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Along with corporate identity, stakeholders are recognized as significant to both management and organizations. A glance at existing scholarship suggests that stakeholders are scrutinized from within multiple perspectives. For instance,... more
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      Corporate CommunicationCorporate CommunicationsCorporate IdentityCorporate Identity Management
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Corporate social responsibility (CSR) has become an essential topic with regard to the relationship between business and the wider society. It is a complex and controversial phenomenon that can best be addressed via systems theory and the... more
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The new version of the Danish National Research Database provides access to search 275,088 publications and research results from Danish Universities. The records have detailed metadata providing more precise search options and 6,991 of... more
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      PhilosophyCorporate Social ResponsibilityCommunication modelSmall and Medium Size Enterprise
1. INTRODUCTION The integration of communication functions in organisations has been discussed for decades, focusing mainly on overlaps between marketing and public relations departments (e.g.
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      BusinessCommunication ManagementLanguage Culture and Communication
Hand in hand with the increased competition in the financial sector, relationship marketing has become an important part of general bank marketing. Relationship marketing is concerned with the initiation and management of long-term... more
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This article maps the rapidly growing body of research in the fi eld of corporate social responsibility (CSR) management and marketing communication, the focus being on research streams and themes. It evaluates this research from a... more
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Climate change has challenged urban life, and as an omnipresent force, Nature sets the agenda for urban living. Using stakeholder theory to conceptualise urban life, we approach Nature as both an omnipresent stakeholder and an issue to be... more
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      SociologyClimate Change
The City at Stake:“Stakeholder Mapping” The City By Sophie Esmann Andersen and Anne Ellerup Nielsen Abstract Studies of the city have been addressed from many different approaches such as law, political science, art history and public... more
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      SociologyPublic AdministrationClimate ChangePolitical Economics
The purpose of the study is to conceptualize the identity of non-profit organizations as suspended between various stakeholders who present the organizations with different challenges, paradoxes and dilemmas. Thus it seeks to answer the... more
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      SociologyManagement and Organization Studies
Purpose The purpose of this paper is to answer the call for CSR communication research to develop and substantiate outcomes that may better explain CSR communication strategies and practices. The paper takes the research a step further,... more
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      EconomicsLanguage Culture and Communication
Recent years have seen a gradual burring of boundaries between core academic disciplines such as linguistics, economics, politics, sociology, etc. There are many factors which have contributed to this change, for example our global... more
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This paper explores the possibility of extending the functional genre model to account for non-linear, multi-modal, web-mediated documents. It adds a two-dimensional perspective to the genre analysis model in order to account for the fact... more
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    • Sociology
The semantic relations between and within utterances are marked by the use of connectors and adverbials. One type of semantic relations is causal relations expressed by causal markers such as because, therefore, so, for, etc. Some of... more
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      PsychologyCognitive SciencePhilosophy
The climate change has challenged urban living: As an omnipresent force nature sets the agenda for urban life. Using stakeholder theory for conceptualizing urban life, we install nature as both an omnipresent stakeholder and an issue to... more
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      SociologyComputer ScienceCorporate Social ResponsibilityClimate Change
Under betegnelsen "dansk-fransk marketing ordbog" er der kommet et nyt leksikografisk produkt på det danske fagordbogsmarked. Med nyt menes der i denne forbindelse ikke alene, at ordbogen er relativ nyudgivet, men isaer at det drejer sig... more
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    • Sociology
This paper explores the possibility of extending the functional genre analysis model to account for the genre characteristics of non-linear, multi-modal, webmediated documents. The extension involves a twodimensional view on genres which... more
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      Business CommunicationContext Modeling
From a strategic point of view it makes good sense for companies to respond to concerns and stakes espoused by key holders-also in relation to environmental issues. Thus, it is relevant to identify patterns in company's perception of... more
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    • Business
CSR Communication-An Emerging Field The Editors' Preface CSR communication is an emerging fi eld of research and practice, which has grown considerably during the last 10 to 15 years along with stakeholders' increasing pressure on... more
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    • Corporate Social Responsibility
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