The objective of the present research was to determine the external influence of the grain trade,... more The objective of the present research was to determine the external influence of the grain trade, i.e., the influence of Ukraine’s grain trade through Romania on price levels recorded at Romania’s borders. The research methods to achieve this objective consisted of quantitative and qualitative analyses of wheat and maize imports and export data from the beginning of 2022 to the present, as well as using the t-stat test to determine the existence of significant price differences, and the linear regression model. The research results confirm that there were differences between the two pre- and post-military conflict periods regarding the volume of imports from Ukraine and the increase in the supply of wheat and maize from Romania, through this trade activity, led to changes in prices.
Organic farming is an important objective of the European Commission, translated into the Europea... more Organic farming is an important objective of the European Commission, translated into the European Green Pact through the Farm to Fork Strategy and the Biodiversity Strategy, with EU member countries having to find solutions to meet the target of at least 25% of agricultural land being used for organic cultivation by 2030. The aim for Romania can be achieved by modelling the distribution of crops in terms of cultivated areas and production yields obtained in organic and conventional systems according to the population size. Applying quantitative and qualitative analysis of EUROSTAT data for the above-mentioned indicators, the geomean function, linear programming, and the simplex method were used, depending on the set objectives. To demonstrate that organic farming can be sustainable and in line with the three pillars of sustainability, economic, social and environmental, we related the agricultural area to the population of Romania to highlight the average annual growth rate for the...
Proceedings of the International Conference on Economics and Social Sciences
This paper aims to study the dynamics and structure of foreign trade in agro-food products accord... more This paper aims to study the dynamics and structure of foreign trade in agro-food products according to the combined nomenclature of Romania and Italy. In this regard, with the help of statistical data taken from databases: the National Institute of Statistics, for Romania, and the International Trade Center, for Italy, the dynamics of exports, imports, and, at the same time, the trade balance were analysed. The degree of concentration of both imported and exported products was further analysed to determine whether or not there was a concentration on a particular chapter of the Combined Nomenclature.
Proceedings of the International Conference on Economics and Social Sciences
The paper presented the main directions and trends that are manifested on the Romanian vegetable ... more The paper presented the main directions and trends that are manifested on the Romanian vegetable market in order to identify the market perspectives in the context of a sustainable development of the agri-food market. The agri-food sector is currently facing a reduction in the pressure on resources by reducing meat consumption and increasing the consumption of vegetables and fruits, which is one of the global directions that should be followed. In Romania, the vegetable market is a dynamic, characterized by a specific behavior resulting from the following characteristics: seasonality of products, high degree of perishability, specific areas of production, and automatic demand and supply. The paper begins with a brief review of the data on the Romanian market of vegetable products. From the statistical data published by the National Institute of Statistics in Food Balances from 2015-2020, it was found that both the demand and the supply increased at these times; however, it was found that the supply is higher reduced face. This is why it is necessary to carry out imports of vegetable products.
The rural area is a basic component from a socio-economic point of view, being closely linked to ... more The rural area is a basic component from a socio-economic point of view, being closely linked to the activities that take place in these areas. Normally, Romanian rural localities should show significant differences from one development region to another, being influenced by a number of factors (geographical positioning, the influence of agriculture in the economy, etc.). In this sense, data were collected from the town halls of the localities from Calarasi and Timis counties. The analyzed data were processed by the linear regression method, and the estimation of the evolution of the population was determined using the Vensim simulation program. The paper identifies a pattern in rural localities in Romania that hinders their development, reflected by various socio-economic indicators available in the analyzed localities. The main factor that can change this pattern in rural localities is the influence of local and national decision-makers, who can encourage investment in these areas...
Neonicotinoids are a class of chemical insecticides derived from nicotine. Like nicotine, neonico... more Neonicotinoids are a class of chemical insecticides derived from nicotine. Like nicotine, neonicotinoids act on certain types of receptors in nerve synapses. They are much more toxic to invertebrates, such as insects, than to mammals and birds. The popularity of neonicotinoids for pest control is their water solubility, which allows them to be applied to the soil and taken over by the plants. The present paper will present, analyse and evaluate the impact of the use of these insecticides in the agriculture of Romania. In the first phase of the study, we will present the overall situation of the main cultures for which these neonicotinoids are used, by qualitative and quantitative analysis of data from local, national, European and international databases. In the second phase the effect and effort of the use or non-use of these insecticides in agriculture will be estimated. Thus, the difference in production will be determined in an untreated and treated one, and we will see the valu...
Suggested Citation: Petre, Ionut Laurentiu (2018) : Comparative labor force analysis in conventio... more Suggested Citation: Petre, Ionut Laurentiu (2018) : Comparative labor force analysis in conventional and ecological agriculture: Oleaginous plants, In: Agrarian Economy and Rural Development Realities and Perspectives for Romania. 9th Edition of the International Symposium, November 2018, Bucharest, The Research Institute for Agricultural Economy and Rural Development (ICEADR), Bucharest, pp. 265-269
The present study seeks to answer the question: how does corn price influence production, consump... more The present study seeks to answer the question: how does corn price influence production, consumption and foreign trade? In order to answer this question we will analyse the areas cultivated with corn, the total production and implicitly the average yield per hectare in the last years. These data, together with the average annual consumption of grain maize and the volume of imports and exports, will lead to the determination of supply and demand for maize on the market. With the help of price data collected on the website of the Ministry of Agriculture and Rural Development, which can be found in geographical areas and calendar months, we can observe the monthly differences in prices. Using these data and calculating the correlation coefficient, it will be possible to determine at the end of the project the effects of the demand and the supply on the price of this product.
In this study I discussed about the results of the FAO studies, I used certain methods of forecas... more In this study I discussed about the results of the FAO studies, I used certain methods of forecasting supply and demand and Ia presented some solutions. Discussions on FAO results are based on population trends, both general and structured areas, urban and rural. Next I have predicted supply and demand for major food products in different geographic areas. These forecasts were established using economic-mathematical calculation methods. Thus, in terms of demand linear regression model was used predict it simple and to offer trend extrapolation method was used to forecast production and to predict import simple regression linear model. Thus the two main components of the market, supply and demand in each of the areas examined were put in antithesis and each represented by a graph for each main agro-food product. The study concludes with several recommendations with which it can establish a balance between supply and demand; recommendations such as reducing yield gaps, boosting the pr...
Ovidius University Annals: Economic Sciences Series, 2019
In this paper, we will examine the impact of population growth on the environment, which has caus... more In this paper, we will examine the impact of population growth on the environment, which has caused major concerns lately, living in a period of unparalleled population growth. An analysis of population evolution, temperature changes and carbon dioxide emissions per capita will be conducted over the last twenty-seven years. At the same time, two models of linear regression were made to determine the influence that the population has on the two indicators studied. Population growth has a significant influence on temperature change and carbon dioxide emissions. The paper ends with predictions, based on population data, on temperature and carbon emissions.
The behavior of vegetable consumption in the context of sustainable development has become a poin... more The behavior of vegetable consumption in the context of sustainable development has become a point of interest. Determining the barriers and the drivers for developing a sustainable consumption pattern, including food, should be a priority for every nation, as so to be able to design targeted food policies that would contribute to this development. Reducing the pressure on resources by diminishing meat consumption and increasing vegetable consumption is one of the global directions that should be followed. The situation of the current status of vegetable consumption in Romania is, therefore, important. Through an empirical quantitative analysis, the vegetable consumption pattern of Romanian consumers is presented. The results show that the respondents lack proper environmental education and concern, but unconsciously are aware of sustainability criteria such as choosing local and seasonal vegetables, choosing according to the freshness of the vegetables, and wasting little of these ...
The present research aims to establish the impact that the current crisis situation the planet is... more The present research aims to establish the impact that the current crisis situation the planet is facing, namely the COVID-19 pandemic, has had so far on the Romanian labor force market. In this context, given the lack of information and information regarding this pandemic and its effects, the administration of a questionnaire among the population was considered to identify the research results. The method of semantic differential and the method of ordering the ranks were used for the interpretation of the results. With the help of this questionnaire, it will be possible to answer the question of the research in this study: What are the main effects of the COVID-19 pandemic on the Romanian labor market? The main results showed that the COVID-19 pandemic affected the Romanian workforce; the respondents of the applied questionnaire claimed that they obtained better results and maintained a similar income, but the health crisis also influenced the mentality of employees, with responden...
International Journal of Sustainable Economies Management, 2020
The absorption of structural and investment funds is a constant concern on the part of both the E... more The absorption of structural and investment funds is a constant concern on the part of both the European Commission and the Member States. The absorption process is a complex one, with the Member States recording different performances in terms of absorption, these being based on their management systems. The article addresses the relationship between the effective absorption and the influence of the main endogenous variables at the level of the management system, respectively the pre-financing, the value of the payments to the beneficiaries, and the current absorption. The variables analyzed concerned the Cohesion Policy for the programming period 2014 - 2020 and respectively the period 30.03.2018 - 01.11.2019. Using an econometric model of multiple linear regression type, an influence of 0.58 units in the case of current absorption, 0.26 units in the case of payments to beneficiaries, and 0.19 units in the case of pre-financing were highlighted.
International Journal of Sustainable Economies Management, 2019
The purpose of this article is to determine if the subsidies granted in the agriculture of Romani... more The purpose of this article is to determine if the subsidies granted in the agriculture of Romania influence the economic state of the agriculture, and if so how. After consulting the literature, some authors found that financial interventions are beneficial in some states, and other authors found that in other states the subsidies have a negative impact, so the question arises from the research of this study, which is the influence of granting subsidies on agriculture in Romania?. Data is analyzed regarding the economic accounts in agriculture to determine their evolution, and in the second part of the article an analysis of the coefficients of variation between variables is performed, and following the determination of the dependent and independent variables a model of simple linear regression. Following the correlation of the subsidies with the added value of agriculture it can be considered that the subsidies have a positive impact in Romania, when they increase, and the added v...
This paper seeks to analyze the impact of agricultural investments on economic growth in rural co... more This paper seeks to analyze the impact of agricultural investments on economic growth in rural communities in Romania. It answers the question: are the investments in agriculture a determinant of economic growth in rural communities, and if yes, what is their impact on economic growth? The objectives are to identify, through linear regression models, the intensity and meaning of the relationships between the value of investments and the main indicators that can express economic growth in rural areas. In this purpose, the level of relationships between the value of investments in agriculture and the value of GDP in predominantly rural areas, the value of GDP in agriculture and the value of the agricultural production are analyzed. The main results show that the variables chosen are influenced by the value of the investments in different proportions, so the hypothesis that investment in agriculture has a positive and medium impact on rural economic growth is true. The most significant relationship is obtained between the value of agricultural investments and the value of agricultural production.
Journal of Research and Innovation for Sustainable Society, 2019
This article proposes the research of the consumption expenditures in Romania in relation to the ... more This article proposes the research of the consumption expenditures in Romania in relation to the income. Thus, with the help of the data provided by the national bases, respectively the National Institute of Statistics on the evolution of the total consumption expenses, of the food expenses and the evolution of the incomes, it was possible to determine the influence that they have on the consumption, respectively the expenses. By making two simple linear regression models it was possible to determine the equation of the function in which both total consumption expenditure and consumption food expenditure could be expressed according to the level of income.
International Journal of Sustainable Economies Management, 2018
This article assesses how and the extent to which EU meat prices are influenced by Russia's e... more This article assesses how and the extent to which EU meat prices are influenced by Russia's embargo. The first part assesses the meat market in the European Union, so it will analyse data on livestock, production and average prices. In the second part, the analysis is reflected on the Russian Federation in order to determine the relationship between consumption and production, then between demand and supply. Using trade data between the two regions, the level of Russian meat import reduction is set. At the end of the article, the link between the average price of meat and the value of Russian imports taken from the European Union is analysed.
The authors point out that autocorrelation is an accidental statistical phenomenon. The cause of ... more The authors point out that autocorrelation is an accidental statistical phenomenon. The cause of the occurrence of collinearity is the incomplete data base and that ideally, the elimination of the occurrence of autocorrelation is achieved by knowing the effect stage for all possible combinations of the variants of the factors involved. In many cases, the practical realization of such a desideratum is impossible. Such a difficulty is especially specific to statistical processing in the economic, social and psychological field. Neither multi-factorial experiments of agrobiological nature are not avoided by such difficulties. Consequently, to the researcher remain at his disposal methods of distributing collinearity on influence factors using methods based on the calculation of partial correlation coefficients (Merce E., 1986; Moineagu C., 1974). With obvious computing facilities, compared to the evoked methods, the authors suggest using an original method based on the principle of proportional distribution of autocorrelation with the proportion of simple determinations, following the next six steps, the last four are solved instantly after the first two steps have been solved: 1. The calculation of the multiple correlation coefficient and simple correlation coefficients using the Regression function of the Data Analysis component of Microsoft Excel Program; 2. The recording of the multiple correlation coefficient and of the simple correlation coefficients; 3. The simple determination coefficients and the multiple determination coefficient calculation; 4. The sum of the simple determination coefficients; 5. The calculation of the simple determinations proportions, considering their sum equal to 100; 6. The determination of each factor influence, as a product of multiple determination and the proportion of simple determinations.
The profitability of dairy farms is a broadly addressed issue in research, for different farming ... more The profitability of dairy farms is a broadly addressed issue in research, for different farming systems and even more so now, when it comes to the issue of sustainability in different agricultural fields. The present study presents an evaluation of the relations used for the determination of profitability of various categories of dairy farms, in terms of size, geographical area, and total milk production. In order to analyze the associated influence exerted on the level of profitability by the selected technical and economic indicators, regression functions were applied. The TableCurve program was used to determine the ideal equation that describes the data entered in a two- or three-dimensional representation. The research results showed that the size of farms and the level and value of milk production are directly correlated with profitability, and the unit cost is inversely correlated with it.
Journal of Green Economy and Low-Carbon Development, 2023
This study aims to examine the potential impact of the military conflict between Russia and Ukrai... more This study aims to examine the potential impact of the military conflict between Russia and Ukraine on Romania's grain trade dynamics. Following the onset of the conflict, Ukraine has increasingly exported grain through Romania, potentially leading to an oversupply in the market and subsequent depression of prices within Romania and at its borders. To investigate this phenomenon, the volume and value of grain imports from Ukraine were analyzed and compared to previous years, alongside the price trends of major cereals in the region. Data on the volume of cereal imports from Ukraine and Romanian exports, sourced from international databases, were utilized in a quantitative analysis to evaluate the dynamics of imports in conjunction with the evolution of export prices for Romania. This investigation offers insights into the potential consequences of the Russia-Ukraine military conflict on Romania's grain trade and the broader implications for regional agricultural markets.
The objective of the present research was to determine the external influence of the grain trade,... more The objective of the present research was to determine the external influence of the grain trade, i.e., the influence of Ukraine’s grain trade through Romania on price levels recorded at Romania’s borders. The research methods to achieve this objective consisted of quantitative and qualitative analyses of wheat and maize imports and export data from the beginning of 2022 to the present, as well as using the t-stat test to determine the existence of significant price differences, and the linear regression model. The research results confirm that there were differences between the two pre- and post-military conflict periods regarding the volume of imports from Ukraine and the increase in the supply of wheat and maize from Romania, through this trade activity, led to changes in prices.
Organic farming is an important objective of the European Commission, translated into the Europea... more Organic farming is an important objective of the European Commission, translated into the European Green Pact through the Farm to Fork Strategy and the Biodiversity Strategy, with EU member countries having to find solutions to meet the target of at least 25% of agricultural land being used for organic cultivation by 2030. The aim for Romania can be achieved by modelling the distribution of crops in terms of cultivated areas and production yields obtained in organic and conventional systems according to the population size. Applying quantitative and qualitative analysis of EUROSTAT data for the above-mentioned indicators, the geomean function, linear programming, and the simplex method were used, depending on the set objectives. To demonstrate that organic farming can be sustainable and in line with the three pillars of sustainability, economic, social and environmental, we related the agricultural area to the population of Romania to highlight the average annual growth rate for the...
Proceedings of the International Conference on Economics and Social Sciences
This paper aims to study the dynamics and structure of foreign trade in agro-food products accord... more This paper aims to study the dynamics and structure of foreign trade in agro-food products according to the combined nomenclature of Romania and Italy. In this regard, with the help of statistical data taken from databases: the National Institute of Statistics, for Romania, and the International Trade Center, for Italy, the dynamics of exports, imports, and, at the same time, the trade balance were analysed. The degree of concentration of both imported and exported products was further analysed to determine whether or not there was a concentration on a particular chapter of the Combined Nomenclature.
Proceedings of the International Conference on Economics and Social Sciences
The paper presented the main directions and trends that are manifested on the Romanian vegetable ... more The paper presented the main directions and trends that are manifested on the Romanian vegetable market in order to identify the market perspectives in the context of a sustainable development of the agri-food market. The agri-food sector is currently facing a reduction in the pressure on resources by reducing meat consumption and increasing the consumption of vegetables and fruits, which is one of the global directions that should be followed. In Romania, the vegetable market is a dynamic, characterized by a specific behavior resulting from the following characteristics: seasonality of products, high degree of perishability, specific areas of production, and automatic demand and supply. The paper begins with a brief review of the data on the Romanian market of vegetable products. From the statistical data published by the National Institute of Statistics in Food Balances from 2015-2020, it was found that both the demand and the supply increased at these times; however, it was found that the supply is higher reduced face. This is why it is necessary to carry out imports of vegetable products.
The rural area is a basic component from a socio-economic point of view, being closely linked to ... more The rural area is a basic component from a socio-economic point of view, being closely linked to the activities that take place in these areas. Normally, Romanian rural localities should show significant differences from one development region to another, being influenced by a number of factors (geographical positioning, the influence of agriculture in the economy, etc.). In this sense, data were collected from the town halls of the localities from Calarasi and Timis counties. The analyzed data were processed by the linear regression method, and the estimation of the evolution of the population was determined using the Vensim simulation program. The paper identifies a pattern in rural localities in Romania that hinders their development, reflected by various socio-economic indicators available in the analyzed localities. The main factor that can change this pattern in rural localities is the influence of local and national decision-makers, who can encourage investment in these areas...
Neonicotinoids are a class of chemical insecticides derived from nicotine. Like nicotine, neonico... more Neonicotinoids are a class of chemical insecticides derived from nicotine. Like nicotine, neonicotinoids act on certain types of receptors in nerve synapses. They are much more toxic to invertebrates, such as insects, than to mammals and birds. The popularity of neonicotinoids for pest control is their water solubility, which allows them to be applied to the soil and taken over by the plants. The present paper will present, analyse and evaluate the impact of the use of these insecticides in the agriculture of Romania. In the first phase of the study, we will present the overall situation of the main cultures for which these neonicotinoids are used, by qualitative and quantitative analysis of data from local, national, European and international databases. In the second phase the effect and effort of the use or non-use of these insecticides in agriculture will be estimated. Thus, the difference in production will be determined in an untreated and treated one, and we will see the valu...
Suggested Citation: Petre, Ionut Laurentiu (2018) : Comparative labor force analysis in conventio... more Suggested Citation: Petre, Ionut Laurentiu (2018) : Comparative labor force analysis in conventional and ecological agriculture: Oleaginous plants, In: Agrarian Economy and Rural Development Realities and Perspectives for Romania. 9th Edition of the International Symposium, November 2018, Bucharest, The Research Institute for Agricultural Economy and Rural Development (ICEADR), Bucharest, pp. 265-269
The present study seeks to answer the question: how does corn price influence production, consump... more The present study seeks to answer the question: how does corn price influence production, consumption and foreign trade? In order to answer this question we will analyse the areas cultivated with corn, the total production and implicitly the average yield per hectare in the last years. These data, together with the average annual consumption of grain maize and the volume of imports and exports, will lead to the determination of supply and demand for maize on the market. With the help of price data collected on the website of the Ministry of Agriculture and Rural Development, which can be found in geographical areas and calendar months, we can observe the monthly differences in prices. Using these data and calculating the correlation coefficient, it will be possible to determine at the end of the project the effects of the demand and the supply on the price of this product.
In this study I discussed about the results of the FAO studies, I used certain methods of forecas... more In this study I discussed about the results of the FAO studies, I used certain methods of forecasting supply and demand and Ia presented some solutions. Discussions on FAO results are based on population trends, both general and structured areas, urban and rural. Next I have predicted supply and demand for major food products in different geographic areas. These forecasts were established using economic-mathematical calculation methods. Thus, in terms of demand linear regression model was used predict it simple and to offer trend extrapolation method was used to forecast production and to predict import simple regression linear model. Thus the two main components of the market, supply and demand in each of the areas examined were put in antithesis and each represented by a graph for each main agro-food product. The study concludes with several recommendations with which it can establish a balance between supply and demand; recommendations such as reducing yield gaps, boosting the pr...
Ovidius University Annals: Economic Sciences Series, 2019
In this paper, we will examine the impact of population growth on the environment, which has caus... more In this paper, we will examine the impact of population growth on the environment, which has caused major concerns lately, living in a period of unparalleled population growth. An analysis of population evolution, temperature changes and carbon dioxide emissions per capita will be conducted over the last twenty-seven years. At the same time, two models of linear regression were made to determine the influence that the population has on the two indicators studied. Population growth has a significant influence on temperature change and carbon dioxide emissions. The paper ends with predictions, based on population data, on temperature and carbon emissions.
The behavior of vegetable consumption in the context of sustainable development has become a poin... more The behavior of vegetable consumption in the context of sustainable development has become a point of interest. Determining the barriers and the drivers for developing a sustainable consumption pattern, including food, should be a priority for every nation, as so to be able to design targeted food policies that would contribute to this development. Reducing the pressure on resources by diminishing meat consumption and increasing vegetable consumption is one of the global directions that should be followed. The situation of the current status of vegetable consumption in Romania is, therefore, important. Through an empirical quantitative analysis, the vegetable consumption pattern of Romanian consumers is presented. The results show that the respondents lack proper environmental education and concern, but unconsciously are aware of sustainability criteria such as choosing local and seasonal vegetables, choosing according to the freshness of the vegetables, and wasting little of these ...
The present research aims to establish the impact that the current crisis situation the planet is... more The present research aims to establish the impact that the current crisis situation the planet is facing, namely the COVID-19 pandemic, has had so far on the Romanian labor force market. In this context, given the lack of information and information regarding this pandemic and its effects, the administration of a questionnaire among the population was considered to identify the research results. The method of semantic differential and the method of ordering the ranks were used for the interpretation of the results. With the help of this questionnaire, it will be possible to answer the question of the research in this study: What are the main effects of the COVID-19 pandemic on the Romanian labor market? The main results showed that the COVID-19 pandemic affected the Romanian workforce; the respondents of the applied questionnaire claimed that they obtained better results and maintained a similar income, but the health crisis also influenced the mentality of employees, with responden...
International Journal of Sustainable Economies Management, 2020
The absorption of structural and investment funds is a constant concern on the part of both the E... more The absorption of structural and investment funds is a constant concern on the part of both the European Commission and the Member States. The absorption process is a complex one, with the Member States recording different performances in terms of absorption, these being based on their management systems. The article addresses the relationship between the effective absorption and the influence of the main endogenous variables at the level of the management system, respectively the pre-financing, the value of the payments to the beneficiaries, and the current absorption. The variables analyzed concerned the Cohesion Policy for the programming period 2014 - 2020 and respectively the period 30.03.2018 - 01.11.2019. Using an econometric model of multiple linear regression type, an influence of 0.58 units in the case of current absorption, 0.26 units in the case of payments to beneficiaries, and 0.19 units in the case of pre-financing were highlighted.
International Journal of Sustainable Economies Management, 2019
The purpose of this article is to determine if the subsidies granted in the agriculture of Romani... more The purpose of this article is to determine if the subsidies granted in the agriculture of Romania influence the economic state of the agriculture, and if so how. After consulting the literature, some authors found that financial interventions are beneficial in some states, and other authors found that in other states the subsidies have a negative impact, so the question arises from the research of this study, which is the influence of granting subsidies on agriculture in Romania?. Data is analyzed regarding the economic accounts in agriculture to determine their evolution, and in the second part of the article an analysis of the coefficients of variation between variables is performed, and following the determination of the dependent and independent variables a model of simple linear regression. Following the correlation of the subsidies with the added value of agriculture it can be considered that the subsidies have a positive impact in Romania, when they increase, and the added v...
This paper seeks to analyze the impact of agricultural investments on economic growth in rural co... more This paper seeks to analyze the impact of agricultural investments on economic growth in rural communities in Romania. It answers the question: are the investments in agriculture a determinant of economic growth in rural communities, and if yes, what is their impact on economic growth? The objectives are to identify, through linear regression models, the intensity and meaning of the relationships between the value of investments and the main indicators that can express economic growth in rural areas. In this purpose, the level of relationships between the value of investments in agriculture and the value of GDP in predominantly rural areas, the value of GDP in agriculture and the value of the agricultural production are analyzed. The main results show that the variables chosen are influenced by the value of the investments in different proportions, so the hypothesis that investment in agriculture has a positive and medium impact on rural economic growth is true. The most significant relationship is obtained between the value of agricultural investments and the value of agricultural production.
Journal of Research and Innovation for Sustainable Society, 2019
This article proposes the research of the consumption expenditures in Romania in relation to the ... more This article proposes the research of the consumption expenditures in Romania in relation to the income. Thus, with the help of the data provided by the national bases, respectively the National Institute of Statistics on the evolution of the total consumption expenses, of the food expenses and the evolution of the incomes, it was possible to determine the influence that they have on the consumption, respectively the expenses. By making two simple linear regression models it was possible to determine the equation of the function in which both total consumption expenditure and consumption food expenditure could be expressed according to the level of income.
International Journal of Sustainable Economies Management, 2018
This article assesses how and the extent to which EU meat prices are influenced by Russia's e... more This article assesses how and the extent to which EU meat prices are influenced by Russia's embargo. The first part assesses the meat market in the European Union, so it will analyse data on livestock, production and average prices. In the second part, the analysis is reflected on the Russian Federation in order to determine the relationship between consumption and production, then between demand and supply. Using trade data between the two regions, the level of Russian meat import reduction is set. At the end of the article, the link between the average price of meat and the value of Russian imports taken from the European Union is analysed.
The authors point out that autocorrelation is an accidental statistical phenomenon. The cause of ... more The authors point out that autocorrelation is an accidental statistical phenomenon. The cause of the occurrence of collinearity is the incomplete data base and that ideally, the elimination of the occurrence of autocorrelation is achieved by knowing the effect stage for all possible combinations of the variants of the factors involved. In many cases, the practical realization of such a desideratum is impossible. Such a difficulty is especially specific to statistical processing in the economic, social and psychological field. Neither multi-factorial experiments of agrobiological nature are not avoided by such difficulties. Consequently, to the researcher remain at his disposal methods of distributing collinearity on influence factors using methods based on the calculation of partial correlation coefficients (Merce E., 1986; Moineagu C., 1974). With obvious computing facilities, compared to the evoked methods, the authors suggest using an original method based on the principle of proportional distribution of autocorrelation with the proportion of simple determinations, following the next six steps, the last four are solved instantly after the first two steps have been solved: 1. The calculation of the multiple correlation coefficient and simple correlation coefficients using the Regression function of the Data Analysis component of Microsoft Excel Program; 2. The recording of the multiple correlation coefficient and of the simple correlation coefficients; 3. The simple determination coefficients and the multiple determination coefficient calculation; 4. The sum of the simple determination coefficients; 5. The calculation of the simple determinations proportions, considering their sum equal to 100; 6. The determination of each factor influence, as a product of multiple determination and the proportion of simple determinations.
The profitability of dairy farms is a broadly addressed issue in research, for different farming ... more The profitability of dairy farms is a broadly addressed issue in research, for different farming systems and even more so now, when it comes to the issue of sustainability in different agricultural fields. The present study presents an evaluation of the relations used for the determination of profitability of various categories of dairy farms, in terms of size, geographical area, and total milk production. In order to analyze the associated influence exerted on the level of profitability by the selected technical and economic indicators, regression functions were applied. The TableCurve program was used to determine the ideal equation that describes the data entered in a two- or three-dimensional representation. The research results showed that the size of farms and the level and value of milk production are directly correlated with profitability, and the unit cost is inversely correlated with it.
Journal of Green Economy and Low-Carbon Development, 2023
This study aims to examine the potential impact of the military conflict between Russia and Ukrai... more This study aims to examine the potential impact of the military conflict between Russia and Ukraine on Romania's grain trade dynamics. Following the onset of the conflict, Ukraine has increasingly exported grain through Romania, potentially leading to an oversupply in the market and subsequent depression of prices within Romania and at its borders. To investigate this phenomenon, the volume and value of grain imports from Ukraine were analyzed and compared to previous years, alongside the price trends of major cereals in the region. Data on the volume of cereal imports from Ukraine and Romanian exports, sourced from international databases, were utilized in a quantitative analysis to evaluate the dynamics of imports in conjunction with the evolution of export prices for Romania. This investigation offers insights into the potential consequences of the Russia-Ukraine military conflict on Romania's grain trade and the broader implications for regional agricultural markets.
Papers by Ionut L Petre