Papers by Alkafil Choudhury

The teaching force of an institution is the most vital asset to meet the purpose of disseminating... more The teaching force of an institution is the most vital asset to meet the purpose of disseminating education. For that, the teacher should have the scope to learn endlessly to build his/her professional capacity. Generally, the term " capacity building " refers to enhance or reshape the existing skill/knowledge etc. Here, it implies the enhancement and development of professional knowledge/skills. It is a fact that although infrastructure, teaching-learning materials, textbooks etc. are important factors, satisfactory results can not be achieved if the teachers did not know the proper use of all these. This clearly reveals the importance of teachers as well as the process of their capacity building in the teaching-learning process. Again, even more number of teachers would not yield good results if they are not having the knowledge of modern, up-to-date teaching methods. Therefore, the authority concerned should make provisions to prepare teachers with sufficient professional requirements through training, workshop, seminar, orientation, refresher programmes etc. This paper is an attempt to discuss what capacity building is, its requirements, importance of professional development, organizations/institutions involved in this effort, present status of teachers " capacity building etc. It would try to focus on the process of capacity building in the present context of social change since the system of education has been keenly related with social change. It would also put recommendations regarding capacity building of teachers.

The teaching force of an institution is the most vital asset to meet the purpose of disseminating... more The teaching force of an institution is the most vital asset to meet the purpose of disseminating education. For that, the teacher should have the scope to learn endlessly to build his/her professional capacity. Generally, the term " capacity building " refers to enhance or reshape the existing skill/knowledge etc. Here, it implies the enhancement and development of professional knowledge/skills. It is a fact that although infrastructure, teaching-learning materials, textbooks etc. are important factors, satisfactory results can not be achieved if the teachers did not know the proper use of all these. This clearly reveals the importance of teachers as well as the process of their capacity building in the teaching-learning process. Again, even more number of teachers would not yield good results if they are not having the knowledge of modern, up-to-date teaching methods. Therefore, the authority concerned should make provisions to prepare teachers with sufficient professional requirements through training, workshop, seminar, orientation, refresher programmes etc. This paper is an attempt to discuss what capacity building is, its requirements, importance of professional development, organizations/institutions involved in this effort, present status of teachers " capacity building etc. It would try to focus on the process of capacity building in the present context of social change since the system of education has been keenly related with social change. It would also put recommendations regarding capacity building of teachers.
Hajong is an ethnic tribe living in India as well as Bangladesh. The people belong to this tribe ... more Hajong is an ethnic tribe living in India as well as Bangladesh. The people belong to this tribe are also called Hajong. Although physical features resemble the Hajongs to some mongoloid tribes like 'Bodo', 'Kachari', 'Rabha' etc. their culture is different from others that tends to give them a different identity in respect of culture. There are controversies regarding the identity-culture, language etc. of the Hajong. Some tries to classify them as one of the section of the 'greater Bodo' tribe while some others try to enlist them with the 'Kacharis'. The purpose of the paper is to introduce the Hajong people and to present a sketch of their culture with reference to the Hajongs of Assam.
Hajong is an ethnic tribe living in India as well as Bangladesh. The people belong to ... more Abstract
Hajong is an ethnic tribe living in India as well as Bangladesh. The people belong to this tribe are also called Hajong. Although physical features resemble the Hajongs to some mongoloid tribes like ‘Bodo’, ‘Kachari’, ‘Rabha’ etc. their culture is different from others that tends to give them a different identity in respect of culture. There are controversies regarding the identity- culture, language etc. of the Hajong. Some tries to classify them as one of the section of the ‘greater Bodo’ tribe while some others try to enlist them with the ‘Kacharis’. The purpose of the paper is to introduce the Hajong people and to present a sketch of their culture with reference to the Hajongs of Assam.

Abstract: Radio is an important resource of ICT (Information and Communication Technologies) whic... more Abstract: Radio is an important resource of ICT (Information and Communication Technologies) which can be used as
an attractive teaching-learning Material (TLM) to the students of second language. English being a second language for
the Hajong speakers of Assam, we may use radio as an audio aid to make learning interesting and effective as well as to
relieve the learners from the monotony of using the traditional TLMs like blackboard, chalk etc. Hajong is a tribe who
live in the states of Assam, Arunachal Pradesh, Meghalaya and West Bengal in India as well as in some districts of
Bangladesh. In Assam, they are living in different districts namely Nagaon, Dhemaji, North Lakhimpur, Goalpara and
Sonitpur. The Hajong students of Assam learn English as a second language. This paper is an attempt to examine the
problems of English teaching-learning to the Hajong speakers of Assam and the status of ELLT within as well as outside
academic context. The paper also makes some suggestions to overcome them. The problems as investigated clearly
indicate the need to improve the condition of English teaching to the Hajong speakers since English plays a vital role in
the overall progress of a community. In this regard, radio as a TLM would surely prove better and make the teaching
learning process creative as well as effective and would solve the problems if properly applied by trained teachers. The
reason for choosing radio is that it is easily accessible even in remote rural areas where the majority numbers of Hajong
people of Assam live. Again, it can be used within as well as outside academic sphere and therefore, its use would
facilitate not only the regular students but also the school dropouts, adults and even uneducated ones eager to learn
English. The Hajongs of Assam are a socio-economically backward tribe. Their literacy rate is very low. The problems of
teaching-learning of English as investigated require solution and therefore, this paper examines the use of radio as a
measure which surely would help to overcome the same.
Keywords: ELLT; Hajongs of Assam; Context; Radio; Methods and Trained Teachers.
Language is "the method of human communication, either spoken or written, consisting of the use o... more Language is "the method of human communication, either spoken or written, consisting of the use of words in a structured and conventional way" (Oxford Concise Dictionary). Identity means "the fact of being who or what a person or thing is" (Oxford Concise Dictionary). In this paper an attempt is made to explain how identity of different social groups in general and of North-East India in particular is associated with their linguistic aspects. Here, the spoken form is under consideration as it differs in case of even speakers of the same language.
Papers by Alkafil Choudhury
Hajong is an ethnic tribe living in India as well as Bangladesh. The people belong to this tribe are also called Hajong. Although physical features resemble the Hajongs to some mongoloid tribes like ‘Bodo’, ‘Kachari’, ‘Rabha’ etc. their culture is different from others that tends to give them a different identity in respect of culture. There are controversies regarding the identity- culture, language etc. of the Hajong. Some tries to classify them as one of the section of the ‘greater Bodo’ tribe while some others try to enlist them with the ‘Kacharis’. The purpose of the paper is to introduce the Hajong people and to present a sketch of their culture with reference to the Hajongs of Assam.
an attractive teaching-learning Material (TLM) to the students of second language. English being a second language for
the Hajong speakers of Assam, we may use radio as an audio aid to make learning interesting and effective as well as to
relieve the learners from the monotony of using the traditional TLMs like blackboard, chalk etc. Hajong is a tribe who
live in the states of Assam, Arunachal Pradesh, Meghalaya and West Bengal in India as well as in some districts of
Bangladesh. In Assam, they are living in different districts namely Nagaon, Dhemaji, North Lakhimpur, Goalpara and
Sonitpur. The Hajong students of Assam learn English as a second language. This paper is an attempt to examine the
problems of English teaching-learning to the Hajong speakers of Assam and the status of ELLT within as well as outside
academic context. The paper also makes some suggestions to overcome them. The problems as investigated clearly
indicate the need to improve the condition of English teaching to the Hajong speakers since English plays a vital role in
the overall progress of a community. In this regard, radio as a TLM would surely prove better and make the teaching
learning process creative as well as effective and would solve the problems if properly applied by trained teachers. The
reason for choosing radio is that it is easily accessible even in remote rural areas where the majority numbers of Hajong
people of Assam live. Again, it can be used within as well as outside academic sphere and therefore, its use would
facilitate not only the regular students but also the school dropouts, adults and even uneducated ones eager to learn
English. The Hajongs of Assam are a socio-economically backward tribe. Their literacy rate is very low. The problems of
teaching-learning of English as investigated require solution and therefore, this paper examines the use of radio as a
measure which surely would help to overcome the same.
Keywords: ELLT; Hajongs of Assam; Context; Radio; Methods and Trained Teachers.
Hajong is an ethnic tribe living in India as well as Bangladesh. The people belong to this tribe are also called Hajong. Although physical features resemble the Hajongs to some mongoloid tribes like ‘Bodo’, ‘Kachari’, ‘Rabha’ etc. their culture is different from others that tends to give them a different identity in respect of culture. There are controversies regarding the identity- culture, language etc. of the Hajong. Some tries to classify them as one of the section of the ‘greater Bodo’ tribe while some others try to enlist them with the ‘Kacharis’. The purpose of the paper is to introduce the Hajong people and to present a sketch of their culture with reference to the Hajongs of Assam.
an attractive teaching-learning Material (TLM) to the students of second language. English being a second language for
the Hajong speakers of Assam, we may use radio as an audio aid to make learning interesting and effective as well as to
relieve the learners from the monotony of using the traditional TLMs like blackboard, chalk etc. Hajong is a tribe who
live in the states of Assam, Arunachal Pradesh, Meghalaya and West Bengal in India as well as in some districts of
Bangladesh. In Assam, they are living in different districts namely Nagaon, Dhemaji, North Lakhimpur, Goalpara and
Sonitpur. The Hajong students of Assam learn English as a second language. This paper is an attempt to examine the
problems of English teaching-learning to the Hajong speakers of Assam and the status of ELLT within as well as outside
academic context. The paper also makes some suggestions to overcome them. The problems as investigated clearly
indicate the need to improve the condition of English teaching to the Hajong speakers since English plays a vital role in
the overall progress of a community. In this regard, radio as a TLM would surely prove better and make the teaching
learning process creative as well as effective and would solve the problems if properly applied by trained teachers. The
reason for choosing radio is that it is easily accessible even in remote rural areas where the majority numbers of Hajong
people of Assam live. Again, it can be used within as well as outside academic sphere and therefore, its use would
facilitate not only the regular students but also the school dropouts, adults and even uneducated ones eager to learn
English. The Hajongs of Assam are a socio-economically backward tribe. Their literacy rate is very low. The problems of
teaching-learning of English as investigated require solution and therefore, this paper examines the use of radio as a
measure which surely would help to overcome the same.
Keywords: ELLT; Hajongs of Assam; Context; Radio; Methods and Trained Teachers.