Papers by Eman I S M A E I L Elsarag

Sinai Journal of Applied Sciences, 2015
; to study the response of 5 canola cultivars (Serw4, Pactol, Sakha1, Sakha2 and Sakha3) to five ... more ; to study the response of 5 canola cultivars (Serw4, Pactol, Sakha1, Sakha2 and Sakha3) to five biofertilization treatments B 1 (100% mineral + 0% biofertilizer), B 2 (75% mineral + 25% biofertilizer), B 3 (50% mineral + 50% biofertilizer), B 4 (25% mineral + 75% biofertilizer) and B 5 (100% biofertilizer) on yield and yield components. The results showed that Serw4 cv., surpassed the other cultivars in plant height, No. siliquae/plantat the 2 nd season. Pactol surpassed the other cultivars in 1000seed weight at 1 st season but Sakha 1 surpassed other cultivars in 1000-seed weight at 2 nd season. Application of B 1 treatment, significantly increased, plant height, No. racemes/plant, No. siliquae/plant, while B 3 and B 4 treatments gave the heighst 1000-seed weight at both seasons. Generally, it could be concluded that Serw 4 cv. fertilized by 100% mineral and 0% biofertilizer gave the heights yield and could recommended under North Sinai conditions.

Egyptian Journal of Agronomy, 2018
, the experimental design was split-plot in (RCBD) with three replications. The main plots were d... more , the experimental design was split-plot in (RCBD) with three replications. The main plots were devoted to forms of nitrogen and biofertilizer treatments in sub-plots. The main objective to evaluate four nitrogen forms, biofertilizer and their interactions on some growth criteria of sugar beet (Beta vulgaris L.). Results revealed that, urea treatment achieved the highest (LAI) and (RGR) in the first season (CGR) in the second season, whereas ammonium nitrate achieved the highest (CGR) in the first season and (LAI) and (LAD) in the second season. Urea treatment inclusion in seeds with ntrobin application resulted the highest values of (LAI), (CGR) and (LAD) and in the first season. Ammonium sulphate treatment with (phosphorin + ntrobin) obtained the highest (NAR) in the first season. Ammonium sulphate treatment with phosphorin obtained the highest (RGR) in the first season. Ammonium nitrate treatment with phosphorin obtained the highest (LAD) in the second season. Finally, results concluded fertilizing sugar beet plants with ammonium sulphate 100 kg N/fad and inoculated with biofertilizer (ntrobin 600 gm/fad) increased the growth rate sugar beet plants under sandy soil conditions.

Water and nitrogen deficits are the most important environmental factors greatly limiting crop pr... more Water and nitrogen deficits are the most important environmental factors greatly limiting crop production and plant distribution worldwide, especially in semi-arid regions. Two field experiments were conducted during 2009/2010 and 2010/2011 seasons in the Experimental Farm, Faculty of Environmental Agricultural Science, El-Arish, Suez Canal University, North Sinai Governorate, Egypt (31°08'04.3" N, 33°49'37.2"E). This study focuses on response of two fodder beet cultivars (Voroshinger & Rotta) to three water stress levels (50, 75, 100 % of field capacity, FC) and four nitrogen fertilizer levels (N1= 143, N2=214, N3=286, N4=357 kg Nha ). Superiority of Rotta cultivar in leaf area index and duration was observed as compared with 1 Voroshenger cv. at most of growth periods. Net assimilation rate was increased with increasing water stress levels. Increasing nitrogen fertilizer levels from 143 to 357 t ha increased root/top ratio, leaf area index and 1 duration. Irrigat...

Journal of Plant Production Sciences, Dec 1, 2014
This study has been carried out at the Faculty of Environmental Agricultural Science (FEAS), Al-A... more This study has been carried out at the Faculty of Environmental Agricultural Science (FEAS), Al-Arish-Suez Canal University (SCU) during the successive growing season 2012/2013. The third experiment has been done at the shad net house of the experimental crop farm using jojoba seedlings at one year old, which growing in pots. Seedlings have been irrigated four times weekly in different four treatments of saline water concentrations 2000, 4000, 6000 and 8000 ppm, beside the control (tap water). It was observed that vegetative characters of the plants were significantly decreased with increasing saline water irrigation levels .The maximum values of number of branches , root length and number of secondary roots .were resulted with low saline water irrigation level (tap water), followed by 2000, 4000, 6000and 8000 ppm which gave the minimum values in this respect. The obtained results cleared that the concentration of nitrogen, phosphorus and potassium decreased in plant tissue with increasing salinity concentration level.

Plants, 2021
Quinoa (Chenopodium quinoa Willd.) is a halophytic crop that can withstand a variety of abiotic s... more Quinoa (Chenopodium quinoa Willd.) is a halophytic crop that can withstand a variety of abiotic stresses, including salt. The present research examined the mechanisms of salt tolerance in five different quinoa genotypes at four different salinity levels (control (60), 80, 120, and 160 mM NaCl). ISSR and SCoT analysis revealed high polymorphism percentages of 90.91% and 85.26%, respectively. Furthermore, ISSR 1 and SCoT 7 attained the greatest number of polymorphic amplicons (27 and 26), respectively. Notably, LINE-6 and M-28 genotypes demonstrated the greatest number of unique positive and negative amplicons (50 and 42) generated from ISSR and SCoT, respectively. Protein pattern analysis detected 11 bands with a polymorphism percentage 27.27% among the quinoa genotypes, with three unique bands distinguishable for the M-28 genotype. Similarity correlation indicated that the highest similarity was between S-10 and Regeolone-3 (0.657), while the lowest similarity was between M-28 and L...
Analyzed of genetic diversity for six canola genotypes using 5 inter-simple sequence repeats (ISS... more Analyzed of genetic diversity for six canola genotypes using 5 inter-simple sequence repeats (ISSR) primer pairs were done. The cluster results of UPGMA method indicated that all the genotypes could be distinguished by ISSR markers. Six genotypes were categorized into two main clusters. Cluster I comprised Egyptian genotypes Serw-6 and Serw-4 and German genotype AD 201/Gi/81. Genotypes within cluster II comprised of French (Pactol), Chinese (Wan-you 25) and German (RG 4514).
Ewas, Mohamed1*, Sayed A. Omar2, Eman El-Serag3, Mohamed H. Mubarak3 1Genetics and Cytology Unit,... more Ewas, Mohamed1*, Sayed A. Omar2, Eman El-Serag3, Mohamed H. Mubarak3 1Genetics and Cytology Unit, Department of Genetic Resources, Desert Research Center, El-Matareya, Cairo, Egypt 2Plant Breeding Unit, Department of Genetic Resources, Desert Research Center, El-Matareya, Cairo, Egypt 3Department of Crop Production, Faculty of Agriculture, Al-Arish University, Egypt *E-mail: [email protected] [email protected]
Sinai Journal of Applied Sciences, 2012
This work aimed to evaluate growth of Stevia rebaudiana under stress conditions. The plantlets we... more This work aimed to evaluate growth of Stevia rebaudiana under stress conditions. The plantlets were cultured on modified MS medium supplemented with different concentrations of NaCl at 0.0, 5000, 7500 and 10000 ppm for salinity stress, as well as mannitol at 0.0, 5, 7.5 and 10 bar. Results showed that the plantlet growth characters decreased as salinity and drought stress level increased, Plantlet growth traits significantly varied under deferent stress levels. Drought strees was more sever on plantlet growth than salinity stress. The highest values for plantlet growth traits were observed at 5000 ppm salinity level while the lowest values were observed at 10 bar drought stress. Some treatments were promised stevia tolerance under both of salinity and drought stress conditions.
Sinai Journal of Applied Sciences, Dec 1, 2018

Sinai Journal of Applied Sciences, Aug 1, 2019
Simulation models are important tools to explore and illustrate dynamics of climatic variables in... more Simulation models are important tools to explore and illustrate dynamics of climatic variables in crop based ecosystem. Two open-field experiments were conducted during 2015/2016 and 2016/2017 seasons at the Experimental Farm, Faculty of Environ. Agric. Sciences, Arish University (31° 08' 04.3" N, 33° 49' 37.2" E). This work was aimed to evaluate the performance of four bread wheat (Triticum aestivum L.) cultivars i.e.; Misr-1, Sakha-93, Giza-168 and Gemmeiza-9) in relation to two irrigation pattern i.e. surface supplemental irrigations (12 irrigations) and rainfed under the metrological conditions of North Sinai. Results obtained from experimental field studies were used as indicators to test the performance of DSSAT-CSM (Cropping System Model) Ver. Necessary files were prepared as required. Two different climate scenarios have been implemented in order to study effects of future climate changes on wheat plant growth and yield. Scenarios were done by adding 2°C and 4°C to maximum and minimum temperatures of the last successful winter season (2016/2017) starting from the best sowing date indicated at conducted field experiments and finishing by the end of growing cycle. The future impacts of climate change on wheat showed that increasing in temperature will reduce length of growing cycle and the time needed to full tillering in addition to the final yield. This subsequently will reduce the amount of grain yield; accelerate time for maturity and harvesting. For +2°C scenario, reduction in grain yield, as predicted by the model, will be reach 9.6% loses in grain yield for supplementary irrigated Gemmeiza-9 cultivar and averaged of 18% among all other cultivars. Scenario of +4°C will reduce supplementary irrigated Gemmeiza-9 grain yield by 16.2% and within an average of 23.8% among all other cultivars. The reduction will be more under rainfed irrigation pattern. Generally, Supplementary irrigated Gemmeiza-9 cultivar is recommended treatment to maximized bread wheat grain yield and as an adaption measure to reduce yield variability as affected by increasing of potential temperature scenarios under North Sinai environmental conditions and all similarity regions.
Asian Journal of Crop Science, 2013
Asian Journal of Crop Science, 2013

Sinai Journal of Applied Sciences, Apr 1, 2016
Water salinity is a limiting factor stressed plants and associated with low wheat productivity in... more Water salinity is a limiting factor stressed plants and associated with low wheat productivity in new reclaimed areas in Egypt such as North Sinai. Sea water is available water resources and renewable and non-exploited, it is necessary to maximize use of this water through scientific research for use in irrigation of wheat, to increase the cultivated area and thus, increase production towards self-sufficiency. So, two field experiments were carried out at Faculty of Environmental Agricultural Sciences, EI-Arish, Suez Canal University, during 2012/2013 and 2013/2014 seasons aiming to investigate the response of three wheat cultivar (Triticum aestivum. L.; Masr 1 , Masr 2, Sakha 93) to four mixing ratios between well-water and sea water (control, 3:1, 2:1 and 1:1). Plants were subjected to salinity treatments at 60 days after sowing (DAS). Results showed that Masr 2 and Masr 1 cvs were superior for yield and its attributes, the superiority was obtained from Masr 2 cv as well as seed content of proline and protein. Also, dry leaf content of Na + and Cl-2 were higher for Masr 2 as compared to the other studied cultivars under low mixing ratio (3:1 Well water: Sea water), while, the K + concentration was decreased with the same treatment of Masr 2. For soil analysis, EC, Na + , Mg +2 , K + , HCO 3-2 and Clincreased but Ca-2 decreased under the highest mixing ratio (1 Well water: 1 Sea water). So, it could be recommended to cultivate Masr 2 wheat cultivar under North Sinai conditions, using mixing ratio 3 Well water : 1 Sea water to maximize the benefit of sea water and gain economic productivity of bread wheat in this area and similar regions.
Egyptian Journal of Agronomy

Sinai Journal of Applied Sciences, Apr 1, 2018
Stevia rebaudiana, is an economically important medicinal plant act as sweetener substitute for d... more Stevia rebaudiana, is an economically important medicinal plant act as sweetener substitute for diabetic and obese people. Climate modification causes a considerable influence on the production of several secondary metabolites of plants. In the present investigation, the effect of environmental factors on genetic divergence for three varieties of Stevia rebaudiana (Spanti; China and Eg1) by using differential response for different climate modification (black net, white net and plastic cover in comparing to without cover treatment (control) was studied. Data indicated that the application of different modification treatments showed that the use of nets had significant effect on air and substrate temperature and light intensity as well as relative humidity. In the same context, vegetative growth traits and biochemical analyses for stevioside and rebaudioside content had significant effects according to climate modification treatments. Electrophoresis banding patterns of total protein and isozyme (peroxidase) were obtained to characterize genetic relationship for both different treatments and genotypes. Based on the resolved soluble protein profiles it could be detected 11 and 13 polymorphic unique bands for different treatments and genotypes, respectively. The percentage of polymorphism for all studied treatment and varieties was 100 %. 12 and 13 polymorphic bands were detected in Isozyme marker (peroxidase) analysis for different treatments and genotypes, respectively. However, black net treatment and Spanti variety has the highest polymorphism percentage 100% by using cluster analysis of banding pattern for examined treatments and genotypes based on similarity index and UPGMA resulted four distinct clusters.

Sinai Journal of Applied Sciences, Aug 1, 2019
Quinoa is a halophytic species emerging as a potential new crop in many regions of the world beca... more Quinoa is a halophytic species emerging as a potential new crop in many regions of the world because of the nutritional composition of their seeds. This study has been carried out at the Faculty of Environmental Agricultural Science, Arish University, Egypt during the two successive growing seasons 2016/2017 and 2017/2018. The experiment has been done at the shad net house of the experimental crop farm using quinoa seedlings (one month old), which grow in pots. Seedlings have been irrigated every two days using four treatments of irrigation water (control, 100, 150, 200 mM), where control was tap water 85 mM. It was observed that vegetative parameters of quinoa seedling were significantly decreased with increasing water salinity concentration .The highest value for each of plant height, root length, number of leaves, leaf dry weight, shoot dry weight, root dry weight, water relative content was obtained with low saline control, followed by 100, 150 and 200mM which gave the lowest values in this respect. Concerning growth analysis, the maximum value for each of leaf area duration, relative growth rate, crop growth rate and net assimilation rate was achieved by control, followed by the other respected studied concentration which gave the lowest values. The obtained results cleared that the concentration of nitrogen, phosphorus and potassium, pigments decreased in plant tissue with increasing water salinity concentration. However, sodium and proline concentrations increased in plant tissue with increasing salinity concentration. It worthy to note that there were significant differences between Giza1 and Giza2 in most studied parameters.

This study was carried out at the farm of Faculty of Environmental Agricultural Sciences, Arish U... more This study was carried out at the farm of Faculty of Environmental Agricultural Sciences, Arish University, El-Arish, North Sinai, Egypt (31 08 40.3 N, 33 49 37.2 ̏ E), during 2016/2017 and 2017/2018 seasons. The aim of this study is to evaluate the response of three quinoa genotype (Giza 1, Danish KVL3704 and Misr 1) to three irrigation intervals. A split plot design with three replicates using Randomized Complete Block Design (RCBD) was performed. Three irrigation intervals used were [irrigation every (3days (I1), 6 days (I2) and 9 days (I3)]. Results showed that water stress caused a significant reduction in all studied traits except for 1000 -seed weight and carbohydrates content. Increasing irrigation intervals from 3 to 9 days decreased No. of panicles per plant from 13.62 to 9.68 in 2016/2017 season and from 16.29 to 10.53 in 2017/2018 season. Increasing irrigation intervals from 3 to 9 days decreased protein content (%) by (15.11%) in 2016/ 2017 season and (15.95 %) in 2017/...

Sinai Journal of Applied Sciences, Aug 1, 2019
This study has been carried out at the Faculty of Environmental Agricultural Science, Arish Unive... more This study has been carried out at the Faculty of Environmental Agricultural Science, Arish University during the two successive growing seasons 2016/2017 and 2017/2018. The investigation aimed to study the effect of four organic fertilization sources on quinoa as follows (control, 4 ton fed-1 of chicken manure (CHM), farm yard, compost, all at 10 ton fed-1) also to assess the response of quinoa yield production and chemical composition of seed to chemical fertilization under four levels of N (control (120 kg N ha-1), 150, 200, 250 kg N ha-1) as urea, 46% N and their interaction. The obtained results showed that the highest values of plant height, plant weight, yield weight, 1000 seed weight and harvest index were obtained in both seasons when quinoa was fertilized with chicken manure and 250kg N ha-1. Concerning to chemical composition of seeds, the highest values of moisture, protein, fat and ash were obtained in both seasons when quinoa were fertilized with chicken manure and 250kg N ha-1 as urea, while, the highest values of carbohydrate were obtained in both seasons when quinoa were fertilized under control treatments of both organic and N levels in both season.

Sinai Journal of Applied Sciences, Dec 1, 2015
; to study the response of 5 canola cultivars (Serw4, Pactol, Sakha1, Sakha2 and Sakha3) to five ... more ; to study the response of 5 canola cultivars (Serw4, Pactol, Sakha1, Sakha2 and Sakha3) to five biofertilization treatments B 1 (100% mineral + 0% biofertilizer), B 2 (75% mineral + 25% biofertilizer), B 3 (50% mineral + 50% biofertilizer), B 4 (25% mineral + 75% biofertilizer) and B 5 (100% biofertilizer) on yield and yield components. The results showed that Serw4 cv., surpassed the other cultivars in plant height, No. siliquae/plantat the 2 nd season. Pactol surpassed the other cultivars in 1000seed weight at 1 st season but Sakha 1 surpassed other cultivars in 1000-seed weight at 2 nd season. Application of B 1 treatment, significantly increased, plant height, No. racemes/plant, No. siliquae/plant, while B 3 and B 4 treatments gave the heighst 1000-seed weight at both seasons. Generally, it could be concluded that Serw 4 cv. fertilized by 100% mineral and 0% biofertilizer gave the heights yield and could recommended under North Sinai conditions.
Sinai Journal of Applied Sciences, Aug 1, 2019
Regeolone-3, Line-6). Complete randomized design (CRD) was used in three replicates in this exper... more Regeolone-3, Line-6). Complete randomized design (CRD) was used in three replicates in this experimental work. Petri dishes of three replicate were used to determine the proportion and rate of quinoa germination ability. The results of the experiment indicated that germination rate and germination percentage of quinoa genotypes were significantly affected by salinity levels. The highest germination rate and percentage were 77.
Papers by Eman I S M A E I L Elsarag