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DC Villains Fanfic Community
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Time:08:54 am
Me, being me, have just created a community to explore the relationship between Dick Grayson and Jason Toss. The fics and discussion does not exactly have to deal with a romantic relationship, it could be a "hate" relationship, a "respect" relationship, hell, even a friendship.

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Time:11:08 am
fuckyou_batman is created in the style of fuckyou_fandom, but specifically for the Batman fandom. Rant about the things you hate in Batman fandom. Be it a fanfic rant (ala fanficrants), Mary Sue, the Nolan!verse, drama in the fandom, etc. It's all game here!
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Time:03:34 am
Hey. Just wanted to let you guys know there is a new community for Batman slash.
Check it out!

All Batman Universes are allowed. From the DC Comic!verse to the Nolan!verse and beyond.
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Time:12:30 am
gotham_times is a daily newsletter for everything Batman!

Mods, delete this if it is not allowed.
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Subject:not sure if this is allowed, but...
Time:11:11 pm
After seeing The Dark Knight, I created a comm dedicated to fic from that movie. Since the Joker is such a huge part of it (as are others!) I figured it might be a good idea to pimp it here. All sorts of fic are welcome, and you can find the comm here: darkknightfic. Mods, delete if not allowed! To all others, please look.
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Current Music:405 - Death Cab for Cutie
Current Location:Dorm room
Subject:Love is Pain (Joker/Harley fanfic)
Time:10:27 pm
Current Mood:lonelylonely
“Love is Pain”
By: The Angelic Temptress
Rating: PG-13
Spoilers: None
A/N: The origin of Harley Quinn is based on a combination of B:TAS episodes and the “No Man’s Land” series. The mention of Harley as a constellation comes from the comic Emperor Joker.
A/N: Thanks, xffan-2000. :-)
LoveCollapse )
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Subject:Get comics and help people
Time:09:44 pm
A bunch of comics for sale and every dime goes to help the people hit by Katrina the hurricane, thought yall might want to check it out. there is some real cool stuff up for bidding
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Subject:Gotham Twilight.
Time:02:50 pm
(( Not entirely sure I'm allowed to put ads here, but hey...going for it anyway. Mods can always erase it if no. :) ))

Gotham Twilight

Welcome to Gotham City.

A year since the end of No Man's Land. A year since civilization and citizenry returned, and Gotham City once again rose from the rubble of disaster. A year since sanity returned.

The city is in a slow state of repair, most of the madmen who escaped from Arkham Asylum are still loose, and Batman and his allies are doing everything they can to keep the tide at bay.

In the last seven weeks, nineteen people have gone missing under mysterious circumstances throughout the city. Reports of strange green lights followed each disappearance, and no evidence was left behind to give any clue as to what might have happened.

While Batman himself is preocupied following a lead on Two-Face, he has assigned Robin and Batgirl to investigate the disappearances, with the aid of Oracle. And where they go, the rest of the Vigilante world is never far behind.

Meanwhile, the Gotham City Police Department is chasing down a serial killer who follows the Modus Operandi of Mr. Freeze, but without a single trace of ice or snow.

With Gordon still a shadow of his former self after the death of his wife at the hands of the Joker, Bullock and Montoya have been left to cover for their boss, keeping the force going as best they can while tracking down this killer.

Gotham Twilight is a new, advanced, detailed Batman/Gotham city Role-Playing Board, and we're looking for writers for...practically every part. We are opening on the first of august (I hope) and we need people before then.

So come on over and apply!
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Time:06:37 pm

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Subject:Go Batsy, Go!
Time:07:44 pm
Current Mood:predatory

order_ofthe_batOrder of the Bat
for Batman fans: discussion, debate, fangirls & boys, gratuitous picture posting, etc.
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DC Villains Fanfic Community
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