Papers by Enrique Bernardez Rodriguez
Review of Palaeobotany and Palynology, 2006
A single sample from the La Matosa Member of the Barrios Formation, exposed during the excavation... more A single sample from the La Matosa Member of the Barrios Formation, exposed during the excavation of the El Fabar Tunnel in Asturias, N Spain, yielded a rich and well-preserved Late Cambrian acritarch assemblage. The Middle? to Upper Cambrian La Matosa Member consists mainly of quartz sandstone and includes locally a thick fossiliferous intercalation of dark shale ("El Fabar beds") from which the acritarch sample was collected. The latter shale levels yielded also some linguliform brachiopods, olenid trilobites and phyllocarid crustaceans.

The regional chronostratigraphy of the British Ordovician, established mainly for shelly facies, ... more The regional chronostratigraphy of the British Ordovician, established mainly for shelly facies, is hard to correlate in the Iberian Peninsula, especially after the separation and drift of Avalonia from Gondwana by the early Middle Ordovician. The same applies to the Ordovician global scale, whose stratotypes involve deeper-water facies and faunas not recorded in the high-paleolatitudinal settings of southern peri-Gondwana. In order to solve the problem, an alternative regional scheme for the " Mediterranean " Ordovician was proposed in the 1970s. This comprises five regional stages plus the global Tremadocian and Hirnantian, which are largely based on the distribution of endemic shelly fossils combined with some graptolites and a good palynological record. This Ordovician scale presents precise correlation potential for southwestern and central Europe (Ibero-Armorica, Sardinia, Bohemia, Bulgaria) and may be extended around the Mediterranean region. Sporadic occurrences of graptolites and shelly faunas of Baltic or Avalonian affinities allow for indirect correlation with the global stages through their own regional scales.
Isotopic studies combined with geochemical, lithological, mineralogical and palaeontological inve... more Isotopic studies combined with geochemical, lithological, mineralogical and palaeontological investigations have been widely used in reconstructing Cretaceous marine and continental environments. Furthermore stable and radiogenic isotope trends play an important role in the interpretation of the causes and consequences of biotic turnovers at stratigraphic boundaries as well as in global correlations.
We describe an isolated tooth of a theropod dinosaur recovered at the Limanes village, in the vic... more We describe an isolated tooth of a theropod dinosaur recovered at the Limanes village, in the vicinity of Oviedo (Principality of Asturias, north Spain). It comes from an outcrop of the La Manjoya Formation, possibly Lower-Middle Cenomanian based on their foraminiferal content. The tooth can not be identified to generic of familiar level, so it is only assigned to Theropoda indet. By its size and serration density it
could pertain to a carcharodontosaurid dinosaur, but it cannot be confirmed due to its fragmentary condition.
This is the first mention of a theropod dinosaur in the Cretaceous of Asturias and the only theropod skeletal remain described in the pre-Campanian Late Cretaceous of the Iberian Peninsula.
AYUNTAMIENTO DE RIBADESELLA MINISTERIO DE CIENCIA Y TECNOLOGÍA CONSEJO SUPERIOR DE INVESTIGACIONE... more AYUNTAMIENTO DE RIBADESELLA MINISTERIO DE CIENCIA Y TECNOLOGÍA CONSEJO SUPERIOR DE INVESTIGACIONES CIENTÍFICAS Tanto vivir entre piedras yo he creído que conversaban, voces no sentí nunca pero el alma no me engaña, algún algo han de tener aunque parezcan calladas, no de balde ha llenado Dios de secretos la montaña. Algo se dice en las piedras, a mí no me engaña el alma; temblor, sombra o qué se yo, igual que si conversaran (...) Atahualpa Yupanqui Un tesoro geológico en la Autovía del Cantábrico Un tesoro geológico en la Autovía del Cantábrico El Túnel Ordovícico del Fabar, Ribadesella (Asturias) Índice 17
Se estudia un nuevo yacimiento de la base de la Formación Oville (Cámbrico medio) localizado en e... more Se estudia un nuevo yacimiento de la base de la Formación Oville (Cámbrico medio) localizado en el núcleo de la ventana tectónica del
Cueto Negro (Asturias, en la Zona Cantábrica). En este yacimiento se han identificado seis especies de trilobites, una de las cuales es
nueva para la ciencia: Badulesia cautumensis. La edad del yacimiento es Caesaraugustiense inferior (equivalente a la parte alta del piso
5 del Cámbrico) y, probablemente, pertenece a la parte alta de la zona de Badulesia tenera.
… Symposium on the …, 2003
Trabajos de …, 2005
... de el km 5 de la carretera de Oviedo a El Escamplero un afloramiento de calizas arenosas de l... more ... de el km 5 de la carretera de Oviedo a El Escamplero un afloramiento de calizas arenosas de la Formación La Manjoya, en contacto por falla con materiales del Devónico Superior, señalando la presencia de rudistas determinados por el profesor José María Pons como ...
Treballs del Museu …, 1992
... Barcelona, 3: 41-60 (1993) Macrofauna de invertebrados del Cretácico superior de la Depresión... more ... Barcelona, 3: 41-60 (1993) Macrofauna de invertebrados del Cretácico superior de la Depresión Central Asturiana Enrique BERNARDEZ', Jaume GALLEMf 2, Gregorio LOPEZ, Ricardo MARTINEZ3, Juan MUNOZ4, Jose Maria PONS3 y Robert SANTAMARIA3 ABSTRACT ...
Geogaceta, 2009
We describe an isolated tooth of a theropod dinosaur recovered at the Limanes village, in the vic... more We describe an isolated tooth of a theropod dinosaur recovered at the Limanes village, in the vicinity of Oviedo (Principality of Asturias, north Spain). It comes from an outcrop of the La Manjoya Formation, possibly Lower-Middle Cenomanian based on their foraminiferal content. The tooth can not be identified to generic of familiar level, so it is only assigned to Theropoda indet. By its size and serration density it could pertain to a carcharodontosaurid dinosaur, but it cannot be confirmed due to its fragmentary condition. This is the first mention of a theropod dinosaur in the Cretaceous of Asturias and the only theropod skeletal remain described in the pre-Campanian Late Cretaceous of the Iberian Peninsula.
Cuadernos de Geología Ibérica, 1994
Se definen doce formaciones para el Cretácico de la Depresión Central Asturiana. La serie abarca ... more Se definen doce formaciones para el Cretácico de la Depresión Central Asturiana. La serie abarca un lapso de tiempo comprendido entre el Albiense Superior y el Santoniense Superior. Se identifican tres rupturas sedimentarias: al techo del Albiense Superior, en la base del Cenomaniense Superior y en la base del Coniaciense.
Papers by Enrique Bernardez Rodriguez
could pertain to a carcharodontosaurid dinosaur, but it cannot be confirmed due to its fragmentary condition.
This is the first mention of a theropod dinosaur in the Cretaceous of Asturias and the only theropod skeletal remain described in the pre-Campanian Late Cretaceous of the Iberian Peninsula.
Cueto Negro (Asturias, en la Zona Cantábrica). En este yacimiento se han identificado seis especies de trilobites, una de las cuales es
nueva para la ciencia: Badulesia cautumensis. La edad del yacimiento es Caesaraugustiense inferior (equivalente a la parte alta del piso
5 del Cámbrico) y, probablemente, pertenece a la parte alta de la zona de Badulesia tenera.
could pertain to a carcharodontosaurid dinosaur, but it cannot be confirmed due to its fragmentary condition.
This is the first mention of a theropod dinosaur in the Cretaceous of Asturias and the only theropod skeletal remain described in the pre-Campanian Late Cretaceous of the Iberian Peninsula.
Cueto Negro (Asturias, en la Zona Cantábrica). En este yacimiento se han identificado seis especies de trilobites, una de las cuales es
nueva para la ciencia: Badulesia cautumensis. La edad del yacimiento es Caesaraugustiense inferior (equivalente a la parte alta del piso
5 del Cámbrico) y, probablemente, pertenece a la parte alta de la zona de Badulesia tenera.