University of Arts in Belgrade
New Media Department Faculty of Fine Arts
Transatlanskim dijalogom se označava trenutak promene epistemološke paradigme unutar politički i kulturalno hegemonih, internacionalnih, modernističkih hermeneutika, evocirane uspostavljanjem kritičkog polja debate između evropskog (Paris... more
The aim of this text is to explore the anti-essentialist orientation of the motif of heterology positing in the theoretical, post-Marxist discourse of the American journal October, dedicated to the contemporary theory and politics of art,... more
The paper examines the relationship and contradictions between notions of emancipation and the other in the context of contemporary political perspectives on art and aesthetics. The author intends to indicate and underline the differences... more
The idea of the relation between art and life as becoming-life of art is a consequence of specific modern developments ranging from the Enlightenment to capitalism. This assemblage of thought and practice is present in one of the most... more
Art becoming life and its relative convergence to the ideality of autarky (αὐτάρκεια), implies a maxim which coincides with the emancipatory promise of Art. Neo-Marxist authors have prescribed this maxim to Marx’s early works,... more
In the 'Third Sketch for a Manifesto of Affirmationist Art' ('Troisiéme esquisse d'une manifeste de l' affirmationnisme'), Badiou brings together the concepts of Universality, the Senses and Duty in Art. The author will try to reassess... more
The polemic on waiting for human emancipation in music belongs to the modern aesthetic plane, where Adorno's and Heidegger's manuscripts occupy a specific place. However, while Heidegger's ontology of the waiting implies waiting for the... more
Zadatak teksta je da dovede u pitanje upotrebu pojma studije vizuelne kulture kao si-nonima, danas u široj literaturi, za područje novih studija vizuelnosti kontekstualizacijom teori-jskog obrta u radu Rozalind Kraus od kritike... more
Despite the many acts of denial and resistance embodied in the phrase "death of the avant-garde," interest in experimental, innovative, and politically radical performance continues to animate theatre and performance studies. For all... more
SADRZAj i. KoNcepT savremeNosTi Jovan Čekić Normalizacija banalnosti _ _9 Miško Šuvaković Strateške i taktičke tranzicije _ _23 Nikola Dedić Doba savremene umetnosti _ _41 Rastko Močnik U umetnosti, savremenost počinje 1917. _ _53 ii.... more
Heterogen teorijski diskurs Rozalind Kraus ocrtao je „epistemološki prelom“ unutar njujorške intelektualne, kulturno-političke, teorijske, kritičke i umetničke scene krajem šezdesetih i početkom sedamdesetih godi- na prošlog veka.... more
The primary goal of this paper is to trace critically and discursively the conceptual threshold of the aesthetical, political, and critical meanings and effects of the thesis concerning the conjunction of art and life in (Western)... more
The aim of this paper is to reassess the epistemological break in the Yugoslav art world in the case of conceptual art practices, with the focus on their cultural-political implications within European transcultural dialogues around the... more
Salle Richelieu 9h00-9h30 : accueil des participants et ouverture des travaux du congrès Presentation par richArD conte (PR, arts Plastiques, directeur de l'institut acTe, uMR 8218, université Paris 1 et c.N.R.S.) et jAcinto LAgeirA (PR... more
Where do works of performance art begin and end? How do they or the traces they left behind live on in the context of exhibitions? What do performances in socialist Eastern Europe reveal about artistic expres sion, political critique or... more