal betonlu 8 adet kendiliğinden yerleşen betonlu 250x300x1500 mm boyutlarında kiriş numunesi hazırlandı. Burulma momentine maruz bırakılan kiriş numunelerinin burulma momenti kapasiteleri, bu değere karşılık gelen döneme açısı, kritik burulma momenti değerleri, bu değerlere karşılık gelen kritik dönme açıları, burulma çatlakları deneysel olarak ölçüldü. Elde edilen deneysel burulma momenti kapasitesi sonuçları elastik, plastik ve yanal eğilme teorileri ile karşılaştırıldı. Deneysel sonuçlara en yakın değerler yanal eğilme teorisinde elde edildi. Kiriş numunelerinin burulma momenti kapasitesi-dönme açısı grafikleri çizildi. Düşük etriye aralığının, yüksek dayanımlı betonun ve beton tipi olarak kendiliğinden yerleşen betonun burulma davranışı üzerinde olumlu bir etkiye sahip olduğu deneysel olarak bu çalışma kapsamında belirlendi. Deneysel kritik burulma momenti değerleri ilgili çalışmalardan elde edilen ampirik değerlerin karşılaştırılması yapıldı.

Challenge journal of structural mechanics, Jun 23, 2021
A large proportion of road and railway bridges, present in Turkey served for many years, have bee... more A large proportion of road and railway bridges, present in Turkey served for many years, have been completed their service life or will soon. Continuing safety and sustainability of these bridges under traffic loads have been of great increasing importance to roadway and railway transportation line to be continuous servicing. In addition, the demolition and reconstruction of bridges that have reached the end of their service life or are nearing completion will have a negative impact on the country's economy. All of these requirements' detailed examination of bridges in order to provide economical and safe service, considering current vehicle loads and earthquake loads. The Mahmutçavuş Bridge is investigated as a simply supported continuous composite roadway bridge at this work. The finite-element model of the bridge is constituted by site investigation and measurement. Different truckloads using for the design of the bridge are determined, and static analysis of the bridge is conducted. Seven earthquake records are scaled for two different earthquake design spectrums. The nonlinear time-history analyses are conducted, considering Δ-δ effects. The performance of the bridge for varying truckloads and earthquake loads is investigated, and results are discussed in detail.

Sinop Üniversitesi fen bilimleri dergisi, Dec 28, 2018
Bu çalışmada, çimento yerine değişik oranlarda uçucu kül ve silis dumanın tekli ve ikili olarak k... more Bu çalışmada, çimento yerine değişik oranlarda uçucu kül ve silis dumanın tekli ve ikili olarak kullanılmasının hidratasyon ürünlerine (C-S-H ve CH) ve betonun mekanik ve mikroyapı özelliklerine etkisi araştırılmıştır. Portland çimentosu yerine ağırlıkça %5, %10, %15 ve %20 oranında uçucu kül, silis dumanı ve silis dumanı + uçucu kül kullanılmıştır. Basınç dayanım testine tabii tutulan numunelerin mikroyapıları X-ışını kırınımı (XRD) kullanılarak incelenmiştir. Sonuçlara göre, uçucu kül 7 günlük betonun basınç dayanımı olumsuz etkilerken 28 ve 90 günlük yaşlarda ise basınç dayanımını artırdığı görülmüştür. Silis dumanı kullanılan betonlarda ise her yaşta kontrol numunesine kıyasla daha yüksek basınç dayanımı elde dilmiştir. En yüksek basınç dayanımı, çimento yerine, uçucu kül %10, silis dumanı %15, silis dumanı + uçucu kül %15 oranında kullanıldığında elde edilmiştir. XRD analizinde, hidratasyon sonucu oluşan portlandit (CH (Ca(OH)2)) oranın yaşa ve kullanılan uçucu kül ve silis dumanı oranına bağlı olarak azaldığı görülmüştür. Bunun sebebi, uçucu kül ve silis dumanının CH ile yapmış olduğu reaksiyonun bir sonucudur. Bu çerçevede uçucu kül, silis dumanı ve bunların birlikte kullanımı betonların mikroyapı gelişimi 90 günlük süreçte değerlendirilmiş, içyapıdaki gelişimin dayanımla değişimi desteklenmeye çalışılmıştır.

Engineering, Technology & Applied Science Research, Jun 7, 2020
The effects of using different ratios of silica fume on the mechanical and microstructural proper... more The effects of using different ratios of silica fume on the mechanical and microstructural properties of hardened cement paste and concrete were investigated in this study. Portland cement was replaced with 5%, 10%, 15%, and 20% silica fume (SF) by weight. Microstructural properties of obtained samples were investigated by X-Ray Diffraction (XRD) and Scanning Electron Microscopy (SEM). The XRD analysis showed that the ratio of calcium hydroxide (CH), which is produced by hydration, decreases depending on the concrete age and the amount of silica fume. The SEM analysis showed that the use of silica fume decreases gaps and calcium silicate hydrate (C-S-H) which is also a hydration production. Silica fume content of up to 15% improved the observed mechanical and microstructural properties of concrete. At the optimum value of 15%, improvement in the paste was observed due to the filler effect and the reaction between the silica fume and calcium hydroxide, leading to a reduction in calcium hydroxide in the concrete.
Electromagnetic waves, 2009
In concrete industry, there is a need for water-to-cement ratio (w/c) estimation of cement-based ... more In concrete industry, there is a need for water-to-cement ratio (w/c) estimation of cement-based materials since the w/c ratio of cement mixtures is typically given at the batch plant, and this ratio, sometimes, is deliberately changed to have a more workable cement mixture. To meet the requirements of accurate w/c ratio determination of cement-based materials, in this research paper, we propose an artificial neural network approach for w/c ratio estimation of these materials using free-space non-contact reflection and transmission measurements of mortar specimens with w/c ratios of 0.40, 0.45, 0.50, 0.55 and 0.60. We have tested the network and observed less than 5 percent difference between the estimated and known values of w/c = 0.50.

Journal of Cement Based Composites, 2020
The sulphate resistance of variable concretes, including Boron active belite cement (BABC), CEM I... more The sulphate resistance of variable concretes, including Boron active belite cement (BABC), CEM I 42.5 R and CEM II 32.5 B-S cements, were determined in the present study. The compressive strength, ultrasonic velocity, Schmidt, and unit weight tests were applied to steam cured and water cured samples. Three Na2SO4 solutions of %5, %10 and %20 were prepared for each type of concrete except for the control group and the samples were exposed to the effect of sulphate solutions for 24 weeks. As a result, weight increase was determined in CEM I 42.5 R cement samples the least, and in BAB cement samples the most. As expected, pronounced chemical effect was not observed in samples of cement CEM II.32.5 B-S. On the other hand, while decreases or slight increases were observed in the ultrasound measurements of CEM I 42.5 R cement samples after sulphate test, critical increases were observed in BAB and CEM II 32.5 B-S cement samples. Under sulphate effect, water and steam cures had explicit e...

Journal of Civil, Construction and Environmental Engineering, 2018
The boron active belite (BAB) cement is a cement type different from Portland cement due to the p... more The boron active belite (BAB) cement is a cement type different from Portland cement due to the presence of B 2 O 3 at 3-4%, low hydration temperature, low early strength and high final strength. In this study, concretes with three similar gradations were produced using BAB, CEM I 42.5 and CEM II 32.5 cements. Prepared cylindrical (Ø100/200 mm) concrete samples were exposed to high temperatures of 200, 400 and 600°C at the end of 7 th , 28 th and 90 th days of standard water curing periods. Then, the compressive strength, ultrasonic pulse velocity and Schmidt hammer strength properties of the concretes were investigated to determine their resistance to high temperatures. As a result, the compressive strength values of concrete with BAB cement were found to be higher in the final period than in concrete with normal Portland cement. Therefore, it can be said that the concretes produced with BAB cement is more durable against elevated temperatures from concretes produced with normal Portland cement. Moreover, the observed strength differences in concretes with BAB cement, were discussed in the light of current information in the literature.

Journal of Civil, Construction and Environmental Engineering, 2018
With the steam curing technology, effective fast curing technique in prefabrication technology, t... more With the steam curing technology, effective fast curing technique in prefabrication technology, the effect of atmospheric steam curing on the mechanical properties of variable types of self-compacting lightweight concretes and the combination of the properties of semi-lightweight self-compacting concrete are important engineering approaches, focused in this study, in terms of workable and lightweight concrete production that is easy to apply. The cement type (CEM I 42.5 and CEM II 32.5) and three types of aggregates (normal, pumice and raw perlite) were the parameters of the study, including three types of steam curing cycle. The manufactured concrete samples were not only tested for compressive strength and bending, but also for splitting tensile strength. The fresh and hardened unit weight, dimension check and ultrasonic pulse velocity observations were also obtained for all 108 concrete samples. The three steam curing cycles were about 36.5 hours for 65°C, 70°C and 75°C. These steam-curing cycles were designed according to predesign tests and literature. As a result, the cement type and aggregate effect on the steam curing regimes were obtained. The decrease in the compressive strength of lightweight pumice concretes by the curing temperature rise and the negative effects of CEM II 32.5 on the strength values were the other striking results of the tests.
Computational Materials Science, Nov 1, 2007
... Drying creep is the additional creep occurring in a specimen exposed to the environment and a... more ... Drying creep is the additional creep occurring in a specimen exposed to the environment and allowed to dry [3]. So, the main difference between creep and shrinkage is applied load existence or not. ... There are two main kinds of these series, which are Drichlet and Taylor series. ...

Materials Letters, Nov 1, 2005
In this study, the effect of steel fibers on the mechanical properties of pumice aggregate concre... more In this study, the effect of steel fibers on the mechanical properties of pumice aggregate concrete was investigated. In order to determine the effect of steel fiber ratio on the mechanical properties of concrete, (1) 25%, 50%, 75%, and 100% pumice ratios were used instead of natural aggregate by volume, (2) 0.5%, 1.0%, and 1.5% steel fiber ratios were used by volume of the sample and (3) also, 300 kg/m 3 cement dosage and 3 T 0.5 cm slump were used. The test results showed that the increasing pumice aggregate ratio decreased the unit weight and the mechanical properties of the concretes. When compared to the control sample that contains no fiber, with the increase of steel fiber ratio in the mixtures unit weight, compressive strength, splitting-tensile strength and flexural strength of concretes increased up to 8.5%, 21.1%, 61.2% and 120.2%, respectively. Moduli of elasticity and deformation capability were decreased with increase of pumice aggregate and steel fiber ratio in the mixture.
Construction and Building Materials, Jun 1, 2007
The natural materials provide a way for an economic production of concrete in hot weather conditi... more The natural materials provide a way for an economic production of concrete in hot weather conditions without using high cost chemical retarders. Effects of a natural additive on the properties of concrete vary with the additive type and volume. In this study, the effect of two natural materials as ...
Papers by Abdulkadir Cuneyt Aydin