Papers by Simona Vasilache
The paper is discussing the need for convergence in European higher education, as it was claimed ... more The paper is discussing the need for convergence in European higher education, as it was claimed and negotiated in the last decade, accompanied by the results and prospects of a research project advancing and testing a credible set of indicators of convergence in the European Higher Education Area. The main limitations and problems are addressed to, together with an overview of the indicators proposed, and of the ways of advancing the research in the field.
Cross-Cultural Training and Teamwork in Healthcare
The chapter discusses the possibility for European education to convergence in the Bologna framew... more The chapter discusses the possibility for European education to convergence in the Bologna framework by studying the literature dedicated to educational policies in leading academic journals. Using a content analysis methodology, the qualitative research aims to highlight the key topics and research concerns of academics in European higher education and to correlate their research focuses, which are being promoted and implemented in European universities as effective policy. The results may serve as guidelines for both policy makers and executives in higher education, as well as for broader categories of stakeholders.
Industria farmaceutică românească a cunoscut mutaţii concurenţiale în ultimii ani pe fondul armon... more Industria farmaceutică românească a cunoscut mutaţii concurenţiale în ultimii ani pe fondul armonizării cu reglementările Uniunii Europene (încă din perioada de pre-aderare) atât în domeniul farmaceutic, cât şi în cel al concurenţei. Independent de caracterul specific al ...

Abstract: This study brings up the problems of the various questionnaires type applied in the stu... more Abstract: This study brings up the problems of the various questionnaires type applied in the study of market phenomena and processes and it shows the relevance of the possibilities the elaboration of the questionnaires brings in the process of achieving many category of information as well as the exigencies that should be considered when a certain type of questionnaire is selected. All these considerations should be put, of course, in the methodological and organizational general context of the planned statistical survey, in accordance with the recommendations of the theory and practice of specialty. In the methodology of statistical surveys applicable in the marketing researches, the questionnaire holds an important place representing the key for a successful market survey next to the problems of sample and sampling. 1. Elaboration of questionnaires In strong correlation with the problems of choosing the words and writing the questions, the elaboration of questionnaires needs the ...

The paper discusses knowledge metaphors as necessities in conceptualizing knowledge , posing, at ... more The paper discusses knowledge metaphors as necessities in conceptualizing knowledge , posing, at the same time, a series of problems of understanding, in a domain characterized by fuzziness and multiplicity of interpretations. A classification of main knowledge metaphors is proposed, pleading for their proliferation, as far as they infuse useful subjectivity and insight in a field which can't be approached purely rationally. A metaphor of metaphors Knowledge is the metaphor of metaphors. If we accept the paradox that knowledge is what we do n't know, what we still have to inve nt or discover, the metaphor, by means of which we compensate for knowledge we do not have, and "discuss the intangible in terms of the tangible" (Abrams, 1958: 31), while, at the same time, we create perplex-ingly new knowledge employing "the living power of metaphoricity" (Ricoeur, 2004: 129) is the perfect illustration of this ignorant knowledgeability. In other words, if beauty ...

Sustainability, 2022
The digital revolution, driven and accelerated by the current pandemic, involves changes to known... more The digital revolution, driven and accelerated by the current pandemic, involves changes to known business models. The innovative model of the sharing economy can be a real and sustainable solution for long-term green economic development. The aim of our research was to determine the common factors of the sharing economy and the green economy and the perceptions of Romanian users regarding them. Our research questionnaire was based on the elements we found in the academic literature. To evaluate the collected data, we used the factor analysis method with the support of the SPSS program. As our study reveals, digitalization as well as inclinations towards saving are factors impacting both the propensity towards sharing and support for the green economy. The demarcation line between the sharing and the green economies is rather fluid, the two realities being under a reciprocal influence. In our model, the green economy develops according to the principles of the sharing economy, going...
Open Journal of Business and Management, 2021
This research paper reviews the topic of corruption, in a comparative approach of the public and ... more This research paper reviews the topic of corruption, in a comparative approach of the public and private sector in Romania, considering the wider background of the European Union. Based on the findings of a survey performed by the authors, we advance strategies and recommendations for both the public and business management, in order to align their views with the premises of ethical administration.
The purpose of this paper is to analyze the organiz ational intellectual capital as an integral r... more The purpose of this paper is to analyze the organiz ational intellectual capital as an integral result of a generative proce ss. The dynamics of this process is based on some core integrators. Each int egrator acts on some constitutive organizational elements and by combini ng them produces a result whose magnitude is larger than the sum of individua l contributions. The resultant organizational intellectual capital is no t exactly a multiplier of these basic individual components since tacit and explici t knowledge have a nonlinear nature and they cannot be combined based on linear laws. We are going to analyse the following organizational integ rators: technology and its associated processes, management and leadership, vi sion and mission, and organizational culture.

Romanian Journal of Economic Forecasting, 2016
The paper assesses the business default risk on a cross-national sample of 3000 companies applyin... more The paper assesses the business default risk on a cross-national sample of 3000 companies applying for credit to an international bank operating in Romania. The structure of the sample replicates the structure of the general population of companies in Romania. Based on their past credit history, we have distributed the companies in seven classes plus the default, using and adapting the Standard & Poor’s categories: AAA (1020 companies, 34%) – no risk; AA (279 companies, 9.3%) – minimal risk; A (906 companies, 30.2%) – low risk; BBB (201 companies, 6.7%) – moderate risk; BB (123 companies, 4.1%) – acceptable risk; B (111 companies, 3.7%) – high risk; C (105 companies, 3.5%) – very high risk and D (255 companies, 8.5%) – default. We have then, estimated the one-step transitions probability for downgrading for one year, based on the present category, loan amount, size of company and sector of activity. Thus, although the approach is bottom-up and unconditioned, focusing on the companie...
The paper tests the correlation between sensorial marketing and consumer behavior. Most of our bu... more The paper tests the correlation between sensorial marketing and consumer behavior. Most of our buying decisions, in practice, are based on emotions, rather than rationality. Using an experimental design, we have tested the influence of human senses, under various stimuli, on purchasing behavior of selected customers. We have also tested the features of chocolate related to the idea of tenderness, in the consumers’ minds. The findings revealed that customers are less influenced by visual stimuli, reacting more to texture and packaging.
The idea of the current research started from noticing a major gap in the customer behavior liter... more The idea of the current research started from noticing a major gap in the customer behavior literature - researchers scarcely analyzed the impact of scandals on the customer purchase decision in the case of celebrity endorsement. Using a quantitative approach based on questionnaires, 101 people were asked about their opinions, the goals being to find out if people are influenced by the celebrity scandals, if people tend to have different reactions in terms of consumer purchase decision when it comes to various different negative actions carried on by the endorsers - will a murder upset the customers more than an infidelity scandal? - and if there are any differences in treating Romanian and foreign celebrities once they would enter into such a scandal.
SSRN Electronic Journal, 2007
The purpose of this article is to discuss some possibilities of diagnosing a university's organiz... more The purpose of this article is to discuss some possibilities of diagnosing a university's organizational intelligence and to advance some ways of measuring it. The main steps pursued are defining and describing the organizational particularities of universities, which act as barriers in organizational intelligence strategies implementation, applying the organizational intelligence standards to universities, and examining the features of the intelligence markets. In what respect is the paradigm of the traditional university damaged, and finally eliminated, by the social stimuli which claim for a different type of the intelligence and which are the beneficiaries of the new model of university, as an organization in-betweenpreserving its idiosyncratic position, but engaging in mutually profitable alliances, is an issue also addressed to.
Revista de Cercetare şi Intervenţie …, 2009
The study investigates the relationship between family structure and lifestyle changes in contemp... more The study investigates the relationship between family structure and lifestyle changes in contemporary Romania, on the social-political background of transition. The objectives of the paper include the theoretical, methodological and empirical ...
Journal of Applied Quantitative Methods, 2008
Abstract: The paper applies three-way analysis (Kroonenberg, 1982, 2008) to the components of aca... more Abstract: The paper applies three-way analysis (Kroonenberg, 1982, 2008) to the components of academic capital of a Romanian university, over a five-year period, showing the biases and the relations between the various components. The influences from inside ...

The paper presents the differences in patient perception on healthcare services quality, on a sam... more The paper presents the differences in patient perception on healthcare services quality, on a sample of ten Romanian clinics. The global satisfaction evaluation was based on three analyzed variables, namely the perceived competence of physicians, the perceived competence of nurses, and the empathy of the hospital personnel. In a quality-oriented perspective and, at the same time, in a relationship-oriented perspective, these elements were regarded as essential for the way in which the patient, without being fully informed as far as the characteristics of the processes taking place in hospitals are regarded, evaluates, while being in a state of physical and psychical distress, the quality of the healthcare experience they live. Our purpose, while choosing these variables for analysis, was to approach this experience by keeping it as undivided as possible, because it is a latent concept, difficult to measure, and we have to account for the reductionism of the statistical model. The ma...

Proceedings of the International Conference on Business Excellence
Living in a world where technology has evolved in an alarming pace, the working structures have b... more Living in a world where technology has evolved in an alarming pace, the working structures have become more diverse adapting to this trend, and giving birth to virtual teams, thanks to the ITC tools that have broken the physical boundaries, allowing coworkers to connect from all corners of the world and construct together. The aim of the article is to enrich the effectiveness of virtual teams but also acknowledge the difficulties they may run into throughout their project completions. Mixed methodology was chosen for the study case, having the Romanian Tourism Heritage Federation members as the sample of the survey. The quantitative method was used to quantify the data offered by the surveyed candidates and offer a deeper insight, by collecting data regarding certain aspects of the candidate such as: age, education and experience level, online “literacy”, size and role of the team member etc. and presented in a well-structured figure table. Whereas, the qualitative method concentrat...

Proceedings of the International Conference on Business Excellence
In today’s economies the role of marketing cannot be underestimated, just the sole amount of medi... more In today’s economies the role of marketing cannot be underestimated, just the sole amount of media communications is astonishing not taking in consideration the different marketing and PR strategies involved. The most well-known tools include advertising, public relations, sales promotions, direct marketing and personal selling. There is an increasing number of advertisements that reach our attention by the presence of vulgarity, nudity or moral offenses. The aim of the article is to extensively review the literature of shock advertising namely shockvertising and to pinpoint its evolution in case of Benetton fashion brand. Shockvertising focuses on the idea of selling products through evoking terrifying and repulsive emotions. This type of advertising is used to sensitize people to religion, racism, war, poverty and other taboo topics. The descriptive method is used in order to describe such complex phenomena. The research is conducted in the form of a retrospective qualitative case...

Proceedings of the International Conference on Business Excellence
Intellectual capital started to raise and become a focal point of many businesses as they started... more Intellectual capital started to raise and become a focal point of many businesses as they started invest in their own knowledge based activities and recognize its importance. In today’s world can be observed a more dynamic, flexible and growth oriented business environment than ever. Thus, the need for an increased amount of intangible assets in businesses lead to the recognition of the intellectual capital as a competitive advantage and strategic asset. Due to its expanding importance and relevance a significant number of measurement, valuation and evaluation methods were developed. Consensus regarding different methods was not yet reached, but all these methods are designed to help to get an approximation of the reality, thus contributing in short-term and long-term decision making. The aim of the paper is to assess the level of intellectual capital evaluation practices in multinational IT companies and IT SMEs in Romania. The study is questionnaire based and represents a mix of q...

Proceedings of the International Conference on Business Excellence
Our paper aims at investigating the most adequate methods for developing effective educational to... more Our paper aims at investigating the most adequate methods for developing effective educational tools in entrepreneurial education. Entrepreneurship education should take place during the entire life of an entrepreneur, but the basic knowledge and skills related to this field are acquired starting from the elementary school, and improved during all the educational levels. Through entrepreneurship education, policymakers aim to prepare young people for succeeding on the entrepreneurial path. However, there are few scientific papers that aimed at discussing the available educational tools in Romania which play a role in forming entrepreneurs. Starting from the identified educational needs of young Romanian people under 35, including entrepreneurs and students, which were surveyed based on a questionnaire, we advance several key improvement areas for Romanian business curricula, and suggest critical paths to obtain desired results. The recommendations that we deliver through this paper ...
Universal Journal of Educational Research, 2016
Computer literacy education is an integral part of early university education (it often starts at... more Computer literacy education is an integral part of early university education (it often starts at the high school level). A wide variety of university course structures and teaching styles exist and, at the same time, the knowledge levels of incoming students are varied. This issue is even more pressing in an international environment. This paper offers students' perspectives on computer literacy education in such an international environment. Based on the author's experience in a computer literacy course and on a questionnaire given to the course participants, the paper aims to identify teaching styles to which students respond positively, as well as LMS functionalities that most students accept or prefer to use during computer literacy related classes.
Papers by Simona Vasilache