Plugin Tag: style
Custom Dashboard
(1টা মুঠ ৰে’টিং)Make your wordpress dashboard more style and customize by use this plug-in.
Initial Letter
(12টা মুঠ ৰে’টিং)Initial Letter is a plugin that adds style options so you can change the size, color, and font of the first letter of each or all post paragraphs.
Style.css Load Last Version
(3টা মুঠ ৰে’টিং)Load the Last Version of style.css everytime, whenever and ever. No side effects on performance.
AWEOS Admin Style
(1টা মুঠ ৰে’টিং)AWEOS Admin Style is used to get a beautiful custom style for your /wp-admin area.
Block Designer – Create Custom Blocks for Gutenberg Editor
(3টা মুঠ ৰে’টিং)Create and design custom blocks for the WordPress Gutenberg Block Editor without any line of code.
Simple Youtube Shortcode
(0টা মুঠ ৰে’টিং)Simple Youtube Shortcode provides a shortcode to embed youtube videos or playlists, with basic options for sizing the player and styling with CSS.
Scripts and Styles
(1টা মুঠ ৰে’টিং)Inject JavaScript and CSS files into your website. Encourages best practices for performance and compatibility.
Gallery Shortcode Style to Head
(1টা মুঠ ৰে’টিং)Moves the gallery shortcode styles to the head so it doesn't break XHTML validation; allows disabling or modifying the default gallery styles.
Performance Optimization: Order Styles and Javascript
(6টা মুঠ ৰে’টিং)Ordering StyleSheet and JavaScript (external and inline) for performance optimization.
Custom CSS/JS
(1টা মুঠ ৰে’টিং)Add custom javascripts and styles to pages and posts as well as your entire site.
(2টা মুঠ ৰে’টিং)This plugin, RTLer, generates the RTL stylesheet for you from your theme's 'style.css' or any other CSS file.
Plugin Name: Classy wp_list_pages
(0টা মুঠ ৰে’টিং)Adds a uniqe class or ID attribute to each LI tag generated by wp_list_pages() and wp_nav_menu() allowing them to be individually styled with CSS.
(0টা মুঠ ৰে’টিং)Provides the necessary CSS classes in ACF WYSYWIG editor to allow for complete styling of the admin interface.
(19টা মুঠ ৰে’টিং)Easily manage the merging and compression of js and css files from plugins and themes
Custom CSS Injector
(1টা মুঠ ৰে’টিং)Fast & simple solution to control custom CSS code in selected areas of Your website. Works to 8 times faster than most popular CSS plugin.