Estonian Academy of Arts
Agent based design systems could provide useful decision help for architects working on spatial planning tasks that involve large number of actors or deal with complex urban situations. These systems are especially helpful in bridging the... more
For decades, cybernetics, systems theorists and researchers in the field of Artificial Intelligence and Artificial Life have been looking for methods of building intelligent computer applications that can solve complex problems. By... more
This paper reports on the computational modelling research investigating spatial organisations often associated with unplanned settlements. Such spatial agglomerates are composed of several collocated but autonomous units (agents) that... more
Marshall McLuhan once said in his book Understanding Media that ‘Environments are invisible. Their ground rules evade easy perception.’ Evasive perception leads to fuzzy representations as shown through Kevin Lynch’s mental maps and the... more
This paper investigates conceptual modeling of circulation in settlements using agent-based systems. It explains and compares two different types of model that highlight diametrically opposed architectural tasks in respect to movement.... more
This paper discusses the results of an extended pedestrian movement project carried out in the center of Tallinn, Estonia. Having gone through several rounds of in situ studies and software prototyping, we present a synthetic method for... more
The master thesis studies building collectives as an alternative method for housing development. The work relies on the examples of German building groups in order to understand what the benefits that collective building offers are and... more
This thesis examines the connection between urban festivals and perception. It is argued that the research of festivals thus far has mainly focused on the impacts concerning tourism, economy and the city image. This thesis aims to explain... more
This paper builds towards the argument that pedestrian traffic in the city can be successfully simulated with agent-based computational models if pedestrians' movement patterns are appropriately studied first. Furthermore, such... more
This study will compare the results of measuring Urban Complexity using the Shannon-Wiener index in two different methods. Using a joint dataset retrieved from Foursquare API, we will measure the degree of urban complexity of every... more
This paper presents a live and tested solution that enables home buyers to choose and customise their future homes in a web browser. It allows future owners and residents to configure and visualise their home in 3D but also keep it... more
- by Kaiko Kivi
This paper presents a live and tested solution that enables home buyers to choose and customise their future homes in a web browser. It allows future owners and residents to configure and visualise their home in 3D but also keep it... more
- by Kaiko Kivi
This paper presents a live and tested solution that enables home buyers to choose and customise their future homes in a web browser. It allows future owners and residents to configure and visualise their home in 3D but also keep it... more
- by Kaiko Kivi
Herkko Labi (Telliskivi Loomelinnak) uuringu juht ja sisuline toimetaja, "Tulevikustsenaariumid" Maria Hansar (Katel) uuringu järelvaataja, "Tulevikustsenaariumid" Karin Tõugu (arhitekt) "Kiht: Ruum", "Kiht: Üldküsitlus", kaartide... more
- by Margit Aule