Papers by Michael Lebsak

Archeologia Technica 35, 2024
This paper presents preliminary geoarchaeological research on human-environment interactions and ... more This paper presents preliminary geoarchaeological research on human-environment interactions and land use in the Drahany Highlands (Czech Republic), focusing on the Zemanův žleb and Ostrov u Macochy sites in the Moravian Karst (Moravský kras). Previous studies have primarily linked settlement in these marginal Central European uplands to medieval colonization phases (11th-13th c. AD) driven by mining and non-agrarian activities like charcoal production, with little focus on earlier human impacts. The study utilized GIS analysis, LiDAR data, and sediment sampling to investigate past landscape dynamics. At Zemanův žleb, high sedimentation rates were observed, potentially linked to deforestation and mining. At Ostrov u Macochy, a probable medieval fishpond and Pleistocene/Holocene lake sediments were identified. The pollen record suggests Middle Holocene deciduous woodland with minor anthropogenic impacts. These findings highlight the potential of this region for further study on diachronic landscape changes and medieval land use strategies in low mountain ranges. Future work will involve geophysical surveys, dating, and detailed environmental analysis to better understand these dynamics.

Pyrometallurgical remnants, including slags and technical ceramics, offer crucial insights into E... more Pyrometallurgical remnants, including slags and technical ceramics, offer crucial insights into Early Medieval ironworking. Iron held substantial economic significance during this era and its processing is particularly evident in settlement agglomerations and proto-urban sites across Northern and East Central Europe. Despite its importance, large-scale ironworking remains inadequately explored within broader socioeconomic contexts. Our study examines around 300 kg of pyrotechnical waste from the northern suburbium of the Mikulčice-Valy settlement agglomeration (Czech Republic) using macroscopic and metallographic (SEM-EDS, WD-XRF) methods. The findings reveal specialised blacksmithing characterised by intensity and diversity contributing to a better understanding of the operational dynamics and installations in craft-production workshops. We propose that blacksmiths capitalised on the proto-urban environment, satisfying a high demand for diverse iron commodities of a dense population actively engaged in household, agricultural and artisanal work. While elites facilitated access to raw materials and maintained relative peace, direct control over iron production and distribution among the elites appears limited, apart from valuables like weapons. This study sheds light on the complex interplay between ironworkers and political-economic structures, offering new perspectives on the mechanisms driving Early Medieval iron economies.
Archäologie Österreichs, 2020
Archeologia technica, 2022
Known finds of early medieval notched iron blooms from territory of Moravia 2. The paper describe... more Known finds of early medieval notched iron blooms from territory of Moravia 2. The paper describes eight newly found or newly identified examples of final products of early medieval bloomeries – iron blooms or their halves, and thus builds on a text published in this journal in 2019, in which fourteen such artefacts were presented.
Conference Presentations by Michael Lebsak

The northern Franconian Jura upland (Northern Bavaria, Germany) has long been known for its slag ... more The northern Franconian Jura upland (Northern Bavaria, Germany) has long been known for its slag heaps, sinkholes and other indications of pre- and protohistoric iron ore production. Yet hardly any effort has been made to associate these archaeological phenomena with the Carolingian establishment of power through royal courts (i. e. Forchheim, Königsfeld, Hallstadt) in this then border region of the Frankish realm. Although the royal courts undoubtedly relied on the control of trade and production networks and resources, no certain early medieval iron ore production or ironworking sites have been found yet. Only the so called “Stechendorf” stray find complex, which was accidently discovered in the autumn of 2016, provides exceptional objects such as an early medieval rotary grindstone, fluid slags and the association of late Carolingian/early Ottonian pottery together with genuine "slavic" organic tempered ware. How can small-scale approaches like stray finds can reveal more information about production, supply, trade, infrastructure and intercultural contacts in the northern Franconian Jura during the Early Middle Ages? This paper aims to discuss the role of iron ore production as a key to cultural exchange, innovation and the establishment of royal power.
Book Reviews by Michael Lebsak
Lebsak, M. (2020). Rezension zu: Macháček, J. & Milo, P. (2019). Das frühmittelalterliche Hügelgräberfeld von Bernhardsthal. (Archäologische Forschungen in Niederösterreich, NF 7). Krems: Edition Donau-Universität. Archäologische Informationen 43, Early View, online publiziert 16. Okt. 2020., 2020
Books by Michael Lebsak

Michael Lebsak, Bergbau und Eisenverhüttung auf der nördlichen Frankenalb im Mittelalter (Monographien zur Geschichte Oberfrankens 2), Bayreuth 2020., 2020
1868 beschrieb der Pfarrer Johannes Engelhardt in seinem Bericht über die vorgeschichtlichen "Urw... more 1868 beschrieb der Pfarrer Johannes Engelhardt in seinem Bericht über die vorgeschichtlichen "Urwohnungen und Funde aus der Steinzeit" eine mit "drei Fuss Gerölle und eisenhaltigen Mergelsande in Verbindung mit Eisenschlaken [sic]" gefüllte Höhle in einem Waldstück bei Kotzendorf, Lkr. Bamberg. Diese Schlacken sollen von einer nahe gelegenen Eisenhalde stammen, die "jetzt als Feld benützt" werde. Einer knappen Erwähnung würdig waren ihm überdies die "Eisenhalden aus der Eisenzeit" in der Gegend um Königsfeld 4. Im selben Jahr fasste Andreas Haupt mit seinen "Materialien zur Geschichte des Bergbaus im ehemaligen Hochstift Bamberg" spätmittelalterliche Quellen zu Bergwerken zusammen 5. Carl Wilhelm von Gümbel verfasste 1865 6 und 1891 7 im Rahmen 2 Jüngst zur Montanarchäologie etwa Mathias Hensch, Erz-Feuer-Eisen. Eine kleine Geschichte des frühen Montanwesens in der mittleren Oberpfalz, Berlin 2018 (= Hensch 2018a). 3 Der Forschungsstand folgt mit einigen Ergänzungen der "jüngsten" Darstellung von Edmund Böhm, Eisenerzgewinnung um Königsfeld. Hinweise auf Eisenerzabbau und-verhüttung im Raum Königsfeld-Hollfeld.
Papers by Michael Lebsak
Conference Presentations by Michael Lebsak
Political Economy, Medieval, Production, Trade, Elites, Hierarchies
Book Reviews by Michael Lebsak
Books by Michael Lebsak
Political Economy, Medieval, Production, Trade, Elites, Hierarchies