Apple seeks to offset Chinese iPhone ban in Qualcomm row

Talks underway with exempt supplier Pegatron to boost production

20181214 iphone in 2016

Chinese customers take a look at iPhones at an Apple Store in Beijing in 2016. (Photo by Akira Kodaka)

LAULY LI and CHENG TING-FANG, Nikkei staff writers

TAIPEI -- Apple is in talks to shift production of older iPhones to a key Taiwanese supplier in a bid to avoid the loss of billions in revenue in China as a result of a long-running global patent row with Qualcomm of the U.S.

A court in the southern Chinese city of Fuzhou ruled on Monday that Apple had infringed two of Qualcomm's software patents. It ordered the smartphone maker to stop importing and selling certain models such as the iPhone 6 series and the iPhone X introduced last year.

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