Papers by Ruslan Stoychev

Stoychev, Ruslan – Iliev, Stanislav † – Popov, Hristo – Ivanov, Ivan: The ancient gold mine Stremtsi-Rani List in Eastern Rhodope Mountains, 2024
One of the best-preserved ancient gold mines in the Eastern Rhodope Mountains is located in the l... more One of the best-preserved ancient gold mines in the Eastern Rhodope Mountains is located in the lands of the Stremtsi and Rani List villages, Kardzhali municipality, South Bulgaria. Preliminary information about the mine appeared in local history studies, local media and preliminary geological publications in the 20th and early 21st centuries. This text is a brief overview of the systematic research of the archaeological site that began in 2017. Several successive stages of fieldwork were carried out – preliminary registration, work with nondestructive remote methods and trench excavations. The discovered archaeological materials demonstrate at least three periods of activity: the Late Bronze Age/Early Iron Age, the 3rd–6th centuries CE and the 10th –12th centuries CE. Materials testifying to an earlier human presence in the area of the ore deposit were also found during the research. Although at an initial stage, the evaluation of the achieved results indicates that the ancient gold mine near Stremtsi delivers a good perspective for long-term mining-archaeological research.
Р. Стойчев. Воини и принцеси? За апликациите за конска сбруя от погребенията при Дуванлии и Големаните., 2024
The focus of the study is the bronze appliqués for horse ammunition found in the burials from the... more The focus of the study is the bronze appliqués for horse ammunition found in the burials from the last third of the 5th century BC at the villages of Duvanlii, Plovdiv district and Golemanite, Veliko Tarnovo region. The analysis of their form, style, and iconographic features and their comparison with analogous examples that serve as prototypes, leads to the identification of their most probable origin, which coincides with one of the hypotheses about the impulses which later led to the emergence of new elements in the local artistic tradition. The article attempts to explain some of the possible causes and pathways by which objects, themes, and motifs from foreign cultures permeated Thrace, where they were used to generate prestige and mark status.
Dimitrina Popova, Ruslan Stoychev. A Visualized Past. Thracian Tomb at Sheynovets Peak near Svilengrad, 2024
The article describes the process of digital reconstruction of one of the most impressive tombs i... more The article describes the process of digital reconstruction of one of the most impressive tombs in present-day southeastern Bulgaria. The study focuses on the most important methodological component, namely the structure of the source data according to their verification. The reconstruction in a digital environment aims to replicate the construction process of the tomb, which is the distinctive difference to the visual analysis. Further illustration of the reconstruction process is introduced with the production of accompanying graphic diagrams to the visualization, which are important steps of the conceptualizations of the tomb architecture.
![Research paper thumbnail of R. Stoychev. The Bridles from Lukovit Treasure. [In Bulgarian]. In: T.Shalganova, V.Ganeva-Marazova (Eds). ART AND MEMORY. Papers in Honor of the 80th Anniversary of Ivan Marazov. Sofia 2023, 217-231](
Р. Стойчев. Юздите от Луковитското съкровище. - В: Т.Шалганова, В.Ганева-Маразова (Ред). Изкуство и памет. Сборник в чест на 80-годишнината на Иван Маразов. София, 2023
In the composition of the treasure discovered in 1953 near the town of
Lukovit, along with the ot... more In the composition of the treasure discovered in 1953 near the town of
Lukovit, along with the other objects, there were also parts of three iron bridles with bronze bits. Although mentioned in literature, Lukovit bridles have never been the subject of a special research. The proposed reconstruction of the bridles from Lukovit treasure is made on the basis of photographs from the personal archive of prof. Dimitar P. Dimitrov. The comparative analysis with the bridles of known origin from Thrace and its neighboring areas makes it possible to assume the relative time frame
of their distribution – the period from the forties to the end of the fourth century B.C. until the first two decades of the third century B.C. They became popular among the heavy Macedonian cavalry of Philip II and probably no longer after that entered Thrace through the participation of local contingents in Alexander's army.
![Research paper thumbnail of R. Stoychev. “Thraco-Cimmerian” Finds or Appliqués for Horse Harness in Basarabi Style? [In Bulgarian]. В: Е. Мутафов, М. Колева (съст.). Изкуство и общество. Изкуствоведски четения 2022, т.I. София 2023](
Ruslan Stoychev, 2023
The examples cited undoubtedly suggest a far closer relationship between the appliqués from the t... more The examples cited undoubtedly suggest a far closer relationship between the appliqués from the territories of present-day Northwestern Bulgaria and Southern Romania with those of Central Europe, which is confirmed by observations in some of the bridles, but they also raise the question of the countries in contact. In terms of style, it is evident that several different artistic manifestations are included in the decorations for horse ammunition of the group of interest, ranging from spiral motifs on the Novgrad and Bujoru nozzles, to hemispherical buttons and abstract elements, to appliqués in the form of an equilateral cross. To regard them as the products of a distinctive ‘style’ therefore seems particularly ambitious given that the early phase is altogether lacking and the empirical basis for comparison is limited to the material remains in the ceramic repertoire. If, however, we turn to the ceramics in particular, the similarity between the appliqués from Beli Izvor, Tarnava and Tsarevets, and the ‘Maltese cross’ motif of the Basarabi style decorated vessels, clearly emerges.
Р. Стойчев. Ловецът върху апликациите от Луковит: към проблема за иконографията на конника в Тракия след смъртта на Александър Велики, 2020
The Lukovit treasure was discovered in 1953. It contains more than 200
silver objects (vessels an... more The Lukovit treasure was discovered in 1953. It contains more than 200
silver objects (vessels and horse harness appliqués) collected in clay vessel. The main subjects of this paper are two silver appliqués represent hunting horseman and his victim (wild cat – leopard). The close parallels of the scene could be found as well as in the items of the toreutic, marble and stone sarcophagus and paintings in tomb, all dated in the Hellenistic age. In this order, the date of the Lukovit’s appliqués can be placed in 320 – 300 BC. Their subject and is connected with propaganda of the Hellenistic rulers, so popular in the years after the Alexander’s death in whole Mediterranean.
Руслан Стойчев, Веселин Данов, 2020. Праисторическо селище в м. Света Троица на софийския околовръстен път, 2020
Всички права запазени. Нито една част от тази книга не може да бъде използвана, съхранявана, разм... more Всички права запазени. Нито една част от тази книга не може да бъде използвана, съхранявана, размножавана или предавана под никаква форма или начин, електронен или механичен, включително фотокопиране, записване или чрез каквито и да е системи за съхранение на информация, без предварителното писмено разрешение на издателя. Авторите носят лична отговорност за изложеното в статиите си и използваните от тях източници. Регионален исторически музея-София не отговаря за достоверността на фактите и разсъжденията на авторите.
Р. Стойчев. Еос, Ирида или Нике: За образа от дръжката на бронзовата хидрия от Старо село, Сливенско, 2020
This study deals with a handle of a bronze hydria, found in a grave beneath the burial mound near... more This study deals with a handle of a bronze hydria, found in a grave beneath the burial mound near Staro Selo village, Sliven district. The article considers its decorative programme, focusing on the images playing an important role in specifying the date and provenance of the object with their specifics, iconography and style. The analysis of the images and the overall appearance of the handle put it in a frame of reference for dating it between 500 and 480 BC.
R. Stoychev, P. Penkova. The Bronze Phialai from the Necropolis of Trebenishte. A Stylistic and Technological Approach. - In: P. Ardjanliev, K. Chukalev, T. Cvjetićanin, M. Damyanov, V. Krstić, A. Papazovska, H. Popov (eds.). 100 Years Trebenishte. Sofia 2018, 97-105., 2018
Р. Стойчев. Съдовете от сребро., 2018
The silver vessels from the mound burial are three – a jug and two very similar cups of a shape w... more The silver vessels from the mound burial are three – a jug and two very similar cups of a shape which is commonly called with its Greek name “phiale”. The three silver vessels from Panagyurishte are the personal drinking vessels of the deceased. Together with the remaining bronze vessels from the complex, they form a set, the elements of which are not always the same. However, according to their function, they generally meet the need of transportation and storage (situla), pouring (jug) and direct consumption (phiale) of wine.
Die Früh-und Mittelbronzezeit in Bulgarien: Chronologie, Periodisierung, kulturelle Kontakte und ... more Die Früh-und Mittelbronzezeit in Bulgarien: Chronologie, Periodisierung, kulturelle Kontakte und Edelmetallfunde 29 Raiko Krauß Die Mittelbronzezeit an der unteren Donau 35 Tanja Christova Hortfunde im unteren Donauraum während der späten Bronzezeit 43 Georgi Nechrizov und Julija Cvetkova Die Bronzezeit in den östlichen Rhodopen 49
![Research paper thumbnail of R. Stoychev. Unpublished silver vessel from NAIM-BAS Collection [in Bulgarian] - В: Проблеми и изследвания на тракийската култура. Том VIII, Казанлък 2016, 196-205.](
Р. Стойчев. Непубликуван сребърен съд от колекцията на НАИМ-БАН, 2016
In 1942 in the National archaeological museum – Sofia was received a small silver vessel, found a... more In 1942 in the National archaeological museum – Sofia was received a small silver vessel, found an year before this under unknown circumstances at Pleven region. It puts a lot of questions, connected with the diffusion of a group of vessels, have been showing the connections and exchange in the luxury items in the Mediterranean throughout the Hellenistic age. The curved form of the body, clear shaped neck and turned out rim are morphological signs defining that vessel to the group of calyx cups. As a morphological structure the cup is most near by the large group of findings from the region of modern days North Greece. The vessels from Sevasti at Pieria, Vergina, Derveni, Stavropoulos, Sedes and Nikisiani have a wide rim, opened concave neck with undecorated surface and a body with semicircular form. A shape edge of the rim and the pattern of decoration were thought as most typical features for the workshops at Macedonian court. The comparison of the proportions and the form between vessel from the Pleven region and these cups found in the graves at Macedonia dated the cup under discussion in the middle – third quarter of the 4th cent. B. C.
Злато, СреБро, мед и калай данни За рудодоБиВа В тракия и СредиЗемноморието преЗ II -I хил. пр. хр.
![Research paper thumbnail of R. Stoychev. Techniques for gilding of metal vases from present-day Northwestern Bulgaria (4th - 3rd BC) [in Bulgarian] - Arheologia (Sofia) , 2, 2012, 91-98.](
Позлатяването е техника за нанасяне на златен слой върху повърхността на изделия, произведени от ... more Позлатяването е техника за нанасяне на златен слой върху повърхността на изделия, произведени от други благородни и неблагородни метали и/или материали. В съвременната научна литература са разграничени два основни метода за позлата, използвани от древните майстори -механичен и нискотемпературен (Gunter, Jett 1992, 253; Oddy 1993, 171). За съжаление, голяма част от особеностите и на двата метода са трудно разпознаваеми морфологично само "на око". При срещата с този проблем изследователите често са принудени да извършат само общи наблюдения, които не могат да подкрепят с доказателства, получени с помощта по-чувствителна аналитична апаратура. Другият начин е да се използват резултати от анализи на чужди като контекст и ареал на разпространение предмети, като се приема по презумпция, че в определени исторически периоди технологиите са били едни и същи. И двата подхода имат своите недостатъци. Същевременно съвременното ни познание за древните техники на позлата е пряко свързано с възможността да се работи с методи от различни научни направления. Пълната картина ще се изясни едва тогава, когато бъдат публикувани достатъчно данни от лабораторни анализи.
Р. Стойчев. Фиалата в античната писмена традиция., 2010
The main aim of the study is to reveal to what extent the written sources could offer enough dist... more The main aim of the study is to reveal to what extent the written sources could offer enough distinct answers to questions connected with the form of the phiale and how, according to the data from written sources and the existing real comparative material it is possible to presume implicitly the specificities of the morphology of these vessels. The article analyses the literary as well as the epigraphic monuments. According to the sources, one of the forms where the original connections between vessel and metal are always clear is the phiale. According to the Greek written traditions from the 7th century BC onwards, the word phiale has been used mainly as signifying a bowl without a foot and without handles and relates to vessels with omphalos and to vessels with different relief images in the bottom’s center.
Papers by Ruslan Stoychev
Lukovit, along with the other objects, there were also parts of three iron bridles with bronze bits. Although mentioned in literature, Lukovit bridles have never been the subject of a special research. The proposed reconstruction of the bridles from Lukovit treasure is made on the basis of photographs from the personal archive of prof. Dimitar P. Dimitrov. The comparative analysis with the bridles of known origin from Thrace and its neighboring areas makes it possible to assume the relative time frame
of their distribution – the period from the forties to the end of the fourth century B.C. until the first two decades of the third century B.C. They became popular among the heavy Macedonian cavalry of Philip II and probably no longer after that entered Thrace through the participation of local contingents in Alexander's army.
silver objects (vessels and horse harness appliqués) collected in clay vessel. The main subjects of this paper are two silver appliqués represent hunting horseman and his victim (wild cat – leopard). The close parallels of the scene could be found as well as in the items of the toreutic, marble and stone sarcophagus and paintings in tomb, all dated in the Hellenistic age. In this order, the date of the Lukovit’s appliqués can be placed in 320 – 300 BC. Their subject and is connected with propaganda of the Hellenistic rulers, so popular in the years after the Alexander’s death in whole Mediterranean.
Lukovit, along with the other objects, there were also parts of three iron bridles with bronze bits. Although mentioned in literature, Lukovit bridles have never been the subject of a special research. The proposed reconstruction of the bridles from Lukovit treasure is made on the basis of photographs from the personal archive of prof. Dimitar P. Dimitrov. The comparative analysis with the bridles of known origin from Thrace and its neighboring areas makes it possible to assume the relative time frame
of their distribution – the period from the forties to the end of the fourth century B.C. until the first two decades of the third century B.C. They became popular among the heavy Macedonian cavalry of Philip II and probably no longer after that entered Thrace through the participation of local contingents in Alexander's army.
silver objects (vessels and horse harness appliqués) collected in clay vessel. The main subjects of this paper are two silver appliqués represent hunting horseman and his victim (wild cat – leopard). The close parallels of the scene could be found as well as in the items of the toreutic, marble and stone sarcophagus and paintings in tomb, all dated in the Hellenistic age. In this order, the date of the Lukovit’s appliqués can be placed in 320 – 300 BC. Their subject and is connected with propaganda of the Hellenistic rulers, so popular in the years after the Alexander’s death in whole Mediterranean.