Hi all, My name is Ashley, I'm from NC, and I am a prospective transfer student to Wagner. I'm currently a theatre major at Greensboro College in North Carolina, but have been diagnosed with depression (mostly as a result of the ridiculous theatre faculty at Gboro) and have been advised to start searching out transfer options. A friend of mine who goes to Sarah Lawrence suggested I check out Wagner and I am interested in learning about what it has to offer. It seems like it's an environment very conducive to learning. A few questions: 1. What is the presence of Greek Life? Is it a huge thing or no? Do you feel "left out" if you are not a member of a sorority? 2. How is the theatre program? Do people seem to enjoy it and find it fulfilling? 3. Please tell me anything else you want about LMU. The good, the bad, the ugly, I want to hear it all. Thanks in advance. |