mehmet yonat
Ph.D. at the Department of Kurdish Language and Culture at Mardin Artuklu University
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Papers by mehmet yonat
case or used solely it is not possible to understand nouns gender. In order
to understand the gender of nouns, nouns have to used in oblique or
vocative cases. Moreover, the ezafe structure is a grammatical structure in
which the gender of nouns could be able to figure out. Kurmanji Kurdish
have various accents. The form of gender suffixes or particles could show
different characteristics. Some accents even lost some gender agreement
forms completely.
In this study, three of Kurmanji Kurdish accents were analyzed in terms of
gender in case. The accents are Northern, South-Eastern, and SouthWestern accents. Kurdish Kurmanji accents have been classified according
to up-to-date studies (Haig and Öpengin, 2014). For South-Western accent
one village of Şırnak Province; for South-Western accent center of
Adıyaman Province; and for Northern accent one village of Muş Province
selected. To be able to analyze the accent’s gender usage a measurement
tool has been developed by the writer of the article. The measurement
tool consists of fifty-five questions. The questions asked to interviewers in
Turkish and they responded to them in Kurmanji Kurdish. Due to the
recent transformation or assimilation of Kurdish, the interviewers may use
some different forms. That is why the interviewers classified by their
gender; male and female, and their age; young, middle-aged, and old.
What are drow out from this study is that; even though the usage of
gender in the grammatical cases like standard Kurdish Kurmanji in the
South-Western and South-Eastern accent, in the northern accent the
indefinite gender suffixes and the determiners lost their gender
agreement. Again in the northern accent, because of Turkish influence on
Kurmanji Kurdish, in the nonspecific-definite situation, the oblique singular
case suffixes do not use. Lastly, it could be said that the young
interviewers are less sensitive to gender agreement than old ones.
Keywords: Kurmanji Kurdish, Gender, Accent, Oblique Case, Vocative Case
some criteria have been identified to assign nouns gender. In this study, these criteria have been applied to Northern Kurdish. What is acquired at the end of this article is a clear-cut gender assignment system which could rationalize all nouns of Northern Kurdish in terms of gender assignment. Last but not least, in a Caucasian sub-dialect of Northern Kurdish, It has been realized a different kind of noun‟s classification is based on human-nonhuman criteria when a noun is inflected plurally. In this study, the mentioned classification has been analyzed too.
Keywords: Northern Kurdish, Gender Assignment System, Male Nouns,
Female Nouns, Double-Gender Nouns, Animate Nouns, Inanimate Nouns.
Axiverên devokên kurdîya kurmancî wexta bi hev re diaxivin eger aşînayê devokên hevdu nebin pirî caran di hevfêmkirinê de rastî pirsgirêkan tên. Sebebê vê jî hin cudahîyên qadên leksîkî û rêzimanî yê wan devokan e. Yek qada bikaranîna cuda ya rêzimanî bikaranîna partîkela îzafeyê ye. Armanca vê xebatê nîşandana bikaranînên cuda yên partîkela îzafeyê yên di sê devokên kurdîya kurmancî de ye. Bidestxistina varyasyonên dîyalektîkî yên partîkela îzafeyê wê hem bikaranînên cuda yên partîkela îzafeyê derxe meydanê hem jî alîkarê hevfêmkirina axiverên devokên curbicur be. Ev xebat li ser devokên bakur, başûrê rojhilat û başûrê rojavayê hate kirin. Ji van devokan şeş axiver hatine hilbijartin ku ev axiver li gor temen; ciwan, navsere û kal û li gor zayend; jin û mêr hatine dabeşkirin. Amûreke pîvanê ya ku ji pêncî û pênc pirsan pêkhatî ji van axiveran bi tirkî hatîye pirsîn û bersivên wan bi kurdîya kurmancî hatîye standin. Dikare bê gotin ku zayenda partîkela îzafeyê di nav axiverên nifşên nû de hêdî hêdî hesasîyeta xwe winda dike û ber bi notrbûnekê ve diçe. Axiverên jin jî li gor axiverên mêr di navdêrên cotzayend de rêkkeftina mê ji rêkkeftina nêr zêdetir bi kar tînin.
Books by mehmet yonat
case or used solely it is not possible to understand nouns gender. In order
to understand the gender of nouns, nouns have to used in oblique or
vocative cases. Moreover, the ezafe structure is a grammatical structure in
which the gender of nouns could be able to figure out. Kurmanji Kurdish
have various accents. The form of gender suffixes or particles could show
different characteristics. Some accents even lost some gender agreement
forms completely.
In this study, three of Kurmanji Kurdish accents were analyzed in terms of
gender in case. The accents are Northern, South-Eastern, and SouthWestern accents. Kurdish Kurmanji accents have been classified according
to up-to-date studies (Haig and Öpengin, 2014). For South-Western accent
one village of Şırnak Province; for South-Western accent center of
Adıyaman Province; and for Northern accent one village of Muş Province
selected. To be able to analyze the accent’s gender usage a measurement
tool has been developed by the writer of the article. The measurement
tool consists of fifty-five questions. The questions asked to interviewers in
Turkish and they responded to them in Kurmanji Kurdish. Due to the
recent transformation or assimilation of Kurdish, the interviewers may use
some different forms. That is why the interviewers classified by their
gender; male and female, and their age; young, middle-aged, and old.
What are drow out from this study is that; even though the usage of
gender in the grammatical cases like standard Kurdish Kurmanji in the
South-Western and South-Eastern accent, in the northern accent the
indefinite gender suffixes and the determiners lost their gender
agreement. Again in the northern accent, because of Turkish influence on
Kurmanji Kurdish, in the nonspecific-definite situation, the oblique singular
case suffixes do not use. Lastly, it could be said that the young
interviewers are less sensitive to gender agreement than old ones.
Keywords: Kurmanji Kurdish, Gender, Accent, Oblique Case, Vocative Case
some criteria have been identified to assign nouns gender. In this study, these criteria have been applied to Northern Kurdish. What is acquired at the end of this article is a clear-cut gender assignment system which could rationalize all nouns of Northern Kurdish in terms of gender assignment. Last but not least, in a Caucasian sub-dialect of Northern Kurdish, It has been realized a different kind of noun‟s classification is based on human-nonhuman criteria when a noun is inflected plurally. In this study, the mentioned classification has been analyzed too.
Keywords: Northern Kurdish, Gender Assignment System, Male Nouns,
Female Nouns, Double-Gender Nouns, Animate Nouns, Inanimate Nouns.
Axiverên devokên kurdîya kurmancî wexta bi hev re diaxivin eger aşînayê devokên hevdu nebin pirî caran di hevfêmkirinê de rastî pirsgirêkan tên. Sebebê vê jî hin cudahîyên qadên leksîkî û rêzimanî yê wan devokan e. Yek qada bikaranîna cuda ya rêzimanî bikaranîna partîkela îzafeyê ye. Armanca vê xebatê nîşandana bikaranînên cuda yên partîkela îzafeyê yên di sê devokên kurdîya kurmancî de ye. Bidestxistina varyasyonên dîyalektîkî yên partîkela îzafeyê wê hem bikaranînên cuda yên partîkela îzafeyê derxe meydanê hem jî alîkarê hevfêmkirina axiverên devokên curbicur be. Ev xebat li ser devokên bakur, başûrê rojhilat û başûrê rojavayê hate kirin. Ji van devokan şeş axiver hatine hilbijartin ku ev axiver li gor temen; ciwan, navsere û kal û li gor zayend; jin û mêr hatine dabeşkirin. Amûreke pîvanê ya ku ji pêncî û pênc pirsan pêkhatî ji van axiveran bi tirkî hatîye pirsîn û bersivên wan bi kurdîya kurmancî hatîye standin. Dikare bê gotin ku zayenda partîkela îzafeyê di nav axiverên nifşên nû de hêdî hêdî hesasîyeta xwe winda dike û ber bi notrbûnekê ve diçe. Axiverên jin jî li gor axiverên mêr di navdêrên cotzayend de rêkkeftina mê ji rêkkeftina nêr zêdetir bi kar tînin.