Papers by Radwan M Kassir

viXra, Sep 1, 2013
In this paper the Lorentz Transformation is shown to be merely a set of restricted equations stem... more In this paper the Lorentz Transformation is shown to be merely a set of restricted equations stemmed from the Galileo transformation applied to a particular conversion reflecting the theorized principle of the speed of light invariance implemented in the direction of the relative motion between the inertial reference frames. Consequently, the Lorentz transformation is shown to be restricted to time and longitudinal space coordinate values different from zero. The deduction of the time dilation and length contraction becomes unfeasible under such restrictions. It follows that the Lorentz transformation possesses no other effects than mathematically expressing the speed of light postulate in the relative motion direction; that is, the coordinate of the tip point of a light ray traveling in the direction of the relative motion, given by in the "stationary" frame, is transformed to with respect to the "traveling" frame, with being the light speed in empty space. Furthermore, the application of the Lorentz transformation to events having restricted coordinates is shown to result in mathematical contradictions.
viXra, Apr 1, 2015
For relatively moving inertial frames, the constancy of the speed of light principle physically l... more For relatively moving inertial frames, the constancy of the speed of light principle physically leads to time dilation in the transverse direction. This time dilation is irreconcilable in the longitudinal direction unless a length contraction in the relative motion direction is postulated. However, time dilation is contradictorily coupled with length expansion, a fact erroneously twisted in the special relativity and related text books, as demonstrated in this paper. The typical physical demonstration of the length contraction is shown to be inconsistent and contradicts its derivation from the Lorentz transformation. The misinterpretation of the Lorentz Transformation in predicting the length contraction is revealed. The constancy of the speed of light is consequently unviable.
The cosmic ray muon decay in the upper atmosphere is claimed by relativists to be an evidence of ... more The cosmic ray muon decay in the upper atmosphere is claimed by relativists to be an evidence of the relativistic time dilation. They consider it as a reliable experimental proof of the special relativity. This paper reveals the unviability of this claim, using an analytical approach. The time and space intervals between the events of the muons formation and their arrival to the Earth surface are analyzed by the means of the Lorentz transformation. Contradictory findings are obtained.

Relativists claim that Einstein’s constancy of the speed of light postulate is a consequence of t... more Relativists claim that Einstein’s constancy of the speed of light postulate is a consequence of the principle of relativity. Perhaps they consider this as the strongest argument in defending Special Relativity. They maintain that their assertion is supported by the Michelson-Morley experiment, in which the Earth motion couldn’t be detected—in accordance with the principle of relativity— on the basis that the speed of light is relative, defying the foreseen variation of the speed of a light ray with its propagation direction in relation to the Earth motion direction. Since the relativity principle is well accepted among physicists, relativists promote the idea that the constancy of the speed of light postulate follows from the relativity principle, thus making the former as legitimate as the latter. In this paper, the aforementioned claim is shown to be flawed, and has no valid justification; even more, the speed of light postulate is actually revealed to violate the principle of relativity.

In a recent research study entitled “Test of Time Dilation Using Stored Li+ Ions as Clocks at Rel... more In a recent research study entitled “Test of Time Dilation Using Stored Li+ Ions as Clocks at Relativistic Speed” (Phys. Rev. Lett. 113, 120405 – Published 16 September 2014), an Ives–Stilwell type experiment,it was claimed that a conducted time dilation experiment using the relativistic Doppler effect on the Li+ ions resonance frequencies had verified, with a greatly increased precision, the relativistic frequency shift formula, derived in the Special Relativity from the Lorentz Transformation, thus indirectly proving the time dilation predicted by the Special Relativity. The test was based on the validation of an algebraic equality relating a set of measured frequencies, and deduced from the relativistic Doppler equations. In this study, it was shown that this algebraic equality, used as a validation criterion, did not uniquely imply the validity of the relativistic Doppler equations. In fact, using an approach in line with the referenced study, it was revealed that an infinite nu...
International Journal of Physics, 2014
The perception of events in two inertial reference frames in relative motion was analyzed from th... more The perception of events in two inertial reference frames in relative motion was analyzed from the perspective of the Special Relativity postulates, leading to the Lorentz transformation equations for the time and space coordinate in the relative motion direction. Yet, straightforward inconsistencies were identified upon examining the conversion of the time interval between two co-local events in the traveling reference frame. The approach used in the Special Relativity formulation to get around the identified inconsistencies was revealed. Subsequent mathematical contradictions in the Lorentz transformation equations, disproving the Special Relativity predictions, were shown.

viXra, 2015
Applying basic classical physics concepts of time and space, while considering event information ... more Applying basic classical physics concepts of time and space, while considering event information was ultimately communicated through light—or electromagnetic—signals, it was shown that proper time interval measured in an inertial reference frame (labeled as the “traveling frame”) between two co-local events occurring at the frame origin underwent apparent alteration and perceived as an altered interval in another inertial frame (labeled as the “stationary frame”), when the two frames were in relative motion. It was shown through obtained modified Galilean transformations that “apparent” length contraction and expansion were associated with “apparent” time dilation and contraction, respectively. In the case the Emission Theory of light was considered, symmetry in regard to the time and space alteration factors between the frames was shown. The known classical Doppler Effect was readily derived from the established alteration factors. For all classical approaches, and in the case of l...

viXra, Jun 1, 2013
In this paper, the Lorentz transformation equations are closely examined in connection with the c... more In this paper, the Lorentz transformation equations are closely examined in connection with the constancy of the speed of light postulate of the special relativity. This study demonstrates that the speed of light postulate is implicitly manifested in the transformation under the form of space-to-time ratio invariance, which has the implication of collapsing the light sphere to a straight line, and rendering the frames of reference origin-coordinates undetermined with respect to each other. Yet, Lorentz transformation is shown to be readily constructible based on this conflicting finding. Consequently, the formulated Lorentz transformation is deemed to generate mathematical contradictions, thus defying its tenability. A rationalization of the isolated contradictions is then established. An actual interpretation of the Lorentz transformation is presented, demonstrating the unreality of the space-time conversion property attributed to the transformation.
The relativistic Doppler shift formula is shown to be based on a contradictory equation, revealin... more The relativistic Doppler shift formula is shown to be based on a contradictory equation, revealing the unviability of the Special Relativity. In addition, the light speed postulate is shown to result in contradictions with the Special Relativity equations, when expressed in terms of the light wave characteristics, with the relativistic Doppler shift formula being applied in the resulting expression. An absurd relation between the wave frequency and wave period would emerge to satisfy the Special Relativity time dilation. An actual time dilation factor emerging from the speed of light principle is revealed.

viXra, 2014
The speed of light postulate is closely examined from the perspective of two inertial reference f... more The speed of light postulate is closely examined from the perspective of two inertial reference frames―unprimed (‘stationary’) and primed (‘traveling’)―in relative motion, revealing that the speed of light postulate actually requires length contraction with respect to the unprimed reference frame, and length expansion with respect to the primed frame. It is shown that when symmetry is imposed on the inverse length transformation (i.e., to make it exhibit the same length contraction from the perspective of the primed frame), the common length contraction factor becomes nothing but the Lorentz contraction factor . frames are being at rest with respect to each other, and thus refuting the special relativity predictions! When the coordinate’s transformation symmetry assumption is applied on the direct transformation resulting from the light speed postulate―which is shown incompatible with this assumption―, the Lorentz transformation and its inverse are erroneously obtained; it is ...
viXra, 2013
This paper reveals the mathematical contradictory aspects of Einstein’s speed of light postulate ... more This paper reveals the mathematical contradictory aspects of Einstein’s speed of light postulate and the Lorentz transformation (LT) equations. Essential analyses of the equations, leading to the intelligible refutation of the mathematical foundation of the Special Relativity Theory (SRT), are emphasized in an outlined structure.

viXra, 2015
In this paper, it is shown that the classical addition of velocities is unavoidable, and follows ... more In this paper, it is shown that the classical addition of velocities is unavoidable, and follows naturally from an intrinsic physics concept. It is revealed that the relativistic addition of velocities and the Lorentz contraction simply lead to time transformations contradicting the Special Relativity predictions. Ironically, the Special Relativity time dilation prediction could be obtained from the classical addition of velocities and the Lorentz contraction, when the travel time of a two-way light trip is considered. A one-way (forward or backward) travel time leads to contradictions with the Special Relativity predictions. The special relativity time dilation factor could be obtained from the classical addition of velocities for a light trip in the transverse direction, but in contradiction with the speed of light postulate. Analyzed light travel time between relatively moving frame origins offers outcomes inconsistent with the Special Relativity.
viXra, 2017
In this essay, light is shed on the Special Relativity hidden conflicts. The first part, consisti... more In this essay, light is shed on the Special Relativity hidden conflicts. The first part, consisting of the first five headings, will point out some of the Special Relativity self-contradictions in relation to its main five outcomes. The second part reveals the reasons beyond the Special Relativity inconsistencies.
viXra, 2014
An original thought experiment “interlinking” time between relatively moving frames through belt ... more An original thought experiment “interlinking” time between relatively moving frames through belt drive clocks offers concrete evidence on the unviability of the time dilation predicted by the Special Relativity. It also shows that the Special Relativity length contraction gives contradictory time results.

viXra, 2015
In this paper, the conclusive origin of the Special Relativity (SR) mathematical conflicts identi... more In this paper, the conclusive origin of the Special Relativity (SR) mathematical conflicts identified in the author’s prior related works will be presented and linked to these various conflicts. It is shown that for inertial reference frames in relative motion, the constancy of the speed of light postulate inherently results in time transformations independent of the spatial coordinates. The time of events occurring along the longitudinal coordinate axis is transformed with a different scaling factor than that of events occurring along the transverse coordinate axes. The incorporated x coordinate (considering that the relative motion is in the X-direction) in the Lorentz transformation time equation is the result of the SR assumption forcing the transformation to take a linear form as a function of the time and x coordinate. The SR derived Lorentz transformation time equation takes the assumed form by the aid of the imposed constancy of the speed of light equation, resolving itself ...
viXra, 2013
In a previous study, [1] the Lorentz transformation was shown to be merely a set of restricted pa... more In a previous study, [1] the Lorentz transformation was shown to be merely a set of restricted particular equations, the application of which to events having restricted coordinates―essential for the interpretation of time dilation and length contraction―resulted in mathematical contradictions. In this paper, the particular terms, erroneously generalized in the Lorentz transformation, are replaced with their correct expressions, resulting in a transformation conforming to the speed of light postulate, but having detrimental consequences on the Special Relativity predictions. The essential anomaly in the Lorentz time transformation equations leading to their fatal contradictions is identified, and the Special Relativity “established” predictions turn out to be overwhelmingly refuted.
viXra, 2015
For relatively moving inertial frames, the constancy of the speed of light principle physically l... more For relatively moving inertial frames, the constancy of the speed of light principle physically leads to time dilation in the transverse direction. This time dilation is irreconcilable in the longitudinal direction unless a length contraction in the relative motion direction is postulated. However, time dilation is contradictorily coupled with length expansion, a fact erroneously twisted in the special relativity and related text books, as demonstrated in this paper. The typical physical demonstration of the length contraction is shown to be inconsistent and contradicts its derivation from the Lorentz transformation. The misinterpretation of the Lorentz Transformation in predicting the length contraction is revealed. The constancy of the speed of light is consequently unviable.
viXra, 2016
It is revealed with mathematical justification that the Lorentz transformation is actually limite... more It is revealed with mathematical justification that the Lorentz transformation is actually limited to events with coordinates satisfying the light speed space-time relation (i.e., x = ct). It is therefore shown that applying the LT on certain events while maintaining the above limitation, leads to mathematical contradictions.

viXra, 2018
In its basic form, the Special Relativity’s famous mass-energy equivalence equation doesn’t seem ... more In its basic form, the Special Relativity’s famous mass-energy equivalence equation doesn’t seem to hold for massless particles. To get around this deficiency, another form (energy-momentum relation) of the same equation incorporating a momentum term has been introduced by the physics mainstream. The adopted mainstream derivation of the energy-momentum relation is based on certain assumptions using Minkowski spacetime four-momentum, forcing a solution towards the energy-momentum relation. This form of the mass-energy equivalence equation appears to hold for massless particles. However, in this paper, an analysis of the mainstream derivation of the energy-momentum relation is carried out, highlighting the made assumptions, and revealing a resulting contradiction. It is clearly shown, through a straight forward derivation, that the energy-momentum relation still doesn’t hold for massless particles. Consequently, the energy-momentum relation requires that a photon must have an infinite...
Analysis of the Einstein’s general formula for the relativistic Doppler shift, derived in his 190... more Analysis of the Einstein’s general formula for the relativistic Doppler shift, derived in his 1905 paper On the Electrodynamics of Moving Bodies, revealed for the case of relative circular motions a critical contradiction with the relativistic time dilation prediction obtained in the same paper for reference frames in a relative rectilinear, uniform motion (i.e., relatively moving inertial frames). The time dilation under consideration was obtained for the traveling frame motion over an extremely small fraction (to the order of one light wavelength) of the circular path, so as the respective relative motion could be approximated with a rectilinear one.
Papers by Radwan M Kassir