Articles by Kıvanç Bozkuş

Turkish Journal of Education, 2025
Using machine learning, this research aimed to examine the crucial factors that predict the readi... more Using machine learning, this research aimed to examine the crucial factors that predict the reading performance of fourth-grade students from Türkiye who participated in PIRLS 2021. When trained with the data of 3589 fourth-grade students and their 405 independent variables, the support vector machine (SVM) algorithm properly distinguished between high-and low-performing students based on 16 key contextual factors at the school, teacher, and family levels. The main factors were at the school level and were related to placing a major emphasis on instruction and the ability of students to borrow books. The teacher-level factors were the assessment strategy, helping students develop reading comprehension skills or strategies, and motivation. The only family-level factor was the parental commitment to ensure that students are ready to learn. Compared to the results of the whole PIRLS 2021 data, the findings of this research revealed a big difference in the key factors predicting the reading performance of fourth graders from Türkiye. Possible reasons were discussed, and new educational policies, interventions, and research practices were suggested. At the policy level, an approach that systemically addresses school, teacher, and family factors may yield more meaningful improvements in reading performance. In terms of interventions, the findings suggest a focus on interactive teaching and assessment strategies that involve students actively interacting with text. As for research practices, this study highlighted the potential of machine learning as a valuable tool to understand the complex, multi-dimensional nature of student performance.
Universities are competing with each other in an environment in which resources are scarce and st... more Universities are competing with each other in an environment in which resources are scarce and student expectancy is high. Institutions should achieve better efficiency in processes which are vital to higher education. William K. Balzer explains the revolutionary Lean concept in an easy to apply five-step model for implementing and sustaining it at higher education institutions.

Özet Bu çalışmanın amacı ortaöğretim son sınıf öğrencilerinin yükseköğretim kurumu ve mesleki pro... more Özet Bu çalışmanın amacı ortaöğretim son sınıf öğrencilerinin yükseköğretim kurumu ve mesleki program tercihlerine etki eden etmenleri belirlemektir. Bu araştırmada nitel ve nicel veri toplama tekniklerinin beraber kullanıldığı karma yöntem kullanılmıştır. Çalışmanın nitel basamağı, 22 lise son sınıf öğrencisiyle yapılan görüşmeler yoluyla veri toplanmasını, nicel basamağı ise toplanan veriler ışığında geliştirilen anketin 254 öğrenciye uygulanmasını kapsamıştır. Sonuçlara göre öğrenciler, kişisel ilgi ve yeteneklerinden çok, iş bulma olanakları, sınav puanları, maddi olanaklar ve üniversitenin bulunduğu şehrin olanaklarından etkilenmektedir. Öğrenciler tercih ettikleri bölümlerde okutulan dersleri ve derslere giren öğretim elemanlarını tanımamaktadırlar. Aile, arkadaş ve öğretmenler öğrencilerin tercihlerini etkilemede en alt sıralarda yer almıştır. Bölümün kazandıracağı mesleğin saygınlığı öğrenci tercihlerinde etkin rol oynamıştır. Sınav temelli yükseköğretime geçiş sisteminin terk edilerek yerine bütüncül değerlendirmeye dayalı, kişisel ilgi ve yeteneklerin öne çıktığı bir sistemin getirilmesi, rehberlik faaliyetlerinin etkili bir şekilde yürütülmesi, ilgi duyulan bölümlerin derslerinin ve öğretim elemanlarının tanıtılması, ailelerin çocuklarına nasıl destek olabilecekleri konusunda etkin bir şekilde yönlendirilmesi önerilmiştir. Abstract The purpose of this study is to determine the factors affecting high school students' selection of higher education institutions and occupational programs. In this study, the mixed methods approach which combines qualitative and quantitative data collection techniques is employed. The qualitative phase included interviews with 22 high school students and the quantitative phase collected data from 254 students using a questionnaire developed after the first phase. Results indicated that instead of their personal interests and abilities, students were affected most by the likelihood of finding jobs, exam scores, their financial status and facilities of cities in where universities are located. Students did not recognize courses and the faculty of programs they desired. The effect of families, friends and teachers were ranked the lowest. Also prestige of occupations played an active role. Rather than a system of transition to higher education based on exam scores, a holistic system that focuses on personal interests and abilities should be adopted. Guidance activities should be effective. Introducing of courses and faculties of programs interested is recommended. Counselling families to support their children is also recommended.

Öz Çalışmanın amacı eğitim fakültesindeki son sınıf öğrencilerinin akademik kültüre ilişkin görüş... more Öz Çalışmanın amacı eğitim fakültesindeki son sınıf öğrencilerinin akademik kültüre ilişkin görüşlerini araştırmaktır. Araştırmanın evrenini Artvin Çoruh Üniversitesi Eğitim Fakültesinde öğrenim gören son sınıftaki öğretmen adayları oluşturmaktadır. Örneklem olarak 10 öğrenci, maksimum çeşitlilik yöntemine göre bölümler kıstas alınarak belirlenmiştir. On altı adet açık uçlu sorudan oluşan yarı yapılandırılmış bir görüşme formu uzman görüşlerine ve alan yazın taramasından elde edilen bulgulara göre oluşturulmuş ve kullanılmıştır. Bulgulardan, öğrenciler ile hocalar arasındaki mesafenin az olduğu, öğrencilerin genel olarak düşüncelerini özgürce ifade edemediği, öğrenciler arasında olmayan biz duygusunun yönetimde mevcut olduğu, yetenekli hocaların sadece öğrenciler tarafından takdir edildiği, yetenekli öğrencilerin de kimseden takdir görmediği, hocaların öğrencilere eşit davranmadığı ve kuralların öğrenci görüşlerine göre alınıp değiştirilebildiği anlaşılmıştır. Araştırma sonuçlarına göre fakültede, öğrencilerin cezalandırılmaktan 1 Bu çalışma, 7-9 Mayıs 2015 tarihlerinde Gaziantep'te düzenlenen 10. Ulusal Eğitim Yönetimi Kongresi'nde sözlü bildiri olarak sunulmuştur.

This study aims to investigate the predictive role of instructional leadership, organizational tr... more This study aims to investigate the predictive role of instructional leadership, organizational trust, and teacher self-efficacy on student achievement among teachers in primary and secondary schools in Artvin, Türkiye. Employing a survey methodology, the research targeted teachers from secondary and high schools in Artvin, Türkiye. Data were collected from 100 teachers selected through random sampling, with 34 completed forms subsequently analyzed. The analysis utilized the Support Vector Machine (SVM) method, a machine learning technique, to evaluate the data. Recursive Feature Elimination (RFE) was employed to identify and rank the factors contributing to student achievement. The findings indicate that the variables influencing student success, in order of importance, are: school type, age, trust in the principal, gender, tenure at school, experience, teacher self-efficacy, and instructional leadership. These results highlight the critical role of both organizational and demographic factors in educational outcomes, providing valuable insights for policy makers and educational leaders aiming to enhance student achievement through targeted interventions and support.

GESJ: Education Science and Psychology, 2023
This study aimed to identify the problems experienced by middle and high school administrators an... more This study aimed to identify the problems experienced by middle and high school administrators and to compare the solution methods they applied for these problems. The research was conducted with the participation of 10 school administrators working in the Hopa district of Artvin province. The phenomenology design, one of the qualitative research methods, was used in the research, and a structured interview form was used for data collection. The descriptive analysis method was used for data analysis. According to the findings, the problems encountered by school principals at both levels and the solutions were similar. It was found that peer bullying was against lower grades in both levels, there was a school uniform application in all schools, the success factor was considered sufficient, and both levels had two school administrators. It was concluded that situations such as phone addiction and smoking were more common in high school. Chronic absenteeism was rare at both levels. In addition, most school administrators stated that they did not have a communication problem with teachers. It was suggested that the interview form created could be used before guidance studies and could be applied in different regions.

GESJ: Education Science and Psychology, 2023
In this study, the concerns of school administrators about student safety in school were examined... more In this study, the concerns of school administrators about student safety in school were examined. The qualitative research method was used in the study. The data analysis of the study was performed by statistical procedures. The study group consists of school principals in Erzurum Narman District. The school principal whose knowledge on the subject is consulted is limited to 12 people. In the study, data were collected by interview technique and a semi-structured interview form designed by taking expert opinions was applied. According to the research findings, school principals consider themselves primarily responsible for student safety at school. They are aware of the need to ensure the safety of children who are sent to school for education in all aspects (psychological, social, physical) before education. While this awareness leads school principals to take precautions, they are concerned that students may be adversely affected by dangers that develop outside of what they can do and control.

GESJ: Education Science and Psychology, 2023
In this research, it is aimed to increase the active participation of adults in the courses organ... more In this research, it is aimed to increase the active participation of adults in the courses organized in public education centers and to ensure their continuity. In line with this purpose, it is aimed to measure the level of knowledge on classroom management, to teach the language and style that should be used in adult education, to increase in-class motivation, and to make educators aware of the importance and necessity of adult education in the context of all these, based on the opinions of the teachers of Borçka Public Education Center. The sampling method was determined by using the purposeful sampling method in the research. The working group consists of 15 educators who teach at Borçka Public Education Center. A semi-structured interview form was used as the data collection method and data were collected through interviews. The obtained data were analyzed by content analysis method.
GESJ: Education Science and Psychology, 2022
This research aims to reveal trends in the research on the training of educational managers publi... more This research aims to reveal trends in the research on the training of educational managers published in the most prominent journals of educational management discipline. A total of 219 articles that were indexed by the Scopus database after the year 1965 were included in the bibliometric analysis. The quantitative properties of these articles draw a big picture that shows the most important authors, journals, topics, and countries in leadership research. This review concluded that interest in the training of educational managers has been constantly growing, but research on the training of educational managers is not prevalent worldwide.

GESJ: Education Science and Psychology, 2022
This research aims to make a bibliometric analysis of action research in the field of educational... more This research aims to make a bibliometric analysis of action research in the field of educational administration published in scientific journals in the Scopus database. The data in the study were obtained by scanning the Scopus database. The information including the number of authors, year of publication, number of citations, the source from which the article was published was analyzed and interpreted. In the research, 98 publications and 15 sources published between 1968 and 2020 were examined. The most frequently cited names in the articles and the sources that published the most were determined. The majority of the articles are single-authored, and it has been found that the number of citations has increased with the number of articles recently. It has been determined that there are very few action researches in educational administration and they are mostly published in western countries. Activism, professional development, school improvement, and student engagement are motor themes.
International Online Journal of Educational Sciences, 2022
This research aims to reveal the effects among teacher victimization, mobbing and faculty trust b... more This research aims to reveal the effects among teacher victimization, mobbing and faculty trust by constructing a structural equation model. The data were collected from 1144 teachers working in the Sanliurfa province of Turkey by cross-sectional surveying with a form prepared online that consisted of questions regarding demographics, multidimensional teacher victimization scale, the mobbing scale, and the omnibus t-scale. The results showed that mobbing affects teacher victimization and faculty trust, teacher victimization negatively affects faculty trust. It is concluded that mobbed teachers think that they are victimized by the faculty and they lose their trust in the faculty.
GESJ: Education Sciences and Psychology, 2021
This research aims to reveal trends in leadership research published in the most prominent journa... more This research aims to reveal trends in leadership research published in the most prominent journals of educational management. A total of 1846 articles that were indexed by the Scopus database after the year 2000 were included in the bibliometric analysis. The quantitative and qualitative properties of these articles draw a big picture that shows the most important authors, journals, topics, and countries in leadership research. This review concluded that interest in leadership has been constantly growing, but research on leadership is not prevalent worldwide.

International Journal of Educational Leadership and Management, 2022
This study aims to develop a standardized data collection tool to identify the problems of school... more This study aims to develop a standardized data collection tool to identify the problems of school administrators. In the research conducted with the survey design, data were collected from 709 school administrators to develop the problems of school administrators scale. In this study, a theoretical framework was created according to the findings of the relevant studies and the scale of determining the problems of school administrators was developed. Exploratory and confirmatory factor analyses were done. According to the results, the problems of school administrators scale is a valid and reliable data collection tool that consists of 44 items and 8 dimensions. The scale can determine the problems of school administrators related to workload, personal rights, school administration, school climate, respect, education system, organizational commitment, and violence. With the Problems of School Administrators Scale, the level of problems can be determined, and necessary measures can be taken. If the scale can be applied in different regions at the same time, comparisons between regions can be made and attempts can be made to ensure equal opportunity.

International Online Journal of Education and Teaching, 2021
This research aims to find how the infrastructure of digital devices within the school and teache... more This research aims to find how the infrastructure of digital devices within the school and teachers’ capacity using digital devices affect student achievement defined as PISA 2018 reading, math, and science scores. The ex post facto co-relational causal research design was employed. The data were obtained from the school questionnaire administered to school principals who participated in PISA (Program for International Student Assessment) 2018. A scale was developed from the PISA 2018 data available on OECD PISA website. To correlate factor means with PISA 2018 scores, a matrix was constructed by the researcher. To predict PISA 2018 scores with factor means, linear regression analyses were done. The results showed that the infrastructure of digital devices within the school affected PISA 2018 reading, math and science scores more than teachers’ capacity using digital devices. It was also revealed that there was a strong relationship between the infrastructure of digital devices within the school and teachers’ capacity using digital devices, and developing the infrastructure of digital technologies could provide practical benefits for students.
International Electronic Journal of Elementary Education, 2021
This review study aims to reveal trends in classroom management research by employing a two-stage... more This review study aims to reveal trends in classroom management research by employing a two-stage analysis of articles indexed by the Web of Science. The bibliometric analysis results indicated the descriptive statistics of the articles, the most productive countries and authors, the most popular articles, journals, and keywords, annual scientific production, growth of the top three journals by year, and the pioneer and influencer researchers in classroom management. The content analysis results showed the changes in the selection of methods, purposes, and participants for nearly three decades of classroom management research. This review concluded that interest in classroom management has been constantly growing, but research on classroom management is not prevalent worldwide.

Anatolian Journal of Educational Leadership and Instruction, 2020
Procrastination is unnecessarily delaying starting, completing, and maintaining a task, even when... more Procrastination is unnecessarily delaying starting, completing, and maintaining a task, even when the person has the required tools, skills, or authority to conduct that task. The workload that needs to be handled by the school principals can be overwhelming and can cause a delay in tasks being fulfilled by the principals. School principals should have a range of management competencies to run schools more efficiently. These traits include the principals' leadership styles, decision-making processes, or personal traits. While evaluating the procrastination and workload of school principals, their management resourcefulness, and how it interacts with the other factors should also be evaluated. Principals' determination to achieve their goals and purposes has a positive impact in terms of decreasing procrastination behavior. The paper first provides a discussion on how procrastination as a concept has been understood in the literature. Then, it discusses how other researchers have investigated the issue of procrastination in principals, paying attention to how workload and management resourcefulness have factored into previous studies. This study tries to determine the relationships between school principals' procrastination, workloads, and managerial resourcefulness employing the survey method. Data were collected using an online form that included 3 scales: the procrastination behavior scale of school administrators, the role-based workload scale, the managerial resourcefulness scale. Responses from 300 school principals were analyzed. Findings indicate that school principals' procrastination level is high, they perceive low workload, and they do not have satisfactory levels of managerial resourcefulness. It has been revealed that as principals' workload and management resourcefulness increase, their procrastination levels decrease. This study found that resourceful management styles prevented principals' from feeling overwhelmed by their workload and meant that they were less likely to procrastinate. Moreover, this research has observed that male school principals are more task-oriented than female principals. No difference was determined according to branch, education, location, and seniority.

Journal of Theoretical Educational Science, 2020
The purpose of this research is to identify the problems experienced by teachers. The research wa... more The purpose of this research is to identify the problems experienced by teachers. The research was carried out with a survey pattern. Data were collected online from 4657 teachers working in Şanlıurfa province. According to the results of the research, teachers often experience problems related to their personal rights, workload and education system. While there are sometimes problems regarding vocational education and respect, there are no problems based on school climate. It was determined that men had more problems in their personal rights than women and less problems in the school climate. As age increases, there are more problems in personal rights, workload, respect and school climate, and less problems in the education system and vocational education. As seniority increases, there are more problems in personal rights, workload, respect and school climate. Teachers working in kindergarten have less problems in all dimensions compared to other teachers. High school teachers are more respected than primary and secondary school teachers. It has been determined that graduates of postgraduate education perceive more workload. As a result of the research, it was suggested that reducing the workloads of teachers, eliminating the negativities that cause teachers to experience stress at school, the pre-service and in-service training of teachers towards need and practice, increasing the prestige of the teaching profession.

Yaşadıkça Eğitim, 2020
The purpose of this research is to determine the levels of school administrators' pre-service lea... more The purpose of this research is to determine the levels of school administrators' pre-service leadership preparation and in-service problem confrontation in leadership. A statistically significant difference and a correlation between administrators' level of leadership preparation and problems and whether the levels differ according to the demographic characteristics are investigated. The data obtained using the survey method from 524 school administrators working in Şanlıurfa province were analyzed. School administrators perceived that they had no problems in school leadership and have been adequately prepared. It has been determined that although the levels of leadership preparation are higher than the levels of problem confrontation in leadership, the low levels of problem confrontation are not due to the high levels of leadership preparation. There is no difference in the levels of problems and preparation of administrators in school leadership by gender, type of job, level of education and branch. It is proposed that the reasons of why school administrators in Şanlıurfa are not having problems in school leadership are determined by new researches.

Research in Educational Administration & Leadership, 2019
This research aims to develop a teacher professional development assessment scale based on the dy... more This research aims to develop a teacher professional development assessment scale based on the dynamic professional development approach. The resulting Teacher Professional Development Student Assessment Scale is a data collection tool consisting of 27 items under 7 factors and can explain 62.90% of the total variance. The items have a five-point Likert scale ranging from never (1) to always (5). The Cronbach alpha reliability coefficients of the factors range from 0.66 to 0.83. The factor loads of the items ranged from 0.47 to 0.82. The construct validity of the scale was confirmed by confirmatory factor analysis. The criterion validity of the scale was tested using a parallel scale. The scale measures the teaching-related characteristics that can determine the professional development level of the teachers from all branches. It is concluded that the scale developed in this research can be used to assess teacher professional development according to student perceptions. School principals can use the scale to determine the professional development levels of teachers and can make necessary interventions to achieve better quality in teaching.
Articles by Kıvanç Bozkuş
new leadership roles and responsibilities under the reflective thought considering its unique impact on organizational functioning.