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Sunday, October 22nd, 2006

Posted by:kathyselden.
Time:7:38 pm.
Hi all,

My name is Ashley, I'm from NC, and I am a prospective transfer student to Wagner. I'm currently a theatre major at Greensboro College in North Carolina, but have been diagnosed with depression (mostly as a result of the ridiculous theatre faculty at Gboro) and have been advised to start searching out transfer options. A friend of mine who goes to Sarah Lawrence suggested I check out Wagner and I am interested in learning about what it has to offer. It seems like it's an environment very conducive to learning. A few questions:

1. What is the presence of Greek Life? Is it a huge thing or no? Do you feel "left out" if you are not a member of a sorority?
2. How is the theatre program? Do people seem to enjoy it and find it fulfilling?
3. Please tell me anything else you want about LMU. The good, the bad, the ugly, I want to hear it all.

Thanks in advance.
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Friday, March 24th, 2006

Posted by:answer_seekers.
Time:2:05 pm.
Hello, we are two students at Rochester Institute of Technology currently engaged in an independent study project addressing the issue of hazing. The goal of this project is two-pronged - we wish to discover the prevalence of hazing in the state as well as get your opinion on what should be done about it, if anything.

Under the lj-cut is our survey, which asks a variety of questions about your personal experiences with hazing, and we would greatly appreciate it if you could take a minute or two from your time to fill it out really quickly. We even have questions at the beginning for those who have never experienced hazing but wish to share their opinion on the subject. Additionally, each question gives you the option to answer in more detail beyond the choices we have already provided. We encourage you to take advantage of this if you have more include in your answer.

Your responses to this survey are anonymous, so please do not put your name (or any information that would identify you) anywhere on this survey. You may quit the survey at any time and for any reason, or you may decline to answer any of the questions, but your responses to every question are important and we ask that you answer as many of the questions as you possibly can. You may post your answers however you like - under your user name, anonymously, or you may e-mail them to us at [email protected]. All posts will be screened, so no one except you, us, and the community administrator will be able to see your responses.

Please inform us of any questions, concerns, or feedback you might have. Thank you in advance for your time.

SurveyCollapse )
(X-posted to other New York communities)
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Sunday, January 8th, 2006

Posted by:dooptheory.
Time:9:18 pm.
So uh, I just applied to Wagner tonight and I know it's a very long shot for me to get accepted with my GPA. Anyway, I was wondering, what did you have as your high school GPA when you applied? I just want to know if I have a slightly better shot than what I'm thinking I have.
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Tuesday, November 8th, 2005

Posted by:detroit_ty.
Time:10:26 pm.
Hey everyone...

I'm a high school senior from the Detroit area looking at the possibility of attending Wagner next year... What do you guys think my chances of being admitted are?

-3.6 GPA (that is weighted with AP classes and the like)
-34 ACT
-Drum Major of marching band, manager of chior
-(insert something else good sounding that I might have)

Also, what is Wagner like? I'm attracted to it for a couple reasons: its size and location. I love the fact that this tiny little liberal arts college is in NEW YORK CITY. I love New York, and I love the idea of going to school there. I also like how it's in New York, but it seems like it may be in a little bit more of a peaceful area. Am I wrong on this? It seems like if you want the hustle and bustle of the big city you can have it in less than an hour, but the school itself is more laid back. What are Wagner students like? Are there a variety of political views, majors, religions, etc... represented on campus?

Thanks for all your help!
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Friday, August 5th, 2005

Posted by:goldenyellowhat.
Time:3:06 pm.
Mood: good.

Intro to Lit 10:20-11:20;
Contemporary Moral Probs 1:20 -2:50; (this one not on Friday)
Sex Gender and Culture 9:10- 10:10


Reflective Tutorial 11:20 - 12:50

This is my shedule, i was just wondering if i have any classes with anyone here, or if people have still not heard from their roomates. There's a letter that says we should have heard from a student link, but i haven't gotten anything. I just came back into the country from Peru, so for the last month i've been in the blue. Anything i should know about?
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Friday, July 22nd, 2005

Posted by:6bloodredrose11.
Time:2:31 pm.
im getting sooooo anxious anyone find out about roomates yet. . . ugh lol 32 daysz til i move, im so anxious
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Wednesday, June 8th, 2005

Posted by:anniesaysrockon.
Time:12:24 am.
hey everyone,

like jon i too am a peer leader. i'm a junior music major with a minor in english. feel free to ask me any questions i'm here to help.
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Sunday, June 5th, 2005

Posted by:humble_egotist.
Time:3:30 pm.
hey all

i know a lot of incoming freshman for next year come on this community or the one on myspace. my name is jon and i'm a sophomore theatre major and freshman orientation leader for the fall. im also a LINK so if anyone has ANY questions about what school is going to be like, or what to bring or to expect or ANYTHING just leave me a comment, or IM me at superneatojonny and ill answer it or find someone who can.

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Tuesday, May 24th, 2005

Subject:well hello
Posted by:leviosa.
Time:8:53 pm.
Mood: cheerful.
hey everyone. i'm an incoming freshman who's very excited because i JUST got off the theatre performance wait-list two days ago! heyhey. just sent in all my paperwork... did anyone else find the roomate sheet entertaining to fill out? haha. maybe it was just me.

i'm so excited, i can't wait to see you all in the fall!

♥ Sarah

p.s. i'm addicted to the "Wagner Undergraduate Bulletin." mine is all bookmarked and highlighted... there are so many awesome classes... yeah i'll shut up now.
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Sunday, May 8th, 2005

Subject:i guess i think i'm special
Posted by:goldenyellowhat.
Time:12:46 pm.
Mood: ecstatic.
Well, this community doesn't seem too active, but i hope to spark some life into it. My name is Ellie, and I'll be a freshman at Wagner next fall term. I wanted to meet any new people, and just say hello and introduce. I'm Dominican, speak Spanish and French, and will be coming from Miami, Florida. I plan on majoring in Anthropology, minoring in either Religious Studies or Philosophy (leaning more towards RL). I will hopefully be in LC 2 or 1. I love the arts, i paint, dance, and act, i used to live in Manhattan and I can't wait to go back. I want people i can go out to the city with, maybe even if i can find a roommate and not just be surprised. I'm super open and adaptive, i like any kind of music, as long as it's actually music, i love clothes, ethnic foods (Though I'm a strict vegetarian) and well, there's a lot to me if anyone wants to know. Just trying to say hi, get responses, post something about yourself, or feel free to send an IM to Opaquesparkle on AIM or gatiuxx @ hotmail, you can also e-mail at [email protected] if i'm not on. The Wagner website is informative, but impersonal. I need to see faces, people, emotion associated with things. Don't be shy about saying hi back, i'd love to be able to know people once i get there, it would make it so much more bearable.
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Monday, April 11th, 2005

Subject:Fall 2005
Posted by:purpleastor.
Time:10:26 am.
Mood: blah.
So...whats everyone's schedule?
Mine is:
TH324 Period Styles/Design 1:20-2:50pm
TH 011 Theatre Lab (Costume Shop) 3:00-5:00pm

MA110 College Math 9:40-11:10am
SO101 Principles of Sociology 1:00-2:30pm

TH 240 Stage Makeup 1:20-2:50pm
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Wednesday, April 6th, 2005

Posted by:classybroad.
Time:9:37 pm.
Hi! I just got accepted to Wagner & am 99.9% sure I'm going to go (I just need my Dad to agree) & was wondering what dorms are the best for freshman to live in? Or do we all get the same building?
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Posted by:jenny8705.
Time:7:49 pm.
Mood: ecstatic.
I finally made my decision to go to Wagner. I am really excited about it- it seems like such an amazing school and in the perfect location. What is there to do for campus activities, or does everyone just go into the city to have fun? Is anyone a chem major at Wagner, and what do you think about the program?
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Monday, March 28th, 2005

Posted by:6bloodredrose11.
Time:9:36 pm.
is there anyone that is going there for sure next year?
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Thursday, March 24th, 2005

Posted by:munchkn909.
Time:10:24 am.
I got into Wagner, and I am seriously considering on going. But, are there any other poeple from Wagner around here that aren't theatre or theatre tech majors? Also, does anyone know how the nursing program is?
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Saturday, March 12th, 2005

Posted by:primevalchaos.
Time:2:20 pm.
Okay, so I’ve been accepted to Wagner, and I don’t know how I feel about it yet. I haven’t been to the campus, and I know I really should visit, but I thought I could maybe get some answers from you guys, too.

I’m from Gaithersburg, Maryland, which is like 30-40 minutes from DC. I’m pretty suburban all around. Wagner being so close to NYC is, of course, a plus, but I’m wondering if it’ll be something of a shock to me.

Also, Wagner seems to have more commuter students than other schools I’m looking at. Does that make much of a difference on campus? I mean, is there sort of a line between the kids that live on campus and the kids that don’t?

Aaannnd, what made you guys choose Wagner over other places?

Thanks very much

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Thursday, March 3rd, 2005

Posted by:soconfessional.
Time:6:47 pm.
Mood: cold.
Hey all
I got into Wagner as a frosh. for fall of next year. Im pretty sure its my top choice, but im begining to have doubts becuase i'm not sure if all the programs I want are availible.

Anyways, I guess I'm basically wondering about the pros/cons of the school as a whole. What do you like, dislike, ect.
Oooh, also, is the workload insane, or is it manageable? Are there good options for food and such? (Sorry, i have lots of friends who go to U of R and drown in homework, which is only inturrupted by trips to get nassssty food haha. Oh the joys of Rochester).

Sorry for so many questions, but people on this board seem to be uber nice, so i figured you guys would be good people to ask.

ps- ugh for snow in march.
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Posted by:yortikins.
Time:11:08 am.
Hey, in case there are any other Arts Admin. majors here, I made a little community. It's called (creatively enough):


Please feel free to join and post a little info. about yourself. Thanks!

(X-posted a ton)
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Tuesday, March 1st, 2005

Subject:Make an easy buck!
Posted by:paperpackage.
Time:10:27 pm.
Mood: Grateful in advance (?).
I was at Wagner this past Sunday for Audition Day and I fell in love with the "I can't, I have rehearsal" t-shirts. I didn't quite make it to the table in time to purchase it after the long day of auditions, but I am really set on having it. Hence, my proposal! Is anyone willing to do me the favor of sending one my way. There is a monetary reward for the kind person, additionally to the t-shirt price and cost of shipping. E-mail me if you are interested. dannykop at I would GREATLY appreciate it!
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Monday, February 21st, 2005

Posted by:munchkn909.
Time:11:21 pm.
Mood: excited.
I was curious if anyone else heard from Wagner yet. I got accepted, and I haven't met one person yet who is planning on going there. Also, is anyone going to be staying on the overnight? I am planning on it, but I don't know which days I'm going to stay. I think it would be really cool if I make a friend before I actually go.
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