The year is 459 A.D., a year that began the Roman Empire’s steep decline into eventual death. It was a time of unprecedented turmoil, unrestrained decadence, and blissful ignorance. The summer of 459, however, was no different than any other: hot, unforgiving, and life-changing.
Seventeen-year-old Caelia is a votaress of Diana and one of Rome’s newest oracles. Just as her skills are beginning to be noticed, she is plagued with haunting nightmares that Rome will soon fall into the hands of invaders. Despite her relentless warnings, nobody realizes that she speaks the truth. Only Vitus, a follower of Apollo, believes her, and promises to help her rescue the city that they have served all their lives.
But their journey to buy Rome more time will take them from the depths of Hades to the top of Mount Olympus itself. It is a quest that will test everything that they have ever believed in, and will show what makes a man and what makes a god.